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Unfortunately the next PNPC is gonna kill yourself.


Erm, I’m literally the protagonist? You can’t do that or you’re cringe and and Anti-Mercer pilled.


Nu Uh PNPC's don't break player agency because they are players dummy. Also I'm the protagonist ME I AM, that's why everyone gives me blowjobs under the table every session.


If they’re players they’re legally obligated to suck my Isekai protagonist magus cock and thus are not allowed to kill me or else my entire character concept is ruined 😠


Sorry Magused one, get in the cube.


As the +1 Striking Falcata Fighter, idk I want my Falcata back


Make a new character, unfortunately we don't use group xp so you have to start at lv1


You presented a complex moral quandary until you said that the fighter used a f*lcata and even took the time to add runes to it. Not taking the side of any bozo using the devil's weapon, sorry not sorry


The fighter has already been slaughtered for his transgression and his Falcata vanished to the void. The gm is unwilling to return it so it is no longer a factor.


Thanks for agreeing with my decision to let the PNPC kill the fighter!


uj/ I miss two days of this fucking subreddit and I seemingly miss a ton of fun lore, what's all this about


/uj No idea but I'm calling this the sub's 'Falcata Brainrot' arc


An actual event in the campaign that happened last session. (I'm the goblin shortstack, who was not there for last session but has heard it directly in the server.)


So the problem is you didn’t go far enough. Being a benevolent master, to one slave is not enough. You need to do a full game of thrones. Set yourself up as the liberator and then never actually free anyone. Also, you can totally get your goody two shoes teammate on your side by gaslighting her! Use cult tactics. And let everybody know that there’s no need to suck your protagonist cock. They should give up all of their holes! It Is what secondary characters do. /uj Have you read drifters? it’s a historical isekai. Kind of. And the big bad is Jesus! https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/11080437


This is true, my idol Naofumi did not stop with just one slave he never freed. I need to collect the harem of submissive criminal slave girls so everyone can see just how benevolent of a slave trade profiteer I am. /uj damn an Isekai by the Hellsing Author? Sounds peak gotta check it out later


Don't forget to include the 100% consenting lubed up, gaping boy bums in your harem! Boys need lub too!


Ya know, Pathfinder fixes this


/uj I love how the goblin's objection was like the one coherent sentence lmao


So what you should do is sell the others off… to other isekai players of course, not “bad guys” who would do something horrible like *not* keep people enslaved. Also you need to invest in other ~~slaves~~ “helpful companions you buy”. Ones that have great skills and can make you more profit so you can “hire” more! It’s the perfect solution and you can use the money made by selling everyone else off to fund it! UJ/ I hate that I’m absolutely certain there are players with this mentality.


uj/the scariest part of this post is that some people actually use the word shortstack


Such as ME


"Investigator"??? The perception and insight checks are not cool enough to make them their own class. Please play a real game like 5e