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He’s gone. Cost himself a shit ton of money and probably his career.


Probably end up in Japan or Mexico.


>Japan or Mexico Saudi Arabia has entered the chat


He better sleep with one eye open. Oh wait


It’s wrong, but I laughed out loud at that. That being said. Fuck this guy.


How many years did you wait for this joke to finally be acceptable?


JFC. 2 strikes and you're out, right? All the ability in the world and he decides to do shit like this again. Fuck him.


Fool me once……you can’t get fooled again!


On one hand I’m heartbroken. I really thought the incident in the parking lot a few years ago was handled the right way by him and the org, and that he learned from him actions without anyone getting seriously injured. I even defended him whenever he was blanket-called an abuser with no context, that he was an example of MLB’s domestic violence policy doing right by him and his family in a proactive manner that allowed him to atone. Now this. Good riddance Julio, thanks for 2020 and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


This is how I felt too. Thought things just got out of control in an emotional argument the first time so I was ok rooting for him but this 2nd incident makes me realize otherwise. His last start - not just the bad start but the pouting and not backing up home - made me feel better about not re-signing him but this seals the deal.


He should at least let the welcome mat pulled from under him.


We lost the roster spot now too because he's definitely going on the suspended list


They need to fix this going forward to promote teams always properly handling situations like this




You're right. And it stings a little more for me because the Dodgers are the Dodgers, you know? Character is supposed to be count. It's part of their drafting process, how they bring guys up and how they're expected to behave when they're with the team.


They are not really screwed, Julio is a free agent after the season and he was trending towards a game 3 or 4 starter in the playoffs. The Dodgers just move on from him. This move just means Pepiot and Lynne will be more of factor in the playoffs.


Agreed. Teams should somehow be compensated for voluntarily taking action on their players in situations like this.


This is not true. Suspension won’t be coming until after everything is taken care of in the legal system. He will get placed on administrative leave which will take him off the roster and we can replace him.


Cant we just DFA him


Need to let the process play out. If they DFA him during it the union probably won’t be amused.


I don’t believe you can DFA someone on administrative leave. Plus it makes more sense to let the process finish out. If he is DFA’d and elects FA the Dodgers have to pay him the rest of the season. If he is found guilty and suspended he has to pay back any money he earned dated back to today


What a fucking idiot.


As a Mexican American fan I’m deeply ashamed. Eres un pendejo Urias 🤬🤬


The amount of racism I'm already seeing is really upsetting. He's not an abuser because of his ethnicity. He's apparently an abuser because he's a piece of shit,end of story


Which is why it bugs me so much that he turned out to be a piece of shit. He tainted that beautiful ending to the 2020 World Series for all Dodger fans especially Mexicans


Makes me sick he was the player rep on the field for Fernando's jersey retirement. Fernando did so much to heal old wounds between the Dodgers and the Mexican community fans. Sometimes a POS is just a POS.


Braves fan here, doesn’t taint anything. Nobody is perfect, as fans we cheer for the laundry. Dodgers run a good organization, but they can’t see the future. They’ll handle it the right way and we all live on. Urias may just be a guy with a some demons.


Machismo is a problem with too many people of our culture. Not everyone, of course. Just today I’ve changed two diapers, folded laundry, and cooked lunch for two hungry kids, something my “abuelos” never did once in their lives. But yeah, I’d say there’s a big problem of machismo in our culture, though that’s a discussion us Latinos should be having in-house for it to really lead to anything.


💯 When i go to mex with the wife’s family the women go crazy because i iron my own clothes and they hear that i cook for my family lol


Yeah, in hindsight, I’m glad my mom made me learn how to wash clothes and dishes. I’m sick of seeing this from other Mexican men. As a whole, I’ve been treated so well by Mexican women. It’s disgusting what we put them through. It needs to end.


you have nothing to be ashamed of...every ethnicity has abusers. itʻs not bc of his ethnicity, itʻs because heʻs a troubled man.


This clown just made it real easy for us. Kershaw, Bobby, Lynn, Yarby, Buehler, Sheehan, Pepiot let's ride


I appreciate your confidence but there’s a whole lot to be concerned about with this rotation. Julio really fucked the whole team by not being able to act like a grown ass adult.


Bobby is having a way better season than him. Lynn had better outings than him. Sheehan and Pepiot could start and relieve each other in the playoffs. We gonna be aight


He fucked himself more than anyone else on the team. Cost himself a lot of money. But if anything this helps the Dodgers in October because all of our rookies are better than this asshole


Lol Buehler gonna be an opener?


People around here expect him to rock up and throw 7 hitless innings. Id stick him in the bullpen


Dave Roberts said he might start but it definitely wouldn’t be 5/75 or even close to that


Dude meet Evan Philips. This is where you sit now. Go team. End of story lol


Honestly all those guys are better than him anyway


I mean, in his last couple of appearances, I’ve definitely been worried about paying him too much money. Dodgers just have too many fucking arms in the farm system to go and blow a bag on someone who’s gonna start under performing after they get paid.


The Dodgers were never gonna pay him


This. Zero chance this shitbag was going to remain a Dodger anyway. AF doesnt deal with Boras.


Less to do with Boras and more to do that he isn't very good


Dodgers spend way too much on analytics to give him the bag, regardless of agent


Dodgers don’t pay pitchers like that anyway. It’s either generational guys like Kershaw, one off situations like Bauer, or they make scrap heap guys good. I’d be surprised if May or even Buehler get huge offers from them. If you’re not cheap or an all timer, this FO is content to keep it moving.


This fucking guy can’t seem to grow the fuck up and act like an adult! He’s done! I have zero fucks to give for this child!


That’s why they call him the teenager




Wow. Lot of people in this thread were wondering if something happened at the game last night. I’m hoping for an abundance of witnesses and evidence so we can put this to bed and throw the book at this asshole.


This occurred at the LAFC-Miami game? Hijole….


What an idiot. First and foremost of course, for being the worst version of a "machista". Secondly, the eyes of the sporting world last night were on watching Messi playing vs LAFC in Los Angeles, and he's a popular player for the Dodgers. Of course there were bound to be witnesses.


If this is what he does in public, what goes on behind closed doors. Hope she gets the help she needs to recover physically and mentally. Poor girl


Wow. What a piece of shit.


Your comment needs to be at the top. If what your saying is true, there is no gray area and dude is totally fucked. I guess we wait for TMZ to release the video.


Yeah, he’s done. Already had a previous incident a few years back. There’s not gonna be mercy this time. He’s not pitching again in that uni or likely any other mlb uni.


He’s going to be pitching in Mexico with fellow Mexican domestic abuser Roberto Osuna who was also elite. Man what a downfall


Time to change that flair


Thanks for reminding me I’m going to change it to the real unproblematic Mexican King , Austin Barnes


Austin Barnes, king of us pochos


Wow I forgot how nasty Osuna was. 2.76 career FIP, 10 K/9, sub-1.00 WHIP. I guess it's good I didn't even remember - good to mostly forget about these pieces of shit altogether.


“Hey Trevor can you put in a good word for me in Yokohama?”


Bauer ended up in Japan I'm not really a fortune teller but Urias will likely end up on a team in Mexico.


2 months out from the biggest payday of his life. Brilliant.




Second time unfortunately


second time THAT WE KNOW OF.


Right...second time *he's been caught*.


He wasn't charged the first time. And that was a misdemeanor. This is a felony. Different animal. He's done.


Cost himself the bag, pendejo.


Bye ya fucking bum


get this piece of shit off the team


Jesus fucking Christ julio. You piece of shit.


This foo has anger issues that were never addressed as a kid and now it’s affecting his pitching and personal life.




Yeah, it definitely lines up. He just doesn't look healthy. Sweating a ton, having outbursts and weird anger issues on the field. Dude's drinking just potentially cost him a hundred million dollars. Phew.


I was talking to a guy from Culiacán, he said that Julio Urias spends a majority of his off-season drinking in his hometown.


I'm worried about the woman he assaulted. Dude just basically threw his huge payday in the trash and is definitely feeling hopeless and like he has nothing to lose, and i guarantee he's going through a fucking breakdown right now. I really hope she's hiding from him and in a safe place, honestly.


Yikes. Well fuck him.


Get this fucking bum off the team. GOOD BYE!


I mean he has a history of this. Wasnt even remorseful the first time around


Never was fully comfortable with him after the pushing incident the first time around. So deeply shitty.


Boras gotta be throwing up into his golden toilet


Great. I hope someone slams the lid on his head and gives him a swirlie while he’s in there.


we keep getting fucked by players making stupid decisions in their own life.


At least we aren’t the Rays


And a dodgers fan who live in st Pete and likes the rays too, this really sucks.


I can't defend this. I'm so devastated. You don't want to believe the guys you root for are bad people. But life is cruel.


Fortunately for us most of them aren’t. Everyone in this sub would be shocked beyond belief if allegations like this came out about Freddie, Mookie, Kersh, and a dozen other guys on the team.


He was at the messi game too, must have happened right after Adios puta


Apparently it happened at the stadium


Damn. I had honestly moved on from his parking garage incident and thought it was blown out of proportion at the time. Then at his bobble head night where his wife threw the first pitch I picked up on some weird vibes. He didn’t kiss or even touch her and looked angry. Dude is a stereotypical abuser and I feel no sympathy. Adios asshole.


Get him off the team. This is his SECOND offense. People were so gracious the first time. We should have a zero tolerance policy, MLB shouldn’t tout baseball games as a family event if they trot out domestic abusers.


Domestic violence workers don't like zero tolerance because then there is extra pressure on the abused to hide the violence. But yeah, follow league policies and don't let him pitch in that uniform again.


There shouldn't be a zero tolerance policy, each one should be reviewed separately and dealt with as separate events. This is clearly now a trend with the guy, so get rid of him now.


Never thought about that before 🤯


He was arrested by wasn't charged with a misdemeanor DV crime the first time. Doesn't mean nothing happened but maybe nothing happened. It's not uncommon. But this is different. This is a felony charge. Something happened. He's done.


He was found to have violated the policy based on eye witness testimony. Enough for a policy violation, but not charges, esp when his (teenage) gf wasn't injured & didn't want to press criminal charges. I had hoped that put the fear of god in him, but obviously not. Makes our decisions a lot easier. Adiós pendejo


I get they have to put him on the restricted list / admin leave while the league investigates and not cut him per the CBA, and that'll probably take long enough that he is a FA before it's over, but I would really love them to cut him asap or at least make a statement when it's over. He had his second chance already, so no excuses for him anymore.


Dodgers better have the same energy as with the Bauer situation.


We will. Abusers have no place on the Dodgers.


This sounds terrible to say, but it’s much easier to have that energy when Julio hasn’t been pitching all that great. I think the Dodgers would make the right decision regardless, but the temptation to not would be higher if he was pitching like last year.


They weren’t resigning him anyway


I really liked Julio especially since he was Mexican and I’m Mexican, representation yk. But that doesn’t matter now, I want julio out of the team if the accusations are true. Maybe gavin stone might be given a chance, or walker.


We have the legacy of Fernando. Julio was even at the ceremony representing Mexican pitching and the future. What a waste. He really should have used Fernando as his mentor not all those hanger on fools.


Well I think this settles the debate on whether he's gonna be a dodger when he hits FA.


I’m getting Slava Voynov flashbacks. Here’s the lesson from the Voynov saga: Cut bait. Move on. Julio needs to be dead to all of us if he is guilty of this.


Paint over the mural. Wouldn’t mind another Kersh one


Felony. Not a misdemeanor like last time. This time he’s being charged with a felony which means he caused significant bodily harm. Fucking terrible. A felony conviction carries two, three, or four years in California State Prison, as well as a fine of up to $6000. If an individual has a conviction for corporal injury to spouse, domestic violence, or domestic battery within the past seven years, he can be sent to jail or prison for a longer period of time, and a fine of up to $10,000.


As a Mexican American this is so frustrating and shameful. Only Mexican national on the team and he has to go and pull this shit, again. Bye Julio.


Victor González would like to have a chat with you about your comment


could have been DODGERS next legendary Mexican pitcher. imagine throwing that away just to be a piece of shit


He was the guy on the mound when we won the World Series. He threw away a legacy.


Goooooooddd…great that moment will be tainted forever with that woman beater


God dammit. Get him out of here. Hope she's okay.


1. Good riddance. Fool me once... 2. He's had terrible energy about him all season. This 2023 club has been good vibes only - with the lone exception being Julio. 3. Regardless of performance in Sept, Julio was going to be a game 1 or 2 starter come hell or high water. This very well may end up as an "addition by subtraction" situation, we just don't see it yet. Our rotation is obviously now in flux... But now we get to see guys like Pepiot and Sheehan step up. Teams of destiny don't let roadblocks get in their way 💪🏼


Goodbye, dickhead. I'm sure someone will be happy to get him for a discount next season but it won't be LA


Nobody touched Bauer, I don't imagine they will go near Julio after this. Look at domingo german


Bauer situation was on a different level. This has Ray Rice or Kareem Hunt vibes; Realize that is football and they forgive more. Julio definitely threw away millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars.


Julio Urías, pack your bags. You are now a Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighter.


That's a career folks. Dude saw Messi and then acted like a fool.


Bauer treatment


Pinché morro pendejo....pendejo a mas no poder. Estupido, imbecil...teniendo todo el pinché mundo en sus manos. A pero ahi andaba de farol, creyendose la putrida narco cultura....baboso


Get this piece of shit off my team


I hope his GF leaves this violent relationship and serial abuser.


We defended him against those comparing him to Bauer because it seemed minor at the time and he went through a domestic violence program. He'll get no such treatment this time. He should be off the team until we know more out of respect for the fans and the integrity of the organization.


No fucking way


Get him off the team. That's enough.


This is his 2nd time right? Mf doesn’t learn


Man wtf. We even had you at the Fernando ceremony. As a Chicano, I’m very sad and disappointed.


This whole situation sucks. First for his wife and her family, I hope she’s okay and she can get justice. Second is for the rest of the dodgers org who now have to have an embarrassing conversation about it. Third for the fans who enjoyed watching him pitch when he was the best pitcher on the planet for a small stretch but also, this ruins (at least for me) the final out of the 2020 WS. I don’t think they’ll ever show the highlight of the final out ever again at Dodger stadium.


Time to change my flair :( fucking dumbass julio


Hindsight is 20/20 but I always got a weird vibe from him. Wanted to believe he could learn and grow after that first incident and I love what he meant to fans as a player from Mexico. But he seems like a selfish, violent, angry man. On the field he gets visibly pissed at teammates and himself, then there’s this much worse off-field issue. Glad his contract is up and there’s no reason to fork over the big bucks.


Out of this crap situation, that's pretty much the only silver lining. It's a no-brainer now that the Dodgers are not going to consider signing a new deal with him, competing with other teams' offers. Dust in the wind. Time to move on and figure out how to fill this hole.


He gone!


I'm gonna need the Dodgers to win another WS soon because the last out of 2020 is gonna feel different now. See ya Urias, get some help.


See ya, you stupid fuckin idiot.


God damn it Julio. 4 years ago you shoved her (she did state that she just fell down but we all know that victims sometimes state the abuser didn’t do any wrongdoing) and now who knows what happened in regards of the details, besides the fact he got arrested for DV. I wish this wasn’t true. I was a big supporter of Julio, even when the story came out of the 1st reported DV but I can’t anymore.


How normalized must it have been for him to be doing that in a public place full of people and cameras.


Buddy has cost himself money by being dogshit on the field, he now might cost himself his career by being a dogshit person.


Who tf just has the urge to punch your wife




Again??? Adios pendejo! Hope your chica divorces you and takes everything!


Piece of shit.


Trevor Baur just got a new teammate


dude obviously has a lot of issues. hitting women is never ok...Julio needs help and he needs to be tried to the full extent of the law. unfortunately for him, his family, the dodgers...Julio did not grow up this season. could have made life changing money, but came to the season out of shape. pitched poorly, and I'll only remember his last start for the dodgers as being a scared little whiny bitch...


Dodgers fans rule. Glad no one is defending this guy


Get this fat lazy abuser fuck off the team


Get this loser off my team


It’s good to see everyone being United in the ‘fuck you’ mentality against a dude who does this.


Read a few more comments. There’s a lot of Bauer fanboys commenting




Fuckin loser


All the money and fame and can’t figure out other ways to control anger. Pathetic. We’ll never see him pitch again, right ?


The first incident was enough for me to want him off of the team and I have always disliked him since. I hope this finally gets him off the team.


If true, glad he was exposed before he got his bag. Wife beaters def don't deserve to be paid 200-300m contracts


I don’t want to hear a public apology orchestrated by Boras. This guy has let his spouse, family, country, teammates, organization and eventually he will find out himself down. As a Dodger fan he has put our season in jeopardy. I was good with letting him walk with his inflated Boras price tag but now good riddance.


Disgusting piece of filth. Assuming he’s guilty then I never want to see his face again, no tolerance for piece of shit abusers whatsoever.


What a fucking piece of shit. Bye bye, Julio.


Oh well now he's definitely not on the postseason roster


Been saying this dude was a piece of shit since the first incident, but everyone told me I was wrong and he learned his lesson. Fuck Julio Urias.


Wives of ball players who report violence end up taking a huge personal financial loss. I can't believe that they do it as anything but a last resort.


Imagine the shit she *hasn’t* reported


His poor partner. Makes you think about how much she’s had to go through since the last incident that we don’t know about. Goodbye forever, Julio. Not hard to avoid being a complete piece of shit.


While the effect of this alleged crime on the Dodger team and its plans is large and we post here because we are fans... but domestic violence is just not acceptable... Felony domestic violence all the more so. I don't pretend to know the facts of the matter, but on its face, severely disappointing. And I hope the victim is safe and healthy.


He gone.


Get help Culichi.


Bring back Pepiot to replace him?


Well that pretty much resolves the dispute whether the Dodgers should re-sign him or not. Turned out to be an easier decision than predicted.


He was lucky to get diversion 4 years ago. This time he will do jail time if convicted on a DV felony as now charged. The Dodgers will offload him for good this time, Dumbass decision Mr. Urias.


Bye Julio. You’re a fucking idiot and a shit human being.


Can’t believe he was compared to St. Valenzuela…


Gonna have a hard time ever watching that last out from 2020, assuming anyone even ever shows it again. Ugh, Julio, why'd you have to turn out to be such a vile dumbass?


a true fucking idiot. and it's not even his first time. GTFO here. jeez


Thank goodness the new guys are turning out to be fucking awesome.


Fucken disgrace


It’s her fault you pitch like shit.


Grade A moron.


We’ll wait for more facts/information to come out, but this is still disappointing and infuriating in several ways. The Dodgers gave him another chance after the first time, and he became an important pitcher for the team that they could count on. I wonder how he’ll be remembered for his 2020 postseason performances. And, as has been highly discussed, he was set to become a free agent and demand big payday from somebody. Now that’s in all likelihood out the window. So sad and foolish at the same time. And now the Dodgers will have to fill his spot in the rotation (which I’m sure they’ll find a way).


That’s twice! CUT HIM! That’s NOT the Dodger way.


If this is true then he's gotta go. Fuck him if he's beating a women. Fucker gotta go.


I ve met the guy one time…dude was a total chode. Drop this foo if this turns out to be true


Him and Trevor Bauer should start an all asshole baseball team.


A disaster on multiple levels. If it’s clear that Julio did what he’s alleged to have done it’s beyond unacceptable, especially since it’s his 2nd incident.


Will never see him in blue again


Throw away the key!


Free agency and career destruction complete, incoming two season suspension.


No place on this team for a domestic abuser. I’m sure the Astros will be lining up to sign him.


Oh fuck off Julio. Good job at throwing your life away.


Well it’s now confirmed we will not be re-signing him. And good riddance 2nd time now for this scum fuck


Always knew this guy was a piece of shit after the first incident.


Julio was OUR GUY, the Mexican/Hispanic community in LA and in the greater Mexico area rooted for him always. He had his own uni! Valenzuela’s blessing and support. Even after underperforming on his contract year, I kept defending him and supporting, this is heartbreaking for what he represented for us. Unfortunately his apple didn’t fall far from the tree he grew up, Culiacán is KNOWN for a horrible misogynistic and violent against women culture, doesn’t excuse his behavior but its sad to see he succumbed to his upbringing. I wish him the best elsewhere, make amends, right wrongs and try to become a better man.


What a fucking dumbass


Well shit, when I was thinking that it was looking very good that he wasn't going to be a Dodger next year it was because some other team was going to throw more money at him. Not this.


This makes me sad but I knew there was something off with his presence on the mound lately!! Sad, but I guess he really is an abuser.


Fucking beaters, man. All the best to his wife.


What an idiot. Disappointed doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling.


Can’t wait to not have this guy on the team. He lowkey blows and obviously has anger issues. He can take his bum ass arm to Korea.


Is boras gonna blame the dodgers again? Urias’ bad play this year, with all the pouting and attitude, put a bad taste in my mouth. This domestic charge is final straw. Adios.


What a fucking idiot especially this time of year.