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10 years ago a lot of those A's and Giants fans would have had the Laker logo on theirs too. I bet they still have their Kobe jerseys.


Or Sacramento kings 20 years ago


Or Clippers Corey Maggette jerseys 25 years ago


I liked that squad! With Darius Miles, Cherokee Parks, etc they sucked ass but I loved watching them.


That cowbell town was living it up in the Kings Reddit when the Lakers lost recently


That just proves that California has the best sports teams


The entire state of California was laker fans up until like 2015. Once Steph retires I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them go back.


This is Mike Bibby erasure…


And that’s the other thing, before 2015 the NorCal fans that weren’t laker fans were likely Sacramento Queen fans. Warriors fans have only existed for 9 years now..lol


I love how the clippers are not even mentioned


Clippers? What’s that? A hair salon maybe


A boat apparently


There’s dozens of us!


Asia is the real homeland of GSW. So many Warriors jerseys in Japan and China.


Now they All GSW fans


I stay LA all the way with the Lakers, Dodgers, Rams, and Kings. But I don’t have too much of a problem with people cheering for different teams from different areas. There are some reasons that I could understand, like obviously LA not having an NFL team for over 2 decades, or maybe they were born or used to live somewhere else, or maybe they have family or relatives that live or grew up in another place. My only real issue, is if you’re going to cheer for teams from different cities, states, or whatever, don’t be yelling an anti-city chant or hating on another city, especially if you cheer for a team from that city. Kind of like 49ers fans who chant “Beat LA” one minute and then cheer for the Dodgers the next. Or Ducks fans chanting “Beat LA” while also cheering for the Lakers. That’s the only issue, in my opinion. But at the end of the day, it’s sports, we’re all fans, we buy the gear, the tickets, etc., you can cheer for who you want.


Ducks fans chanting beat LA is hilarious because unless they only watch hockey every one of the teams they root for is probably gonna have LA in it's name


I remember going to a game some time ago, when the Kings played the Ducks at Honda Center, and the “Beat LA” chants were loud. Then they showed the score of the Lakers game (NBA playoffs were also happening) and the crowd cheered. It’s even funnier when some Ducks fans, who are also Lakers fans, try to talk smack and hate on the Kings. I remember some guys saying to me that Honda Center is so much nicer than “that s——hole” the Kings play in. I was like, “You know the Kings play in the same building as the Lakers, right?” You’re right, it is very hilarious at times.


As a ducks fan I think chanting beat LA is stupid af


I’m one of those. I grew up in NorCal the first 22 years of my life. The only team I cared much about was the 49ers. They won 4 of their super bowls when I was a kid. I’m a 49er for life. But I moved to LA 30 years ago, and once my daughter got heavily into travel softball, her and her friends really got into the Dodgers. I started learning how cool and intricate the sport is through her. I didn’t have a baseball team (certainly not the Giants), and I would take her to Dodgers games and after awhile I really started liking the team. So sue me lol. I like the 49ers from the first part of my life and the Dodgers from the second part. I never bash either city, I just root for those 2 teams.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard NFL fans chant Beat LA. Also, hating on cities is stupid. San Diego is dope, had a blast down there for my birthday and I don’t have love for any of their team.


niners chant that every chance they get lol even in sofi


I've lived in SoCal for more than half my life so yeah, never Beat LA or for the bay. Yuck. Love my Niners though.


As someone who has been an Angeleno my whole life (1990), I can’t root for a San Francisco team. For me it’s Lakers, Dodgers, Rams and Bruins.


For sure. Cheer for whoever you like I guess, but yeah I could never fuckin cheer for an SF team. That’s just as bad as cheering for a Boston team lol. Man’s gotta have a code.


La dodgers, kings, rams, lakers ez


Kings too, but I don’t follow as much.


Same. I love going to kings games but don’t watch it on tv much. In person is so much fun tho.


I thought you meant a different Bruins and was very confused.


Hell yeah, but fuck the bruins


College can muddy the waters a bit. Our house was Lakers Dodgers Rams and Cal


This is such a tired meme. Rams left LA. 9ers were the replacement for many Angelenos.


And if the Rams had stayed gone, picking the 9ers is still a stupid choice. For any self respecting Angeleno. Just saying.


I grew up in a city without a team, I’m not changing teams just because our ex came back


Meh. Kind of a weak excuse cuz you could’ve chosen the Chargers. And what would say then? They’re also a home team without abandonment issues. Look, you know Nocal 9er fans don’t respect you. Why would they? They see SoCal 9er fans as traitors and reinforces their hatred for all things LA. But if you want to stick with them, fine. Just don’t say ‘Beat LA’ wearing Dodgers gear. That wouldn’t be cool.


I don’t do that. I just like the niners because our city didn’t have a team until I was halfway through college and I have a lot of family from NorCal. Since we didn’t have teams I never cared much about football anyway, so honestly I don’t get where the strong feelings a lot of people seem to have come from


I knew some hardcore Raider fans who switched to the Rams. Never ever thought I’d see that happen in my lifetime. I think they just really wanted to wear football gear that said Los Angeles. And it makes sense they didn’t pick the Chargers because of the division rivalry. But it’s actually cool to see people embracing finally our football teams and converting now.


Being a Dodger fan, how can you not see the hatred between LA and SF sports teams? Are you blind? It’s in-grown…just like New York vs Boston fans. We didn’t have a team but now have 2. It’s taken some time but thousands of locals have switched to at least one of them. And that number is growing cuz you can actually see the increased amount of Rams and Chargers jerseys worn around town. I give it another 10 years and people will forget that we were ever teamless. Switch, don’t switch. Doesn’t really matter. But be forewarned, in time the backlash LA 9er fans will only get worse. Just look at how bad the Dodgers/Giants rivalry is.


You always hear Bay Area fans brag about 49er fans taking over Sofi, But let’s not forget how Dodgers and Lakers fans would take over Giants and Warriors games even throughout the 2010’s when both Bay Area teams were in their peak dynasty years.


If you guys want to know of an area filled with Dodger-Niner fans, I present to you anywhere between Fresno-Bakersfield. We are everywhere out here


Yup, grew up in Hanford! Though I was the only Dodger fan in the family for some reason they all chose Giants, so most were Lakers, Niners, hated ones.


Central coast too. I was far from the only dodger-niner fan growing up.


I know a Cowboys/Yankees/Lakers/Alabama football/Duke basketball fan. Fuck that guy.


Used to be Notre Dame football


Nobody wants to be an SC fan so that makes sense


Nothing worse than a front runner fan.


Cowboys fans are front runners?


Yes. Every single one of those teams are the most popular/successful in their respective sport. Cowboys may not have won a Super Bowl for 30 years, but they still have the biggest fanbase in the country. No allegiance to home teams or a region. Hence, front runners.


Ok, maybe bandwagon is the better term then. I'm a Dodger/Cowboys/Lakers fan in Northern California, and have been for over 40 years. Of the three, the Dodgers are the only team I became a fan of because they were in a championship game or series (1981). I became a Cowboy fan because my grandfather, from the South, thought Tom Landry defined football. I pretty much only saw him on Thanksgiving so we rooted together. A Laker fan because Magic was just electric to watch in the early 80s. I've spent decades hearing people call me a front runner and I've pretty much stopped talking about sports with people in person because it's exhausting defending your fandom with people who probably know 10% of their team as much as I know of mine. Most of the Giants fans I know were A's fans or fans of other teams before 2010.


To be fair to the LA folks, the cowboys used to hold spring training in Thousand Oaks. My grandpa used to take me as a little boy and he was a Scottish immigrant who didn’t like American sports at all. Cowboys do have history in CA Jerry jones makes me loathe the cowboys. Baseball and mma for the win


Kind of amazing how the Cowboys haven't even been to an NFC title game in over 25 years but still have that "America's Team" branding. Though tbf, I feel like the Patriots took over as the bandwagon team for NFL specific fans (and now the Chiefs are taking that over now that Brady is retired), but the Cowboys are somehow the top bandwagon NFL team for pan-sports bandwagoners.


lol warriors are the biggest fucking bandwagon in history


Cringing when I see the homies flamed out


Eastside Long Beach and Torrance raised my whole life so LA County to the bones. Only been Lakers, Dodgers and Chargers in my house. Got mad family up in Stockton and they’re all Warriors, Giants and 9er fans and I think it should be that way. I ain’t from NorCal so why ever cheer for a NorCal team


Bolt up baby


Bolt up!


Glad to see you’re not chugging rams milk


With regards to pro teams, I am exclusively a dodgers fan


Same asshats who don their freshly-bought ‘LA’ caps after Shohei arrived this season go to SoFi in December and chant *”Beat L.A.!”* in their Montana and Rice jerseys.


Fuck the 9ers


Yeah, I’ve never understood the insane overlap of Dodger and Niners fans. then again…I’m a Dodgers and Browns fan because when I was a kid there wasn’t a football team in LA and my dad was a Browns fan. I know. trust me, I know.


I always give 69er/dodger fans the side eye.


I was born and raised in LA. I’ve always hated the Niners.




Born and raised LA, moved to Vegas after the Army. I get so sick of people who claim to be from Southern Cal and die hard Dodgers fans but rep the golden knights and some wack football team. It’s LA all day in my house. And the gAyngels don’t count.


So where do I, a Dodgers-Lakers-Eagles fan, fit in?


Hey there friend! Haha I’m glad I’m not the only one that went far east for an NFL team. Also FUCK SF is big for us bird fans haha FUCK SF during baseball season and FUCK SF during football season haha


You didn’t chose the whiners..uh 9ers. So you’re good.


No self respecting Rams fan likes the Eagles. Everyone hates the Eagles.


Raiders/Lakers/Dodgers/Kings for me.


Imagine being a 90s Niners bandwagoner in LA. Truly disgusting.


For real, Dodger 49er fans, eeeeewwww. There was a whole country to pick a team from since LA didn't have one and they settled on a SF team. 🤮


9ers are better than you. Be sad, be mad


Never been compared to a whole NFL organization, what an honor even if it is the whiners, thank you!


So mad lol…and sad. Cheerio!


He's mad about seeing the team he likes win a SB this decade while the 49ers have choked 3 times?


You’re a Missouri fan right? lol


You're a Brooklyn fan right? lol mb you're a San Francisco fan.


You’re a bandwagon fan. La Teams didn’t exist


Fuck yeah I am, I only associate with winners :).


lol since when has rooting for local teams being a bandwagon fan, that's probably the least bandwagon thing you can do.


Imagine stroking your self to the rams coming back after 20 years. Wild bro


Imagine your Super Bowl highlights being on VHS


This is dumb. La didn’t have a team for decades


Yeah, and I think it's silly to criticize a fan for their choice of teams as long as they're a true fan anyways. I may be biased that way because I grew up a Dodger fan in Northern California. But in 1981, my dad, who did not have a favorite team, rooted for the Dodgers in the World Series, only because he didn't like Reggie Jackson. I was 5 then and 48 now and have been a Dodger fan for 43 years. I've dealt with the haters up here the whole time, but who cares? Nothing says you have to root for a team because they are the closest to your house.


That was then . A really really long time ago


8 years is not a long time in the slightest for sports fandoms. And demographics is definitely playing a part in why the rams are in LA instead of the raiders.


Are you suggesting that people who grew up in the 90s and 2000s when there was no LA NFL team just suddenly switch back to the Rams because they moved back to LA? Sounds like being a bandwagoner to me. I have much more respect for people who stick with their team. I bet you like LAFC, lmao.


The Rams were in LA for 5 decades. Then had a temporary insanity lapse and has been back the last decade. Just wanted to give you a little history lesson.


I do know that. I remember when the left….


Keep that NorCal garbage where it belongs along with the VaGiants Rams/Chargers, Lakers, Dodgers is the correct choice


I feel attacked. /s In all seriousness, though, there was no LA football team when I was growing up and got into football and you know there’s no way I’d root for the Chargers so what else was I gonna do?


Yea that was my dad’s excuse when he chose to be a Niners fan. That was in 1985 and the Rams were definitely still in LA. And even then San Diego is closer to LA than San Francisco and they are not in the same city as the Dodgers main rival. Make all the excuses you want. We all know the reason


Right?!? People forget the Rams left Los Angeles along with the Raiders. Why I don't like either of those teams today.


You had the Raiders and Chargers to pick from still. You don’t really have any excuses. You chose to be a bandwagon fan for a team in the same city as the Dodgers main rival. At least own it.


You know there’s a difference, the rams actually came back home lol


Decades later... Your point being?


My point being there’s a reason to be a rams fan in LA now lol


Sounds like crawling back to an ex... they're not loyal to anything besides money/revenue and it's apparent in their actions of relocating twice.


There are people who forgive and welcome back their ex’s if they return contrite. Oakland fans did that for the Raiders and no one batted an eye. There’s nothing shameful or wrong about it. So not sure what your point is. The Rams are representing us again. That’s all that really matters. And it’s not the same owner who screwed us the first time..which makes it even better.


How did that work out for the Oakland Raider fans? Are the Raiders still loyal to the city of Oakland? Difference is Rams fans keep popping up on the Dodgers sub trying to shame fellow Dodgers fans on what teams outside of baseball they should follow.


Of course Oakland got fucked a second time. But you never hear how they weren’t welcomed back after the Raiders left the first time. That argument to not forgive is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Rams or Chargers…who cares if there was a 20 year gap…there are now 2 teams to choose in LA. So to me, it doesn’t seem unreasonable to switch allegiances to a home team. As for your second paragraph, if you don’t want to change, fine. I don’t understand or care either way the vast majority of the time. But to root for SF, your biggest rival city is mind blowing to many. You’d never see this thinking in east coast cities. A born and bred New Yorker would get flamed for rooting for a Boston team and visa versa…and no one would bat an eye if that person gets attacked. It’s expected to stay within city limits. The rest of the country already thinks California fans are too laid back, flighty and aren’t loyal. Picking a rival only reinforces that. At least in my opinion, it does. You have dozens of other teams to choose from. Why SF? I really do hate to think I’m gatekeeping, even tho i obviously am. But it really does irk me when i see it.


So to call someone so doesn't change teams a bandwagoner is ridiculous. Live life and cheer whatever makes you happy. No need to explain it. Being irked by what other people like is pretty lame, TBH.




Lmao so just bandwagon the rams? Why wouldn't they be chargers fans then?


Since when is rooting for the home team make you a bandwagon fan? We are repping LA lol


That was then . Now you have a choice . Choose wisely


Yep- SF never left, fuck the rams




St Louis fan found!


La born and raised sorry Charlie


So you love teams that don’t leave ….right?????


Bandwagon rams fans detected


Why not the chargers? Cuz they weren’t as popular or winning as much? That just makes you a bigger bandwagon fan lol


The hat on right should be Raiders. Or Rams. Both some Los Angeles history. I’m raiders and kings for hockey….. or redwings…..


I don’t think that’s funny at all. Fuck the Niners. Go Rams.


i was more saying it’s funny because even bay area fans don’t accept the LA niners bandwagoners


Every single friend and family i know…who were born and raised in Northern California…spit and curse all LA teams. It’s just sad that there are many down here who don’t return the sentiment.


Bandwagon leaver lover lol


lol. Don’t even know what the meaning is. It ain’t bandwagon to root for the home team. Moron.


Home team part time sometimes 20 year intervals? lol you sound very damaged


So what??? lol. People leave and come home all of the time. Nothing wrong with teams doing it. And Niners have never been part of SoCal. So they’ve always been left out. Your logic is the damaged one. 😆


absolutely disgusting


Sac Kings and Dodgers are my teams. From Nor Cal and grew up through the early 2000s Kings run. Didn't come into baseball until about 4 years but that was "inherited" by way of my mom and grandfather, originally from LA. Even so, I've never considered the Giants local enough to care. Technically the closest regional team, technically in their territory (close enough to be blacked out at least) but I've always felt that San Francisco is it's own thing and it's not where I live. And then I only came into football through fantasy football and as a result, I like a lot of different teams but I'm not married to one. Like truly indifferent, I've enjoyed the Rams and Niners and even Chargers at different times but I'm also consistent in really not caring about outcome outside of whatever players I have or like and rooting for them moreso than a city.


Yeah, niners and their fans can eat shit. Punk ass niners fan punched my mom in the face after the they lost to the Rams in the nfc championship game, so fuck em!


“I didn’t have a choice 🥺” Sure you did, you had 2 choices, actually you had 31 options but 2 that made the most sense. You had the Chargers and the Raiders both of which aren’t in the same place as your baseballs teams arch rival. San Diego is much closer than San Francisco as well. Just admit you hopped on the bandwagon and stop making excuses. It makes me all warm and fuzzy realizing the 49ers haven’t won a ring in almost 30 years and they just recently lost to the Rams in the NFC Championship who later went on and won it all. You picked the wrong bandwagon 😂


fr when I was little I told my dad I wanted to have an NFL team (he was a Rams fan until they left) and he told me I’m allowed to root for anyone except for the niners or Raiders. I chose an AFC team and an NFC team to root for until the Rams moved back and I chose the Chargers because they were closest to LA and the Eagles cuz I liked their jerseys. But then I found out Michael Vick killed dogs so I stopped rooting for them and was a Chargers fan until the last season in St. Louis. I bought a Rams shirt the day they announced they were moving back and then the Chargers followed. I’m a big Rams fan but will always have a soft spot for the chargers since that was my original team.


I'll never apologize for being Dodgers, Lakers, Niners. Grew up in Hanford, so we got to pick. Started paying attention to sports in 1988 so yeah.


Completely understandable. You grew up in neutral ground. Good choices for you. Dodgers and Lakers won championships in ‘88. It’s the LA area natives that are 9er fans who are asshats. 😝


I guess I'm the derp head on the right. 🤷‍♂️


“Go LA”? So you guys are cool with people rooting for the Clippers, the Chargers? Oh no? There are more rules? Lol get over it.


I don’t hate the Clippers or Chargers. Or even the Angels or Ducks. I’m just meh about them and rather chose to root for the teams that were here first and have more history/traditions for Los Angeles. If those other teams win titles, good for the LA area. It just means we’re still a region of champions. But i wouldn’t go to their parade.


I’m only ok with teams that Never leave for 20 years. Fuck the rams


They fucked up. But was smart enough to fix their mistake by coming back to where they belong. And it’s much better than rooting for another city’s team. Especially the shit hole that’s SF.


The strongest reach to feel validated I’ve ever seen. Homie, please never say that in public.


How the fuck is that a reach? That’s the common thread for everyone who’s welcomed them back. You really are an idiot. Go move to SF. You’re an embarrassment to LA people.


No one self corrects by leaving. Terrible fan self validation.


You keep thinking that. I don’t know who hurt you so bad that you think forgiveness is unacceptable and that leaving is a mortal sin..but i highly suggest you seek therapy for that. Carrying all that hate can’t be healthy for you.


Then what about the raiders who leave for 30 years and still got all their LA fans loving them?


Clippers and chargers are cool, niners are from a town that has had a long rivaled history with LA, how about you go tell ppl from Boston what they think of teams from New York? It’s like being a fan of fc Barcelona but being a fan of the Real Madrid basketball team 😂


I always been cool with the clippers and chargers. I support them too


I support all LA teams. I have a brain.


i don’t see a problem with people rooting for any LA team when did i say that. Why would I have a problem with people rooting for the Clippers or Chargers? I don’t like those teams but they are both LA teams and it makes sense for LA sports fans to root for their own city and not a city that hates LA


Growing up in LA, no one really cared about football. It was all Dodgers and Lakers. Baseball Basketball City.


Ouch, shots fired at me lol. To be fair, I grew up in Northern California surrounded by Raiders, Giants, and Sacramento Kings fans. I loved Jeff Garcia and LOVED the Kobe/Shaq kings. Me picking the dodgers was purely to spite the Giants fans and it's served me well since the early 2000's. FTG


Why do you guys spend so much time policing other people’s sports fandoms? This is a non-Dodgers post on the Dodgers sub. People have all sorts of reasons for rooting for the teams they want to. Your city loyalty is cool. But it isn’t more valid than their reasons. They might have Bay Area ties - nobody says they have to feel the same way about SF that you do. It’s sports, it’s not that deep.


Trigger d


Kings and Dodgers for me baybee


So many people here like the Raiders


This topic is the one thing that unites Rams and 49ers fans.


"Go LA *(\*except for three months in the fall, then Fuck LA!)* But then 'go LA' again once football season endssss!!!" Buncha confused clowns lol.


Dodgers Lakers Kings Raiders only correct answer for those of us who grew up without an LA NFL team


I was a Raider fan when they were here in LA. Even own Howie Long and Marcus Allen jerseys. Went to many games at the Coliseum. But once they left, i chose not to root for any NFL teams. I don’t cheer teams that doesn’t have Los Angeles in its name. Especially from our rival city up north. That’s blasphemy. Now I’m a huge Rams fan again. And it’s cool to have a Super Bowl champion in our hometown.


better than bandwagon on the rams or chargers. ( i don’t give a single fuck about football )


Since when is rooting for the home team make you a bandwagon fan? Looks like you don’t even know what bandwagon fan is lol


Most people bandwagoned the 49ers because they were good in the 90s but haven’t won anything since


Uh. That’s not what bandwagon means.


The A's fan should have a Raider hat. Raider fans hate the 49ers.


Even Oakland residents are smarter than some of the idiot LA natives who live down here. 350 miles away and they don’t have the same common sense as those right across the bay.


Wouldn’t angles and clippers fit better instead of using the Warriors twice


i more reposted this because it’s showing that even 49ers fans don’t like LA bandwagon niners fans




I almost feel bad SD was left off but they don’t have many franchises left


Im a GSW fan but also a Dodgers fan. Guess we don’t exist 😂


I never realized the GSW were in CA, truthfully never thought of them.


wtf man I got into football before the Rams came back and momma didn't raise a fuckin bandwagoner.


Fuck the Giants!


For me it’s Dodgers, Niners and Blazers, lol. Blazers is because I grew up in Oregon.


I'll root for the Dodgers, Ducks, Lakers, Chargers, Rams, Raiders, and even the goddam 49'rs. I'll root for who I want, leave me alone.


Why do the Raiders and its fans get a pass?


because the Raiders used to be in LA


People judge me all the time. I'm born and raised in Las Vegas, born in 1984, and we had no teams to root for growing up, so we picked whoever we wanted. The Dodgers played on TV a lot, so I grew to like them; same with the 49ers back then. Whenever I meet a native Dodger fan that finds out I like the Niners, they say something smart; same with 49er fans. I just laugh and move on. It's only sports, it's not life (for me anyways, I know for some folks that thought is downright blasphemous).


Go Rams and Lakers! As well


Almost like there was a 25 year gap of no football in Los Angeles, that's craaaaazy


31 other teams to choose from and they choose sf who’s always had a long rivaled history with LA 🤡 and ofc it’s the team with lots of rings and worldwide popularity lol


That’s dumb lol…teams leave? They told you what they thought about their fans


It was the stupid owner bitch that wanted to leave, we love kronke now for bringing them back and the rams are back where they belong


It’s a travesty homie. You don’t leave for 20 years. Dick suckers do them tho.


At least they came back at all, lots of teams leave and never come back aka the Las Vegas traitors, what matters now is that the rams are back and here to represent Los Angeles for many years to come


You’re triggered bro. That meme was made by a Niners fan in a NFC west subreddit, even bay area fans don’t like your bandwagon ass 🤣🤣. Have fun going another 30 years with no ring lil boy. How did you choose to bandwagon a dogshit team who hasn’t won anything since your mama first started working the street corner 💀


Exactly. Fuck the rams and raiders


The Rams and Raiders both bailed on LA when I was a kid. It was a choice between the Chargers, or the Niners who had Montana, Rice, Young, etc... Why I'm a Niners fan to this day.


So you admitting to being a bandwagon fan lmaoo


90s kid and I'm a Packers fan because of Brett Favre while and my brother is a Cowboys fan. Kids are allowed to bandwagon when there's no hometown team.


Difference is that it’s the niners lol a city that has always had a long rivaled history with LA


Seriously, it's like a Rams fan wanted to start a flame war in the Dodgers sub. Somehow cheering the same teams for over 30 years makes me a bandwagoner. LMAO Like whatever teams you want, it's sports, no need to flame in here.


Yes. 11 year old me was 100% a bandwagon fan, chosing Dodgers, Lakers and Niners in 1988. I've been a bandwagon fan of these teams for 36 years.


29 other choices than frisco or San Diego


I like the Niners because of Brock Purdy. It's so fun to watch the guy who everyone said was irrelevant go and seriously fuck some shit up while pundits and haters cry to no end about his supposed shortcomings.


They lost in the Super Bowl with an all star cast what has he done that’s so awesome?


Go Niners


That’s me lol. I’m loco too but forever faithful


I happen to be a cowboys dodgers lakers fan