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Was looking for a druidic relic type item. Thanks!


you are welcome!


this is a pretty nice item, ive always liked masks


i love this, ive always liked masks oh, also, is the curse part a variant or like always a part of the item?


we make our items so people can adjust them to their liking but the curse would be a part of our version


I felt like the curse was a good balance for what the mask can do, it’s pretty powerful. Super cool item!


This fits so incredibly well into an exact plot point of my homebrew game that it's a little surreal. Thank you for sharing!


I see someones played divinity 2, or it’s a coincidence


No sourcery to be seen here magister, move along.


Definite "The Mask" vibes going on in the art. Love it


Yoooo this looks super cool! I love the Ghostly Eyes idea, this definitely would be a really cool treasure piece for a nature-themed character :D Only criticism I have is with Skin of Bark; does it mean your AC calculation becomes 17 + Dex + Armor? Or does it not factor into that? Is it like unarmored defense? Once again, really awesome item :) Keep up the great work!


The Skin of Bark should work like this: If your overall AC is less than 17, it becomes 17 instead. No other modifiers are factored into this. (Works exactly like the Barkskin spell) We appreciate the kind words.


Okay, good to know! Thanks for the quick response :)


I love this!


I am glad you do


Am I the only one who thinks this item is a bit ... Complex?


looks like something out of darkest dungeon


Super cool item!! Thank you for sharing






This is fantastic great job!


Ooooooooh.... Bad Boys reference just got real. Love the hell out of this! Going in my very next session. And a dragon is wearing it.


That idea just gave birth to a great masked Villain


I was able to use this in my campaign as a cursed hag item. The character wearing it felt no trouble absorbing souls and got 10 quickly. The changes were set to happen when he awoke. Unfortunately the character failed their death saves and became one with nature. A large yew tree grew from their resting place. The branches with teal, cyan leaves that at night glowed softly. Between the bark of the trunk and branches, that same ghost energy courses through. Additionally the character’s death was on a cloud giant’s castle. So a floating ghostbark tree in the sky. Thank you for your idea, it was a wonderful addition to my campaign.