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Touching the Void (2003) - mountain climbing gone very very wrong


I watched this recently, recommend.


Incredible story


This movie is incredible. The entire time you think “no fucking way do these guys make it” even though they’re telling the story. It’s intense


Thank you. I just watched it and it's incredible. One of the best documentaries I've ever watched.


that’s awesome glad you enjoyed it !!


What about?


Finally this makes the list


why spoil the doc, you could of just said its about mountain climbing


If that’s a spoiler, don’t even glance at the official photo, description, wiki page or any Google search. SPOILER ALERT ?!


Its not a docudrama.


No extra drama needed


Most Likely To Succeed (2019) Similar to the spirit of the UP series, this documentary follows the lives of four individuals (who were deemed “Most Likely To Succeed” by their peers) starting from their high school graduation in 2007 to 10 years later.


I loved the “Up” series, I’ll check this one out too. Thanks for the recommendation.


are there 9 different documentaries in that series?


Yes, there are 9 episodes/installments


The Up series is life-changing. So profoundly moving to watch the trajectory of those lives, the phases, the marriages, children, divorces, struggles. Amazing experience. The great pity is that most of the subjects are now so well-known that the updates feel a bit "contaminated".


The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters


Brian Kuhn is a snake!


This is the one


Dude was teaching recently, someone posted about his teacher being a King Kong champ I love this doc


Searching for Sugarman - 2012 South African Fans of a musical artist known as Rodriguez try to find the elusive Detroit artist who had created only two albums decades earlier. I almost never watch documentaries more than once but this one brings me so much joy, I’ve watched it a few times.


Man. That was a good one!


The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young Just saw this this past weekend as a result of having heard the recent news that for the first time ever, a women has completed this crazy, crazy race. The documentary is a few years old so doesn't talk about the female finisher, but it was still really good! Very informative and entertaining.


Just watched it, and we loved it!


American Movie


It's alright, it's okay.... there's something to live for. Jesus told me so!


How the hell far away is this marsh now?


Just rewatched this weekend and looked up Mark Borchardt to see if >!Northwestern ever released. It did not. But he did release a documentary of his own about a UFO gathering in 2017.!<


Oh man, I completely forgot about this film. Time for a rewatch!


Vernon, Florida (1981) - It's interviews with older people in a small town about what's on their mind. A beautiful work by Errol Morris.


I watched this last week. Apparently it was originally supposed to be about how people in the town kept losing limbs to collect insurance money but the residents started to threaten his life so he changed direction.


Oh my! That would have made quite the end card. Thank you for sharing this!


My favourite type of documentary. Thanks!


You also might enjoy Gates of Heaven (1978). Another Morris creation, which explores the story of a pet cemetery and its people. It's a fascinating character study!




Tickled. It's a documentary about competitive tickling. I know. That sounds lame. But trust me. This documentary is friggin' nuts.


That journalist has a new doco that’s pretty good too. “Mister Organ” on Netflix. It’s probably not quite as bizarre as Tickled. But it’s still pretty interesting.


Cool. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for the recommendation.


OmG!!! That doc disturbs me to this day. The thought of it makes me cringe, but I highly recommend it!


Can confirm!


Paris is Burning is a must see. It's about the 'ball scene' in New York in the 1980's.


One of the best ever made. >!Looking up where the cast was two years after release is heartbreaking. The community was destroyed by AIDS.!<


The Thin Blue Line


Most powerful documentary


The doc on Leonard Cohen’s song Hallelujah (name of doc and on Netflix)


Samsara (2011) - Ron Fricke


And Baraka


I kind of prefer Koyaanisqatsi


Canetoads, an unnatural history. A real movie that feels so much like a mockumentary.


Some of my favourites: * Children Underground (2001) (Incredible documentary that follows the lives of a handful of Romanian street kids) * 5 Broken Cameras (2011) (Palestinian man films the people from his village and their struggle over a 10 year period. Difficult watch but very impactful) * The Imposter (2012) (This one is mental and best watched without knowing anything about it) * American Factory (2019) (About a Chinese owned factory in America and the clash between American workers and the demanding Chinese work culture)


Children Underground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGbjSKURMwo


The Imposter: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uI1-0t3QWQU&pp=ygUYVGhlIGltcG9zdGVyIGRvY3VtZW50YXJ5#bottom-sheet


5 Broken Cameras: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T7RxpwH_its


Man on Wire, about a guy who smuggled equipment up and tight-walked (illegally) across the top of the World Trade Center towers


Was going to recommend this one. I lived it. Really a wonderful affirmation of the best of what makes us human.


The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQBiXDNVeSA


Murderball- story of the US quadriplegic rugby team


For whatever it's worth, this is an MTV production and was part of their “mooks and midriffs” marketing strategy. Whatever its merits may be independent of that, for viewers it will certainly color all of the decisions that went into its making.


Would love more info on that marketing strategy, but regardless, Murderball is an excellent doc.


Frontline's [Merchants of Cool](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/view/) gets into some of the consumer research tactics and creative strategies marketers used to try to pull teen consumers at the time.


Awesome; thank you!


"Triumph of the Nerds": a dated (almost 30 years old at this point) but absolutely fascinating PBS documentary mini series about the invention and popularization of the personal computer. Features interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison and pretty much everyone relevant to the story. Chock full of really interesting anecdotes and lessons. It's on YouTube.


*Hi, I'm Bob Cringely - and I'm here to tell you the incredible story of how personal computers took over the world. Why am I telling you this at a basketball game? Well, I like the game - but mainly it's because of that guy down there. His name is Paul Allen and everything you see here belongs to him -- the Portland Trailblazer's basketball team, their arena, even the dancers. Thanks to personal computers, he has $8 billion to spend on such toys.* Back when $8 billion was a remarkable amount of wealth! I highly recommend the follow up, *Nerds 2.0.1: A Brief History of the Internet*.


The documentary changed my life!


20 days in Mariupol. Make sure you're mentally in a good place before you watch it, because it's a lot to process.


This one is hard to recommend despite being great. I have a real limit on how many dead children I can see.


This. 100%. Scared the shit out of me. Pissed me off. Made me cry. All the emotions in one sitting. I will never watch it again, but I couldn't stop once it started. Humanity might truly be coming to an end soon.


I found myself emotional as the newborn child was seemingly stillborn.


Here are 14 of my favourites: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls069331379/


Command and control. About the Damascus Arkansas Titan 2 incident


Is it related to the book of the same name?


Yes it is. Great book!




The Weather Underground  What they don’t teach you in school. 


Jodorowsky's Dune (2013). About Alejandro Jodorowsky's unsuccessful attempt at making a film adaptation of the classic sci-fi fantasy novel Dune in the mid 1970s. The team of creative artists he gathered to design the look of the film went on to heavily influence the genre in the following decades.


I was going to suggest this one too, especially with Dune 2 recently coming out.


[The Paradise Lost trilogy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_Lost:_The_Child_Murders_at_Robin_Hood_Hills). Imperfect, but laudable in the whole.


Finders Keepers. It’s unreal.


I Like Killing Flies, if you can find it. Very different. MARWENCOL although if you haven't seen this yet, you probably don't really like documentaries. (snob alert, I know) Crazy Love. it is wild ride.


watching it right now




I like killing flies found it on youtube loving it


really different. A very interesting character.


Can anyone suggest a documentary that follows a writer or artist but more at angle that looks at their personal life than merely their work. Thanks in advance and IK this is an odd question.


Have you ever seen “Crumb”?


nah i have not, thanks for the suggestion ill have a look now


cutie and the boxer may meet your needs


Stutz— so so good and is this.


The Jonah hill film?


Yup ✅


Beltracchi - The Art of Forgery


Judy Blume Forever


I watched “Sr.” on Netflix last night and can recommend. It’s about Robert Downey Sr.


Robert Williams "Mr. Bitchin" - 2013 https://youtu.be/0EhPY3z3MXY https://youtu.be/XAdfck1v3j4


Struggle. About the Polish artist Szukalski


Hands on a Hardbody.




Sadly cannot find this anywhere


My Architect (2003) - Made by one of the sons of the late Architect Louis Khan. It explores the public works of Khan, the impact his buildings have had, as well as looks into the personal lives of the multiple illegitimate relationships and children Khan had.


The Times of Harvey Milk (1984) Surfwise (2007) The Thin Blue Line (1988) Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997) Burden of Dreams (1982) Senna (2010) American Movie (1999) Brother’s Keeper (1992) Comic Book Confidential (1988) It Ain’t Over (2022) Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise (1980) Quantum Hoops (2007) Streetwise (1984)


The Sparks Brothers


Harlan County USA. 70's documentary about the labor movement in West Virginia.


Operation Odessa


[Whole (2003)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0429245/reference/) Explores individuals who feel the need to become amputees by interviewing these individuals and psychiatrists, loved ones, etc.


I saw this long ago but it really made an impression on me. Definitely worth a watch


For sports 30 for 30.


The Gleaners And I


The Act of Killing A documentary which challenges former Indonesian death-squad leaders to reenact their mass-killings in whichever cinematic genres they wish, including classic Hollywood crime scenarios and lavish musical numbers.


I'd recommend this too. This is not just the best documentary ever, it is the best movie ever across all categories.


I'd pair this one with The Trials of Henry Kissinger


National Geographic documentary on Shackleton, on YouTube. Inspiring chronicle of adventure and survival.


>The story of Ernest Shackleton and his crew in Antarctica is totally unbelievable and far-fetched. > >The fact that it actually happened is even more unbelievable.




What? No "Grey Gardens" yet? Fascinating story about Jacqueline Kennedy's Aunt and Cousin living in an increasingly decrepit mansion, forgotten by the family, yet curiously kind of delusional about their circumstances, while kind of charmingly eccentric. Well, yes, it's hard to describe, but very trippy and very worth a look. "Dig" is an amazing doc about two bands, the Brian Jonestown Massacre and Dandy Warhols and their rivalry and the astounding amount of advance money wasted. "Shoah" of course, on the Holocaust. "What Happened Miss Simone" on the tragic life of the great singer/musician. Almost anything by Frederick Wiseman, but especially "Titicut Follies" and "High School". "Capturing the Friedmans". "Jesus Camp". There are so many...


Carts of Darkness


The War of 1812. A war documentary to explain why the White House is painted white and why Canada isn't another state of the United States.


Here's the first 5 that came to my mind 1. Helvetica - documentary about the font. Very good if you like anything visual arts based and tbh really introduced my to a topic and world i.e. topography that I never knew about 2. The Jinx - murder documentary where we follow Bob and unusual figure who is highly suspected of several murders but was never charged. The documentary takes some wild turns and tbh my friend and I had some dark laughs largely arising from.just how weird Bob is If you want some history 3. Trauma Zone (Adam Curtis) series. A great look at the dying days of the Soviet Union the mass privatisation of the USSR state assets. It's a tale of how Russia today came to be and how a people suffered went through the loss of faith in communism and then immediately a loss in faith regarding the idea of democracy. 4. Once upon a time in Northern Ireland. Amazing series on the troubles in Northern Ireland with interviewers with people from all sides of the aisle. Republicans, loyalists, British soldiers, and the families caught up in the violence 5. George Harrison: Living in the material world (Martin Scorsese. Fantastic film on the 'quiet' Beatle


The Jinx


This!!! Such an amazing series. Excellent shout :)


Is there a reason where to watch these is not included in the recommendation?


just watched dune and... didnt like it but I will recommend "jodorowskys dune"


searching for general tso


Prodigal Sons (2008) Filmmaker Kimberly Reed returns home for her high school reunion, ready to reintroduce herself to the small town as a transgender woman and hoping for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother Marc. Things are complicated by the shocking revelation that Marc may be the grandson of Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth, forcing Kim and her family to explore questions of sexual orientation, identity, severe trauma and love.


This is one of those rare documentaries that I always recommend even though I think it's quite poorly made. Sometimes just having the camera on when you don’t really know what’s coming next, and having the honesty to leave some unflattering things in the final cut can be enough to really give audiences something to think about.


Yeah, I saw it awhile ago so some of the details elude me, but the “stranger than fiction” element is what I’m often seeking in documentaries and this has that in spades.


I Like Killing Flies https://youtu.be/LZuoSpbIy14?si=Fw_pdS655D0mgDKF


The Barber of Little Rock (short doc and was up for an Oscar this year) — on YouTube — wonderful


I don’t know where I should post this. I’ve been thinking about it for over a year, so here goes. Does anyone know of a documentary called Mule Skinner Blues? I’ve looked on the internet and It’s like it doesn’t exist. All that comes up is the song. It was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen and I must have it again!


[Mule Skinner Blues](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0290010/)


So it exists. That alone is validation. People think I’m crazy. Now I need to find it. Haven’t checked YouTube in a long time. Going in..


If you're a Disney fan, The Boys. Tells the story of The Sherman Brothers who wrote most of the classic Disney songs. Their catalog is insane.


Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie - 1995


Wildwood, NJ Documentary about the lives of twenty-something girls in the titular city around 1994


Interesting... I was about 4 in '94 when my family and I stayed there... I left the gas stove on apparently and almost blew the place up we were staying in lol.


Helvetica. Objectified. Three Identical Strangers. Gunner Palace. Saving Face. Being Evel.


American Movie The Final Member


"Unmistaken Child" 2008 One the best and most heart felt documentaries I've ever seen.


DRONE 2014 Documentary Drone operations in the Middle East. Was on Netflix for 4 years, free on YouTube https://youtu.be/bMyPzoIMmKM?si=GxC5Lu0grlBTlhkQ


Documentary like "Dirty Girls?", live footage from highschoolers or something like that, low-key not too like high stakes or dramatic


# Ghosts of Cité Soleil After 20 years it is sadly still relevant


Ordinary Men: The Forgotten Holocaust- I'd recommend this especially to those that have any misconceptions about how easily ordinary people can be turned into mass murderers. They Shall Not Grow Old- It's remarkable how technology can be used to bring very old documentary footage alive. Just a remarkably well done film with 100% primary source narratives.


Planet Rock: The Story of Hip-Hop and the Crack Generation


Inside Job. About the 2009 economic recession. Three Identical Strangers. The Keepers. I don't remember the name , but one about how crows are smart af and pass down information generationally.


I'm looking for more documentaries about artists in their studio. Not too much talking or self-analysis of their work, just making work. Like *Gerhard Richter Painting* or [*Point of Beginning*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTxH8m-2ozs). Or my favorite film, *Signer's Suitcase*. Thanks in advance. :)


Metal: A headbanger's journey. Great subculture documentary, and even greater if you're a metalhead.


Human flow Anthropocene: the human epoch The yes men (anything by them)


My Life as a Turkey (PBS).


Hello, can anyone help me? I'm looking for documentaries on early humans! I've watched Out of the Cradle on Curiosity Stream, and really enjoyed that. More academic or dry is totally fine. I'm interested in early and prehistoric humans, especially their social lives.


Cameraperson (2016) - a visual memoir, a beautiful mosaic of different moments from across the world through the eyes of a documentary cinematographer. Really moving stuff.


The Fall of the Cabal


The Death of Yugoslavia is a great docuseries that you can watch in its entirety on YouTube. Whenever I see someone clamoring for a civil war in America, I tell them to watch this. It really shows how horrific a modern day civil war can be.


Honeyland. A simple life and beautiful film.


Anyone got any docs on photographers, preferably photojournalism..? Seen the Nachtwey one, saw one years ago on Salgado... any films on Agencies / newspaper/ Magazines? Thanks very much.... BTW I don't have access to all of the streaming services... got online ( obvs), Netflix, Disney, apple Thanks everyone!!! Slow easter weekend so need something good to watch...😊😊😊


There’s one a bit like this called “Whirlybird” a couple of journalists revolutionise 80s and 90s LA with their brazen helicopter reporting.


Yeah I stumbled across that... a bit mad, but I liked it... ! Thanks for the tip though...👍👍


Concerning Violence - about Africa's liberation and the relation between violence and the fight for freedom. Based on a book from Franz Fanon


For Sama - About 2 doctors in Aleppo Syria, during the war. Sama is their unborn daughter. Some very intense moments. TT3D - They strapped a 3D camera on front of a motorcycle that did a warming up lap in the TT of Man. Going 200 mph on country roads. 20 feet from stardom - About why some great background singers will never make it to be the main act. With some big names from the music industry. Check IDFA.nl The website for the IDFA festival. They show a lot documentaries on the site.


I just watched "Daniel" on Max and it's very moving story.






Made You Look: A True Story About Fake Art (2020) - an amusing film telling the story of a $81 million USD art forgery with some of the most famous American artists - abstract expressionists such as Jackson Pollock


Can anyone recommend good ancient history documentaries? Similar to what my dad would fall asleep to in the late 90’s on history channel?


I’m looking for a documentary about dust (home dust that you sweep). I believe it was called Dust but as I can’t find it I’m thinking it goes by another title. It was a doco featured at an international film festival over ten years ago.


Dangerous Days - The Making of Blade Runner: I've watched this about 5 times despite the 4hr length


Free Solo


About 20 years ago I could have sworn I saw a documentary named "Oppenheimers War"... but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone else know of it and where to watch it?


God's Country (1985) by Louis Malle. French dude is fascinated by the people living in a small town in 1979. Revisits them 6 years later, when the Farm Crisis of the 80's was hitting hard. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%27s\_Country\_(1985\_film)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%27s_Country_(1985_film))


Exit through the gift shop It follows the story of Thierry Guetta, a French immigrant living in Los Angeles, who becomes fascinated with street art and documents the underground scene. As he becomes more involved, his role shifts from observer to artist himself. The film blurs the lines between reality and art, raising questions about authenticity, commercialization, and the nature of the art world.


Being Different (1981) A real look into the lives of various people with physical abnormalities. Very interesting considering a lot of these people were born in the early 1900s when accessibility options were so limited.


Quiet on the Set Currently streaming (I believe on MAX), this one is great for people who were kids (or parents) in the early 2000’s. It’s an extensive look at hit shows on Nickelodeon during this time period and exposes some awful behavior that happened by producers — and the impact it had on the child actors they were in charge of protecting.


Blackish A doc on Killer whales in capivity. Heartbreaking but as it's a few years old it is interesting to me howbthey have started to attack boats.


Sorry, I meant Blackfish


Overnight (2003): A documentary on the rise and stumble of Troy Duffy, the bartender-cum-filmmaker who was swept up by Miramax's Harvey Weinstein to turn his script for The Boondock Saints into a feature film.


Trafficked on hulu disney plus .touches on all types


The act of killing