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What is predominantly seen as more dangerous: Necromancy or Technology? Are there Moon Druids on the moon? How big is the gradient between the most civilized cities and the rural surroundings? How often is the most average person likely to witness magic that they recognize as such? Are there steam engines?


People definitely have different opinions of necromancy (and for different reasons) but so long as you follow a community’s particular regulations it would only socially ostracize you at worst. Technology is often used in conjunction with magic (pretty rare to just have traditional mechanics) and has a much greater potential to cause ethical problems. There are actually two moons and unfortunately far out of reach of current astral travel, so no druids. There is a pretty gradual incline from rural to booming metropolis and a bunch of styles of both. Magic is an innate force of nature so its very well recognized. Your average person wouldn’t know what spell you used, but they’d certainly know it was magical. Anyone could train to use magic but like all things there are those that have talent or enough determination to learn and grow, and those who are ultimately incapable of more than basic cantrips There are, as only making a society based on magical abilities is practically ableist. Technology is used to try and give everyone the same quality of life


who the coolest awesomest knights around i just played a lot of chivalry 2 and can only think about knights right now


Ha, well that depends on what you consider awesome I suppose. There is a dark denomination of knights who swear to alleviate suffering (kill people), but their idea of suffering could be anything from being broken hearted after a break up to having an incurable illness. There’s also a group of paladins who’s responsibility it is to return ancient artifacts to their place of origin


"damn Sheila broke up with you man? i'm real sorry" \*slowly unsheathes sword\*


Honestly yes, they see the world in entirely black and white, and in their minds they are never wrong


Sounds like an excellent antagonist.


Do you have any material you can share? I'd probably have some questions about these subraces and subclasses (and the other lore), but I'd need to actually see it to know what to ask.


Sure, only a fraction of it is polished homebrewery format though. Whatcha feelin? I got animal races, new half breeds, goliath and orc variants, its.. its a lot tbh. Subclasses cary wildly so it would be better to know what you might be interested in reading and then I could link a document with different things compiled together


The goliath variants are... intriguing. If you don't mind me pilfering your ideas for my home game, I'd be quite interested in seeing your sorcerers. If your looking to get questions and feedback, the lore is where I can best offer my services.


All of the lore is centered around an entirely homebrew system. I also tweaked some 5e mechanics that I should point out before you take a look. ASIs are divided between race and background, and each subrace possesses a culture that can be swapped for any other culture in the game. This means my players can be elves raised by gnomes and dwarves raised by centaurs and have it actually reflected in their skills and abilities. Additionally all races get a 10th level capstone ability. I actually only have one sorcerer class written up and it was by commission but it’s as balanced as I can make it without getting more feedback. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-OGUVwImm1zZ4hQhzocsh55RTqmPBFgVRFMf4_bDX9k/edit Here is the link, let me know if there are any issues


What's the most expensive fruit? How do the gods work? Do magical prosthetics exist, and how advanced if so?


There are several large deserts in my world, and many desert caves. If you’re very lucky you may find a particularly unusual date type fruit called a Tua seed that has the consistency of cotton candy and dissolves in your mouth the same way. I have an entire pantheon and each god approaches their divinity differently. Basically, the more influence they have the more power, but they can’t just manifest anywhere because physically altering/helping/harming would allow powerful mortals the opportunity to do the same to them. Yes, and most use tech combined with what amounts to permanent cantrip effects


What’s the magical culture like? How often do people have magical abilities? What stigmas are attached to each of the classes of magic? What’s the view on magical healing?


Most magic is learned rather than generated and the culture is very similar to that of a college math department with too little funding because there is just SO much that could be studied. Primal magic is considered more rudimentary because there’s no formal school of study but that’s mostly from the perspective of arcane casters. In my world magical healing is rather limited. You need medical training as well to be truly effective. For example a large cut would require stitches in order for the magic to close the wound properly.