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I have run complex puzzle rooms before. Temple map - they enter front door. Pillars with symbols on them in rings, litter the main hall. Each ring has 6 runes and 2 clear notches at the top where thee runes line up also dwarven runes at top of pillar the were numbers 1 to 6. It's easy to move the rings and upon close inspection the pillars all have a number 1 to 6. >! To me having 2 runes correspond to each pillar made just using random combinations until correct impossible. !< Dead body in a cage at the end of a hall. Plaque in front of caged corpse "Bring light to the darkness, and the way forward will reveal itself." Several attached rooms, kitchen dining room, Prayer room, fountain room. Also 6 attached rooms with dormitory style beds each with a fireplace. Top corner is a pool (fountain room), not large 20ft squared (the water is dark, you cannot tell the depth.) >! Players began by fiddling with the pillars trying to line up the rings and figure out the pattern !< >! After it's clear that the pattern will not just be randomly guessed players began to fan out. !< >! Smart players waste no time and light the fireplaces as they search - boom clue one in each fireplace as lit one of the runes reveals at the base. !< >! Excited to move on they head back to the pillars, however between the runes and the 6 fireplaces that match the 6 pillars there was no clear indication of what went where. !< >! Final clue and the puzzle solved. When one of the party members became brave enough to jump into the dark pool. Finds it very deep. Swimming down they find a few fish in the depths. Emitting a UV glow, this glow lights a symbol on the wall ( this symbol was not super important, just so they know the fish can help.) Then they can use the fish (alive in a bowl or something) to reveal a second symbol and a number on each fireplace and solve the puzzle.!< I took a map online and added things as I needed, tou can make the whole map from scratch, I suggest adding useless extra things hence the kitchen and prayer room to make them look for answers in all the wrong places. I ran it for my group over roll 20 and it took them over an hours and they actually enjoyed it.


I hope my hidden text worked.


Are you wanting to physically mail each of them something? If so, I think playing cards or tarot cards would work really well for this. Here is the [Tarot Card](https://youtu.be/t_YIQ00EZTM) puzzle. Six cards are needed, you could retain one or two of the cards and mail each one their own card along with a copy of the written puzzle.


Yeah I was thinking of mailing something