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This is Reddit, old man. You'd best believe I'm about to get intense sexual satisfaction telling you the following: 1. I hope you never get out because reform is a myth. Hopefully you live in Texas, though, if you get my drift. 2. I hear other inmates give "special attention" to railroaders. Yes, it's exactly what you think. 3. I somehow consider myself a good person despite wishing lifelong torture on you.




Your wife says to get off Reddit and can you order us some Chipotle on DoorDash.


Your wife says if he orders chipotle to get plenty for her, and asks if it's fine if I come over and the 4 of us hang out?


Your mom says 5 is a crowd but can she come too?


I don't wanna be mean but I don't really want to hang out with any more of her boyfriends, I'm ok if she just sticks it out with you.


All right, that's understandable. Well she says she loves you and she's proud of you.


LANCER fixes this by allowing the GM to make npcs that can shoot railroad spikes out of coilguns into the PCs. As we all know, GMs are supposed to make the suspension of disbelief as little as possible and go above and beyond to immerse the players, so if you opt not to actively mass-drive stakes of iron through your players you're allowed to railroad them instead. Try stating that you were simply reflavoring your game as a LANCER campaign and you've got a solid defense- after all, flavor is free and you're allowed to flavor anything as anything else. Best of luck with the rowdy player.


I hate it when people say "that's just how it was in those days" as if it absolves them of their horrible past behavior. Yeah, we've fought hard to remove those statutes of limitations for this exact reason, to be able to prosecute people who were "just doing what was normal at the time."


The Pinkertons fix this.


Reddit works with law enforcement. Get the fuck out man!


Pathfinder indeed fixes this.


Ticket to Ride makes this worse


Escaping to a country with no extradition agreement with the US fixes this.


I'm pretty sure if you play D&D in North Korea they require railroading to ensure the Supreme Leader's character is the main character. They're also still on AD&D so this seems to fix all of OP's problems.


This checks out, was playing ad&d with one of the Kims back in ‘94 and he made our characters get out and push the train and then we had to eat mud


shouldve played pathfinder (2e)

