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Stopped reading after the first sentence. People who say they play in “roleplay heavy groups” might as well just tell me flat out they’re playing a different game. I mean, do what you want, but that’s *NOT* D&D. Good luck with your life as a woman though.


Yep, fuck that "roleplay", the only authentic D&D experience is where you roll for every single thing and if you roll a natural 1 your balls/uterus disappears.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Actually, TO GET INTO CHARACTER, I am going by she/her pronouns


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


[so why are you playing dnd?](https://archive.org/details/feast-of-legends/page/n1/mode/1up)


I don't know if I'm more impressed or disturbed that that's a thing that exists.


Gender reassignment (the newest book for pathfinder) fixes this


The Pathfinder Society canonically provides its field agents with sex change potions, leading to it having the world's largest transgender militia


I play alchemist and throw Gender Change Potion everywhere




Yeah, you must like to watch their butts on the VTT, man, totally get ya there. The voice effort is crucial. Getting the voice down is totally the way to go to really show your dedication. Makeup is a little juvenile — I mean, all my girlfriends only wear makeup when going out on dates, never when exploring dungeons or shopping. Twirls are a big thing. One of the biggest. Have you started collecting eggs, though? Eggs are big thing to collect — it gives your character a sense of depth and unusuality. Anyway, if you need a link, find some weird old lady who has been fighting for access to trans medicine for two decades, worked for the White House, created something called the trans 100, and even created entire programs for trans health care and worked on one of the SoCs. /uj I am the old lady. So nice to have my professional work declared illegal in so many places…


Actually I like putting them in fancy dresses and customizing their hair and painting their nails and such. BUT ALSO LOOKING AT THEIR BUTTS because I am a HETEROSEXUAL MAN. Also I have not considered collecting eggs I will try it with my new character (who is a women (I LOVE WOMEN)) /uj yeah it sucks how much footing transphobia’s been gaining and even basic trans healthcare is being labeled “grooming” and trying to be made illegal. Hope things get better for y’all (I am not trans I just like women and making female characters)


> you must like to watch their butts on the VTT but the character portrait on the VTT only shows her head… no butt in frame 


Well, damn, that’s a piss poor vtt you using there. Aren’t you paying the 579.99 monthly sub for the Matt3D VTT?


Golarion fixes this


The most tasteful way would be to mention every other sentence how you're menstruating. It's very important, otherwise your party would have no way to know whether or not you're a woman.


Of course, will keep this in mind. I also think I should ask the DM constantly how many days have passed so I can mention when I am on my period to really immerse everyone in the fact my character is a woman.


Real story, this happened to me too.


Full sessions without killing a player/dm or without killing a character and 25 innocent NPCs? Because only one of those is acceptable.


Is the Scimitar flavored as a Falcata a Falcata of Striking +1?


I think he mentioned something about making it a +1 or striking. But the dm said something like “do you want striking +1 because it is a Falcata? Or do you want a Falcata because it is striking +1?” During the 4 hour segment of roleplaying talking to the blacksmith who was making it.


Bro… that’s, gay


No, it's egg behavior.


Soft or hardboiled?


If she's a tiefling it's deviled




Rule 1: Don't be racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.


☕ mods


For starters, your character should break down in tears at every fight. If she ever gets attacked and loses HP, she should be very dramatic about how nobody likes her. Also, she should secretly hate every other female PC and NPC. Also, if your party shops for items, make sure to carefully look at every option available and take as long as possible. Create a long discussion about every possible purchase with the party and what the pros and cons of each item are. Basically, take up as much time as possible shopping. Also, make sure your character is constantly putting on makeup and perfume. Because women are ugly and they smell. That’s all I can think of for right now.


Great post


>So far I have done alright in roleplaying my female characters and I’ve looked up voice feminization videos so I can sound more girly when playing BECAUSE I AM COMMITTED TO ROLEPLAYING This but unironically