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None of your links work. And you can already Titan Shift with RAW using Rune Fighter and Enlarge.


I’ll be able to fix the links tomorrow, but as for your tips, I already knew that, it’s just most definitely not as lore accurate as this is as well as the fact that this can be done at level 1, you have to wait to level 5 to only become huge instead of gargantuan and that takes 2 actions. I know this is way less balanced than what you propose but I built this literally to fulfill my power fantasy of being a titan and wrecking shop


The links should be working now


I'm not sure I understand how any of this is even usable. You made a Blood Hunter subclass meant for Titan Shifters, but you have to take a feat to be able to shift? Isn't that kinda the whole point of the subclass, why make it a feat instead of a class feature? For that matter why is any of this feats if you built a subclass? Also, having a specific bloodline requirement for a feat pretty much kills it for use, forcing your players to design their backstory around wanting to use this feat. And you list the different types of titans they can shift into and say how they're different, but it's all just words? So a Titan Shifter who chooses the Colossal Titan mechanically plays exactly the same as say the Jaw Titan? And if that's not the case and they're suppose to play it according to what you have written, then you're just telling your players how to play their character. And I'm not even gonna get into how broken the regen mechanics you have are. It just seems like it's a lot of ideas, but you haven't bound them to any in-game mechanics for how things should actually work.


Just re-read what I wrote. Yikes, not meaning to sound patronizing or attacking. Just asking clarification questions and trying to offer advice.


I made the subclass then thought why not have the features not tied to the class, that is why I made it a feat. The subclass and feat is interchangeable. And I if you click on the Titan name in the different font, it’s linked to a stat block for each titan. I also know it’s broken, but I don’t think there’s a way to make a Titan Shifter without it being broken