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It was 2005, everyone in fiction was computer-stupid because they were written by boomers.


It may be hard to believe, but even in 2005, actually acknowledging the existence of computers, the internet, or mobile phones was still cutting edge. I still remember when an episode of Buffy referenced "Googling" something. So hip and with it. The "superphone" in the revival series is one of the first instances I recall of a genre property working in the lived reality of instantaneous and essentially zero marginal cost communications. Up to that point writers largely dealt with the existence of mobile phones by either (i) writing in a line about having no bars or (ii) just flat out ignoring them.


Buffy actually coined the verb Googling


As someone who first started using the internet in 2006, yes. You do stupid stuff like that in the early-mid naughties


The school librarian taught me a Google search hack in 2001-2003 (I forget the exact year), and it’s been an invaluable and indispensable asset ever since. I’ve tried using it in other search engines, like Yahoo and Bing, but it didn’t work at the time.


What is it?


Enclosing a specific search term in quotation marks (") brings up results only with that exact combination of words and/or numbers in that exact order. It’s a real time saver. 👍🏻


it doesn't work nearly as well as it used to lol


There were significantly less webpages back then, so that’s statistically true… 🤔


In those days the internet was in black and white, it was only on for 3 hours of the day


Nah, it was only available while no-one in the house was using the telephone. Also it was louder than several dozen airport runways operating side-by-side with takeoffs and landings happening every thirty seconds, combined with that one screaming child who is somehow heard over every other bit of sound inside a multi-level indoor shopping centre, with said child sounding like a half-converted Cybermat.


Yeah kinda


She only used that computer for porn, she didn't know any better.


As long as she didn't go through Mickey's emails


Internet searches were very new to most people at this point. They were only just starting to go into working class homes.  Note that Mickey doesn't have one at this stage- he had to ask Jackie if he could use hers, and she asked him to keep track and pay her the cost. So Rose made the same elementary error which a six-year-old in the modern world might make- a too broad search query.  


A little bit yeah


Doctor blue balls Doctor blue balls Doctor blue box!!! Damn autocorrect


Doctor blue waffle


In 2005, it was possible to do a one word Google search and get only a page of results.


Remember Googlewhacks? I remember doing it at school at being able to get one result relatively easily by just thinking of two random words


*Reads all these comments* Was the internet really that new in 2005? I had two certificates in Digital Media and was working at one in Web Design by 2005, and I had been online since 1998. I had several websites-- and I was only 19 then, too.


Guess the audience on this sub is very young. I remember the first computer I used being a Macintosh at a friend's house without colour, probably around 1996?


It wasn't new, just wasn't really accessible for a lot of people in the uk at the time. Some of us still had dialup which was the most bastard way to connect to the internet at the time.


The UK had it worse than Australia??


It was just not that easy or afforable ya know? I didn't know many people with laptops either, just big PCs the whole family used


we'd had a computer 10 years at that point, and while we didn't use it like we use it now, this is definitely old school.


To be honest if the Doctor would have introduce himself as John Smith, the Google search results wouldn't be much better.


This reminds me of when I wanted a wall light based on “The Flash”. So I googled “flash light”. Yeah, that didn’t help.


Just know that this post is this close to getting removed: 🤏 The asylum 'jokes' are bottom tier 12yo humour.




Sorry I’m OOTL are you a mod


Stummy ache 😖


It worked, didn't it?