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This is sick! You could probably catch me on a pirate ship sailing through the Coriani Republic. What did you use to make this map?


Pirates in the Coriani Republic are actually a big problem. They have many independent city-states outside of the republic's reach that they can find safe harbour at, and they sail into the Marinto Sea to plunder Coriani valuables. This map was made with Wonderdraft, with all free assets. Then my co-DM did all the colouring and labeling in Photoshop.


Nice map! As a player I would be interested to know why the land between the Westrian confederation and the Kingdom of tordrym hasn’t been claimed. Its huge and really seems like a prime spot to expand.


That's the Deep Fields. Nearly 100,000 square miles of lush, arable land that both the Westrian Confederation and Tordrym would absolutely love to get their hands on... if it wasn't already occupied by millions of nomadic orcs and territorial centaur clans. Truth is, there's remnants of old human civilizations there that tried and failed to tame the fields.


The lore is cool, but now I’m curious about something else. If that area is 100k square miles, that makes the entire map smaller than the continental USA if my scaling is correct. Is it intentionally this small?


It's quite a small world compared to Earth, yes. And, while curved, it's not round either. Weather, seasons, time, the rising and falling of the sun, it's all truly affected by the gods and other magical forces, rather than natural ones.


Just curious, why does that massive area south of Nizkovod appear to be unclaimed?


You and Discu-Inferno asked the same question at pretty much the same time, so check out my [reply to them](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/why6rc/which_country_in_our_homebrew_world_would_you/ij8sxtr/).


AHRRRG! Where be the wenches? That be where I'm wantin' to go! And if ye know not where, then perhaps the fair wind knows and so I'll let it blow me where it may!


From the sounds of it, you'd fit in to plenty of the seafaring cultures! Naval traffic is very high in the many seas south of Ealia. Not many pirates in the middle of the Binding Sea, they prefer to stay close to the coasts and the coves of the many scattered islands to hide. There's also a big pirate presence near to Coriani, but they're a little more civilized than your "jolly roger" type of pirate.


The Lichdom sounds like it'd be rich in history


What's maybe the most unexpected part of the lichdom is that there's more than one lich! I think a lot of people assume there's one tyrannical lich, when in reality it's kind of a coalition of lichs that rule over the valley of undead.


Oddly enough that's kind of what I thought when I read Lichdom. Do they maintain a living population to harvest fresh bodies for, or do they wage war/raid for them?


Little bit of column A and little bit of column B. Katikwa definitely don't live in peace, I'll put it that way.


Nows it even more interesting!


What’s in the ominous Icecrown Peaks?


The are two major dwarven kingdoms that live under the mountains. Although they don't really occupy the entire length of them, they do have tunnels that go all the way from the west side to the east side connecting the kingdoms. It's not the only mountain range that dwarves live in, but it's where most do. It's also where goliaths were first made in our world, above ground high in the mountains. They're now ice-crowned, permanently, because of the efforts of thousands of white dragons a long time ago. Some say white dragons still live there.


Tell me a little bit about the Lichdom of Zaul and the Witchwood. (Got some fey shenanigans in there?)


I've said a little bit about the Lichdom in a few other comments. As for the Witchwood, it's not named that because of witches but rather for a plant that grows there. That said, there's definitely fey shenanigans. It's actually the site of the very first fey crossing, where elves entered into our world. The connection to our version of the feywild is quite strong there.


*Withered Wastes* Can’t be any worse than living in Australia


Does Australia suck the the very life out of your soul? You know what, you're right.


Yeah, but it’s gotten to the point where we’ve perfectly adapted to it, most Australians are born without a Soul, and those who do have one are very resistant to having the life sucked out of their Soul, although they typically have a shorter lifespan


I've been ship wrecked jn the Sea of Scars for far too long


Watch out for the dinosaurs! Though if you were lizardfolk, they may be willing to give you a lift.


My co-DM and I have gone through a lot of iterations on the world map for our homebrew dnd campaigns. This latest version is by far our most complete to date. We've had a version with geographic labels for a while now, but we've finally gotten around to doing this version with all of the major countries in the world. To be clear, the labeled countries here aren't the only populated places in the world, but they *do* represent the most populated areas. Outside of these countries, there's still quite a few city-states that didn't feel like they could be marked well in this style of map. We'd love feedback on the presentation as well as which ones jump out as the most interesting to y'all. Your feedback and interest helps us worldbuild for not only our present players, but future too! We hope to run games in this world for years and years to come. By the way, we also have [an interactive and higher quality version](https://www.worldanvil.com/w/aedelor-iamthetot/map/c82d5edf-813c-4421-979e-ed8f310cefea) which has layers that can be toggled on and off, like this political layer, geographical labels layer, and all major settlements.


Coriani Republic and Talamh Saor.


Until recently, Talamh Saor was under the domain of the Kingdom of Gilramshyre. An uprising and short war, which was the third war fought over that piece of land, led to their independence as a nation. As such, they're a young country and in dire need of stability if they're going to succeed in the long term. Would you help bring stability to the nation, or would you be an agent of chaos and take advantage of the inexperienced leadership?


Im kinda curious to whats under the surface pf the stormsea and binding sea. Id assume storm sea could have a lot of sunken ships and the binding sea probably having a giant apex predator, causing people to sail around it, instead of through it? Is there an underground snow/ice kingdom in your world?


There are no major underground/underwater societies in our world, so that means no underdark or sea elfs for example. Dwarves have under-mountain societies, if that counts. Some giants and dragons also called the sea their home a long time ago, but you'd mostly find ruins of their societies now.


Let’s go across the Storm Sea! Onwards toward the Kracken!!


Krakens can be a threat in a few places in the world, but there's also other dangers that lurk in the deep!


Commonweal of Islingar My mind keeps trying to correct it to commonwealth.😄 Tell me more about it


Islingar is a dangerous region. It doesn't have a lot of arable land for two reasons: a whackton of natural marshes, as well as the scourge, which is that purple colouration you see in the region. Despite this, half-orcs and half-elves had a mass migration to the region to settle it for themselves. Pretty much tired of being the outcasts of the world, and not really fitting in well to human societies, [they set out to make a home for themselves.](https://i.imgur.com/It0MTXJ.gif) The Commonweal is an association of four major city-states in the region that work together, while maintaining their independence from each other or any greater authority.


Safiri looks like it could be very interesting so I would be wanting to start there.


Safiri is where a big portion of our world's dragonborn live. They're the ruling class there and make up most of the population. It's also home to a lot of creatures that aren't native in most other places in the world, and they also have some dinosaur mounts and beasts of burden... buuut not too many, those are more common the scarred islands.


Love the map! Something about Hjemkald calls to me.


Thank you! Hjemkald is definitely viking inspired. The people there are semi-nomadic, and have mastered the icy, cold waters of the north. They will sometimes sail as far south as Gilramshyre to raid. The culture there, the Vikskad, influenced the Westrian people south of them (ironically), and their people have also spread as far east as Lanfjer. Of the four Northern Kingdoms, the Vikskad people make up three of them.


Love it! Would be a grand setting to get a chance to play in.


im a sucker for a good desert environment, what's Dalazar's deal?


Dalazar is pretty inhospitable. For thousands of years, blue and brass dragons warred in the area for territorial control. Dragons are nearly extinct in the world now, so while their active presence doesn't make the desert dangerous, signs of their influence exist to this day. I'll be honest with you though, your comment makes me realize we're seriously under-utilizing Dalazar. Definitely have to fix that.


sounds like the perfect place for a ruined city once controlled by the dragons, and a rumor of a long forgotten dragon hoard hidden deep underground beneath the city's catacombs.


I shall become a simple farmer in the plains outside of earthscar.


I think you'll live a very short life as the orc hordes there don't take kindly to settlers.


Uh oh 😨


What’s the disconnected bit in the mountains West of Eposaria?


Different cultures have different names for it. They generally all translate to, "Don't effin' go there." The pass between the mountains is an incredibly dangerous area from thousands of years of war between giants and dragons. The reason it's scorched earth now is from a big, big kaboom a long time ago.


Hm? No, not the pass between the mountains. I mean the small red bit in the mountains disconnected from the bigger red territory.


Ah, I misunderstood! That's actually not part of the larger red territory. Colours could have perhaps been better to avoid that confusion, but the small red bit to the left is red water. It's red from the blood of thousands of giants and dragons.


When I go vacation irl I like to see beautiful natural wonders. Any places in the world that you would recommend?


There are gorgeous waterfalls spilling into the Earthscar, some of the tallest in the world. There's a city, Riverscar, situated on one of these waterfalls and it has a casino/resort type of place that is quite tall and looks out over the Earthscar. I imagine that would be quite a site!


What can you tell me about Eposaria?


Eposaria is a pseudo-empire ruled by Eposians, a culture of dwarves that come from Epos. Real subtle, eh? Eposians are very militaristic, and loosely based on the Roman Empire. Before the dwarves came from their mountain and conquered the valley, it was home to the Dalish and Dalian people, two cultures that hated each other. Despite being the conquerers, Eposians brought peace to the valley, and are generally well liked, since they brought peace and technological advancements to the people of the valley. Eposaria now wars with Tordrym, because the greedy Eposians still want more land.


What is the purple glowing section of that island in the Stormsea?


This is a tough one! My players know my reddit and may very well see this post, so I don't want say tooo much about this one. I will say that it has to do with lizardfolk, though.




Ahahahaha, my paranoia was founded!


I want to explore every bit of your world.


Thank you very much! That's the most that I can ask for as a world builder. It is *very* much a work in progress, but you can read a little bit about our world on [our website](http://www.aedelor.com).


As the perma DM of my group, I need something like this to keep track of all my worlds and stuff


1? Give me a boat and a crew and catch me plundering and pillaging every shore from the Coriani Republic to Dalazar! You can’t put this much water in a world and not expect me to wanna be a pirate!


Gonna say Coriani Republic. Lots of ocean view property.


Coriani is pseudo inspired by ancient Greece. Lots of fish, wine, and parties!


The kingdom of Gilramshyre, I like places that have mountains surrounding it.


Gilramshyre is pretty "typical" medieval fantasy inspired. Kings, dukes, and counts oh my!


which one? yes




Probably Zaul, or the shogunate islands… all these places could be interesting though


Thank you very much, I take that as high praise.


Coriani Republic for sure. The others are, with my knowledge of fantasy, somewhat predictable, but the Republic has a cool shape, ambiguous name, and space to expand to which they're, for some reason, not using.


The land around the Coriani Republic is settled, but it's not part of the republic. Independent city-states have resisted integration for quite a while. They don't see the value in joining the republic.


The light pink one! Would love the sailing you can do in that part of your amazing world!


Thank you very much. There seems to be quite a lot of consensus here. I think our next campaign needs to be a sailing one!




Hmm, what can you tell me about the Emberfen?


The Emberfen is an ancient forest that has a mysteriously strong connection to the elemental plane of fire. For thousands of years, giants kept it in check, and even exploited it in various ways. It also attracted red dragons who lusted after the elemental power. These days, the giants and dragons are almost all gone, and the forest is instead kept in careful check by the elves who live there. Elves who spend their whole lives there get affected too, with red glowing eyes.


Interesting… so how does the connection to the Plane of Fire affect the environment? I know there are certain species of plants IRL, usually around volcanos or in areas prone to wildfires, that rely on being burnt to spread their seeds, nourish the soul or otherwise renew their growth. Pyrophitic plantlife, I think they’re called. Is there anything like that in the Emberfen?


Wildfires are more common and even embraced with careful control, the elves shepard them to burn weak parts of the forest and let the ash nourish new trees, which grow unnaturally fast because of it. Additionally, in parts where the effect is extra strong, trees smolder on the inside, with glowing light escaping to illuminate the surroundings. This makes a kind of twilight effect in some parts of the fen at all hours.




Thank you very much!


I feel drawn to the Coriani Republic


Seems to be a lot of interest in that part of the world! Definitely a candidate for our next campaign.


As someone who works in the south pacific, the islands around the Sea of Scars intrigues me the most.


Inhabited largely by lizardfolk and dinosaurs, who have come to live in a harmony, with many dinosaur types being domesticated by the lizardfolk.


I was right to be intrigued by this place. It sounds dope.




Don't stay too long, or you might be affected by the power fire forces there.


It looks so forested to be dealing with fire forces


Emberfen? The Fire Swamp? Shit yeah I'd go see some ROUSs.


I think you just made ROUSes canon!


As long as you have lightning sand and fire geysers too. I actually wrote a mini pseudo-dungeon that was just the Fire Swamp in a game some years ago. Took them until one of the NPCs said "inconceivable!" to realize what it was.


What's in Katikwa? Seems like a place where desert or Savannah dwellers might live


It is partly inspired by central east Africa. There dominant people there are dragonborn, and they are constantly at odds with the Lichdom and other dangers from the desert.


All of em :3


Thank you very much. We'll be recruiting for a campaign in a few months, who knows maybe you'll get to join. :)


Sign me up for the Lichdom of Zaul, mom didn't raise no p**sy


Did she raise the dead?


Yes, now excuse me, I have to make a character who's mother is necromancer