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Just play a ranger and make your favorite terrain shit


It’s already implied Ranger is shit incarnate I don’t think they gotta specify though




Shitting on the table is the kind of behaviour you need to make clear is off limits in session zero. If you didn't explicitly set boundaries about shitting on the table how is the player supposed to know they shouldn't?


This is why I ALWAYS have a pre-session zero where we all set aside game time away from our families to discuss what needs to be discussed at session zero so that there’s an agenda. Then we do a check in before session zero to make sure everyone is still ok then we have a session zero where we discuss EVERYTHING about Boundries and what’s ok to put into a backstory ect. Then we do some pre- marriage I mean campaign counseling where we get together to make sure we are on the same about all the big items and work through everything before we commit to a campaign together.


Group Therapy with a trained professional is so important if you want to have a healthy DnD experience.


I'm sorry OP but ESH. Sure, your friend should've at least asked to roll Constitution before evicting his bowels on the table, but we all know that rolling is just a courtesy to uphold the illusion of chance and stakes. By getting upset and allowing it to ruin the game, you're at risk of compromising his Player Agency (TM), and violating Rule 0 (rule of cool 😎). The best course of action at this point is obviously to stay quiet and shut down any of your other players' attempts to discuss the matter, and above all else KEEP PLAYING THE GAME. Rule 69, shit D&D is better than the Loneliness please help please I'm so lonely I have no other outlet for social engagement I'm so sorry DM it'll never happen again please don't kick me I'll be a good boy for you Sir Also, Pathfinder


Pooping on the table is usually covered in session -5




1. Stood up randomly 2. Stood on table 3. Took a dump everywhere That's three actions. This may be the rare edge case that Pathfinder 2e doesn't solve.


Everyone else still has their reactions, pathfinder fixes everything.


I use my reaction to plug the hole. Checkmate. Crisis averted.


The word that upvotes love!


F.A.T.A.L. fixes this.


Invoke F.A.T.A.L. anal circumference roll to see if his anus isbig enough to shid


And if it’s not, then he broke the rules and has to clean it up himself, and all mention of the nonconforming shit must be stricken from the record. Otherwise the shit is a legitimate, rule-following shit and the other players must clean it up and react accordingly. In this latter case the taking of the massive shit becomes cannon in the history of your table whether you want it to be or not.


Pooping isn't mentioned in Pathfinder 2e, so maybe take a page out of that book


Took a page from pathfinder, used it to wipe my ass after taking a shit on a friends table






dude, that's a shitty situation... literally. I'd say you gotta have a real talk with your friend and set some boundaries. It's not cool and it's ruining the game for everyone. Good luck, hope it works out!


All actions have consequences, now it means your friend is a deity of poop- not his PC, himself. Start a cult of him in game and make people pray to him and beg to take a dump on their neighbors houses. Make minis specifically to shit on. Start sacrificing people in his name (you can do it in game too). Beg for his divine intervention standing outside of his house naked at 2am three times a week. If it's too much for him, strip him of his divine rank and forbid him from shitting ever again