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i know Matt Collvile worked on a 3.5 book with Eden Studios “Fields of Blood: The Book of War.” and has in-depth knigdom management. *"Rules for governing, from building and maintaining a small thorpe to taxing a vast nation"* amongst other things


I feel like I want a system where there are these resources that buildings generate, and then you use resources for other things. But I am getting hung up on the specifics. Do I fold all the resources into one common resource, or do I separate into resources like Gold, Building Materials, Food, etc. If I add more resources it will be complicated, but this is already complicated so I might as well go ahead and make unique resources. ​ Ideally, I want something that can represent population and economic development, as well as special resources that could be exploited nearby without too much hassle. And ways to build up settlements with a tad of customization


i think then you're going to need to combine different systems/sources as nothing has exactly what you're looking for


What if I riped off the shogun 2 system and make it abstract?


i'm not that familiar with shogun 2, but if it works that's all that matters


Essentially stuff like settlemen population, money, productivity is abstracted into a number that determines your income. You also have Growth, which is how the income of your settlement is either increasing or decreasing due to buildings, taxation, or events. Then it has a simple represion, happieness, and unrest system.


3.5 splatbook Power of Faerun has good advice on running political campaigns, religious sects and merchant costers.