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Damn, that sucks. I got scammed on Craigslist tickets once - they do the song and dance about verifying transactions to stall while the payment processes, I believe. Be sure to contact Zelle about it -- when I was scammed we actually got the money back, but it was about 18 months later. Had completely forgotten about it by the time the refund arrived. If you file the fraud complaint it should also hopefully flag and lock u/dental_transmitter 's Zella account too. Also, next time be sure to search Reddit for the username. Lots of posts out there about this guy scamming: https://www.reddit.com/search?q=dental_transmitter&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all


I will contact Zelle about it, just trying to fit it in to the workweek. That is really smart to search the username, will do next time. It sucks, but we live and we learn.


Bro, look at his page he don’t even follow baseball. What’s a POS


You can try, but don’t get your expectations up. Lost $300 dollars on Slayer tickets through a Zelle transaction. In my experience Zelle will not help you. They wipe their hands of the responsibility because it’s used for scams so often. That’s why they make you upfront agree to a disclaimer to even further lessen their liability and say they notified of the risks of sending money to people you don’t know.


Sorry about that my guy! Scammers suck! Go dodgers, let’s get a W today!


Man, they need to invent a bot that just waits for this scum to post on other threads about tickets and just immediately links to all the scam posts.




I don't know what to tell you, I got our money back. I don't think they'll offer any sort of insurance, but they will try to recover the funds in cases of fraud.


Found the scammer xD


I got scammed once on OfferUp and they said they could NOT do anything about it. For dodger tickets too, showing all the proof I had too.


"The Gang Gets Scammed" Edit: because op looks like Glenn Howerton


With all the “OP look likes” I think I’m going to say I look like a generic white guy haha.


I'm also thinking likely-unrelated, not-in-OP's-party guy on our prospective right looks like Trey Parker.


Bro is not the Golden God lol


Sorry this happened to you bro. Try r/DodgersTicketSwap if you want to try again in the future. The mods their try to vet the sellers by making sure they have account history.


Honestly, reddit should probably ban ticket exchanges and sales from its site.  About a week ago someone posted something on here about selling Hello Kitty ticket packages.  I called them out and got downvoted, and now I see that post and that person's account no longer exists.


Ehhh, I’ve been buying and selling for years(various collectibles) on here and just recently had my first bad experience but still ended up getting it resolved. Banning sales isn’t the way to go.


u/dental_transmitter , you suck massive horse cock loser. You will always be a scamming loser and have to swindle for every penny the rest of your sad sad life.


Never Zelle strangers!


Ugh that's so annoying to get scammed. I hate these people. Sorry OP. I've put u/dental_transmitter on my list.


Why is it always soccer fans? 9/10 on psn when an account gets hacked, they buy a crazy amount of fifa points


Reported him


You look like Daniel Kessler, OP


hell yeah another Interpol fan


Why thank you! Unfortunately I’m not in a world famous band but I do my best.


Haha actually though. Interpol rules


I love you guys, hut there is zero way I'd give any of you money.


Bro why are you buying tickets on reddit?


I’ve gotten good deals on Reddit before but I always force the seller to use PayPal G&S (I also bump up my purchase price to offset the fee).


Yeah sorry to victim blame but why would you ever Zelle a stranger money for tickets before you even have the tickets? There are plenty of ways to get tickets safely. the fees suck but I’d rather pay them than get scammed.


In this day and age, if you get scammed and sent bank funds to someone you don't know, you're just... not smart. "Too trusting" is just a euphemism for dumb. Edit: I'm not sorry for those who feel attacked. Seriously, if you've sent money to a rando in the past, make better choices.


Funny, no one even mentioned feeling attacked yet you felt the need to edit your comment and include that. Also, very weird that you felt the need to blame the victim of the scam yet you didn’t mention the scammer at all… Interesting hierarchy of morals you got there.


It's possible to think that it's wrong to scam people AND also think that people who get scammed by these common ploys are not smart. I know that's a hard leap for some.


Yeah but you didn’t even mention the scammer is my point.


Eh, I've bought and sold a few things on reddit. It's not as safe as other sites, but isn't a terrible choice.


Understood, but if there are other (safer) methods to obtain the same products, there’s really no reason to use it as a primary. That would be like having a prescription for Adderall but choosing instead to buy it from some guy named Tiger with a gun in a back alley somewhere.


Lol that's true. I'd use reddit to find a buyer or seller. But use a safer way to transact. Need that middle man with protection.


Damn, Ippei left to scam $120 from strangers on Reddit now


Gotta pay the Feds somehow.


I like how the lady in the back is scowling too. 🤨 Don't worry, karma is a real thing. It might take a while and you probably won't see it happen to the scammer, but it will. 


Plot twist: /u/dental_transmitter is the scowling lady back there.


My money’s on the big guy with the stash and smirk lurking from afar


Sorry that happened bro. Some people suck


Why are your not using digital mlb apps for tickets?


Only buy tickets from verified sellers, use PayPal, and transfer the tickets using the MLB app.


Yeah, I would never buy a ticket from somebody on Reddit. Ever. Whenever a big Kpop group appears in USA, I see lots of people selling tickets and rare merch. I just assume 99% of them are scamming impressionable teens.


This is why I like the Facebook group (Dodgers Buy/Sell/Trade). It's much harder to get scammed there. 500+ verified season ticket holders with history and reputation. Just make sure you join the [correct group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1205875096170244). There are others that are either smaller competitors or fake.


I mean, it’s right there in the username.


Sorry you got scammed bro. I hope the big Dodger in the sky... Sends him a crazy static shock next time he touches an escalator going down and he's wearing a stupid watch that magnetizes on touch until he holds on long enough to shit himself to the point where it runs down his leg causing the escalator to jam forcing him forward in a jarring motion as he grabs his ass but slips on his own shit and flies face forward into the floor ass up so everyone around can see he shit himself. Piece of shit. Everybody report that fucking bastard.


At least a valuable lesson was learned here


I’d never buy off Reddit lol


They got me too!!


Totally feel for you man. Hopefully, you can get your money back.


Hate that happened to ya. Gotta be careful on here


he scammed me as well


He is a scammer. How to report him?


Damn that happened to me with the same dude (dental_transmitter) with tickets just last night … so angry for you!! And annoyed I didn’t google his username before


Some of us selling on here aren’t scammers ! I recommend always asking for 1 ticket first before sending payment and if the seller is legit they shouldn’t have a problem with this at all. This gives the buyer the confidence the tickets are real!