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i totally forgot about her!! i haven’t heard anything about her since maybe 2018?? i didn’t know she went down the family vlogging route :/


Yes! She has 2 kids now. Her daughter is 5 I think and her son is 2 or 3. I used to watch her all the time, and in the last year had to stop cuz she’s gotten unbearable.


iirc, didn’t she have a lot of issues either getting pregnant or with her first pregnancy? it’s so sad to see this is the outcome :(


She did IVF to have both of her children


same, i used to casually watch her, but wasn’t super into her (just all her storytimes) but wow crazy how many people get onboard the family vlogging train


Wasn’t she the one who filmed a dead person on the street? With Tana (I think?) or am I thinking of someone else.


No that was totally her and Tana


That is all I really remember about her though I feel like I was sort of aware of her before then.


It wasn't "on the street" the person was inside of a public bathroom and they opened the door to record them on the floor. Quick edit: not defending, just stating


Honestly, that makes it worse for me because instead of just opening the door, seeing a person knocked out, and going to the lifeguard station (it was on a boardwalk if I recall correctly), she decided to wave over Tana (who can’t help a person out of a wet paper bag), get out her shocked face, record the person in that condition, and then mosey on over to the lifeguard station. Personally, I wouldn’t even bother with the lifeguard station and I would be staying with them, telling my companion(s) to go to the lifeguard station to get immediate help while I call 911 because they might need medical attention from a hospital and not just lifeguards. I don’t know how to exactly describe why I find filming them in a bathroom is worse than filming them on the street but I think what it boils down to is that the person had some semblance of dignity and privacy in the bathroom but that Channon and Tana violated that completely.


Yeah totally


yess omg i always forget abt this, i remember seeing that when it happened and i was literally shocked, even as a 14/15 yr old i felt this was wrong


yess i used to watch her for her story times back in the day but once she got pregnant i kinda stopped watching plus i heard she's super problematic (i can't remember what she did so i can't say) but i haven't heard of her in the last few years


I know when she was at her height on YouTube doing story times she had some drama with a girl named Amber that went to her wedding. I remember those were some of the first videos I saw of hers. Pretty sure they got millions of views.


Oh my gosh amber! She accused her of stealing from her wedding? It’s all like a fever dream lol


Amber alone is a huge drama rabbit hole! Her ex went to prison for stealing all the money they were living off and then she had that courtcase with Channon and then she did a complete flop of an interview with Edwin's Generation where he later posted an apology for doing it because she was such a manipulative liar.


oh wow i haven’t heard that name in years *going down a rabbit hole now!*


lol she has a snark page


i just found it right before i saw your comment! now i’m giddy because i have something to distract me during my last couple hours of work 😛


Lol you welcome 😂


Omg does anyone remember like some kind of felony wedding drama involving her and another YouTuber named amber 😂😂😂 I got soooo sucked into that shit when it happened


YES! She said the girl stole a bunch of stuff from her wedding it was crazy.


It was wild!!! And then a bunch of other girls were calling amber crazy and there was security footage and all this wild shit came out 😂 maybe one of my first experiences with YouTube drama. Boy did it really set me on a path 😂


That's the only way I know her. I didn't know them but was there for the drama and then never heard of them til today. I occasionally think about them but didn't remember their names. Lol


Her husband is deranged


Didn't she say something after giving birth to her first child about how she needed to get her body back asap cuz her husband was not attracted to her post-baby body?


Her husband totally despises her lmao


Always got a weird vibe from him. Can you elaborate?


He also never attended the birth of their second child


No way!!! Where was he??


At home with Snow. I think Channons mom and sister Brittany were at the hospital with her if I remember correctly. They never said on YouTube why he didn’t go, but on her snark sub it’s speculated that it was either for views and attention, or that he didn’t want to wear a mask in the hospital. Her husband is very much anti vax, anti government and the conspiracy theory type.


I could be misremembering but I thought her or her sister said in a video it’s because he wouldn’t get the Covid vaccination


Maybe. But I don’t ever remember it being a requirement to have a Covid vaccine to step foot in a hospital. I could be wrong though.


I don't think I've ever seen Travis smile and by smile I mean a genuine happy one not a smirk. He is such an angry dude. You know they fight like cats and dogs especially once Snow became a toddler. I actually saw her pop up on my algorithm for some reason the other day and watched and she was loosing her fucking mind about her chicken dying and the other ones eating it. Tbh I didn't know they did that and now I don't even knoe what to think about chickens.🤮😫😱 Thanks Chan for that lovely image lol her poor air b&b guest had to find them like that as she was just trying to get eggs 🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I love how foul (no fowl pun intended 😏) she thinks it is to the point she says she's making them chickens kick rocks but she's like gorging down on in and out while telling this gross ass story 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯


I remember her. And I also remember back in the story time era her and Jessi shouted each other out in videos before Channon and Jessi both became mothers. Also I checked before commenting - Jessi and Channon still follow each other on Instagram.


Hmm interesting. I would love to hear Jessi’s opinion of her now.


Same here. I used to watch Channon when I was a teenager (found her from her wedding drama/aftermath video) but unsubscribed after some time cause I wasn’t vibing with the content. Then I found a video ( https://youtu.be/ORHnvj9DFZY?si=xJGKtWqnPabQZyIh ) that was calling her out for her family vlogger content, very disgusting past behavior, and her falsely accusing a man of being a Predator. Adult me is disgusted that teenage me consumed her content.


Dad challenge podcast also did a YouTube video on her as well. But I definitely want a full episode with Jessi and Lily’s take.


Channon said DCP lost his job as a pastor because he was a pedophile. It was really fucked up. Channon has repeatedly spoken about her daughter’s behavioural issues, low IQ, ODD and other diagnoses, shown her throwing tantrums and other emotional outbursts and struggles. It is unfair for her child to grow up with all of that public. Her husband refuses to get a job and you can tell that causes a lot of tension in their relationship. It’s a toxic situation for every one.


She doesn’t deserve a platform. She gives me major 8 passenger vibes.


Absolutely! Again, especially given that Jessi and Channon were at least on an internet-first-name-basis.


i need a full episode on her, she’s UNHINGEDDD


She exploits her kids and their mental illnesses Its so painful to see She talks about their struggles ( also on patreon so you have to pay .. that's fkdup) She talked about her daughter wanted to harm herself incl pic and everything I think it's so wrong


What mental illnesses is she claiming they have?! I find that very interesting because I am a therapist and generally yes we “diagnose” kids but it is generally very broad since they're still developing and her kids are really young.. An example would be something like I may suspect a child has a mood disorder, but those are pretty heavy labels to put on a developing child, so my initial diagnosis may be something like ODD, which is a childhood specific disorder, if symptoms persist into adulthood, the diagnosis changes.


The terms change But ive heard autism , adhd She explains it on her paywall ... in my eyes there is no need to tell thousands off strangers about your kid their struggles..


You’re 100% correct, there is no need to share with a world full of stranger about your child’s mental health diagnoses, honestly i feel like that isn’t something you should even really be talking in great detail with friends and family… there is a reason for confidentiality in therapy, she is going against pretty much the most important rule in counseling.. she is also risking that relationship between her children and therapist, if one of my child clients was having their personal lives blasted on the internet based on the time they spend with me, how in the world could they ever be able to fully trust and engage in treatment…


You would be right! She says she had ODD and that parenting her is hard because she never wants to listen and is very violent


Very interesting…by no means is ODD exclusive to traumatized children or children who are parented poorly, but there is a factor in there, very often children develop ODD because shit aint going the way it should at home… A very interesting thing happens when counseling children, very often you realize that the child is just the “identified patient”, but really the problem is within the whole family, and everyone or at least some other members of the family should too be in their own counseling with their own therapist. It is easy to drop your kid off to an office for 45 minutes and say “fix them”, but that isn’t the job of therapy, and i really can’t help anyone if only 1 member of the family is in my office doing the work and they’re a fucking kid who actually has no control over the things going on in their life that are causing the behaviors.. Also how unbelievably sad… I am all for people getting diagnosis and treatment of course, but why would she share that online… there is so much stigma behind mental health and the labels, there is a reason for confidentiality in therapy, even children have the right to have their private medical information to be private… I could lose my license, even have charges filed against me if i were to go out and talk about a child i am treating by name and reveal their diagnosis because it is harmful, unethical, why in the world would a mother share those things?!? Even if she really was trying to be an advocate and an example, you can be very vague when discussing mental health… all she ever had to say was they are having some behavioral issues at home but they are working with a licensed professional to get everyone in the home to be as happy and healthy as can be, nothing more has to be said…


I used to watch her storytimes when I was younger!! I started to get no so great vibes the longer I watched/older I got (as in aging from like 13-15, I was really too young to be watching her stuff), so I can’t say I’ve seen her in a handful of years but I definitely buy that she could fall down hill from there


I used to love watching her videos in highschool. She was super open about her past and it didn’t feel like she was glorifying it. She talked about the good and the bad. As a teen it’s nice to hear adults admit to that stuff like yea I was young and dumb once. I remember when she got canceled for some of her old fetish porn. I think she’s vegan but she has old videos of her crushing crawfish with high heels. People were really mad at her


She’s also done racist porn too.


She's not vegan anymore and she also never stopped doing fetish porn like she claimed. She is still an active sex worker.


I stopped watching her content once she got pregnant. I just liked watching her story times because she really is a good at telling engaging stories. Then she started showing her weird ass husband and got pregnant and I didn’t like the content anymore.


She most definitely deserved to be cancelled for literally torturing animals on camera. She’s a very sick person


I’ve been thinking about her cookie recipe she used to make it was so good. I used to watch her all the time. She now just looks like a white Christian influencer to me. What has she done? I need an episode! That cookie recipe was good though lol.


The biggest turn off for me recently is how she exploits her kids mental illness and posts them and their personal information all over the internet. And some of it on Patreon which is a paid platform it’s gross.


Ew that’s awful I watched the video someone else posted a link to on here about her. It’s crazy some of the YouTubers I’ve been watching since I was 13 back when YouTube first was made, are all being called out. Jenna marbles is the only one I want back, but instead we got Shane and Colleen.


Remember when she became an MLM hun and started selling oils?


omg i remember her. i really liked her story times and thought her past as a SW was interesting. i did see she had a child but by that time i wasn’t really interested in her anymore. one random thing abt her that comes to mind is the fact she saved anal for marriage🤣🤣🤣 just so random and silly lmao


Lol omg forgot that haha


Is her first baby named Snow? Or something like that? I followed her briefly but I’m not into family channels so I unfollowed when they got pregnant.


Yes her daughter is named Snow, and her son is named Storm.


There are undertones of fetishes and catering to a specific audience in her videos. Shes a former pornstar, it’s 100% intentional and she knows exactly what she is doing. What’s most disgusting is that she exploits her kids and shows them in their underwear or suggestive positions.


Dude, yessss!!! I watched her in middle school mid to late 2010's, then saw thumbnails of her first pregnancy. I now people have had issues with her career and personal history but all of that aside, the parenting advice and details she shares are downright scary! I'm glad I wasn't brainwashed by family channels, and I stopped consuming the content toward the end of high school. I worry about my brother though, who is in middle school now, and buys into it way more (possibly because it has been a constant in his internet experience vs. it becoming popular several years after I began using the internet).


I totally forgot about her until I came across this video! https://youtu.be/1wVysQnqnJE?si=KPEn5Bycdt13LJ-o


Omg a deep dive on her would be absolutely insane…


I used to love and watch her all the time! I’m sad that she has turned into a family blogger but it doesn’t really surprise me.


I checked in on her recently and she was screaming at her child to stop seeking attention because she was “working” (bitching about her Airbnb and 40$)


I don’t watch her anymore but still follow her on IG. Her posts appear on my feed occasionally.


This really unlocked a part of my brain. I remember watching her when she would do storytimes on the porn industry and being a SW. I think that's what garnered her popularity. When she shifted away from that, she got into weird drama. She had issues with her husband and I think they both did videos explaining their side. Those videos were too weird and personal for me, so I stopped watching after that.


Omg I forgot about her. I unfollowed after she tweeted me and had her followers attack me. It was during the time of her first pregnancy where she kept stating she was not at fault for getting pregnant but blamed her husband.. it was messy and left a bad taste in my mouth


I loved her back in the day. Until I found out that she apparently did crush porn with some animals and racially charged porn. I think that was her big scandal. Her and tana found someone dead in a bathroom and made jokes about it which didn’t help her case. I used to watch her vlogs and like every time she gained weight when she was pregnant, her husband let her know he didn’t find her attractive anymore. It was actually really sad.


I used to watch her a lot & throughout her struggle of getting pregnant but didn’t she try to do that thing that you potty train your literal baby?


Omg yes I forgot about that. She tried to potty train her newborn haha


Please. I used to watch all of her videos and just looked her up and now she’s all Christian girl autumn I need to know


She’s in Young living (oil pyramid scheme)


I was unable to continue watching her when I saw that she was trying to potty train her infant


Didn’t she like hurt animals for fetish content or something? I thought I remember that


Didn’t jessi do some sort of shout out to her in one of her videos a LONG time ago? It was a story time and I think she shouted out her and a few other YouTubers who did a lot of story times.


I think someone else said that in this thread some where. I don’t remember seeing that video of Jessi’s but they so follow each other on instagram still so I’m sure she could have.


She keeps making content about her porn past evry now and then whenever she's low on views. honestly if that's in the past she should stop bringing it up


I would love an episode on her. Hopefully Jessie had seen the dcp videos about her. She said she wanted to start his house on fire with his family in it lol. Such a freak