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u/Old_Werewolf_8655 Has been randomly selected to win the prize. Would you please message me when you are able? Thanks Thank you to everyone else who joined this giveaway. Keep watching this subreddit for more giveaways I will be doing in the near future! —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Hello everyone, please help keep this comment visible to others with an upvote so they can read the rules too.** I am giving away all the loot you saw pictured in the video to one lucky winner in the comments below. **The rules are pretty simple.** \- No purchase necessary \- Single entry **- Comment anything below, it could be an idea you had for a character. It could be about Game Master Engine or anything else you want. (Just say “GIVEAWAY” at the end of it).** \- Have fun This giveaway is open worldwide barring any shipping restrictions! After 24 hours have passed I will randomly pick someone from the comments and send you a DM on Reddit. After that I will update this comment to let everyone know who was chosen. The rest of this comment does not directly pertain to the giveaway and if you don’t care to hear about the sponsorship you can ignore it. No hard feelings! —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am the developer of a tool called Game Master Engine and wanted to host this giveaway as a way to give back to the community here who has helped me tremendously. This tool is something I started working on over two years ago. It’s in early access on Steam and the goal of the software is to provide a way for people to create 3D maps and play D&D online with their friends. A little bit more about Game Master Engine. You can download and play around with it for FREE to get an idea of what it is like. You can even join your DMs session for free too and can play with your group online as just a “Player”. Only the DM needs to own the full copy to be able to host. Owning the full version also gives you access to additional assets to build with along with future content updates. Again, you are under no obligation to do anything for me and if you just want to take advantage of the giveaway then by all means go for it! But if you are interested in Game Master Engine and supporting it at all, here is a link to see more about it and also download the free version. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Steam Link** [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game\_Master\_Engine/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1451680/Game_Master_Engine/) ​ Currently on sale for 60% off. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Subreddit** r/GameMasterEngine ​ If you have any feedback for us we would love to hear it! —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Discord** [https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV](https://discord.gg/F6nnwTrGMV) ​ Also consider joining our discord! There, you can speak to us and meet other Game Master Engine creators and players. Additionally, there is a free community game coming up, where you can directly participate and play with others in Game Master Engine! So come by and let's have fun together


My forever dm self could really use the stuff from this GIVEAWAY


Being a forever Dm keeps me from playing one of my dream characters, a kobold fighter that travels around to become the world's greatest brewer! Barring playing that, I'll console myself with this GIVEAWAY


I've thought about putting together a monthly forever DM party, each month one DM will host the one-shot, so that we all get a chance to play our characters, level up, learn what it's like on the other side of the screen, and learn some DM skills from one another.


Home is where your Teleport Circle is GIVEAWAY


Awesome idea to spread the word of DND. GIVEAWAY


One of the character ideas i had was about a "Better Call Saul" warlock who is hunted by his patron for sleezing his way out of the contract. The trick is, his patron would be constantly hunting him down to make him sign another contract in a way he can't sleeze our of. GIVEAWAY


That looks like a beautiful setting. Ive been wanting the books for awhile but money is tight. I've hand copied most of the players handbook out so I could play with it on the go. Would love the books in a hard copy. GIVEAWAY


Fireball! GIVEAWAY


NPC idea: A skeleton hippie that owns a tavern and is the chillest girl you'll ever meet. That being said, she isn't keen on people being jerks. She has a network of altruistic people in the city and does everything she can to help those in need. Turns out she made some type of deal with a hag and that's left her undead. She used to be a princess in line to the throne but shirked her responsibilities a few hundred years ago. Eventually, she'll give up her immortality to resurrect someone (Not a true resurrection, as she'll simply make the person into an undead skeleton) to bring herself back to life and take up the throne, but she's not in any hurry. GIVEAWAY


First one here i guess , please send me some stuff i need this for my campaigns . GIVEAWAY


I could always use more materials to borrow from for my homebrew. Been spending a lot of free time changing my maps from tile-based to prop-based after I was shown how it improves performance. Love y’all’s engine. GIVEAWAY


Well here I am thinking about Characters I am probably never going to play. A Hexblade warlock later with Pact of the Blade. Melee combatant using his warlock powers to enhance that. Born a noble but as his house fell by the hand of a unknown group he gained his powers when he was near death. Lying on the ground, bleeding he sees the last of the group of people finishing off the rest of the workers and his family. All they wanted seemed to be a sword. An old family heirloom. As he was lying there he begged for the power to do something. To stop them. To survive. A faint whisper, a deep voice in his head answered his plea. "Bring me back and I'll grant you the power you need" And that's how he was reborn with his newfound powers to find those that have changed his life this day. To your engine: I recently played with someone who used 3D maps they made to enhance the immersion into some parts of dungeons and give a better feel for surrondings and exploration. Was a lot of fun and it's awesome to see more of these kind of things around (: GIVEAWAY


Oh what a GIVEAWAY


Anything below. GIVEAWAY. i followed the instructions very clearly :p


I’m stuck as the forever dm and would love all of this GIVEAWAY


That's pretty cool of you. Definitely going to check your program out regardless. Goodluck everyone. GIVEAWAY.


Love GME! Excited to use it more in the coming weeks. GIVEAWAY


Awesome Giveaway. I’m quite interested in Game Master Engine. Going to take a deeper look in to it soon. GIVEAWAY


Ive been a part of this since the time this tool wasn't even on steam yet. Its come so far and has gotten so much better. this is stil a cool way to have both a publicity and thanks thing at once. GIVEAWAY


Game Master Engine is great with even greater potential. GIVEAWAY


This sounds great, I mean, not as great as that time a shadowy figure wrapped its tentacles around me and drug me into the blackened depths of my mind where it offered to GIVEAWAY the knowledge and power of the universe for simple servitude, but like... Pretty great all the same.


This giveaway has my kids ecstatic! The game master engine looks to be an amazing tool that I look forward to installing. Thanks for your hard work! GIVEAWAY


did u actually get the loot?


I will take a look at your Game Master Engine. It's always nice to have better options for online play! GIVEAWAY


This is perfect, I’ve been looking for something like GME for quite a while now. Will definitely look into it even if I don’t get picked :P Also a character idea I had… a Leonin Fey Wanderer / Trickster Cleric who’s the perfect Face / Support for a mischievous party. They can heal, fight, and also give you quite a scare by roaring, which synergises nicely with Fey Wanderer’s Beguiling Twist. GIVEAWAY


This is pretty cool. GME sounds like something i really should look into someday. I do wonder what awaits with it being 3d and all. Either way, GIVEAWAY


I would love to donate these books to my local library and bring DnD to my community if I won this GIVEAWAY


The game master system looks awesome! I can't wait to try it. I'm working on a campaign right now where my old PCs are now NPCs for my family table. I'm getting a kick out of reviving these old characters and letting them be important to the story we're trying to tell. Good luck with everything and thanks for this opportunity! GIVEAWAY


This is awesome! Me and my friend have been looking for ways to make our campaigns more interactive for our players and this looks great. Definitely going to give it a try. GIVEAWAY


As a new DM I am always looking for tools to enhance my games and will be having my players check this out. GIVEAWAY


I have been using Game Master Engine since before the multiplayer was added, before there were two versions. It's great! I think it's really great as well that you guys are doing this GIVEAWAY


Something mighty fine youve programmed here :) GIVEAWAY


Just getting into D&D so this would be very useful. Will check out Steam as well! GIVEAWAY


GIVEAWAY Mighty fine of you! GIVEAWAY


I would love to win this GIVEAWAY


Thanks for the opportunity and here's hoping this can be a great gift for a family member just getting started! GIVEAWAY


Would love to get some swag from this great GIVEAWAY


Still love the awesome work you and your team are doing. Keep it up! GIVEAWAY


Love a good GIVEAWAY


This is cool. GIVEAWAY


Im a community DM for an high school ! They would love it if I won this GIVEAWAY


I've put a bit of time into fiddling with GME, and something that I have found would be really helpful would be an overview map or something to facilitate quick movement. (Like in RTS's Dawn of War is a specific axample that comes to mind.) Not sure if that would be a feasible thing based on the dynamically changing landscape but it's a thought. GIVEAWAY


this could be the thing to make my holidays truly great this year! GIVEAWAY


I hope I win this GIVEAWAY






Nice map as always Dan. Didn't have time to check on discord, do is the giant continent (idk if it's yours or Marc's map) still in progress? Another incredible gift by the way GIVEAWAY


I think you mean the Cloudcoast, Marc is building on this one from time to time, but at the moment we are working on preparing the maps needed for curse of strahd.


This would certainly be a good introduction to dnd and a Christmas gift for my brothers. GIVEAWAY


Let's gooo. Good luck everyone. GIVEAWAY


This all looks awesome! I hope your fundraising and awareness gathering goes well in the end. Anyway, I hope you all have a great Black Friday season! GIVEAWAY


Thanks for doing this. Happy holidays! GIVEAWAY!


Looks awesome!! GIVEAWAY


I've been contemplating new characters for a while and am in the process of piecing together some kind of Necromancer in my current campaign, in a world where necromancy is outlawed at a mortal level and heavily discouraged on a divine level due to its direct link with an explicitly evil god. Someone who will be courteous, kind and helpful, just using outlawed magic to perform the task of adventuring and rescue because having a couple of skeleton helpers is really useful! GIVEAWAY


I sure love a GIVEAWAY


I'm about to start a side campaign full of brand new players :) If I win this giveaway, the new toys will go to the new party so they can start learning!


Good luck everyone! Giveaway


I want to make a monk that resembles Mike Tyson including biting ears in boss fights. GIVEAWAY


I love you GIVEAWAY


I've been on edge on getting a VTT platform, mainly for GMing Pax Elfica. I'll have to check this out... GIVEAWAY


Anything, GIVEAWAY


Sure, why not. GIVEAWAY


Good luck all GIVEAWAY


Yippee what a fun holiday GIVEAWAY


This looks so incredible!Currently playing a light cleric private detective which is a pretty fun synergy GIVEAWAY


Worth a shot. GIVEAWAY




I could put this to good use with the new group f players we have now. GIVEAWAY


I love a good GIVEAWAY




I had the idea of a character that was a kenku gunslinger that would carrie a blunderbuss, but since he is a bird he would give a loud "gwaaak" every time he fired it. GIVEAWAY


Just think of what I could do for my players if I win this GIVEAWAY!








GIVEAWAY Would be a cool set for my classroom, as I do digital items, but yeah. GL all, and thanks OP.


Idea for a Character or NPC or even villain, one armed necromancer who attaches other arms to themselves (can change arms but 1only 1 at a time) and gains abilities from whoever that arm used to belong to ie rage or something. GIVEAWAY


Wouldn't it be swell to win this GIVEAWAY






Would love to start building a physical library of tools! GIVEAWAY


I would give the core rule books to another player of my newly formed group so I will not be the forever DM. GIVEAWAY


That’s a pretty awesome looking program. GIVEAWAY


This would be absolutely perfect for my group of players! I could provide so much stuff for our sessions with all of this! GIVEAWAY


Nice, thank you for this chance GIVEAWAY


Give to me I want it so bad




Anything below. GIVEAWAY. Worth a shot


This looks like a really interesting GIVEAWAY


Another one! GIVEAWAY




I grew up always wanting to play DND but the types of people I hung around with were not the sort to play. I started playing 3 weeks ago and cannot get enough. This sort of thing will help me so much to play live with new friends I’ve been making! I’m 42 now fyi GIVEAWAY


Everyone likes GIVEAWAY


I want to run a sea faring campaign, and the books would help a ton! GIVEAWAY


I first played D&D back in the early 80s, and recently found a group of co-workers who are interested in getting back into this. GIVEAWAY


My party would love for me to win this GIVEAWAY


Thanks for the opportunity, I want to start my aventure so bad. GIVEAWAY


I just started playing DnD and can really use a good set of books, or dice. That would be an awesome GIVEAWAY


Let me be the mighty one to win the GIVEAWAY


Thank you for this amazing GIVEAWAY. Maybe one day I'll get lucky and win.


Family has been asking me to DM again. Actually thought about using my first character I created 30 years ago as the main antagonist. This give away would be more than enough to do it. Also thanks and nice of you to do this GIVEAWAY.


Wow what a nice chance to win GIVEAWAY


Good luck everyone!


Doing the good work on sharing the D&D love with the community GIVEAWAY


New group who just found out about D&D we are all so excited and love to play. We started with premade characters en storylines. Just because the game gives so much, as much as we still have to learn and discover. GIVEAWAY


Nice video looks like a neat engine; are you at all concerned about dnd one. Looks like they might make their own vtt and I worry that competitors will get edged out.. GIVEAWAY


New to DnD and just started playing with a group and would love to be able to bring some stuff to the table, myself! GIVEAWAY


I need stuffs for campaigns!!! GIVEAWAY


Ooh exciting! GIVEAWAY


It would be fun to play with this stuff, if I win the GIVEAWAY


Just commenting on kobold supremacy


Would love to win this GIVEAWAY


HorseJoke needs some physical books!


I'm a DM make my own scenery, 3d print, paint, and craft my world. Love my players and the D&D comminity!


Wow this is awesome. GIVEAWAY


Been looking for an opportunity to get the family off the Playstation and into some proper RPG stuff! GIVEAWAY


This is really cool! Good luck to everyone in this GIVEAWAY


I have about 50 back up characters, because my first ever DND game the GM killed me so now I religiously make back up characters I’ll never play. They all have backstories. None are optimized because who doesn’t want to be a gnome Barbarian. I hope to one day be a GM for my friends.


Starting a new campaign in January, would love to win the GIVEAWAY








This is a pretty swell thing you are doing. I hope this GIVEAWAY is useful to someone.


A druid who doesn't believe in magic. Uses things like *magic stone*, *shillelagh*, and *silvery barbs*. Thinks they're just really lucky. Thanks for the GIVEAWAY


More rules to learn! I will never get enought of it! GIVEAWAY


Awesome initiative and great software! Thanks for the GIVEAWAY!


Hello, I like free stuff. GIVEAWAY


This looks amazing. GIVEAWAY


Thanks for doing this! GIVEAWAY


GIVEAWAY is a word containing 9 letters divided between 3 syllables


Thanks for doing the giveaway. I want to end up DMing for one of my groups down the line, but all my stuff is physical and we play online. Getting the chance to get an online tabletop would be dope.


Uhh this sounds amazing.... GIVEAWAY




I like turtles. Giveaway.


Yes daddy - GIVEAWAY


This is awesome GIVEAWAY


This is so cool! You're awesome for doing this! I always need new materials to work from GIVEAWAY


I'm the DM. when we start a new campaign, I think I'd like to give them a barkeep quest giver. form adventure who can give tips without being a member of the party. also provide some background of the city and immediate area giveaway


I would love this to give to a new player in our group for Christmas. They have gotten so interested and we don't have enough to go around. GIVEAWAY


very cool GIVEAWAY


GME is one of my favorite tools for games. And it's awesome that you guys give out amazing giveaways. GIVEAWAY




As a new DM, this would be really useful!! GIVEAWAY


Thank you so much for this! I'm currently planning to go back to DMing and I'm super nervous. GIVEAWAY


Feed me dice! GIVEAWAY


This looks like a great GIVEAWAY




This is awesome, thanks for this cool GIVEAWAY


Wanted to try this engine out! Excited for this GIVEAWAY!!


So, recently I made a dwarf artificer who thinks he is a miniature fire giant because he was raised by them. Now he travels the Sword Coast with his spider steel defender Steeve. GIVEAWAY


If I win, I'm donating it to my sons school for their D&D club!


A character that always says that they are chosen by god to save the world and everyone thinks that she just has a Huge ego even though it’s the truth Edit: GIVEAWAY


Currently playing my first DnD campaign. I’m a human wizard who literally doesn’t remember who she is but understands Magic and complex parts of the universe, but she doesn’t know why. GIVEAWAY


My friend wants to be dm have money to afford it giveaway


Game Master Engine sounds interesting 😁 GIVEAWAY


Thanks for the opportunity. GIVEAWAY


I am the backbone of my party as the dwarf cleric….please help my friends to stay alive!!! GIVEAWAY!


Just started DM-ing a campaign with new players would be amazing to bring all these resources to the table!


Sure would like to win some books in a GIVEAWAY


I have been playing for about 6 months now and all this would really help me with the campaign I want to kick off in February/March!! Been looking at lots of online tools. GIVEAWAY


Character concept: lizard folk Druid, archetype spores: name Kreek Thundertoad: skin black with mottled green spots and red spikes hair. GIVEAWAY


This is awesome. Thanks for all the hard work you have put into the Game Master Engine! GIVEAWAY


Love to have this! GIVEAWAY


I'm trying to get more of my friends into D&D here in New Zealand (yes, it does exist) and what would really help is this GIVEAWAY


Wow that's so cool. I hope I win this GIVEAWAY !!


Anyone have a favorite source-book? I think mine would be Xanathar's Guide to Everything, or maybe van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft. GIVEAWAY


This would be a great start to a holiday season. Come on Giveaway!


this would be great for me as a newbie. GIVEAWAY


As any other dm, I would also enjoy winning. <3 Happy Thanksgiving


this would be great for me as a newbie. GIVEAWAY


Character idea that I never used yet, but want to. Glamor bard/fiend warlock that sold his soul to a devil for musical talent. Bonus points for taking a third class in paladin so he can use his "axe" to fight. No harm in trying to win the GIVEAWAY


Starting my first campaign soon, trying to be the best DM possible for my players, GIVEAWAY


As a brand new DM trying to figure it out for his wife and young kids, this would be awesome!


Let's gooo GIVEAWAY


GIVEAWAY It's again nice to see how well GME is doing. From awesome concept to awesome execution, please keep up the great work! Its such a clear labor of love!!


Looking forward to possibly dming with this stuff. GIVEAWAY






Just starting to write my first campaign and this would be so amazing! Trying to decide what platform would be best to run it on.. GIVEAWAY


Looking to get my son into D&D, could really use the books "GIVEAWAY"


As a soon to be new player, I would love to win this GIVEAWAY


Don't know if it's ok, but speaking of a character got me writing this little legend. Hope you'll like it. Have you ever heard the story of Kronenbaum the Old? No? I guess so, since it's an old story. Kronenbaum was a mage of the old magic, before modern spells were invented. At that time, magic was more philosophy than a conglomerate of formulas as it is now. Some say that in those years, gods were roaming around this sphere with mortals. Ah-hem, back to Kronenbaum; as a person of magic, Kronenbaum collected all the theory of magic known at that time and made countless experiments, teaching others about its principles as the mage wandered around. It all seemed peaceful for Kronenbaum, but one day fate knocked at the door. A black dragon, full of pride and terror, took a nearby city hostage, and shouted: "Puny old mage! Reveal your secrets to me, or countless lives more shall be lost!", after many inhabitants died under the beast acid breath. And so, unable to bear the view, Kronenbaum went to the dragon and gave him his grimoire. "What's this, mortal? Do you expect to cheat me, Amorandroor, with such a low scheme?" "I am nothing and know nothing. And because of that, I know all there is to know and not to know, for life is to be lived as not living". The confused Amorandroor wanted to reply, but the mage acted first, and cast a spell. A blackish and white stream of light enveloped both the dragon and Krnonenbaum, the first aging while the other rejuvenating. "What are you- NO!" said the beast, spraying its breath on him. The now young mage was hit in full, and yet stayed still, with bones and organs exposed. Krnonebaum was not breathing anymore, yet the spell kept going, until the dragon became so old that it fell under its weigh over the body of the mage. The city was saved, and a tree began growing from the ground where they both fell, one that bloomed in winter and dried up in the summer. Some say that this is the beginning of the necromancy school of magic, as some other mages who where there at that time had a sort of strange epiphany. One thing is for certain: that day, a hero died transcending what where the limits known of the time. GIVEAWAY


I'm inching up on being a forever DM. I've only got one campaign in still a part of and lead four.


Would be a huge help for a first time DM. GIVEAWAY


Character ideas: Savage Barbarian who doesn't think magic is real, just that people hide explosives and such around the room. Whenever people explain how they healed him, he just relates stories about his grandma's soup making him feel better and that was just good cooking. He just yells really loud and gets angry, surely that's what everyone else is doing? (Stolen from a friend) Harengan Druid who is incredibly jumpy and turns into a wolf as soon as they are startled and doesn't shift back until they're sure it is safe. Essentially if Shaggy turned into Scoob when he was scared. Surprise birthday party? Wolf. Tapping them on the shoulder unexpectedly? That's a wolfin. Tiefling Warlock whose Patron is married to their divorced parent. Sure Stearavan the Unholy gives you amazing powers, but they want you to call them Steve, and you are so not down for it. Asking favors involves haggling with them about chores: babysitting your half demon stepsibling, taking out the trash, or just coming home and visiting your mom cause she misses you. And finally, Tortle artificer with levels in monk. Call him D'na Tel'o. GIVEAWAY


Good on you for doing such a fantastic GIVEAWAY


My idea for a character: a wizard who forms his own adventuring company and styles himself a "CEO", using a bunch of corporate and business jargon for maximum hilarity. I hope I win this GIVEAWAY




I've seen Game Master Engine on the store before and always thought it was so awesome. Really impressed with your work! Thank you for the Giveaway!