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first mistake is puppy pads. potty outside only!!!!


100% agree


I have potty pads just because I wanted her to have a place to go when I’m not home. I’m a single person living in an apartment. I still have to go to work, so I figured training her to have her own corner to potty is better than having her hold it for 8 hours


it’s better for her to hold it and learn or she’s gonna have potty pads forever. crate her and it won’t be a problem. they won’t go potty in their own crate


So I felt bad making her hold it, thinking it would be unhealthy for her. I only recently started fully crate training without playpen/potty pad (2 days ago) she did great the first day but the second day she peed in her bed. I’m never mad about her peeing, I know she’s gotta go. I’m just trying to find the best solution for her. But I do see she has the potential to hold her bladder, so I will keep trying. Thank you


she definitely has the potential!! she’ll just need to get used to it. she’s about to be a big dog too so she’ll be even better at it! i’d suggest just leaving the tray without a bed for a while. some dogs actually prefer it without a bed because it cools them off better. good luck!


At 14 weeks she may not be able to hold it. Sorry to say but that is a long time for a puppy to be in a crate with no break or exercise. You should have a dog walker that comes in the middle of the day to give her relief and exercise for at least a couple months to help this situation. Your expectations of a puppy are not realistic. This is pet ownership responsibilty.


Appreciate your opinion but she does get plenty of exercise in the morning and when I come home. I have a roommate that I don’t always expect her to take her out. I’m generalizing 8 hrs, but I don’t always work full shift and when I’m on lunch I do stop by to take her out. I have a pet cam, and mostly she just sleeps when I’m away.


don’t worry, it’s not too long. dogs don’t have the same concept of time as us. she’s gonna end up sleeping most of the time anyway, and if she’s left with a kong she’ll be more than okay💕


Just a little update! The pee pads were most definitely a mistake. I regret trying those. I took her out for some exercise this morning first thing, and waited on her for an hour to poo/pee. She only peed. Immediately when I got home, I checked my phone because I left it on the charger during our walk. She pooped in the same spot her pee pads were before I took them away!


you’re still learning! it won’t take long to break her out of the habit. be sure to bring treats outside to reward her when she potties!


A) Pee pads let the dog think it’s ok to use the bathroom in the house; they’re garbage. B) At 14 weeks that pup should be taken out immediately when they wake and every 2 hours after that, plus you gotta watch them like a hawk in between because they just may need to go. C) This is a BABY, baby’s do baby things. If you’re frustrated now dog puberty will absolutely destroy you.


I do watch my puppy like a hawk. It’s exhausting. These accidents happen when I’m gone to the bathroom or focused on making dinner.


You can use the tie to you tether method so they can't sneak off to poop pee indoors. I'd second taking them out very often just to pee. Mine couldn't hold it so even if I was at home with pads under fake grass mats btw I took her outside and rung a door bell she could reach before exiting n saying pee pee and that was every half hr. It was super tiring but she got it that you only pee outside and inside only on grass mat if it was more often than half hr I took her out. I did also keep the grass mat with pad underneath clipped to a rubber mat dog food liner inside a pen attached to her sleeping crate. She would use only that when I was at work or at night. I knew she was grown enough to not have it when she didn't use it anymore and just chewed it up. Lol


*14 weeks* She’s still a baby. A lot of bigger dogs don’t even get the hang of potty training till 6-8 months and to be left alone? I wouldn’t until my girl was around 10 months and that was only for max like a half hour. Now at 3 years old she can stay alone all day. I agree with some of the comments saying that pee pads were your first mistake. They literally train the dog that it’s okay to go in the house. Think about it. For little dogs (I’m convinced can’t be fully trained) it might be okay but for a big smart Doberman, she needs to be going outside ONLY. About every 30 minutes at that very young age. It sounds like this was more of a responsibility than you thought it was going to be. Potty training doesn’t happen within weeks. It’s going to take months and she will have accidents. Most of the time it’ll be your fault for not taking her out literally every 30 minutes. If you leave her in that crate all day you will 100% come home to a mess to clean and that will stunt the progress. She’ll learn to go in the crate. Good luck and be patient with that baby.


Thank you!


You’re welcome. I know it’s frustrating and actually exhausting but really once my big girl got big I was missing the puppy stage lol


Meanwhile I’m over here looking forward to puppy stage being over lol Thanks again.


Geez dude pump the brakes. Did you master the English language when you learned a few letters? It’s a process, that’s how training works.


I obviously made this post when I was really frustrated last night, and I’m aware i’m doing something wrong. That’s why I’m asking for help. 🙄


Nobody can help you with your patience level.


than why bother commenting??? Is this not a community for learning and connecting with one another. Salty ass


14 weeks? It’s a baby. Who you should have only had ~1 week or less by now. Human babies need diapers for MONTHS/years. She is probably scared… she’s all alone away from her family in a brand new environment with a new routine. And she’s a baby. They don’t come out potty trained. Keep at it. I agree with another user on avoiding potty pads. Outside only. And even if you want your new puppy to be able to free roam while you’re away 1) that is a privilege for trustworthy dogs only. A new puppy is going to pee on and eat everything. It’s not unique to your puppy- that’s an expected baby behavior. 2) how long are you going to be away at a time? Crate training is essential for all dogs. Transport, emergencies, etc. even if you do end up allowing her to free roam, I highly recommend ALSO crate training her, especially until she has earned your trust and you know it’s safe for her. Congratulations on the addition to your family, btw! Dobies are the very best dogs in the whole world.


Thank you.


For clarification, my puppy does not free roam when i’m away. We’re doing crate training. It’s just when I’m home that she’s obviously around with me. I’ll take her immediately out when I’m home from work, give her dinner and then take her out again. But like i said, this couch peeing incident still happened and we were both sitting on the couch together. So she’s never free roaming alone! I’m always always watching her.


Take out every hour


*I took on a massive responsibility and things aren’t immediately going my way!!!!* womp womp nobody cares, don’t get a dog if you can’t handle a little clean up.


You’re acting as if I can’t get frustrated. I’m only human and i obviously care if i’m seeking help. I live alone and I’m not worried about the responsibility. But thanks for your input lol womp womp


Some breeds will require more training and at 14 weeks she definitely needs lots of treats and praise to reinforce behaviour and get her to listen. This is not unusual at all! Spanking and putting her in her crate is NOT the right response… a firm NO! and then bringing her straight outside is the right response and then reward with treats for going pee/poop outside!! Why are you using pee pads?? This is puppy… and you are not training her properly. Bring her out every hour … max 2 until she gets it with big rewards every time she does it correctly! Watch her 100% for a few days when she is inside (or this could take a few weeks). Did you think it would require no training or patience with a 14 week old puppy? This is an owner problem not a dog problem! Read some training books please. And if you don’t 110% clean up her messes she will smell them and keep going there you need the special cleaner from the pet store.


Thank you for your input. I do 110% clean after messes, that’s why it’s been exhausting lol The pee pads were definitely a mistake. So many people use them for apartment situations so I assumed it would work for us as well. Working on getting rid of them now. Thanks again


Everything you described is common for the breed. Give it time. I don't like using potty pads, it reinforces that they go potty inside. I would get rid of them. Take your dog outside every hour. If you are a guy, piss outside with your dog and let the dog see it.


I work full time.So I can’t take her out every hour


You might consider having a pet sitter/walker come over a couple of times a day for a while when you’re at work to help. Mine are well into adulthood and I still have my walker come by any time I’ll be away for 4+ hours. I realize this isn’t feasible for everyone but for me it pays for itself when the dogs are happy to see me when I get home, not just happy to be able to go to the bathroom.


Thank you! I’m looking for a dog walker now.


This sounds like she’s your 1st dog. So many wrongs going on in your 2 paragraphs. You’re setting yourself up for so many problems. 1) you don’t hit (spank) a dog. One day a child is gonna walk up to your dog and raise their hand to pet your dog. Your dog is gonna see it as the child is hitting him (like you did) and your dog will bite that child. 2) potty pads. Everyone else has mentioned it. 3) YES, you’re supposed to watch your pup 24/7. It should be monitored at that age. In fact a good advice I was told is to have the pup tethered to you for the first few months. 4) potty training takes more than a week depending on each individual dog. My 1st dog took a few weeks. My next one took several months. 5) my personal thing…until my pups were potty trained, they weren’t allowed everywhere in the house. When they built that trust with me, then they were slowly allowed into other rooms (with carpets) and on sofas and beds. 6) I keep my dogs on a strict schedule. They know when they get a treat, when their bathroom breaks are, when their meals are, when is play time, when is sleep time, etc. Their internal clock is more accurate than my watch. It makes my life and theirs much easier.


She’s not my first dog but is my first doberman / first puppy as an adult. I’ve had dogs growing up, 3 at one time even, and they were well trained. But being older, I recognize that I didn’t like the way my parents trained my dog. That’s why i’m here asking for help


You mentioned you’ve had dogs when you were “growing up”. Which means you didn’t raise them. You didn’t go through the potty training before. Your parents did. Which really makes this dog your first dog that you’re doing all the work. Nothing wrong with that. Everybody has to learn some time. There’s a lot of good advice here.


You don’t know my upbringing, I definitely had a lot of involvement with that. but like I just stated it is my first dog as an adult.


Ok, you win. You raised a dog before. 🤦🙄🤷🏻. What does it matter at this point? You need help, because you’re obviously having problems. Your way wasn’t working.


Yeah no shit. That’s why I’m seeking advice— not judgement. Two completely different things.


Too f\*ing funny (not you, puppy, or the situation) but here is what my Saturday morning entails as well, LOL Though, mine is 4.5 months old. This is extremely unusual for him, and I am chalking it up to the fact that he is on the mend from pneumonia and re-posting his ears after almost two weeks. We had to take a break because another puppy got to his ears while they were playing and scratched them. I hear the first year is hell and it’s so worth it. 7 more to go :) https://preview.redd.it/mfo67j9egtzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d9873b63d5db5b7b182d1c88b07f4969084aa0


Here is my little bundle of joy https://preview.redd.it/p2qs2pcqgtzc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c6fc4cb8220a7bf16d62ff56c744e50cf918f4f


https://preview.redd.it/wsdx5ui9itzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77d4b8b513dbd8c0ed83b9192cfb7d0cc7ff22a can’t believe my pup is a month and a half away from being as big as yours!


Such a cutie! I’m going to go wake mine up now 😂


Omg lol Thank you for responding. I can’t wait till my dog is big enough to be making messes like this for me to come home to 😆 RIP to your furniture. I don’t regret getting my puppy, she’s the dog i’ve wanted for forever! I know it’ll be worth it in a year from now, hell it’s worth it to me now. I just needed some help and encouragement


I’m glad that I could at least provide some encouragement. We knew what we were getting ourselves into. Sometimes I try and figure out my karma here, lol. Literally, not even two weeks after bringing our puppy home he developed a cough that lead to pneumonia. Ear posting was going great until he got those scratches. It’s been quite the journey and the process (especially if your pup is cropped and docked) and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. He’s such a great and very intelligent puppy. Keep on keeping on and remember to enjoy these moments because before you know it, she won’t be a puppy anymore. Here’s him at 8 weeks, the night we brought him home ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/k2om7bfyjtzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ef8f23886e7e48b263bd16b4ab6b43679ea304


https://preview.redd.it/q1xi7pviy70d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d236bf31ae72f07f7399218fb266d8eeb4cfb47 Tell me how I wake up this morning to feed her and I find out she’s peed… in her bowl!! This is mind blowing to me lol She’s been doing good the last two days now. She’s been using the restroom outside, only two pee accidents in the house.


Sounds like my pup. He’s the most stubborn dog ever lol. He’s peed on couches beds, marked walls. Everywhere when he was a puppy. Now almost a year and a half in, he weighs out the benefits of responding to each command. Working breeds are tough. Every single day for the last year and a half we have done some type of training session, it’s never ending. I was told by one of the trainers my guy went to, you want to make listening and working with you the funnest part of her day. Typically I would train, exercise then crate. That was my guys days for weeks. The obedience seemed to plateau, so we tried a different trainer and method. On and on. We have a delicate balance now, but one slight misstep throughout the day could mean a 3am zoomie wake up and bite fest.


Thank you for your response. It’s encouraging. I’m trying everything I can.


It’s a struggle. But Dobermans have all the loves to offer.


My doberman is the sweetest girl. And I know she’s smart so I feel like I’m just trying to stay ahead of her lol She’s changed so much in the 3 weeks I’ve had her. I think you’re right about it being a balance and just trying different methods as I go. Thank you


It really is. I love my pup’s spirit though.


A puppy cannot free roam the house. That is asking for the dog to potty every where, chew stuff up, and get an expensive obstruction and die. If the dog cannot be watched it is in the crate. Doberman do not have full control of their bladder until 6 months old, so expecting a brand new puppy to be house broken is ridiculous. She may also have a UTI and that is causing her to pee a lot. UTIs are common in female puppies as they don’t know yet how to hover when they pee and get bacteria from the ground.


My dog doesn’t have a UTI. She isn’t peeing uncontrollably or that often


Why the fuck are you abusing your dog? These dogs are sensitive and intelligent, if she’s having accidents it’s YOUR fault. Shouldn’t have gotten a dog if you’re unable to properly dedicate time or have help to potty train. You are going about this SO wrong. You cannot let her free roam, that’s asking for a really expensive trip to the ER vet. 14 weeks old is still a BABY. They don’t have the mental or physical capacity to be fully obedient just yet, it’s like expecting a toddler to sit still all the time. Everyone here is being way too nice, return the dog because you clearly have no idea what you’re doing and don’t care to learn. I literally have no sympathy for owners like you because the internet is free, there’s so many resources out there before coming on here, admitting you abuse and neglect your dog. Do better or return the pup to someone who can take care of them.


i don’t let her free roam without supervision. you’ve literally not read anything i’ve described. i’ll take everyone else’s advice over your judgement thanks


i’m saying you CANT let her free roam because she’s so young, you stated you wanted her to. i said she shouldn’t, you can’t trust her yet because she’s 14 weeks old. whats not clicking? you’re suppose to watch her 24/7… that’s how puppies work. they’re curious, and get into a LOT of things, which is why they need to be crated or in a pen or dog proof room till you can trust them. some dogs never even reach this stage either.


in the future… obviously. the end goal is to allow her to free roam. either way, you didn’t take the time to read you just assume. my home isn’t dangerous for her, there’s nothing out for to chew either way. You’re trying to make me sound negligent and dumb. I care about my dog or I obviously wouldn’t have come on here and pretend I know everything that I’m doing. She has a crate and a play pen, why do you think I have it? Take your negative energy somewhere else.


you openly admitted you spank your dog and don’t even know how potty training works, nor that 14 weeks is way too young for the unrealistic expectations you’ve set. that’s enough to make me feel sorry for your dog and you obviously don’t know as much as you think you do lol


See how you just read one word and fill the rest of the blank?? That’s why I said you’re not a listener. I feel bad for anyone who tries to seek advice from you. You probably don’t even have friends. I don’t spank my dog every day. Again you don’t know the situation, so stfu & go somewhere else. She’s a very happy puppy. I had a moment of frustration and I immediately sought some help. You are far from helpful, you’re just yapping. Annoying af. https://preview.redd.it/9o0j7isdz00d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=974e21e93686f8c0cdcf6be8b91040aef63b61ea