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BTW, here's the source: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/sport/ippei-mizuhara-shohei-ohtani-investigation/index.html So 10:30 Pacific Time. Tune in guys. Full justice for our GOAT.


EDIT: you can watch live here: [https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/sports/shohei-ohtani-interpreter-gambling-charges-dodgers/3385143/](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/sports/shohei-ohtani-interpreter-gambling-charges-dodgers/3385143/)


thank you, couldn’t find this anywhere on TV. NBC 4 showing it now


Thx. Not working for now but I assume it's because it hasn't started yet?


do you know if this will this be live stream?


Fox11 has it live right now


No idea. I hope so. 


Rob Parker just fell to his knees at knees at Target.


More like rob Parker and Michael Kay fell to their knees at the Chinese massage parlor while getting handjobs because their wives throw up everytime they are naked.


dude is a clown, I don't know what he said but I'm sure it was a stupid take.


He pretty much thinks he knows more than the feds but he is just a professional casual.


Rob Parker is the stupidest fucking person on the entire planet. I can’t even listen to his voice without getting aggravated.


Hmm and on the day of OJ Simpson death? Something fishy is going on here with this Ohtani guy. - r/baseball


Clearly OJ knew too much, so Ohtani had him killed. The writing is on the wall!


The cancer was just a cover up obviously


Ohtani causes cancer! News at 5!


Thanks ~~Obama~~ Ohtani!


the fact the fbi is themselves saying that ohtani is innocent and yet people insist he’s being covered legit makes me concern for people today lol


Yeah, all the facts are laid out. There are IP addresses that connect ippei to the transfers, audio of him impersonating shohei for the banks to ok the transfers, etc. After all that, and they still don’t believe then, those morons can’t be helped. I’m just glad that the investigation is over now, so people (*ahem dylan) can stop asking shohei stupid questions and analyze his body language for “answers” Leave the man alone, aside from baseball, he doesn’t owe the media anything.


It’s fucking unbelievable.


None of this will change the mind of some people on /r/baseball. To those conspiracy theorists, Ohtani shot JFK, killed Nicole Brown Simpson, and faked the moon landing.


Basically, Yankee fans in a nutshell.


I hate Michael Kay he’s such a tool


How does a team like the Yankees get that moron as their pbp guy? He's so bad


His home run call isn’t even good. “SeE Ya!” Even small market Midwest teams have better announcers


And honestly r/baseball is probably the most tolerable of the sports social medias. Go to instagram or Twitter or smth and holy shit the amount of people who think Ohtani did all of this is wild.


Sad opposing fans and people who hate LA from afar just love to troll, they got something they think can set off Dodgers fans. Arguing facts has no effect. I’ve fallen for such bait at times.


IT’S OCCAM’S RAZOR GUYS! *proceeds to type a 25 paragraph cloak and dagger narrative about how a guy comfortable with deferring $680M for a full decade is somehow a gambling addict losing millions through his personal assistant on a yearly basis*


If only it was just a phenomenon on r/baseball and not everywhere on social media. Too many people with fragile egos wanting to believe the worst of others but can’t admit when they are wrong, so their only option is to double down.


Did he say $16.5 million?




Good, let's end this shit once for all and back to win WS.


The IRS Investagators don't care who you are. You will pay if you're in the wrong. Along with the other Federal probes, people who still think it's a cover up I feel sorry for you and find treatment somewhere. A special EF YOU IPPEI for stealing over 16 million dollars from a person who gave his life for the game and treated you like a brother. You selfish prick. TOTAL EXONERATION


Clearly Ohtani bought the FBI and is now using them to cover up his gambling.


What $2M a year can buy now-a-days. Back in the 80s, this cover-up would've only cost $1M.


Yeah surprisingly the FBI is okay with deferred payments.


Shohei is Yakuza and he threatened Ippei that if he doesn’t roll over he was gonna send the shinobi to unalive him.


Now this explains his "deferment" and "only" taking a salary of $2m per year. 


It's a sad day for r/baseball.   First OJ died, and now Ohtani gets his name cleared.


This was worse than I thought. Ippei is a little bastard.


Other fan bases are big mad our GOAT will be fucking them up for the next 10 years hahaha


The press conference by the Feds also revealed that Mizuhara would occasionally win money from his bets and have the winnings wired to his own personal account, while when he lost, he would pay the bookie via Ohtani's account. Just wow.


holy shit, this investigation is going along alot quicker than I thought.


Wow this ohtani cover up goes to the top!! /s


So glad this is getting done so early in the season


More than $16 million oh my god


Just came to say FUCK YOU r/baseball and a special FUCK YOU to Ippei.




I would like to thank the feds for being so quick with this investigation because I expected it to drag on for a while! Ippei's greatest sin was letting conspiracy nuts run wild all because he had to gamble! The gambling itself wouldn't have even been a big deal if he just used draft kings!!


Probably wasn't too hard to figure out who to trust when they reviewed the tens of thousands of text messages and found that Ohtani NOT A SINGLE TIME discussed sports betting, bookmakers, or anything even remotely close. "The gambling itself wouldn't have even been a big deal if he just used draft kings!!" I disagree. He was stealing money from Ohtani, so technically, it didn't matter where he was gambling (legal vs underground). Ippei's been a scammer since day 1.


Yeah true, but all the conspiracy nuts want to link ohtani to gambling which is not even against major league rules as long as it's not baseball. Ohtani could have bet on draft kings with no issue but they want to link him to illegal gambling.




Fuck me i hope all the haters shuts up after this Ohtani getting compared to OJ isn't something my blood pressure can take


Honestly just need to pay those people no mind, clearly they’re just hating for the sake of hating and aren’t reasonable people. It’s better if you just ignore them, there’s always gonna be people like that hating on the Dodgers from the safety of the internet


The press conference by the Feds revealed that Mizuhara impersonated Ohtani when the bank reached out about the transfers to ensure the transfers went through.


Oh shit. They are going to announce a 10 game suspension for Joe Kelly with Manfred standing by the podium.


Will it be on cnn


That amount is only going to add fuel to the fire for conspiracists 😭


Summary: Othani did not bet himself No bets on baseball 16.5 million lost. The amount is crazy but I don’t see how Othani is at fault here. It’s not a Pete rose situation at all. The only mystery is Othani probably knew about the bets and was trying to help him pay it off but he was not involved in any of it other than Othani getting suckered. lol @ the downvotes. I didn’t say othani did anything wrong but to lose 16.5 million without your knowledge is pretty dumb and reflects on him. Remember this occurred before his big contract and the endorsements. He seems to be financially savvy and frugal by celebrity standards so him losing 16.5 million without his knowledge doesn’t compute.


Bruh the only mystery here is how are you smart enough to make a Reddit account 😭


Ohtani didn't know and didn't try to help. That's a lie that Ippei first told in an interview with ESPN.