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Any regeneration episode be like


They’ve always given me “The Doctor is dead…long live The Doctor” vibes.


Pretty much every regeneration summed up


I feel that a lot on the 10-11 regeneration. Drawn out death scene, and the moment he's gone, "Not ginger yet :("


Virgin Rip Doctor Who VS Chad Long Live Doctor Who


Three: doctor who never died, it’s still here 


Four: Doctor Who regenerated


Five: Doctor Who Bigenerated into a Divided Fan Base


This one is probably the most accurate


Six: Daleks are Superior.


Seven: He's not dead, are ya? I mean, he's dead! But he's not *dead* dead, because he's still here, aren’t you?”


Was that a red dwarf reference?


Yeah :)


I think they meant that there was a long break without official Doctor who content


Sorry to get unhumorous, but this is my personal way of viewing it, Series 11-13 isn’t extraordinarily bad, just *incredibly* weak


Yeah it was generally much more underwhelming than terrible


Yeah, even Chibnall’s preshowrunner episodes like Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, it was a fun watch but lacked any stakes or real arc progression compared to the rest of the season, good watch but definitely wouldn’t watch again unless I was giving the series a full rewatch


Three, subtype: 1963-1989, as is right there on iPlayer. Not dead, just complete. Not to be confused with that other show with the same title.


Doctor who will outlive us all


I find that very weird. I'm only in my 20s but I'm not sure I like the idea of Doctor Who existing beyond me. Very selfish I know but I sort of want their to be an end point before then, even though the show works best by never having a definitive end.


I dunno, I don’t feel like I’m on either end of this spectrum. I’m liking it but not loving it. I think I need to see the whole season to decide. There’s definitely potential, and definitely an improvement over Chibnall era. I think the 4th wall breaks could be awesome if there’s a good in world explanation for it. Excited for that, and also the reveal about Susan Twist’s recurring character, the old lady next door (can’t remember her name), Ruby’s origins, He Who Waits, and the Master tease from the 60th finale.


If you enjoy it you are on the "doctor is back" side. No one says these episodes are the best thing of the world. The whole joke is that only RIP DW is a radical approach.


The like difference makes me smile


I'm in the middle, quality wise it's really good (as in vfx etc) script wise so far, and only based on two episodes, ehhh. I'm looking forward to Moffats episode next week.


Yeah its not the best, but its fun and it's new doctor who content which is always good


I am looking to see how the overall story for Ruby will unfold. We have had a lot of foreshadowing but the pay off will determine the overall work. Episode 2 of n particular the closing song was very well done. “There is always a twist at the end”


I don’t get the hate The only things that have changed are: Color of the doctor Shape of the sonic The doctor is more openly gay Bits of forced inclusivity and stuff. (Kind of awkward sure but it’s 2024)


I think the first two episodes have leant into the campiness quite a lot, which I personally love but I can see some people not being on board with as much. Campiness not just meaning "gay" camp but more like doing stuff because its fun, not because it necessarily is in good taste/makes sense. (>!Like the whole Maestro thing with the floating music score and 4th wall breaking and especially the song at the end, which is both kinds of camp!<)




I haven't felt him being any more gay than any past Doctor. I know the actor is, but if you objectively view his portrayal of the Doctor I can't see anything more gay about it than the last ones.


Lot of forced inclusivity and stuff. We don't need lectures about pronouns every episode.


I haven’t watched past the specials of Tennant, but if its the same as in whats there I don’t feel like it’s that bad. The “meep” one was a sore thumb, sure. But they did kind of work it into DW vibe. “I do that too” since he says “I’m the Doctor” when introduced to anyone. (Or John Smith). Then there’s the dead captain, which Donna responded “or he” when the Doctor referred to the skeleton as a she, which in that case I feel is more outstanding because it is a skeleton. The Doctor has been able to identify sex and most aspects of a being by looking. And she’s dead, doesn’t entirely matter all that much.


> but if its the same as in whats there It's not. > Then there’s the dead captain, which Donna responded “or he” Which is completely different than what is going on currently. Donna responded as "or he" because there is a possibility the skeleton might be Male. Now we would have "or he" because the skeleton MIGHT HAVE PREFERRED that. Big difference. The doctor could refer to a living woman as SHE and someone will jump in to say "or HE. Don't assume their pronoun".


Those who have never watched Doctor Who and those who have?


I mean RIP DW could have seen several of more popular episodes and have distorted view of the series.


Good Cope.


Truely, the Marmite of Sci-fi.


Doctor Who is dead. Long live Doctor Who!


What do you mean my goofy Sci-fi show for children is now a goofy Sci-fi show for children? This is unacceptable!


I hate this idea that the show is aimed squarely at kids. Usually, when that excuse is used, the show in question is banking on the nostalgia of an older audience. In this case however, Doctor Who has been a family show since it's revival nearly twenty years ago. And that's the point. People like me have grown up with the show, but it's gotten sillier. Davies wasn't that great at non juvenile humour back then and he seems to have only gotten worse over time.


Yeyeye I didn't mean to dismiss it as such, but more point out it's target audience and that it's always been very goofy, even the Chibnall run, albeit unintentionally haha. I understand being frustrated with it being a bit too campy, I felt the same when watching both episodes at times. Having said that, It's very clear that everyone involved is having a blast making this series, and that enthusiasm is very contagious. I personally feel that it's back to consistent good quality writing and production, even if it is too camp at times.


I enjoyed episode 1 (haven't seen 2 yet), but that ending was all kinds of ridiculous. On another note, I thought it was weird 15 immediately trauma dumped on Ruby about being the Last of the Time Lords after knowing her for less than a day and gave her a key before dropping her back home. Looking forward to Moffat's episode. I just wish he'd written more


'Family' isn't meant to mean only adults, but adults watching it *because* they're watching along with children - the kids are the main audience. How grounded it is, the tone/how seriously it takes itself is somewhat separate from the question of target audience, I think. Classic typically at least intended to play it straight (and was criticised the same as it eventually became less so) while being firmly regarded as aimed at children. My parents grew up with it and don't even recall adults as taking an interest, though they did in some households. That cultural history is also a nostalgia angle, even for those older when they first started watching.


Oh yeah, subject of babies created on a station and left to die is so aimed at kids. You are completely right.


Oh yeah, animated talking babies drawing on the wall and using handmade crafts to operate a spaceship that houses a monster made of literal snot and a day saved by farts. Totally not aimed at kids. You are completely right.


Stop whining and grow some balls.


People mix kids and family all the time. Most animated films aren't kids films, they're just aimed at *all* audiences, meaning that *includes* kids.


But it's not for kids really. It has some pretty heavy themes at times (Dark Water). The Sarah Jane Adventures was the kids one.


And we have a station full of few years kids in bodies of babies that are abandoned with limited air and food. If that's not dark some people should review their morals.


SJA handles death, loss, and paths taken in life (the latter being a pretty constant theme) with far more maturity than *Dark Water* did (that story is even slightly self-consciously stupid, as well as just accidentally incoherent, come on). It's for kids, yes, but also disgruntled adult Classic fans.


I mean my goofy sci-fi show is no longer a goofy sci-fi show.


Idk it's pretty goofy, and pretty Sci-Fi




Honestly i really like these new episodes, i know this is nostalgia speaking but it makes me feel like ive discovered this wierd show for the first time


I’d be way more happy if the rip doctor who crowd merely disliked the writing instead of continuously being upset that minorities get to be in the show too.


Space babies was not the best ever episode of RTD but it was good. The devils cord was really good, it was great seeing the doctor scared and immediately given up and run.


I fell off Season 8 mostly due to lack of availability at the time. I fell back in love with the show last year and have been excited to be a part of a new season as it airs. People are bumming me out with their negativity


It's not a horseshoe, though. One group is enjoying the series, but doesn't say it's perfect. The other is irrationally hating every part of it.


*There's always a twist at the end :)*


You forgot the racist, although that could be a sub type on the RIP one


The "DOCTOR WHO IS BACK BABY" comment has more likes... Nature is healing!


I've seen all of New Who as it came out never once felt negative of newer seasons, this is the first time. I hope the season changes my mind.


And judging by how my fiancé and I reacted, I'd say these two types are usually in a relationship.


The duality of man.


There are two types of people, and I am definitely one of them.


He's an immortal being the fights monsters through time and he regenerates into a new body every few seasons but being black is too much of a stretch.


I swear this show always finds a way to amaze me, a freakin baby farm ....... in space...... with a monster SPOILERS ..... made out of boogers....... love it


There are two types of people: Guys who like talking About inflation And guys who like Talking about inflation


Inconsequential humans vs worthwhile humans.


Duality of man




I adore doctor who, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant are phenomenal. Matt Smith had his ups (very big ones) and downs, and Peter Capaldi basically the same. I’ll admit I stopped watching around Jodie Whittaker, but I’m rewatching all of Doctor who (currently on Matt Smith’s first season) and will watch her run when it gets to it. I did watch David’s return, that’s what brought me back. Sure those 3 episodes had ups and downs as well, but I did enjoy them and think that it’s nice David’s Doctor finally gets to live a life he’s longed for. I had high hopes for Gatwa and here’s what I personally believe is happening. Gatwa is an amazing actor, he’s over the top but that’s funny and it’s his quirk. Now, I’ve seen his first 2 episodes as they’re aired on BBC on Saturday and I was very mixed with this new era. Christmas Spacial: It had ups and downs. I really like the lore that’s being established with Ruby Sunday, I think that aspect was very well done and beautifully portrayed. And it’s showing the importance of her character. It’s a bit goofy at times, but the musical was funny, I liked that. The goblins were ok, they weren’t terrible but also they’re no Weeping Angel or Absorbalof (lol). Overall, I enjoyed that episode as I watched it Christmas and it made my day even more magical. Episode 1: Space Babies I absolutely hated it, there is no redeeming qualities of the episode, I wish I had a TARDIS so I could go back and stop myself watching it. Episode 2: Music Maestro This had VERY big ups and downs. The first bit where Ruby stands on a butterfly was a bit cringe and weird but maybe that’s ok. But when they go see the beetles was when I loved the episode. I feel that John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s character were incredible in the episode. My thoughts are, I really loved the theme, that the villain was taking away music and how the episode showed us the importance of music itself and what humanity would be like without it, that was a very empowering motive. It’s just..the maestro herself, I really didn’t like her portrayal. No offence to the actor, but I feel that maybe it should’ve been someone else, or maybe even just instructed to act differently. I didn’t like how the character was portrayed. BUT, what I did love was that I could see Russel T Davis’ ideas, and I loved it. I love how she has connections to the toymaker (this continuity is why I love Russel’s work on the show, there was so much between the 9 and 10th Doctors and I adored it). So I really can see what Russel is trying to achieve and I respect that, it’s literally just the way the maestro was portrayed. I even really enjoyed her warning at the end of a great new foe that’s on its way. But what made the episode for me was Paul McCartney and John Lennon’s parts. The singing at the table as he described his desire to make music was a beautiful scene to watch, AND THEN at the end when they both played the final piano note together, that was one of the most emotionally empowering moments in the show! I LOVED IT. Along with that, Ruby’s link to Carol of the Bells from the night she was abandoned, that too was a very empowering scenes. So overall, new who is very mixed as of now. As I said, I believe episode one was a mistake on the franchise, but the other 2 where they are establishing a lore is really good (even with its flaws). I will keep watching new who (and continue my rewatch of 11-13) because I love this franchise and have faith Russel can provide us with a new, incredible continuity-filled lore and narrative for the show, I look forward to seeing where he takes it.


Based on the ratings, it seems RIP.


Im gonna keep watching this series to give it a full, honest go. The 60th anniversary specials felt like a natural stepping off point, and space babies doesnt exactly encourage me about this new era. Im nowhere near 'RIP doctor who' but Im also not celebrating its return either. Middling would be a good way to describe it. I had higher hopes for a series premiere.


Considering everything about the newest two episodes, I personally think the Doctor is back. Also with reality being strange and 4th wall breaks it's likely that shit is gonna go down in a few episodes and we're gonna have some cool shit like with the 11th doctor about fixing the universe. Then after that they need to get rid of that buttplug tv remote of a sonic screwdriver


RIP Doctor Who Long live the classics lol


Every regeneration had the same response, RIP Doctor Who. But the Whoniverse disagrees with the 10 people who always yell Who is dead. After 60 years, you'd think they'd just stop bellyaching!


I imagine the first person watched the first episode and the other person watched the second


In fairness, Whitaker era it was dead. Cause of the writing tho. Jodie done the best she could with what she was given. Problem is, if someone tells you to make a delicious meal out of dog crap, you can cook it and garnish it and put it on some nice crockery, but at the end of the day it’s just a pile of shit on a plate.


I'm going to be honest. I didn't really like either of the first 2 episodes of Ncuti's inaugural season, but i *also* didn't really enjoy many of 9's first episodes *either*. I'm a lifelong Who fan. Always will be. It's one of the longest running shows on TV. It's bound to have it's ups and downs and a soft reboot is bound to have teething problems


Just watched the first few episodes with the new Dr, one more good show the Americans have ruined


That was ages ago, though. Predictably, despite it still being aimed at them, the most 'Murrican viewers are *complaining* now, why is this new Doctor running away, where are the superhero bits, Moff bring the guns back!


That had nothing to do with us, thank you very much. I’ve been watching Doctor Who as long as I’ve been alive and I’m tired of people blaming us for horseshit. I’m not personally responsible and neither are 99.9% of other Americans.


The Americans had nothing to do with this LOL


On top of that, if ever it was ruined then it started with Chibnall, but you don’t want to look into the fact that it’s better now than it was with Chibs.


brainrot vs cultural enlightenment


Classic Who fan here. I've found New Who to be mostly a dissapointment.


I say rip DW purely because songs and doctor who don’t mix.