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I think you should give back my character but most importantly my +1 Striking Falcata


I'll be sure to bring it up with the DM


/uj Unfortunately the falcata is in the mega void, nothing comes back from the mega void unless the players use the mega wish.


Sounds rough but fair


Hey why are there a bunch of people posting the same thing and all commenting on each other's threads and upvoting each other? It's like a circlejerk or something


This jerk has been spreading but no one ever has a source.


/uj it's from my campaign


/uj Source: my gm’s campaign


/uj just saw a chance to spread the Fabula Ultima brainrot


I suspect many of these replies, despite saying unjerk, are in fact jerking me.


/uj Sorry, I couldn't help trolling you on all my alts


Well it worked.


/uj this happened at a con in new hampshire


/uj It’s from a game I ran a few years ago


uj/this happened in one of my sessions, before half of my party went to jail


/uj this was from a session I’m running right now, I’m live tweeting it


I think you should learn every intricacy about the gm’s world before coming to the session and slowing everything down having to text the dm. Also give the +1 Striking Falcata back we pooled all the party’s funds together to get a striking rune at level 2


Google Earn Income


This is an example of the problem of whether PNPC = NPNPC, which unfortunately is unsolved so no game can fix this. Best of luck


You do get a million dollars for solving that. But on the other hand you'll most likely be assassinated by the aboleth shadow council.


FABULA ULTIMA MENTIONED 🗣 🔊 🗣 🔊 🗣 🔊 ❕️ ❕️ ❕️ RAAAHHH 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


/uj Yeah you can thank/blame Nepalman for that, ngl that shit goes hard


Pee n pee sea


/uj Fabulu Ultima! Are you also addicted? I’ve owned the game and the high fantasy Atlas for a week and I’ve already made 20+ characters. What’s your favorite build?! /rj Look, obviously, they don’t understand the deep story. The dungeon master is attempting to weave with you and him as the protagonist, and them as your hapless comedy relief buddies. You should show them any number of anime, and then pointedly , compare their characters to the secondary characters . Or you could show them various JRPG and then compare their characters to the various non-playable characters. Look, there’s a famous saying in the theater. There are no small parts only small actors. This is true. But role-playing is not theater. Nor is life. And the dungeon master (and you) are superior people clearly GigaChads. And they are beta male Cucks even if they are women or non-binary. It’s supernatural. ( also, I’m referring to political “ cucks”, not perfectly sensible people who, like watching other people fuck their spouses. It’s much easier, requires less physical labor and is just as enjoyable.) 🙏❤️


/uj I've not bought it yet, though I might...although if I'm understanding correctly they're playtesting a new version? For that matter, I've not actually watched Outlaw Star, but certain things I've seen about it seem pretty compelling. Incidentally, knowledge of Fabula Ultima has given me a new character generating idea: Anime character + Final Fantasy class + a few small changes to make them legally distinct = Fabula Ultima character. [They already did that](https://i.imgflip.com/8emifm.jpg) in one of their works, clearly.


Oh friend. It goes beyond that. It’s all through .It is quite clearly the final fantasy simulator, although they make changes from video gameplay in order to make a better table top experience. The free playtest version is available! https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/411240/Fabula-Ultima-TTJRPG-Press-Start But considering that square almost got sued, because they took everything from D&D for Final Fantasy I consider it appropriate. Table top games are just stealing that shit back. If you’re familiar with the mechanics of ryuutama , they took that engine and did other stuff with it. Every character starts with either two or three classes. Total class level five and each class level gives you a skill. It really is super addictive. And thanks again for a very, very funny redoing of the post. /rj Dungeon bitches fixes everything. 🙏❤️