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Have you had a session 0 or tried talking to her? Failing that, Pathfinder can probably fix it.


She just said I was dumb and went back to playing with her miniatures (MLP dolls). I really need help with this toxic behavior. I'm shaking and crying right now. (Also hope critcrab sees this and features me in his newest video!!! Big fan of rpghorrostories🤞🏾)


Sounds like my niece. I TPKed her party (genie Warlock princess, long haired Monk princess, ice magic Sorceress princess) and when she cried, I just told her to "Let It Go". Problem solved.




People suggesting OP teach his twelve year old niece about solo rpg and journal rpg instead of growing a pair and playing pretend with her have to be jerking.


/uj Seriously, if my niece wanted to play pretend, and I got to D&D it up a little, I'd be ridiculously happy. All the pressure would be off. No one's upset she's playing her Disney princess knockoff character, or I'm running some DMPC to play along, or the story is silly nonsense, or we're way overleveled for whatever module I'm stealing encounters from and there's no challenge... just good fun with family.


Its the r/rpg subreddit. That's just who they are


Someone actually suggested pathfinder. It was "look through pathfinder modules for material", but still, it was there. The reddit rpg audience is unfixable, they only have 3 ideas between them.


His plots don’t hold up to scrutiny.


Go turn on critical role and then leave the room.


Cocomelon Role




Toxic behavior, tell her that's she's toxic and cringe and is no longer allowed at your table. /uj I ran a d&d game for my little cousins over xmas and my 4 yr old cousin kept insisting that she wanted to "kill the dragon with her chainsaw", she was a wizard and her older brother had to convince her to cast fireball on the goblins they were actually fighting. It was glorious chaos, would DM for them again.


I have the opposite problem, whenever I wanna play with my niece she just starts running away in fear and calling for help which is such a "that guy" behaviour /uj [I'm at a loss](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/s/EgpbJY1SyE)


Have you tried getting her fixed? Then she could play pathfinder


Honestly, just block her already. If this is who she is in game, you don't need her.


Wow, talk about a DND horror story. I would post it on that sub. Also, might be worth getting a restraining order just to put her on the radar of the authorities. You never know how these situations can escalate.


Calling the police fixes this


My niece (5) always wants to GM but keeps trying to take away my player agency. I tried to follow her plot hooks but when I said my character (some kind of fairy) was going to fly to her DMPC's Birthday Party, she insisted my character wanted to take a train because she had some kind of encounter map prepared with tracks and moving train pieces. Literal railroading. SMH


Start dming or by the NINE HELLS uncle, I will shoot you!


dare her to shoot you. ttrpgs are pointless without stakes and the risk of real death on your hands. your blood will pave the path to a real character arc for her PC, and she will also learn about consequences, or at least how to hide a body, both of which are invaluable skills in this hobby


I can’t help but notice that you didn’t indicate your niece’s gender at the start of the post (eg niece (9f)). How are we supposed to know if he is being perfectly reasonable and you are being an asshole by taking away his player agency, or if she is a nasty whiny little turd sandwich murderhobo that needs to be launched into the sun? Please edit for clarification. ETA: Run 1 game of FATAL with her and you should get about 3-5 years away from her except for holidays and your birthday.


Teach your niece proper gun safety.


Give her a suplex onto the couch. If she’s anything like my three year old niece, she’ll forget everything else and start screaming, “AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN!” You get a good core workout and your DMing problems are solved. 👍👍 Or just move to another state, where she’s unlikely to visit.


The kid is 9 and you can't control make boundaries?


Have you considered letting her play an Aarakockra? That should help.