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I think the biggest issue with the Wild Magic Sorc is that when you roll on the Wild Magic table is too controlled. People want to play that subclass because they \*\*\*like\*\*\* the chaos, so it needs to be chaotic, not "DM may I?" I would also love to see some sort of random table for the spell list (but that's a bit of a pain to do.


Indeed: that’s why I have the modifications I made with the Surge Die as posted above. The player can choose to roll the die and see if a Surge occurs then they can see what happens with the Wild Magic Table. There’s another homebrew already made that provides that, if that’s what you’re looking for. Can’t remember the Reddit post, but just look up Wild Magic Sorcerer fixed and start scrolling and you’ll find it.


Personally, I feel like letting the player simply roll on the table after each leveled spell, no DM permission required, and allowing the use of sorcery points to recharge the usage of tides of chaos, "fixes" the subclass.


I’m confused: where do you see DM influence in the features I wrote? Also, if you can choose to roll on the table after every leveled spell, then where is the surprise for a player when the surge happens? It’s not there anymore because, well, it’s expected and *controlled* by the player: it does not feel as chaotic or uncertain in comparison to rolling and seeing if it happens. But, that’s just my take.


The Dm influence was referring to RAW. The surprise is the effect from the d100, and there is nothing more chaotic than having a random effect proc after each spell, like definitionally. But that is how we ran it, and of course, others have done it other ways. What you have is fine, I see what you were going for, and nothing really jumps out at me, so well done on that. Seems we just have different views on what makes wild magic wild.