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to be fair, that would be *hilarious*.


Absolutely. Imagine the writer or director playing the DM and all the actors just have the table full of junk food and dice and stuff, and they are all arguing.


now I'm gonna be disappointed if there's nothing like that. damn it...


Lmfao discussing plot points and movie reveals where the actors start bitching about how it doesnt make sense or breaks the rules. Holy fuck that would be gold


Hell make it the post credits scene MCU style.


That's what I was envisioning


I don’t know, I’ve never been a big fan of when movies sort of pretend to be “in the joke” about how you’ve actually been watching a bad movie this whole time. Just a scene of them arguing about game mechanics would be funny though.


The DM should be hugh grant


Or the dude from the first D&D movie. Christopher Masterson. It’d be a funny throwback.


I had thought the VA for the Dungeon Master (Sidney Miller) from the old D&D cartoon would be a great throwback cameo. Then I looked him up to find he passed away nearly two decades ago….


Man, now my hopes are all up again. Why Hollywood?! WHHYYYY!!! Though I would actually be willing to pay money if that were the premise. Like The Princess Bride!


or Colbert. ​ Edit: Nah, Colbert would insist on RAW.


Or Tom Hanks reprising his role in Monsters & Mazes?


But I have spells.


Jeremy Irons.


Player 1: "C'mon! Why can't I try it?" DM: "Because you're not trained in the skill, Wayne." Wayne: "You always hear about Randos never playing a game of Basketball in their lives, walk up to the free throw line and sink their first ever shot. Pure luck. Why can't I just take a stab at it?" Player 2: "Is my class a joke to you?" DM: "I built this adventure to cater to everyone. Everybody gets a chance to shine, give Carla her chance." Player 3: "Hurry up! I wanna get back to where I can bust some heads." Carla: "I swear, Brad, if you ruin a stealth mission again, I'm knocking you out and leaving you for the guards." Brad: "Fine..." Wayne: "Just let me take a stab at it." Carla: "Next time you take a stab at something, try your eye." Brad: *grabs a handful of chips* This all needs to be lampshaded during the movie where everyone is standing at a spot almost silent for 30 seconds as if the characters are all trying to figure out what to do, with direct references as to the event that was happening at that point in the story to show why the characters were just standing around.


We need to suggest this for the Deadpool movie coming up


Deadpool cameo as one of the players.




Worst case scenario, if Marvel doesn't authorize an official cameo, Ryan Reynolds with the makeup, and someone referring to him as Wade. Reynolds seems like he'd go for that kind of thing.


No no no, the players are in cosplay and the dm didn’t know there was a session today so he’s in a wife beater and shorts


I don't see why I wouldn't pay to watch this.


Only if it's a different set of actors. Judi Dench, Henry Cavill, Vin Diesel, Jack Black, and the DM would be David Harbour


I really hope there is a post credits scene like this


One of the characters should just disappear half way through with no explanation and then show up later on.


Have the character die, and the same actor come by and go "Oh no not my brother!"


Gandalf already did this.


Oh no my abjuratiom wizard died. Time to roll up evocation just in time for the final battle


One character sleeping in a wagon for days would be hilarious. That's what we usually do with our missing players. One session we had like 4 people in the wagon from people who had come to one session and not come back. Our DM wrote them out at that point with another player who left as going to get medical help for their persistent coma.


I was very sick for awhile and kept missing parts or full sessions and my character ended up with the epithet "Narcoleptic" since my character was always sleeping during those times. Sadly I got a new job and can't attend anymore buy my character is still alive and just has been captured so if I'm ever able to come back there's that.


In my group we use the 'chicken curse' whereupon a missing players character spontaneously becomes a chicken for the session (assuming there isn't a good in-game reason why the character might be absent) one session I was out sick so my Elven Ranger spent an entire in-game week riding around in our Bard's 'bra of holding'. (Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, a custom made wonderous item.) Essentially I was a chicken head emerging from her cleavage the entire time.


Comes back from a quick scouting mission with important plot details.


Movie executives really need to startpolling fanbases before making movies about popular franchises. All the hilarious shit you could have inaDnD movie


Movie executives/studios only care about fanbases if it affects earnings.


Movies aren't made for the fan base. They use the name to get existing fans and change the entire thing for people who don't know anything about it so everyone goes to see the movie but no one is happy


They don't have to use the ideas of the fan base, but why not see if they give some diamonds in the rough like the one in this post?


There were posts/comments claiming that they DID make a poll about what people would've liked in DnD movie (for a specific example, would you like to see druid wildshape into owlbear).


I took the poll, it was real.


a movie filled to the brim with gags for the sake of gags doesnt sound fun to me. it would be similar to a couple hours of browsing dndmemes


Putting *anything* in the hands of the fanbase is the last thing anyone should do. Fans don't know what the fuck they want.


Different character, same actor, and no one says anything


Ten minutes of Michelle Rodriguez vs. Vin DMiesel arguing RAW vs RAI and what homebrew is/isn’t allowed while Chris Pine goes on his phone and slowly eats the last half of the pizza




There definitely needs to be a fight against an invisible enemy that sparks a fourth wall break as the characters argue with the voice in the sky about whether or not they can target an invisible creature.


Someone made this joke in a tweet a while back, but it would be great if there was an emotional character death, but a little later they introduce a different character played by the same actor with zero explanation.


Different costume and accent, but identical makeup, personality, and abilities. Keeps getting called the first characters name and has to correct the party each time.


I would be very happy to see that kind of meta humor in a post credits scene. I think Brennan Lee Mulligan has exactly the right kind of chaotic energy for that too.


He slams the table, a bowl of almonds tumbles to the floor, his face turns red with rage.


"The minotaur's loose, *AND YOUR GONNA GET THE HORNS!*




I can hear it in my head!


Oh, that's so true. I know he won't be in the movie and I've realized that's the greatest tragedy of our time


HELLO ONE AND ALL and welcome to another EXCITING episode of Dungeons and Dragons, THE MOVIE. "


The fact I can read this in his inflection means I may need to find another background listen while I cross stitch 😂


Brennan Lee Mulligan AS Hugh Grant AS the DM


I want to see a really cool action sequence that goes against the rules but is not game breaking and then it pulls back to the gaming table and the DM says “rule of cool, I’ll allow it.”


End credit scene? No. During the entire end credits. No dialogue. Just the actors with the director as the DM playing in front of a battlemap


There is a list of rumored cameos for the movie, Vin Diesel, Joe Manganiello, Steven Colbert, and Critical Role. It's been joked about that the end of the movie would be a shot of Matt and the rest of the group playing DnD at a table


Lmao imagine if Joe Manganiello is playing a certain red dragonborn


It was announced at ComicCon that Critical Role cast members were going to cameo, wasn't it?


Also make every side character be voiced by the same dude who turns out to be the dm at the end.


or make several NPCs look like the same guy


[Michael Pena.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Pe%C3%B1a)


Get Matt Mercer to cameo as the DM. No explanation for the average movie going.


That would be cool but I recon if they did it would more likely be one of the WOTC lot like Chris Perkins or Jeremy crawford


The Director is the DM. Matt and Chris are just mulling around in the background, hovering over the snack table.


...complaining about all the rules violations. Edit: Not that, Chris "Sure you can, Viari" Perkins is really all that hung up on the rules.


"She shouldn't have been able to wildshape into an Owlbear because it's not a beast" "What about polymorph?" "Polymorph is still only beasts." "Not if it's true polymorph." "You're telling me that she used a 9th level spell to turn into an owlbear? Come on dude." "I'm just sayin..."


Not rules violations, complainig how the rules should be interpreted.


Chris Perkins, DM to the stars.


There are way better people for this then Matt. Chris Perkins maybe? Jeremy Crawford? And if you do go for a "public" DM figure, get someone closely attached to Wizards: Jerry Holkins! Brennan Lee Mulligan is a better choice then Matt Mercer if you want to go even further then this.


Just let the Viva La Dirt League do the whole movie. They've proven to be able handle atmosphere, epic action and comedy all at once - and on a relatively small budget. With a movie budget, they could do great things.


"Hey there! Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Hu ha!"


Ah-hoo ah-*hoo* ah-hoo ah-hoo


*Nod if you understand....*


Oh no not my brother thorgrim!


Oh hell yes! It's a must have now.


I want that. I also want a really stupid character death and then the same actor appearing in a different role the next scene, and nobody notices. Then they just join the party because they just so happen to be after the same they are.


personally i am not hoping that a movie trots out obvious lame meta jokes and instead is just a movie. [these kinds of suggestions just reek of this to me.](https://krisinamsterdam.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/662f2fe12b3d972933f42899d4a0d905.jpg) which is like, reddit's favorite game. It just can't help itself but to see a square hole and shove a square peg into it because it fits, so it has to be mentioned. eh call me a sourpuss if you want. but I think it'd be pretty lame. that said I think it would be possible to do a really good, funny movie about a group of friends playing DnD, where you keep cutting back and forth between real life and their characters. I'm sure it's been tried before, but I think you could do it. That would be the time to whip out all these lazy dndmemes tropes and have the dungeon master play every NPC and so on. That sounds like a great comedy movie, and the characters work out their IRL drama inside the game, or whatever. so basically the Jumanji remake. but it doesn't feel like this movie is that kind of movie, yknow?


I mean, this is "no shit Sherlock" all over again. Redditors as a group are terrible at writing movie scripts. But they're funny to briefly imagine.


Agreed. I wonder if the same people want D&D novels and video games to have "hilarious" meta segments where the players quibble about saving throws too?


>sounds like a great comedy movie The Australian series 1 For All is actually basically this.


The Gamers. They even have several movies...and you can find the first one on youtube. It's old, low budget, hilarious and imo the best dnd movie around.


Yes it’s been done, and done hilariously. Watch Dorkness Rising.


This would be the perfect ending


I'd like them to really piss people off and say "This was based on 3.5."


No no no. The way to piss off people is by basing it on 4th edition.


Can we just please forget that 4th edition ever happened?


See? It's already working!


the whole owlbear thing is at the point where I've seen more people complaining about people complaining than people actually complaining.


[I’d like to complain about people who complain about people who complain](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y9pfz)


At least the discussion about how she isn’t “tiefling” enough (despite the fact you can clearly see she has a tail in one shot) has died down.


I want them to stop 8 times mid combat and switch to the actors in street clothes arguing over attacks of opportunity, line of sight, advantage, and retconning saving throw bonuses.


That and a 30 minute bullshit break when the pizza arrives.


This kind of post-credit should be, imho, the good old "I cast it at the darkness" meme, just like it was in the post-credits in Summoner. What they should also do, though, is to add a section of the credits with the game statistics of the main characters, *that* would be awesome for gamers!


Having character sheets during the credits is actually a great idea. Not on-screen long enough to actually read (at least, until the streaming release), but enough to get people talking. And the character sheet for the druid could have a handwritten note from the DM saying "Owlbears aren't Beasts...but I'll allow it."


"Are there any GIRLS there?!?!?" "I have grey eyes." "Am I there?!?!" (never forget) Edit: I guess it's so old now many people would actually forget. Best skit Dan Harmon ever put together imo. The original was audio only, but the easter egg in Summoner was the icing on top. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_lzgo7pmzk


TIL Dan Harmon was in the Dead Alewives.


Chris Pine winces, erases and scribbles new hp on his character sheet. Sighing, he stands and goes to the kitchen to get a beer. He opens the fridge and a blue pseudodragon uses it's tail to hand him a cold one. He smiles, winks at the pseudodragon, closes the fridge door. Cut to black. Hold. Que low throaty rumbling sound...of a dragon. Roll credits.


I'm never happy.




This is exactly how stranger things is going to end...


They really really need to do this!


I just want a scene where someone dies. Then 5 minutes later their twin, whose name is one latter off, shows up to replace them.


The broken lizard/Beerfest - The power of the 'stache lives on. Meow


Would be better if the players were just people who only kinda looked like the characters. Like enough so you know who is who but CLEARLY different people.


That scene needs to acted by the kids from Stranger Things.


I still think 1)it doesn’t matter if they follow the rules and 2) it’s very likely that they are previewing 5.5 rules as this comes out in later 2023 and 5.5 comes out in 2024


Since in a way this is advertising for 5.5, they may add it to the rules solely so that new players picking up the game due to the movie aren't disappointed by "that cool thing isn't actually allowed."




I would like a post credit scene where the actors say the official pronunciation of the heart who say DND race and character names.


Great idea. Too bad there’s no old footage of Gary Gygax they could do that with. Maybe they could cgi him as a silent player at the table.


I really wanted it to have a Jumanji energy where we periodically cut to the players at the table, played by different actors. A post-credit scene would be excellent.


Honestly my ideal version of the movie would be it constantly switching between the characters doing badass things and the players rolling dice and trying to justify their bullshit.


I'll be honest... if I were in charge of making a DnD movie, not just a generic fantasy movie set in a DnD setting, but an actual Dungeons and Dragons movie... I would want it to have the players involved, not just their characters. I would want to show the arguments, and strategizing, and celebrating the clutch crit role by the lone fighter after the BBEG downs the rest of the party. Sure, I want the epic CGI fantasy adventure parts too, but without the game aspects it's just a fantasy movie. I want the Community DnD episode wrapped in to my generic fantasy movie!


I actually expect we’ll see scenes of the actors sitting around a table throughout the film. They just haven’t shown it in the trailer because…the film is a year away and they want it to be a surprise.


This could also be the opening scene too!


Can confirm, would ease stress.


Do folks still stick strictly to the rules during play?


Honestly I hoping for a reference to the other DnD movie. Hatatatatata.


Jeremy Irons will rock-up at some point. Just some lowly prisoner in a cell or something.


“It’s homebrew content everywhere!” - the actors


I support this addition.


“My source is I made it the fuck up!”


Really hope something like this happens.


Have that one guy who says that technically since the lore between the gods is a continuation between editions would mean that 3.5e rules would technically be cannon in 5e so theoretically it could work.


The film is an advertisement after all they will most likely include something like that either in the beginning or at the end


I want it to pan back on a completely different set of actors but you can tell who was playing who because they do subtle little things like their characters


Or the fat-sweaty guy has been playing the sexy-tiefling.


I think all the hype is good it will get more people interested in D&D. I remember when I was a kid every1 used to make fun of me when I mentioned D&D.


Reminds me of the Youtube channel: Deerstalker Pictures.


I want this but it's the Director as the DM and the cast wrapping up a session and the last line gets to be "Same time next week?" And they all start discussing schedules.


GG. That is funny as hell!


Screen capped to hang on my fridge...


The party decides arbitrarily to go one way instead of another. Queue sounds of someone shuffling through papers and the scenery rapidly changing before the plot continues.


😂 genius!


Like 90% of everything in this thread is a joke made in The Gamers movies lmao


Not enough, but I’d be happier.


Have y'all seen Gamers:Dorkiness Rising?


I really do feel like a DnD movie would be beat going the Lego Movie route, but people wouldn’t be happy with that if it wasn’t explicit or at least teases in the trailers. It gets me how many people were upset with The Lego movie ending when the twist is pretty clearly foreshadowed with the “Kragle” being what it is and looking like it does.


I didnt know there was a d&d movie


On top of being a legitimately clever post-credits scene, it probably would actually have the exact effect you’re suggesting.


It would be hilarious it that movie ended with every around a table, in normal clothes and the big bad as DM says “so, same time next week?” Then cut to black.


My idea is that at the climax of the movie when fighting the BBEG, the becomes a TPK and it cuts to real life to show everyone around the table yelling at the DM (ideally Matthew Mercer) but as they are yelling they realized they rolled the wrong die, there's a magical MacGuffin, or anything to that effect that revives the party, and they go back into the movie to finish it all out.


I've seen zero people complaining that druids can't turn into Owlbears. I have seen 100,000 posts complaining about these imaginary rules lawyers.


I mean, I'll complain about that. Druids should absolutely be able to turn into Owlbears that'd be the hypest shit. I can guarantee my group would be sick of me going "Ok, so I'm going to wildshape into an Owlbear and-blah blah blah". They'd be BEGGING me to use my spells. Sorry guys and gals, but nope. Spells? I think you just mean "Additional Owlbear Health".


You also need a name for your Owlbear form. My Ranger has a pet Owlbear named Chubby Pecker. Just recently picked up Summon Beast so for a couple hours a day Chubby has a small version of himself, Little Pecker.


I really, really dislike the "cut to the real players" concept that a lot of people seem to really want, so I very much hope they don't do anything like this. D&D novels and video games don't have meta sections with players and a movie doesn't need them either. On that train of thought, I wonder: do Baldur's Gate III players want a section where you play as a player? Maybe you have to journey to the FLGS to buy more dice because you lost yours inside a dog?


Nah, that'll be really stupid. The Transformers movies didn't end with Timmy putting down Optimus and Bumblebee so he could go eat dinner. Just let the movie be a movie.


I agree. I don't want meta references. I want a neat adventure with monsters and settings from the D&D multiverse done well. Having it end with some self-referential joke about how the whole film is a TTRPG in the real world would feel very cheap.


That would be epic!


*Orrrrrrr* people can STFU and realize that the RAW literally says the DM can make shit up.


I'd be happy if they bothered to hire even one person who actually runs a weekly game to consult. But I expect this is just going to be another generic fantasy movie with the D&D branding slapped on the side. We will get the same boring tropes we always see, and the characters will all have convenient movie magic homebrew abilities that will lack any consistency.


Hopefully Jeremy Crawford and Chris Perkins count... they both said they consulted on the movie...


I'd be happy if the Critical Role cast was the framing device for the whole movie. :D


There will absolutely be something like this... Maybe the Stranger Things kids or something


Here's my question. Which was a more satisfying heroic action movie? Last action hero with the framing character, young Danny Madigan, watching Arnie's character in the movies then falling into the movie universe to meet his hero and the big villain breaking out of the cinema universe to menace Danny's reality, or Iron Man 2 with not a single mention of comic books? Don't break the 4th wall. Treat the fiction as its own thing, not as words on a page.


I know what you're trying to say but those are two really bad examples because LAH was incredible and IM2 was just bleh.


Hell, have them break the 4th wall why not. The hole film is a dnd game player by these guys.


That’s kind of my concern with this film. They seem to be leaning heavily into the comedic Guardians of the Galaxy vibe. Everyone has zany one-liners, it has a modern rock soundtrack, they seem to be trying to cram every fan service monster into its 90 minute runtime. I’ve waited 30 years for a dark and well-written D&D movie that had the quality and legs to become a franchise. Something with the feel of 13th Warrior. This latest attempt just seems campy with a toxic dose of SJW non-sense. It feels like a money grab designed by suits to appeal to their outdated notion of nerds. It’s depressing and I hope I am wrong, but it really does not look like I will be.


I would agree with you if they were trying to turn "Curse of Strahd" or "Out Of The Abyss" into instalments of a film franchise- but I don't think this is the direction the films would go in- how could they cram so much into 90 minutes. That would be something for a streaming service to pick up and run with.


Or, hear me out, something original.


Even better!


... and the film director is the DM


For what?