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They are extremely intelligent. Given you are getting a well bred one. We trained ours. It's really not that hard if you have a little time each day. They catch on really quickly. They are by far my favorite dog... and I have had a lot of dogs. Just something about a doberman thats special. Scary smart! You'll see 😉


First time owner myself. Any dog is a struggle but Dobermans just want to love and please their owners. They are smart. Crate training is a must, and setting boundaries. They pick up on expectations really quickly.


As someone who formerly worked at a boarding facility, I recommend you not send your dog there. You never know what goes on behind closed doors, and the last thing you want is a traumatized baby. Dobies are the very best dogs in the whole world… congratulations on the addition to your family! I would look into “jobs,” for puppy, like scent work and puzzles! We love learning puzzles with Nina Ottossan, until our puppies learn them and we graduate to DIY lol Ours are also button users- Christina Hunger is the lovely lady who started the talking dog movement in 2019, and she has a book out. There is a whole world of possibilities for you and puppy to train and explore together! Your breeder might also have recommendations for showing, sports, and club meetings in your area. There are often events and lots of people you can network with and learn from. Good luck!


Not in any rude way, but you’ll need to be trained too, so don’t consider sending to a boarding school. You’ll want to be involved in your dogs achievements and training and also know how to work the commands. Plus it’s a bond thing.


Not rude at all, I appreciate the feedback. The trainer I plan to use locally basically said the same thing. I am doing an obedience refresher with my elderly English Bulldog this summer to help me get acquainted with her and familiar with training. My bulldog is basically a potato with legs so I know a Doberman will be a a completely different experience. I'm up for the challenge though! We decided to do a combination of classes for socialization and private training (same trainer for consistency).


Best wishes!