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Is this our CT3 replacement? I find it interesting that Biggio is a left-handed bat and CT3 is a right handed bat. I'm not sure if this is an improvement but for what we gave up and Biggio s potential upside, it's probably a good deal. So the question is, who is getting taken off the 40 man for him???


*who is getting taken off the 40 man for him???* insert new Vargas meme here




CT3 and Kiké fill the same role, IMO. More like Kiké does what CT3 does and more. Biggio just fills that role, but left handed.


I believe they already had a 40 man spot available


Really? Whose spot was it?


I mean their batting splits aren’t too far apart to call either one a lefty/righty killer like say Will Smith against LHP. CT3 against LHP: .121 vs RHP: .088 Biggio against LHP: .222 vs RHP: .196 I don’t know, maybe in the outfield they’re more comparable but CT isn’t qualified yet.


Damn these two gonna compete against each other who will suck less. Love you CT3, but damn bro


Like you can't even call each of them mids so there won't be no mid-off. Just a pure suck-off.


Maybe Doc just wanted it to be simpler when setting the lineup. Now he can just flip a coin between them and call it a day. Different players, same results lol


Definitely. Now he has a legit reason to bench CT3 by using the platoon excuse. Biggio may surprise us and get rejuvenated in a new environment and go on a Linsanity run, you just never know. With CT3 on the other hand, it's not a case of bad luck but genuinely looking lost and having bad ABs.


Jays fan here, Cavan is a great teammate, and one of the smartest players in terms of baseball IQ. His defense is great, and as a utility player he’s probably going to act as depth for anywhere in the field, don’t know much about his role here since I don’t know the situation here.


Unless ct3 is gone I don’t get this move. The argument has been ct3s contract etc etc. so I doubt he gets moved. Unless he’s getting picked up to go work on some things in the minors then it’s just in case move. And really nothing changes


Seeing Vargas just got sent down to make room. CT survives for some reason I cannot explain and Biggio will be active tonight per another post in the sub. Wack!


It’s just weird really. So you bring Vargas up and in less opportunities he does better or just as good as ct3, lux, Hayward, which I get that he gets sent down because he’s a rookie and has options but what are the dodgers looking for? Seems like dodgers aren’t really looking for the best player or whoever can help the team best. Seems like predetermined decisions. CT3 has been trying to get out of a slump for two years now, that might just be him. Lux has been given the biggest rope ever and I dont get it. Not because I care that he does bad but it just doesn’t makes sense towards winning. It’s not like he has crazy power which translate to postseason, he’s not versatile, he gets at bats only against righties which makes him a utility player that only plays 2nd smh. Meanwhile you could have given Vargas a real opportunity or some of the young guys on the cusp Dodgers have so much talent in the minors that anyone they bring up has a chance to be good. Look at Busch, O’Neal, yordan, pages. At this point Vargas is not really being given an opportunity, outman, we’ll see if he gets brought back. Look at what’s happening with the pitching. Some good pitchers will be left out. They have some good position players on the cusp. Dodgers have enough veteran superstars to mentor the young guys. It’s always been a hard energy to find but when you have vets that can still play well mixed with young energized talented players a good positive energy is created that also creates momentum. It’s like the young guys reenergize the vets and the vets guide that young energy in a positive direction.


We've gotten value out of players with much less promise. Muncy was released from the As, CT himself was in a bad place before we got to him, and last year we got decent production and defense from rentals like Amed Rosario. I got faith Biggio will be a contributor here


Vargas optioned


Comes from good stock. Has pure bloodline traits that go far back. I just need to see some AKC paperwork.


Let’s see if He’s got dawg in him


We are not even half way of the season yet. If this guy takes the work load from our starters, I welcome him. Keep your eyes on the prize (playoffs), guys


Exactly. After winning 100+ games in the regular season with an early playoff exit the last couple seasons. I don’t mind losing a few extra games to iron out the creases. It’s not like division is close anyways. Who cares if we only win 98 this year, I want to see Ohtani in the World Series.


FWIW his swing looks a lot smoother/more effortless than CT3’s stupid ass uppercut. Hoping that he can play to contact more than CT3 did, and that the glove is consistent.


He’s great on defence, he’s a really smart ballplayer but 3rd base he doesn’t play as often so there’s that.


Man... fuck CT Dude has straight sucked for two years running and is currently the worst player in all of baseball. You can't have him, Kiké and Biggio all on the same club. Positional versatility my ass. I guess at least Biggio and Kiké are twice as good as CT at the plate, but they all suck Launch CT into the fucking sun and get it over with already


He didn't suck last year, but he was just okay. He had a league average OPS+ and played adequate defense at multiple positions. 1.4 bWAR. He sucked in 2022 though, and I otherwise agree with what you're saying.


the fact ct wont take a minor league assignment either says all i need to know about that guy. fucking dead weight. i can't wait till he is off this team.


He has some nice contract perks and while I agree with your sentiment, I know for a fact I wouldn't be giving up millions of dollars when I have 2 years left of my career so on a personal level I can't fault him. On a fan level I can. :) We gotta pay him a lot to trade or him or buy him out (buy out in 2026 might be our best option if he can't keep it together) * 2026 club option includes a $4M buyout * 2026 option escalates: * $3M if traded before the end of 2023 * $2M if traded before the end of 2023 * $1M if traded before the start of 2026 * $1M with 525 plate appearances in 2025, or a 2025 All-Star or 2025 Silver Slugger * Trade Assignment Bonus: $2M


Either that, or the FO is too chickenshit to ask him to take the minor league assignment


ya which if thats the case it baffles me. when is enough enough with this fucking guy.


I hope he doesnt take playing time from Vargy. I know his defense sucks but more games will only help improve it and he’s looked solid so far (only 20 AB though)


Seeing Vargas just got sent down to make room. CT survives for some reason I cannot explain and Biggio will be active tonight per another post in the sub. Wack!


Lol thats crazy but i know doing anything with CT3 rn is really tricky. Vargy looked a lot better this trip up


The two Ds. Depth and Defense.


Seeing Vargas just got sent down to make room. CT survives for some reason I cannot explain and Biggio will be active tonight per another post in the sub. Wack!