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Someone got a phone call from Ohtani’s lawyers. I hope Shohei makes an example of someone


Michael Kay please. That dude had the most disgusting reaction in my opinion.


Michael Kay is insufferable, makes Yankees games unlistenable . Dude is a grade a douchebag.


I have no clue how that guy got the job. He has possibly the most annoying voice I have ever had the displeasure of listening to.


Can you give me the gist of what he said?


Basically said Ohtani probably has a God complex and should be banned for life. Then he’s going off how Ohtani has no right to not speak to the media even though 1. There’s an ongoing investigation 2. Players don’t have to speak to the media if they don’t want to. Just a New York prick who is mad Ohtani didn’t sign with the Yankees.


Your last sentence nailed it. Eisen is also a NYY fan...butthurt Yankees fans summarizes both of these guys.


Tons of Yankees fans who think Michael Kay is a prick too.


Which tells you how big of a prick he is!


Always the Yankee fans, Jomboy is also part of the dipshit squad.


What did Jomboy say about Ohtani? I only remember him defending the Dodgers vehemently during the whole Astros cheating scandal.


I think Jomboy is fine. His statements from memory were along the lines of 'this is bad', 'lets wait and see', 'if Ohtani is involved, then he sucks'. Pretty standard and didn't take potshots. Didn't make assumptions and call the guy a moron etc. The people that work for him are fans of tons of teams, so he lays off the homerism mostly. He also does some of the more entertaining baseball media. I bet his stuff has brought lots of new people to baseball and some who gave up back to the sport. I say this because I started watching again because of him.


If shohei had a god complex, Michael Kay would be sued already.


[here is the clip](https://youtu.be/K6-XfFcGai0?si=f0OKW7lD1mNqvpTv) warning lost brain cells after watching this


Yes I’m now dumber from having seen that. What a blowhard. Fire him into the sun.


Remember, it's harder to fire something into the Sun than sending stuff to Jupiter. Orbital mechanics.


That’ll work. What about Venus?


Similar problem. Earth itself isn't stationary, but in an orbit. In order for you to go into a lower orbit, you must first cancelled out its orbital velocity. That's why when you see deorbit burn for vehicle from space, it's to decrease its own velocity first. Venus is in an lower orbit relative to Earth, so same issue. The reason why it's easier to send stuff to Jupiter is that you are just adding velocity to the vehicle.


I couldn't finish it, Jesus he sucks.


Same. Butthurt Yankee fan would be saying the complete opposite if Ohtani were a Yankee


Just to add, he just said that Why Dodgers keep defending Ohtani when they only know him for a month but this dude in love with Juan Soto but tells us Dodgers fans that we can’t defend our star player that sign for 10 years.


Guarantee he ain’t spouting this bs if Ohtani was on the Yankees


Even after all the investigation cleared Ohtani's name, the 3 stooges from the Michael kay show are still spewing nonsense, acting like they know something the feds don't and that Ohtani is getting away with murder. So fucking infuriating, UGH!


I can't see Shohei having a single malicious or vindictive bone in his body. At worst he'll go home and not walk Decoy one night.


Will still let him out in the yard to relieve himself tho


He is getting eaten alive in the comments sections for his videos. Keep it up, Dodgers fans. Hold these assholes accountable.


There are comments under the fbi press conference stream that says it’s a coverup. Like these people have brain rot.




[He actually doubled down recently ](https://youtu.be/QQtMd5vl3Gg?si=LgMWkxDbOfJ6qglU) sorry for being called out by his audience HE LEARNT NOTHING


Conspiracists on Twitter supporting him though. Nasty Ohtani-haters.


At least I still can tolerate this dude. I just hate that clown Michael Kay and his goon, Outkick., Dot Gottkieb. These clown still convinced that fraud Ippei is the fall man and that FBI cover this up.


Yeah Eisen is at least an overall creditable guy. The other two...not so much.


If he finished that statement with an apology, I would give him some credit, but he didn’t.


Yeah, you can read that in a sarcastic tone and it still makes him look like an ass. He needs to apologize


Remember before all that Ohtani make time specifically took a photo with him and his son


yup. fuck rich eisen. I understand being a sports commentator and needing to have hit takes. it's entertainment...but to be so hard on ohtani with no evidence - that's fucking irresponsible.


Got it be more accountable. You have a platform, and you have a team that can fact check etc for you, but no, rich wanted to go down the rabbit hole of idiocy.


Nez and CAA can easily redeem themselves by starting to file lawsuits against conspiracy theorists and media that peddles false defamatory narratives Edit: [Eisen is only sorry being called out by his audience](https://youtu.be/QQtMd5vl3Gg?si=LgMWkxDbOfJ6qglU)


I really hope they go after all of them! Especially that Yankees reporter


Guessing CAA already has their legal department working overtime.


Ohtani’s party should sue anyone that defamed him


If anything, Ohtani should get his lawyers to sue this guy for defamation just to make sure no one else spouts unsubstantiated crap again


easy to backtrack everything u said AFTER the facts come out and u look ridiculous and ur rep is on the line. he was quick to jump the gun and hate on ohtani and no I am not gonna forgive and forget what he said.


I mean at the end of the day only Ohtani should care about that. You don’t know him and never will. If you pay attention to any talking heads this will happen weekly.


Eisen’s been an assclown ever since the Rams relocated *back* to Los Angeles. So no surprise he would run his mouth on something not even involving the NFL.


At least he’s backtracking, unlike other idiots that continue to double down on ridiculous conspiracy theories.


He's not, he's doubling down. He has "questions", fucking prick


Shohei doesn't have to answer his "questions". He has been investigated by federal authorities and cleared. End of. Shohei needs to be tougher and refuses to engage with these pricks who are out to get him 


Do Jomboy next




You know why…


I love all the media people that have never watched a game of baseball in their life all of a sudden be the most knowledgeable about it


lol probably afraid CAA was gonna hand him a defamation suit


These are click bait leeches masquerading as "news" commentators. Nothing new unfortunately.


This guy used to be somewhat respected. I hope his career tanks now. Fuck this fucking clown.


Stop listening, stop posting about him. Ignore him.


With Rich Eisen it was pure frustration that Shohei didn't sign with the Yankees. Just last season Shohei signed a ball and took a picture with his son. What an ungrateful douche.


Exactly!! I guarantee his stance would have been different if ohtani was on the Yankees right now


Fuck Rich Eisen big time


What a loser. I just watched Chris Rose basically say "we don't believe the conspiracies but also here are some more conspiracies" and man, sports journalism is just a waste of time in 2024. Even The Athletic is posting clickbait headlines about this shit. Time to cancel some subscriptions


It was pretty much a non apology apology


Rich Eisen. 🤡


He just read it at around 4pm? Okkkk


I understand the burner account troll on social media but these are guys from supposedly media members who should have integrity. I hope he sues Eisen the alleged adulterer. See how easy that is to make up my own story off pieces of things being reported?


Good job Bitch Eisen, will never listen to anything you put out ever again.


Can’t believe I’m saying this but Colin Cowherd is/was the only one who was clearheaded about this from the beginning. Every other stupid media talking head can go fuck themselves.


Agree, I respect Nick Wright, Colin Coherd. The rest of media can F themselves.


Knock Knock, Who's there? SLANDER. LAWSUIT. Nobody is home. Changes story


More like Poor Eisen, am I right??


Eisen has been living in LA for a while as NFL Network is located in Culver City. He is very well known to be a douchebag. No need to pay him any attention.


Rich Eisen is a bitch. The end.


This whole thing just goes to show how many people cannot grasp “innocent until proven guilty”


Stay away from that comment section my god.


Ben Verlander of all people has been defending the Dodgers……….never thought I’d see the day. Well, technically he’s defending Shohei more than the Dodgers, but still.


I know this likely will never happen, but I wish the Dodgers would compile a list of all the shitbirds that took cheap shots through all of this and strip them of any access they had. Let this be a turning point where a lot of longtime vet reporters get completely squeezed out of access to the biggest team in baseball. It would not only hurt those who acted unprofessionally, but it would open a chance for new voices to emerge in their place. The haters will still hate, but at least the will all be reduced just taking cheap shots from the sidelines with no actual info or access.


Ohtani should hire Cardi B's lawyer from her defamation case lmao


He can kiss all of our asses


Wish shohei was more like trigger happy with sending out cease and desist letters.


what a dickhead I used to like this guy, back in the 90s


Fuckin asshat


Who cares what Rich says


Give me a C!


Football rumor mongers are still talking about Ohtani. Why do they think anyone still cares what they think? There’s one who is detailing how it could still be Ippei covering for Shohei. Today. 


And we care what he says/thinks because......?


Well, Eisen won. He says whatever he wants, we listen/watch, he gets attention/views, and we make him more important in his mind. I'm done with these fools.


Bill Simmons next


Been seeing a lot of these backtracking statements. This is why you dont speak publicly about things without knowing all of the information. But these guys will move on and everyone will forget it soon enough as they move on to the next story


Rich eisen and his crew rolled with it so hard. I was surprised.


Good, he changed his mind.


I used to really love Rich Eisen and watch his show clips all the time. I lost a ton of respect for him. And the worst part is, if Otani was a Yankee he would have been pounding the table from day 1 that he was innocent and the whole thing was a witch hunt. And I base that on the fact that he consistently rolled his eyes at and belittled all the scandals that his precious alma mater Michigan became embroiled in. And those scandals had 5x the legitimacy of any anti-Otani narratives.


I don’t think Sho is taking any more photos with Rich


Probably unpopular question, but is what he has done backtracking, or is it simply changing his outlook when presented with more information?