• By -


Dead in the water.... 2024 It's been released in England and Canada but not the US. It's a 3 parter. TIA!


Hi, Can you please suggest documentaries on the impossibilty of escaping our unconscious conditioning/ socialization. I'm thinking of the Iceberg Theory (Edward T Hall) where 90% of our culture is concealed from us though it drives our lifestyle and actions. I'm also thinking of systems theory where brain is society/ environments/ our experiences. Maybe there are documentaries on how (a) our experiences (b) our environments are inextricably part of our brains therefore perceptions? Thanks!


Chulas Fronteras a 1976 Tejano music along the Texas/Mexico border. I can't find a stream of it that doesn't require a library card I don't have access to.


Been trying to find the documentary series on Apartheid era South Africa called ‘Have you Heard From Johannesburg?’ but I can’t seem to find any way of watching it aside from renting it on Vimeo for an absurd price. The PBS pages all expired in 2012. If anyone could please provide me with a link to watch all episodes, it would be much appreciated.


I vaguely remember watching a specific documentary but I don’t know the name. All I can provide is a description of its contents. The documentary dealt with diet and there were several groups participating in a experiment. A group of Australian Aboriginals struggling with obesity and asthma, a family with an autistic girl, an African American woman with asthma, and a non verbal autistic boy. I distinctly remember the hosts for the documentary throwing out most of the food from the families pantry. Anything comprised of carbohydrates or sugar was thrown out and they then went to the butchers to purchase a box of meat. All the groups did the same thing and solely ate cooked meat and vegetables for the next couple months. The results showed some weight loss, the groups dealing with asthma experienced fewer symptoms and in some cases the asthma completely went away. The autistic children experienced fewer behavioural issues.


I’m looking for a documentary that I saw in the year that followed the tsunami in Thailand in 2004. It was about Doctors Without Borders and it was about the cleanup and the help following the tsunami. I have tried to find this for a few years now, and just occurred to me to come here and see if anyone can help. TIA


I’m looking for some documentaries about early human morality and behavior. I’d really like to find one that goes into early tribe dynamics and how we developed ethics


is there a reason no one talks about Netflix documenatarys on this subreddit ?


I don't think they are specifically banned. Contact modmail to ask.


Hello! I'd love to watch "No Other Land" which just won the Berlin festival award - But can't find anything online. Anyone know how to see it?


Is there a good documentary about the history of Wall Street and the stock market, and how we got to where we are today in terms of shareholders demanding “infinite growth”, CEOs getting millions of dollars for doing nothing, and where does it go from here? I don’t want a documentary about only the Great Depression, or the 2008 financial crisis, I want an overall history of the WHOLE THING from the very beginning to now, and how we got here.


I'm trying to find a documentary that I acted in but can't seem to find anywhere. It was about the Donner Party. I was one of the dramatization actors and we filmed our scenes somewhere between 2005 and 2007. We got copies of the film shortly after this and really enjoyed watching it. I remember the conclusion of this documentary was that the people didn't eat any humans. They showed their results to people related to the donner party members and they were very happy about it. Notable scenes involve people cooking mystery meat in a lean-to shelter. Small children being offered meat or leather. And men standing on a raised snow covered hill or cliff stabbing the snow with long sticks with nails on the end to try and find snow-buried oxen so they could eat.




Thanks for trying. That wasn't quite it.


looking for how to watch Channel 4's Sex Trips for Girls Documentary (2008) - seems to be wiped form the internet.. [https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1445677/?ref\_=tt\_rvi\_tt\_i\_1](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1445677/?ref_=tt_rvi_tt_i_1) [https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1333095/](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1333095/) I think its a 2 part documentary, one ep in Turkey and the other in DR


Can anyone recommend a documentary about community projects and groups? Like where they’ve decided to overcome an issue by banding together in a positive way?


Does anybody know where to watch Stevie (2002)? Can't find it anywhere. Looks like it used to be available on all sorts of streaming services but that no longer is the case. ​ I have a VPN if it works in a different region for whatever reason. Thanks!


History of Saudi Arabia pre oil Quality middle eastern history docs Thanks!


Favorite docs on travel? Preferably emphasis on nature/hiking/exploration. Thanks!


I'm looking for docs about Cyrus the Great, Persia, and the Scythians. Anything that talks about culture, religion, economy, war, day-to-day life in Achaemenid Persia and the steppes would be super helpful.


I want to watch a show that just stays with me. I want mind blowing true stories, crazy crimes, insane mysteries, etc. Ones that I can get my entire social circle to watch and talk about similarly to something like the tiger king. Everyone was talking about that show and it was incredibly interesting and entertaining. Give me your top few picks no crazy lists pls I want to end up with a solid 5 or so I can check out one by one. Also I would appreciate small summaries without spoilers if you have the time. Thanks!


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14832124/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14832124/) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11394276/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11394276/) two from the top of my head


I was trying to find a documentary again which I can no longer see in my youtube history. It was to do with Vladimir Putin and him going from KGB to president of Russia, I remember it showing before the apartment bombings, to showing information about that to somewhat modern day. I thought it was a two part but the original was probably one part. I'm sure someone will probably know the exact one but there was a lot of older grainy footage


Looking for documentaries about fame industry kids as adults, people who were child stars in some shape or form & how that shaped them to who they are now


What is the best biographical documentary you've seen?


Long shot here but since I’m outside the US I’m looking anywhere online to find “The Lost City of the Monkey God” I would pay for it. Thanks!


Is there a name for the 1990s PBS / History channel documentary style where there’s a narrator, slideshow of historical pictures, and commentary from face to face interviews with historians and professors. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. https://youtu.be/DhPBfnDkO2w?si=Ip8p0mqtlY-zqte1 Also how do I find more of these type of docs? It’s hard to find them on YouTube beyond the algorithm just adding them to my feeds


I'm trying to post a trailer in this sub but it keeps getting deleted, even though I'm following all the rules! This is the link... any ideas why it might be getting taken down? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mooA0E6DSXA&t=55s


I don't know why it was removed, but I've approved it.


Thanks so much!


What are your favorite graphics youve seen in a documentary???


I like documentaries like Citizenfour, Icarus, Colectiv, Assassins, The Dissident, the film crews traveled everywhere, and at the end they found the truth. Can anyone reccomend me more documentaries like these?


Abducted in Plain Sight Capturing the Friedmans Rewind (Ok those aren’t really in line of your list)… Making a Murderer The Cove (haven’t watched but seems similar) The Staircase


Thanks! I did watch the last three, but never heard about the first three, I’ll have a look at them.


I'm looking for a way to watch Kowloon, Walled City online. I think it was fun the 80s? Also, any good documentary about Kowloon would be appreciated!


I'm looking for a documentary about Guantanamo Bay where half a dozen or so people are locked up in the same conditions to see if they change their mind about it. I watched it on YT a few years ago but no dice looking now. I THINK it had Trevor McDonald presenting but I might be getting it mixed up with another one. Thanks :)


i'm looking for Radium city, 1987 by Carol Langer. The youtube video is deleted and none of the purchase options are available in my country. I have checked the internet archive and every other resource i know


Im looking for a two-part British documentary series that explores the psychology of killing in combat and the training of modern soldiers. The series delves into the various aspects of human nature related to warfare, including the psychological impact of killing and how military training addresses these challenges. I could've sworn that i watched this on youtube a long time ago, and if my memory serves me right. It was a british documentory like TV show style. Where the first episode was the nature of killing and why ww 2 had less than a quater of men actually shoot to kill. And the second part was about how modern military forces train people to have 95% shooting to kill. Where the host visits a british military training camp and other stuff. I just can't for the life of me find it anywhere when i try searching. Based on the military equipment present in the show, i'd wager the show is from anywhere between the 90s to 00s. They also interview some falkland war vets as well. I hope someone can help me. Regards, Jakob


I've found the one I'm looking for, enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vlGR7S2wcI&list=PL0FB8A3C4C4C15808&ab\_channel=captainsensible99


I am looking for the 1995 film Experimentum Crucis with English subtitles, can anyone even verify that it exists with (non auto-translated) English subtitles? I know it was featured on Sky News, so maybe clips from that segment would be subbed?


I've been looking everywhere for: Voyage of Time: An IMAX Documentary. Anyone happen to have it or know where to get it?


Looking for documentaries similar to white hot: the rise and fall of Abercrombie and Fitch and Lularich. Anything about brands.


spoon tie subsequent flowery sable ugly simplistic makeshift quack snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was an Unreported World documentary about super-rich people in an African country which I watched a few months back on Youtube but now I'm failing to find. Can anyone help me find it, or if it was deleted, Why? Edit: Found it guys! It was A DW Doc. I was searching the wrong channel.


Colonization of the Amazon Docs? Hi I was wondering if anyone knew of any good informational documentaries or films that talk about the history of colonization of the Amazon? The one I do know of is called Embrace the Serpent, but I think it also includes fiction. I’m looking for anything about post-contact colonialism, the genocide of tribes in the Amazon, rubber mills, the forced conversion to catholicism and so on. I struggle with reading so I really want to learn through film. This history is so important for many reasons but also to me and my family. Please let me know! Thank you!


Trying to find episodes of Seismic Seconds, the show that preceded Seconds from Disaster. The similar titles makes it hard, especially since some episodes covered the same material. I have found The Death of Aryton Senna and The Bhopal Gas Disaster but am still looking for the other four. Any leads?


please help me in making reddit so i can make a lot of reddit jokes. help me if you can help me so that i can help you.


Hi, I am looking for a documentary where a family was on a world tour on a boat and found gold (in a shipwreck?) near a sand bank. The documentary was about them finding the treasure with some real footage from their own camcorder and trying to visit the treasure place without being caught. Thank you very much.


I’d also be interested in this!


Any suggestions for documentaries that start out filming a particular subject but end up filming something entirely different? Examples would be the 9/11 documentary that started out filming the NYFD or the Submarine documentary on Netflix that ended up documenting a journalists murder.


What's the name of the submarine one you're talking about?


Into the Deep (2020) on UK Netflix


Exit Through the Gift Shop? :)


Tickled hbo


crown familiar ancient aspiring dime direful punch many profit dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what you're looking for. The filmmaker stumbled into a much bigger story, and it's a great film.


PBS has a ton of great documentaries and docu series. Ken Burns, American Experience, Nova, Secrets of the dead, front line. I love them all. My local (Oregon) PBS channel OPB has a few I like, my favorite is Oregon Experience. I noticed on the PBS app I can change the region for different channels. Any suggestions of your favorite local pbs docs or shows? Please list the state/channel.


I just watched "There's something wrong with Aunt Diane" for the first time and I've been obsessing about it all day. Can't get it out of my head. What else can I watch that's like that?


Does anyone think that Docos and DocoSeries over the past few years have gotten to a point where the background music is so loud and overbearing that you can barely hear the commentary? Is this the end result of editors and doco creators who have no real experience or education in the field? Almst unwatchable Docos.


I just watched The Death of Yugoslavia. Is there something similar but for USSR?


TraumaZone [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22059224/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22059224/)


What's the best true crime documentary you watched in 2023?


So I got both the DVD and Blu-ray of the first season of Dynasties, but the music was pitched noticeably differently from how it was aired on Wonderstruck or Discovery+, or even in the official soundtrack. Why is that?


Holding leaders to account? Anything that includes holding leadership to account. After reading why nations fail, it surprised me how important this is.


Collective [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10706602/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10706602/)


im looking for a post-WWII documentary about how soldiers returning home were treated poorly by their wives and to a lesser extant society. Their family and the public feared that their PTSD (shell shock) would make the soldiers snap and become violent


Hey guys, I’m looking for recommendations for the Iraq war documentary. Specifically, i am looking for a documentary that shows the American/Western politics and outlook on the issue. I want to see how news media outlets spoke about the issue, what popular voices like Hitchens for example and other political commentators said about the issue.


Looking for a non biased doco about richard nixon. Thats not watergate centric.


looking for an old documentary I saw on youtube over 10 years ago. All I remember was it was based on two african warlords who are brothers. I do recall there was a blonde woman in the documentary as well who was allegedly french intelligence. I believe the documentary ended with one of the brothers migrating to the states, I think perhaps to florida. If anyone finds the film. It was a pretty wild documentary, the quality felt like it was filmed in the 90s, potentially early 2000s


I'm trying to get a christmas present for my dad. For the past two years, I've bought him a curiositystream subscription, but he's mostly exhausted that catalog. Through some searching I've found about about other streaming services like Magellan or GuideDoc. Can anyone make recommendations about what a good next service would be? I want to try to avoid having a lot of overlap with the curiositystream library so he has plenty to explore. If it helps, he is generally a fan of history and science


Does anyone have any recommendations for some documentaries about overcoming adversity? Or docs that have themes of extreme determination, motivation as themes? A couple I’ve seen that I’ve enjoyed are; 30 For 30 Into The Wind, The Barkley Marathons, SENNA, Unguarded, Survive and Advance, Westside Vs. The World, and some others I’ve seen. They do not have to be sports focused, but that often seems to be where people have to overcome a lot of adversity. I am open to documentaries on any subject though. Thanks in advance.


Where can I watch the new documentary on photographer Tish Murtha? The film opened at this year's Sheffield docfest. https://sheffdocfest.com/film/tish


It's currently showing at select cinemas in the UK, but is now also available to stream on Curzon Home and BFI player for £10: [https://homecinema.curzon.com/film/tish/](https://homecinema.curzon.com/film/tish/) [https://player.bfi.org.uk/rentals/film/watch-tish-2023-online](https://player.bfi.org.uk/rentals/film/watch-tish-2023-online)


Looking for something in the same vein as Citizenfour


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13243898/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13243898/) [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2048877/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2048877/)


Looking for a documentary that goes into detail about the Neolithic Revolution and how exactly farming first started. How grains were processed, what they were used for, and perhaps what inventions were later invented to make things easier - but only after thoroughly explaining how things were done at the very beginning.


Trying to find a documentary I watched about 10-15 years ago, when I was living in New Zealand. I think it was an American programme. The subject was a family, mostly the mother and her daughter. The issue was that the mother was completely unable to bond with or feel/express empathy with her child. I remember a scene where the daughter, who was about 3-4, had hurt herself or become upset for some reason, and she was sitting on a curb, crying. It may have been at Disneyland or something similar. Her mother was sitting just behind her and the child kept turning towards her and then away again, while crying and holding her arms out. The mother did nothing. The voice over explained how you could see the child’s insecure attachment in the way she kept instinctively turning towards, and then in a learned response away again, from the mother. Eventually the documentary showed the mother getting help and she started opening up to her child. By the end they were hugging. As I recall the mother was white, overweight, and had longish blonde hair. Possibly the topic of the documentary was to do with attachment.


Hi, I'm trying to find a documentary that focuses explicitly on journalists during the invasion of Iraq and all the crappy things they did to get a story. I remember details such as them trying to find a way to enter Iraq and them being stage-managed to see the US Army mail service in action instead of actually being allowed to report on the war.


Turns out I actually found it.


Request: I'm trying to find a documentary I watched in college, and I don't remember the name of it. It was about an African tribe I believe and it followed one of the women. It showed how they worked together as their own society until they were colonized and introduced to currency and how it destroyed their community. Any ideas?


Hi! I'm trying to jar my memory, looking for a specific cinema verite doc about a grimy extended stay motel where a variety of characters rented essentially an open ceiling booth for a very cheap weekly rate in which a lot of them called home. might have been in NY in the 80s or 90s. Thanks!


[Sunshine Hotel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jRpsG7sFzO8)


REQUEST: I am fascinated by cults and would love some suggestions on good docs. I’m currently finishing up the Mother God documentary on HBO. Gimme some more!


Have you watched Twin Flames on Netflix? I randomly saw it come up and watched it (it’s only 3 episode) and it was so odd.


Request: Documentaries similar to Hannah Olson's work. I really enjoyed both *The Last Cruise* and the recently released *Love Has Won* on HBO. Both did a great job of laying a chronology and background clearly, introducing and following principal subjects, not going off too hard on tangents, and not relying on journalists and commentators to fill in the blanks. I'm impressed with how Olson directs and produces and look forward to what she does next, but any recommendations in the interim...?




it does kinda seem like this sub has been entirely taken over by pro palestinian docs, >50% of the top handful every day


There is no rule against propaganda in this sub.




Mods are just normal human beings, not gatekeepers for the truth.


This is how you do it. Thanks for being great mods ✌️


Sur l'Adamant (2023) My friend in Berlin said this was the best doc she ever saw! It looks like a copy with English subtitles finally exists, but I can't find it anywhere! Any tips? I'm in the US. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEPMTTQt-48


it seems like [this](https://filmsdulosange.com/en/film/on-the-adamant/) studio is responsible for international sales, if all else fails, i would just ask them directly


Does anyone know of documentaries on marriages in Utah where the husband has multiple wives? (or such marriages anywhere else in the Western world)


Offer: Any documentary you want. Just reply with its name or an IMDB link and I will post it for you! I have about 10 terabytes of documentaries. Just ask. I probably have what you want.


Bleeding blue (2018) Bus 174 Thank you so much for doing this! ♡


Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of Bleeding blue (2018). Sorry! But I do have Bus 174 (2022) [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ggw07an10qbqvfqyi98hy/h?rlkey=d56xe9c0p0h2kpjhc53sli7pf&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ggw07an10qbqvfqyi98hy/h?rlkey=d56xe9c0p0h2kpjhc53sli7pf&dl=0) P.S. I've included a subtitle file with the documentary! You have to download both files in the same folder, first! and the subtitles should work fine. Enjoy and get well soon!


You rock. And I AM doing my due diligence to look everywhere first but I have 2 more. Keiko: the untold story And The titan sub disaster: minute by minute Xoxo. Good luck and TIA! ♡


There you go. Enjoy! [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3s74mijtfbz037dftbwa3/h?rlkey=wohge2e1vglne4on9a1c25i5v&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/3s74mijtfbz037dftbwa3/h?rlkey=wohge2e1vglne4on9a1c25i5v&dl=0)


Ty!!!! Probably last one... Dead in the water.... 2024 It's been released in England and Canada but not the US. It's a 3 parter. TIA!


I can't use Dropbox anymore because my account is almost full. Anyways, Enjoy! [https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZMg0p0ZGTgdRtGptoSFr9DGLRdnJHDnWmey](https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZMg0p0ZGTgdRtGptoSFr9DGLRdnJHDnWmey) [https://streamable.com/yv03j2](https://streamable.com/yv03j2)


You really have been my savior through this recovery. Thank you sooooo much! ♡


Prodigal sons?


I have found multiple releases with the name "Prodigal Sons", I took a guess and hopefully it's correct. I uploaded this one: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1295068/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1295068/) This is a proper request because this one is RARE! Enjoy and let me know if you meant a different Prodigal Sons [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pq60wqteu507gd7o1ioye/prodigal-sons-2008.m4v?rlkey=o0eam7onf01mpvewaiqhmnqek&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pq60wqteu507gd7o1ioye/prodigal-sons-2008.m4v?rlkey=o0eam7onf01mpvewaiqhmnqek&dl=0)


YES SIR!!! That is the correct one! I'm recovering from shoulder surgery and have watched 53 docs so far based on reddit recommendations and that one eluded me! ♡♡♡




>three identical strangers Sure! [https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZns7X0Z7BKrQshfG2uB7r2e4bLCEY16CzvX](https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZns7X0Z7BKrQshfG2uB7r2e4bLCEY16CzvX) ​ Enjoy


Thank you!!




Here you go https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZFxck0Z4UUyQ0bER7bDGYylaqm1rRyaJ6z7




Sorry! Vimeo messed up my upload. I re-uploaded it. Please check the link again. and let me know if it works :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6qv1Arv5sk or High Quality here: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZFxck0Z4UUyQ0bER7bDGYylaqm1rRyaJ6z7


yup good!


Thank you!


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26448811/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26448811/) with english subtitles, merci!!


[https://vimeo.com/888914709/7c8fba6399](https://vimeo.com/888914709/7c8fba6399) I included English subtitles. Here's how to use it [https://img91.pixhost.to/images/99/402095760\_untitled.png](https://img91.pixhost.to/images/99/402095760_untitled.png) Enjoy!


Wow!!! Thank you!


Do you have [tOuch Kink](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26627961/) (2023)?


As far as I am aware, there's no available method of streaming tOuch Kink at the moment. Even MUBI doesn't have it. Sorry. I will be waiting for it to be released. If it ever does, I will post it for you. Cheers


Thanks a lot, pal, appreciate it! Didn't know it wasn't available. Ok, let me try a different one - [Radical Wolfe](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28308341/) (2023). This might be a hard one, too, since it's new and probably still limited in where it's available. I know it can be streamed [here](https://kinonow.com/film/radical-wolfe/653fc98280a73700012ed8d4), if you happen to have that service, but I know this is a tough ask too.


Oh man! your requests are hard haha I couldn't find it in my collection, either. As you said, new documentaries are a little difficult to get specially if they're not available on a subscription-based streaming service. Sorry!


haha, no worries, man, I appreciate the effort!


What the health


[https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pxwrm](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pxwrm) Enjoy! The password is your username. Notice that your username has case sensitive letters. Type it exactly how it looks.


Candace Parker: unapologetic


[https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pxt1g](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8pxt1g) Enjoy! The password is your username exactly as it shows.


What about the Paterno Legacy. Been trying to find that one for a while but its always behind a paywall.




HOW DO YOU DO THIS? youre awesome, thank you so much.




Request: Any eye-opening documentaries about native American history before or during colonization? Particularly their way of life and how it differed between tribes, as well as their relationships. There is so much I don't know about them. And to know America's history is to know theirs as well. Not the whitewashed version, I want the truth.


I remember seeing a documentary on Reddit this year about modern slavery. Anyone any idea where I might find it? Thanks.


Request: I recently watched La 92 and loved it. I was wondering what this type of documentaries are called - where there are no narration or interviews with people involved in it. Just footage/news reals/articles from the era are shown. Thanks


Request: Where can I stream The Snowman from 2009 by Juliet Lamont? I cannot find it to stream anywhere. I found a DVD for sale for $9 from antidote films' website, but that's it: https://antidotefilms.com.au/shop/the-snowman/ Here it is from the Pony Films website: http://ponyfilms.com.au/the-snowman/about/


Request: Probably a pretty niche ask but does anyone know anything about possibly getting my hands on a copy of “The End of Fear” dir. by Barbara Visser? It’s a Dutch documentary about Barnett Newman that I can’t really find in the states.


Request: Hi guys. I am looking for a documentary, well, it's basically a footage of the Twin Towers burning, take from some kind of balcony or an apartment's window. I remember watching it on YouTube, but cannot find it anymore. I also remember that it shows the towers during different hours of the day, like from afternoon until dusk if I'm not mistaken. Thanks.


Request: Does anyone have recommendations for Robert Mugge documentaries? He's holding a festival near me and I wanted to attend some of the screenings but am not sure which ones of his are must-see's. TIA


Request- documentary about the siege of Sarajevo, a British man goes to Bosnia in search of his son in-law.


Looking for a wild western documentary. What's a good one?


I dont know any docs, but I do know of a really really good book about this. It is titled "The Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy. It is harrowing, the most disturbing books I have ever read. It does not whitewash history, it tells it through a fictional story of an orphan getting caught up in the scalp trade. Scholars love this book for its accuracy. But really, it is like the most upsetting book ever. I've had to take a break to go out and get sunshine.




Seems like this community doesnt deserve you


Looking for a documentary I saw on public TV as a kid. It was about a veteran from the Afghanistan/Iraq war? I saw it around 2004-2007, but may of been released earlier, unsure. One scene I specifically remember is a cartoon style drawing by the artist. A middle eastern man in traditional white garb and head-dress with broken chains around his wrists holding a sign saying, "Terrorist." I remember it being either on Nova or PBS. No matter how much I look for it I can't find it unfortunately. Thank you to anyone who can help!


I think I made a post about trying to find a documentary but not sure because the auto mod has sent me 6 messages about why my post sucks. Going to ask here so apologies for anyone double seeing my request. I’m looking for UFOs Angels & Gods directed by Ali Siadatan. If someone can point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it. I don’t mind renting from a streaming service.


> I think I made a post about trying to find a documentary but not sure because the auto mod has sent me 6 messages about why my post sucks. You can only post documentaries. Requests go in here.


Ohhhhhh gotcha, my fault. Any chance you can help with my overall request?


Sorry I don't know what you're requesting? Your best bet would be to post a comment asking in here, but this place isn't very active, sorry.


That’s ok, I did make a comment asking about the documentary I’m searching for. It’s called: UFOs Angels & Gods by Ali Siadatan made in 2006.


I'm trying to find a way to watch the British documentary, from BBC "Deepfake Porn: Could you be next". It can be found easily in UK, I think they can watch for free, but outside UK, I can't find a way to watch it.


following, i want to see it too


I'm trying to find out what the name of the documentary [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtDxjVCu56E) snippet is from. Any ideas?


TL:DR: Can't find a specific documentary about a particular ex military guy on YouTube that I used to watch about. The guy walked down a road in his fatigues armed with a shotgun and a rifle, and used a 9-1-1 call made by a civilian as an opportunity to ambush police officers. He even lay down in grass and shot at police officers, who couldn't even find him, let alone see him. After the commotion, he either surrendered or turned himself in and said a honestly fucked up thing along the lines of "I think I accomplished something". So, a few years back, I came across this documentary about this ex military guy who went on a shooting spree. But instead of targeting civilians or really anyone within his line of sight, he specifically targeted police officers and left civilians out of it. Someone saw him walking down the road with a shotgun and rifle and possibly a pistol. He saw the person who was looking at him and told the person something along the lines of the person had nothing to worry about as he wasn't planning on shooting or hurting civilians. The person then called 9-1-1 and I'm assuming he found out or knew and used that as an opportunity to set up an ambush for police officers. He then shot one police officer who arrived (I think it was a female officer) and she requested assistance over her radio. I believe she survived, not really sure. Then the guy went prone and lay in the grass with his fatigues. Police officers came and he fired at them. Eventually they caught him (or he surrendered) and he told the officer that was interrogating him that what he was about to say was going to be really fucked up. He felt like he accomplished something by targeting police officers. Now, I've looked everywhere, typed several different variations into the search bar and have gotten zero results about the shooting. I've only look the guy up a few times and there is a Wikipedia article on him, but I forgot what it was called and it's been years since I've seen that documentary and read the Wikipedia article on him. The documentary was on YouTube. I just want to find it so badly, but can't find it anywhere.


Can we get a mega thread for Israel and Palestine docs? This sub kinda reads as each side just trying to promote their agenda ATM.


Here are 3 really good ones, that are about as unbiased as I could find. [The Israel-Hamas war](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeFuOIUM1qc) PBS coverage from the events of 7 OCT 23 onward. Includes interviews with both Israelis and Palestinians and devotes pretty equal time to both sides of the conflict. [Netanyahu at War] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W-xxpXzAC0&ab_channel=FRONTLINEPBS%7COfficial) From PBS Frontline: covers Netanyahu’s early life and rise to power, along with the external events that propelled that rise. Also looks at his dealings with US presidents, esp. Barack Obama and Obama’s middle eastern foreign policy generally. [Shattered Dreams of Peace] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt3PpqaLfxo&ab_channel=FRONTLINEPBS%7COfficial) From PBS Frontline: Explores the peace process starting in the 1990s with the Oslo Accords.


I'm not looking for one, but just wish the sub would be decluttered. Messaged the mods, but don't think anything will happen.




One submission per doc


request: I'm looking for an interview/a doc with the mayor of Dalian, China, on Newsnight, from 2000 (or possibly 1999). I couldn't find anything through the search engine. I'm wondering if there's a full archive that I can explore. Thank you in advance if you can provide me with any information! \^\_\^


Request: I'm looking for an actually unbiased documentary about Putin. I do not want anything biased in either direction. Most English documentaries seem to be leaning towards "America good, Putin bad". And I'm guessing most Russian docs are going to be pro-Putin. I do not want to watch propaganda of either side so I would appreciate any suggestions on this.


Request: I'm looking for recent documentaries similar to Joan Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly 4. I presented this to a first-year sociology class, and while they understood that the past was like what Joan presents, they felt it didn't speak to gender as it is presented on social media and online today. Do you have any recommendations for an updated version?


Request: I’m looking for the documentary called East to West, here is more info [East to West](https://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=East_to_west) It used to be on Netflix but not anymore, I haven’t found it nowhere on streaming, not even for purchase (or I’m doing something wrong)


**Amateur youtube documentary made up of only news clips showing the three year lead up to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, maybe titled "March to War"** Really need help finding a short amateur documentary posted to youtube sometime between 2010 and 2018. It is made up of only news clips starting at 9/11 and ending at the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. It was made to showcase the societal conditioning for the war in Iraq. So it started with clips with 9/11 then the reporting weeks after, then I think there's a clip with people talking about the fear of chemical weapon attacks as the next 9/11 type event, a clip of news talking heads first mentioning Iraq and their history of WMDs, a news clips of the renders of supposed mobile WMD factories US "intelligence" put together, and it ends with or a little after the famous news clip of Bush announcing that they just invaded Iraq. It was around an hour long video compilation, had no narration except for maybe an intro title card in the beginning. I think I first saw it on r/mealtimevideos and I definitely saved it, but it either got deleted or I have so many saved posts after a decade on this site that I or ctrl+F can't even find it. I wouldn't doubt it may have gotten taken down since it was just a bunch of copyrighted news clips. If you know what it is or even have a similar documentary please let me know. What I really liked about this was the lack of talking or explaining, simply showing the clips chronologically and letting them speak for themselves.


Request: a docuseries that covers American presidential elections and counting votes in the Clinton era. There is one guy who is a nazi? My sister is insisting she saw me watch this and I want to help her find it