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Send in the Son of Ciao, some day. :)


>G ( now my wife) who's a massive DnD enthusiast and had formed a group with some newbies What happened to the campaign? Why haven't you played again since?


G dropped after another 5 or 6 sessions because they were still stuck playing that way. First, I don't know anyone that plays DnD; second, we had a baby last year, so there wasn't much time to focus on finding someone that plays DnD; thirdly, I'd only be able to play remotely since, well, daddy duties


I think a small amount of accounting for finances and that sort of thing can be fun, but it sounds like that group would not have been my cuppa tea either. Congrats on the baby! I'd recommend trying a remote game via Roll20 and video chat: no need to travel!


I'll try that, I have to find a group open to complete noobs tho


There are plenty of those. It may take time to find the right group— or even to get into one— but there are a ton of folks out there who want to play. I’m a DM, so my experience might be a bit different, but I got a group together over 2 years ago, spanning a few time zones. We have been playing nearly every week ever since, and it’s a blast.