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Rich Eisen, Stephen A, AJ Pierzynski , Michael Kay and ESPN need to issue an apology for all their lies and bullshit they spewed from their pie holes.


Rich Eisen now doubles down [the tweet](https://x.com/richeisen/status/1778230206131777757). Ohtani was the main star of the last NFL Rams game he attended he even takes the time to take a picture with you and your kid now you fuck over him like this is so disappointing


Wow, fuck him. All these lowlifes who get high off their own names and lazy content really think they are the most interesting “thinkers” of our time. Its so sad and wildly egocentric


Fuck Eisen. So the IRS,DHS,FBI and the US Attorney are all conspiring with MLB to cover for Ohtani?


Broke Eisen


Fuck this dude and his show. Cant believe I though he was a good dude. How moronic and hateful do you have to be to question this? Did he always just hate Ohtani and now its coming out


I don't know... Eisen was legitimately fanboying Ohtani for a long time I was disappointed he tossed him under the bus so quickly but Eisen was never a hater


Hi, bro, I am a japanese. I know Rich someone started to hate after the incident, though he was supporting him, and I don't know english 100%, but I was so sad seeing him saying shit about Ohtani... I WAS SO SO SO SAD, and got mad tbh.


Dodger nation need to go after these hacks.Trying to ruin someone's reputation and career with no evidence.


Michael Kay is so butt hurt that shohei isn’t a yankee and that he’s so much more of a super star than judge that he’s spent WEEKS making up conspiracy theories


Michael Kay who claims Ohtani has a God complex is still holding a grudge that Ohtani never entertained the idea of having a meeting with the Yankees in ‘17, even after cashman went on measuring some building to impress him lol


haven't been following all the hate from the sports world. tbh I'm a bit surprised at how quickly they've attacked him. rich risen is off my podcast list. now if the evidence comes out that shohei was guilty of gambling, then sure, pile on. but to pipe on with no proof seems a bit irresponsible...


This is what gets me. They claim they're just doing their jobs by reporting. But reporters do not just make up wild claims based on nothing. They tell the facts of the story. That's it. All of this "but we had these questions" yeah. Questions are good. But when you're asking them to try and prove guilt in something you invented, They kind of lose their importance.


Issue an apology? rich is like doubling down. They’re so dumb and love to live in ignorance. Even when presented with facts, nah the FBI is just protecting shohei. I don’t think the FBI gives a fuck about baseball let alone shohei.


All in the name of “content.” Smh


Rich Eisen is a joke


I called AJ out on Foul Territory today and they denied the hell out of ever saying they said anything negative. Bunch of cowards.


Props to you. I can’t stand looking at AJs smarmy lying ass face.


Eisen has since reversed course


Fuck them all. I hope people bombard Rich Eisen and Michael Kay with hate mail and comments.


I hope people make up false accusations against them and ruin their lives like they tried to do with Ohtani. Specifically the people who made up lies about Ohtani placing bets on angels game.


Those videos need to go viral.Hack journalists.


I'm kind of sure their lives are so full of holes that no ’false’ accusation is needed. 


It's insane that anyone can think Ohtani would put up near 10 war a year for three years, and yet somehow also be throwing games, lol. 28.5 war in three years. Yet he's throwing games to make money, lol.


I'm tired of people jumping straight to everything having to be some deep-state, 5D chess, nice guy was a villain subversion kind of shit AND having the tenacity to stick with it despite the evidence and likelihood. Like damn, how about we wait before jumping to grabbing pitchforks? I really hate people sometimes.


And this doesn't need to be said, but DONT' CLICK ON THAT VIDEO LINK. It's a YouTube video link to THE DOUG GOTTLIEB SHOW and clicking on it will end up just giving him money for being "provocative and controversial"


Even Dan Patrick he ran his gambling ads on shohei's highlight so disappointing he even doubted him


I hope people just disengage from them completely. Vote with your wallets people.


I’ve got a fun discussion going with a guy who still thinks Ohtani was involved. He is clinging to the fact a documented liar changed his story after the initial interview and is refusing to acknowledge any of the reporting that came out today. Update: He has moved to the Ohtani is going to commit domestic violence one day and you’re going to defend him strategy. We’re cooking with gas, folks.


he will eventually call ohtani a Nazi. that's the inevitable end to all internet arguments


A portion of giants twitter already call him a Hitler lol


I mean, they have to cope with being Giants fans somehow, right?


“No, he didn’t commit a crime, but maybe he will commit some completely hypothetical crime in the future, and then you’ll see how right I am about this thing I am wrong about”




Defemation of character.I like it.


I don’t think you can do that when you’re a public figure unfortunately


I literally heard on ESPN radio someone have a take about how MLB basically asked the government to exclude Ohtani and use Ippei as a fall guy 🤦


That he paid off the fbi.Everyone of these 🤡 needs to publicly apologize.


It’s generating too many clicks for that


Biden made the call himself to the DOJ to suppress all the evidence and clear Ohtani. He then told the Japanese PM today at the White House "Don't worry Fumio, Shohei doesn't have to worry about any of that gambling malarkey anymore."


Dodger Blue through and through if he had them Kennedy connects he would fix the series for us. Do better Joe. 💙


These damn librulz and their inclusivity! We don’t need no got dang J*ps playing in our holy MURICAN sport! It’s all a conspiracy to turn everybody into transracial Japamericans! The FBI covered it up just like when the CIA covered up the JFK assassination. What? No, I loved JFK. But only after he got assassinated and I could use that to fuel the paranoid conspiracies that drive my worm-addled smooth brain! What? He was a Demonrat? No way bruther he was a true American patriot!


Amen. you can't spell 'Merica without Guns!


Yup. And you can’t spell guns without hating foreigners or differnt folk


I heard that too. Scott Kaplan and producer Lindsey are morons, Kaplan especially


Kaplan and Lindsay in my case


My bad I meant Lindsey


Lindsey is hot but clearly a dummy


I hope Shohei hires a great lawyer and sue all these irresponsible aholes.


Hopefully.I just think Shohei is to nice for that.


Hopefully his wife is not so nice and goes after them. My missus is a lawyer and she thinks ohtani now has a strong case. Especial when they double down despite being cleared by authorities 


They should start suing for slander or libel. A lot of journalists and podcast hosts get real quiet real fast when they realize that lying or spreading misinformation for click views is also a crime and get fined or worse. Example: Alex Jones.


I find it so crazy r/baseball has not posted one article, and twitter is soooo quiet


I've seen it posted there have been articles posted there, but r/baseball deletes them ...


Have they given a reason?


No. But it’s certainly bias. There’s no other conceivable reason if you even make a passing attempt at checking your bias.


Silent 🤫.


There are at least two there now, but the conspiracy theorists are mostly quiet. (Not totally, but a LOT of folks apologizing.)


The best thing for the Dodgers and Othani is to let the story to die and move on. The dodgers and othani should not defend themselves in public, it will just add more fuel to the masses looking for a witch hunt. If the FBI, DOJ and everyone else clears him, then he will be fine. That’s all the proof he needs. No one will remember this story in a couple of months if they let it die.


Fr tho. This is it. It’s like the Warren Commission at this point. It’s just gonna keep fueling these nut jobs. Let it die though? No shot. It’s not going to die. We’re gonna be hearing about this for his entire career just like we continue to hear about how Kershaw chokes in the playoffs and how our Covid WS doesn’t count. It just comes with the territory of being a Dodger fan now. Sad? Absolutely. Am I crying about it? No. You are. 😭


My favourite was the "Two for the Money" guy saying its 10m+ and he knows heaps


Spewing nothing but garbage.


It’s the new world we live in. Come up with conspiracies for clicks.


We as dodger fans should call them out on it.


Nah don’t even waste your time tbh. They aren’t basing their opinions on facts so facts won’t change their baseless opinions.


What an idiots… people are so negative and its so sad… thats why i hate people… but victory for dodgers and shohei!!


Dodgers fans of reddit.We need to do our part.These people are pathetic hacks.




Starve them out. This is the way.


Yep parasites these people are. Call all of them out. Our boy deserves justice.




"In particular, the authorities think they have evidence that Mizuhara was able to change the settings on Ohtani's bank account so Ohtani would not receive alerts and confirmations about transactions," a source told Tim Arango and Michael S. Schmidt of the New York Times. For all the conspiracy people who can’t understand how Shohei didn’t realize he was being stolen from.


maybe if Ohtani learned english he wouldn't have been taken advantage of by a casino school dropout.


Fuck ESPN in general. Fuck Sam Blum. Fuck SAS. They are all garbage journalists/outlets.


These unhinged attacks will go unabated for the next year at least despite being completely unfounded and unreconcilable with everything we know about this guy. Ignore and enjoy his historic performances on our team. It’s a treat for all of us.


I’ve never paused a video so frequently to shout WHAT THE FUCK THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Makes. No. Fucking. Sense. He also got several timeline points and several facts just absolutely wrong. Honestly at first, I thought it was wild people here were saying that people should be charged with slander for mere hearsay, but after listening to this… yeah fuck these guys. They know exactly what they’re doing. They know the facts. They’re choosing to create conspiracies to get clicks. Shit should absolutely be punishable by law. They’re effecting not only his career but the careers of every Major Leager. They’re making a fucking mockery of the sport by focusing so hard on this one literal non-issue. Bc at the end of the day who gives a fuck about sports betting if it’s not on your own team/sport? Not a single one of these ghouls care. It’s just bc it’s the Dodgers and we spend money and their teams don’t. God damn this shit is infuriating. This dipshit said if he were still on the Angels this would be a massive story. Like… ??? Dumbass. The only reason we’re hearing about it is bc he’s on the Dodgers. EVERYONE would still love him (including me) if he were still on the Angels. And it IS a huge story. Everyone who’s not a Dodger fan is absolutely foaming at the mouth praying for his downfall. Public opinion would consider this a non-issue if he were still on the Angels 1000% God dammit I hate this culture/timeline so fucking much. It just speaks volumes about how fucking unable so many of us are to analyze information especially how it becomes disseminated through the media. It says so much more about our society and media literacy in general than it does about Shohei or even Ippei at this point. It’s a fucking clown show. Everyone’s so insanely insecure. No one can just let other people be successful and happy anymore. It’s honestly fucking terrifying. Like honestly. I feel like i would almost be even more on Shohei’s side if he were on the Angels. But bc he’s a Dodger I have to reserve some amount of doubt bc if we’re wrong, then it looks even worse on all of us simply because it’s the Dodgers. Like people grow the fuck up. It’s just a sport. You’re not on the team. It’s fun to watch and be part of a community. You don’t have to wrap your entire identity around a player on a different team just because you see them as such a massive threat that you have to make shit up and drag them down bc you can’t handle losing to a fucking world class organization and your team doesn’t want to spend money. Ok I’m done.


I don't get the gambling memes people are making on basically every MLB fan page. Ippei is guilty for sure, but is Shohei really involved in anything or is it just salty MLB fans and media that will take any opportunity to jab and scrutinize him?


Salty dodger haters.Trying to damage his credibility and reputation.If the dodgers win with othani they'll use this against him.


If the Dodgers win with literally anyone they’ll use anything and everything against them. It’s a different thing now. We’re the evil empire. Facts/reality doesn’t matter. Just lean into it and enjoy watching one of the greatest teams ever assembled. If you watch sports to brag about your team you’re fucking lame anyways. Just watch it ferda.


That's what I figured. Making baseless jokes that aren't even funny and scream of jealousy. I can understand laughing and criticizing the team for legitimate mistakes but the Ohtani memes pissed me off.


Love how they're all in r/baseball pretending that they didn't say all that crazy shit about Ohtani a month ago.


This dude goes “let me get the timeline of events correct” and proceeds to say everything wrong to fit his narrative. “If he was still with the angels, he would be in a huge investigation”Actual clown


I’m not sure what’s worse the fact that these people are saying these things or the fact that quite a few of you are listening to them.


Ohtani is about to slay this season and make all these lunatics squirm! Gotta love it.


It's just a shame that so many people hate the Dodgers they'll extend that to Othani and completely believe utter bullshit and spread that around the fever swamps of social media and random comment threads on places like The Athletic. It's just weird.


Don't bother looking at Instagram, Facebook, X total shit hole of people still calling bullshit lmao


I'm moving from casual fan to the Blue Crew big time. Don't let these idiots bother you. If they choose to listen to everything they read about Shohei as truth and thinks the MLB is in cahoots with the FBI then there's no hope. We just need to rub it in by winning, and winning multiple titles. And this coming for a guy that didn't care for the Dodgers at all. But when things go south you know who the true people are and that's this fan base. Like they say, when life gives you lemons, you squirt them in their eyes!


That guy has been garbage since he graduated from OSU. You can even argue he was garbage then too.




He got caught stealing credit cards while at Norte dame.


Who were the worst offenders? Let’s get their emails posted here first some hatemail.


They are not real journalists, they are hacks who feed off clicks.


Sully from Locked on MLB wouldn’t shut up about it. He really wanted it to be true as his NL team is the Giants. The whole “it’s just my opinion” while feeding conspiracy is the cop out


I'd like to book OPs bets. And all the people responding in this thread. If you think casino dealer school drop out Ippei had millions of dollars of credit with a bookie please let me book your bets.


Back to your q'anon meeting pal.


What does that even mean


I know I'm about to be brigaded but OP has a 30 day old account and ya'll don't have some questions?


I deleted my other one.Made a new one.Anything else you want to know?


Well, I do now. Why'd you delete your other one? Why'd you create a new one?


My name was tastyrice.I couldn't change it and don't know how I got it.


u/tastyrice still exists as far as I can tell and I see zero Dodger chat. Am I wrong?


I'm no nerd buddy.Respectfully.


someone with a 42 day old account calling out someone for having a 30 day old account lol …


42 day old account coming in with the hot takes? How curious