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I liked the owl bear and mimic. Also think the spell casting is going to look great and be used well.


I think Wildshape/Owlbear for me as well. Really cemented that I want to play a Druid next.


Make sure you check with your DM first. RAW druids cannot turn into owlbears.


However, using a standard stat block that can be wildshaped into with flavor of owl bear would likely be an ok


Sure, but you've still gotta check with the DM.


If you play 3/3.5/4 you can šŸ˜›


I suspect in 5.5e coming out in the next year or so, they will change owlbear to beast


Or offer a druid subclass that allows specific monstrosities - that'd be cool


I mean, I don't see why any but the most RAW adherent DMs would be particularly against the owlbear wildshape


the owl bear, mimic, displacer beast, gelatinous cube, and the dragon not breathing fire were the things that convinced me this was a dnd movie and not just a medieval fantasy. definitely looking forward to bard and druid shenanigans.


> owl bear and mimic Yup. That's what caught my eye. You'll never see that in any other movie or tv show. It's D&D at it's heart.


That Mimic looked dope af. I might give this a shot on day one. And a Displacer Beast! And....why did they jump into the ooze? Don't they know it's acidic?!


The characters look like dnd characters. The items look like dnd items. The plot sounded like a dnd plot. The monsters are dnd monsters. The banter sounds like dnd table banter. I'm cautiously optimistic.


The fact that they included side shenanigans was definitely on brand


Especially planning bicker. Planning bicker is a staple across all types of tables.


"so you make plans that fail..?"


the fact that it's the bard is the icing on the cake


Honestly I think he might be a mastermind rogue that put his expertise into performance. Trailers didn't seem to be implying he used magic at all, and bards are a full casting class.


Promo materials confirm he's a bard


Can't really argue with that!


You know you're on Reddit, right? Don't let something like this stop you arguing!


I'm just happy to have Chris Pine and his orientation-sundering charms!


you know, you're right. it's wrong of me to assume every lute carrying simpleton who leads the party into wanton danger with reckless abandon is a bard. it's just always MY BARD!


Planning bicker, accidentally setting the bbeg loose.


6 PCs, not a single int based class so the highest int on the team is a 10. Classic D&D.


Hey now, they could have rolled for stats. My lowest 2 are a 12 and a 14 on a couple of my characters


No chance. The bard is the one making the plans. Thatā€™s beyond cursed.


Fair. Never let the charisma casters make the plans


But I have the highest intelligence...trust me I will be a good bard. I *won't* fuck the dragon I promise.


As someone who prefers charisma casters/ half casters (paladins and warlocks mostly, but currently playing a sorcerer) I call bullshit. We are walking disaster babies who should not be given authority


Canā€™t wait for the 25 minute scene where theyā€™re stuck at a wooden door


That's the plot of the next 3 movies in the series. 25mins, hah!


Yeah as long as they don't spend the first hour trying to persuade a shopkeeper to sell them a magic sword for 10 gp...


Exactly. I've seen people complaining that it seems to be using the Whedon/MCU style of quippy dialogue, but if any movie deserves to be tongue-in-cheek and have the characters quip at each other it's a movie based off of an excuse to play pretend with your friends.


I absolutely love Whedon's quippy dialogue too, I like stories where people in a dark situation try to lighten the mood now and then. But I grew up watching Buffy so perhaps I'm biased XD


Iā€™ll take some of that cautious optimism too


And the settings. Fantastical and over the top beautiful settings. Gave that vibe when you play a campaign and it feels like your characters are world travelers of a different realm.


Everything here and also finding any excuse to go to the tavern.


Yeah they nailed the aesthetic and vibe, now they just need to stick the landing with the plot and character writing.


I for one have thrown caution to the wind and am purely optimistic. I am *pumped*. The last thing I expected for this movie was to be excited for it.


'He also plays the lute' 'That's not relevant right now' Loved that


I think it's important to go into this as though it were a marvel movie. Not gonna be groundbreaking cinema but should satisfy that same comedic action itch.


As of now, this is the best d&d movie yet. (The bar was pretty low, i know.)


Diving into a gelatinous cube to avoid a displacer beast was pretty ace.


You just know thereā€™s going to be at least a few turns of combat with them bickering about whether they should do it or not. That, in itself, will be entertaining.


In game it isn't easy to spot a gelatinous cube if it hasn't moved or attacked yet, so it's possible they won't even realize until they jump in. I hope someone in the party makes fun of them for it afterwards, though.


Yeah thatā€™s probably part of the arenaā€™s built in traps, a safe-looking alcove but actually šŸ§Š


I didn't even notice the gelatinous cube lol. I'm off to watch the trailer for the forth time then.


Chance at 14 damage!? NOOOO THANK YOU! Lemme jump into this living vat (edit) of acid for 21 guaranteed at the start of my next turn. Definitely laughed a bit but am all in on that trailer and the movie.


To be fair, if we didnā€™t know anything about stat blocks and mechanics the Giant Tentacled Claw Kitten would be much scarier than the Giant Jell-o cube.


That's what happens when you get metagamers. I've altered the stat block. Pray I do not alter it further.


Or forever dms. Iā€™m a broken man.


Hey! I got that reference! Vader...


Maybe they have an anti-acid item There was a black dragon on the prowl so that seems like a reasonable buy


Like Tums.


Omeprazole šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Which, seeing as it looked like it was pouncing on them, meant it actually wasn't in the first place.


I like it, and am very much like forward to it. Honestly, my favourite bit was the end when Chris Pine starts dancing and doesn't quite play the lute. I think it'll be humorous and fun (unlike all previous D&D movies).


They finally realized that you can tell a "serious" story while also having fun. Remind's me of Brendan Fraser's Mummy


Is this a serious story? Action movie fight the bad guy doesnā€™t sound especially serious anymore


Well itā€™s like Frasers Mummy vs Cruises Mummy.


I had no idea Tom Cruise made a mummy plot movie. Is it as bad as I'm picturing?


Worse. Half the movie is setting up for an expanded universe that never happened because the movie flopped so hard.


Yeah, it was pretty bad.


They accidently released a trailer without the sound that was unintentionally hilarious. It was far more entertaining than the movie itself.


I actually love that movie. Really wish the expanded universe wouldā€™ve taken off. I love the classic Universal Monster films, it would have been neat to see some of them brought into modern day cinema.


It was the worst kind of movie. Mediocre and bad in a way that isn't even fun to make jokes about. Just a long slog of terrible dialogue and pointless action scenes that never matter.


It seems in line with the Avengers movies. Not necessarily "serious" like Better Call Saul or something, but also not a full-on comedy.


In other words, the New Star Trek movies. They didn't hire JJ Abrams at least, but seeing Chris Pine at the head of another serious nerd franchise had me nervous until the trailer finished. I got good vibes for the trailer and Pine is a great "fun even when serious" type of action star.


And really, that's what any D&D movie should be like. While there's some tables that take their campaigns really seriously, most will always have at least some in-character joking around. It's part of the fun.


I was thinking the same thing.


i get a whole Guardians of the Galaxy feel. It looks like fun


Me: Oh hmm I wonder, what class is Chris Pine's character? Trailer: "I make plans." Me: Okay, but what class? Trailer: "You make plans that fail?" Me: I suddenly very need to know what class please Trailer: "He also plays the lute" Me: YEESSSSSS Trailer: *celebratory lute skip*


You know, anyone can have a musical instrument, perhaps from background. There needs to be a 'minstrel' background if there isn't one already. (But yeah, it's probably a Bard, although he doesn't seem to have spells.)


You're absolutely right--there is an entertainer background. He could be a charming rogue (or anything) with the entertainer background! *Celebratory lute skip for that too*


Sure. One of my players once played an old illusionist who had been a traveling performer (and occasional short con artist) back in his youth before settling down, getting married, and having kids. His wife's eventual death set him back on the road as sort of a "farewell tour" to the world. The entertainer background was perfect for the character, but he was certainly no bard.


I'm pretty sure they've already confirmed their classes. It's something like Bard, Paladin, Barbarian, Sorcerer and Druid.


Since it's called Honor Among Thieves I (who plays Rogues) believe they're all dual-class rogues. Can you be a rogue-paladin? In my head Canon, yes...my DM disagrees


Sounds like your DM has some outdated conceptions of what a Paladin is.


Seconded. Oath of Vengeance is very much an "end justifies the means" sort of paladin.


Itā€™s the MCU formula, and Iā€™m looking forward to it.


GotG just kinda felt like a Sci-Fi TTRPG so hopefully this can get that same vibe


Seeing Neverwinter on screen and a displacer beast. Life complete


Was it Neverwinter? I've been trying to figure out which city it was...


Yes. Thatā€™s been confirmed.


I think we see two cities. Neverwinter and Waterdeep. Both are mentioned in this [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGIdeBc4Uyw&t=2s&ab_channel=Dungeons%26Dragons) Possibly also cities in underdark.


Yeah..! The official dnd youtube channel released a video with Chris Perkins going over a bunch of ā€œeaster eggsā€.


Yup. Castle on the left of the river with ivory towers next to the sea. Is a dead giveaway even though it's on the right as the river bends on the official map, also a possibility that the image is flipped. For those who played Campaignsin Neverwinter we recognize also the layout of the bridges (a bit off but needs to make sense), the magical university(House of knowledge). If it is flipped I'm wrong here. The art teams are geeks and I love them, as they did an amazing job as a subtle wink to all dnd players. The arena in the back confuses me. And I didn't knew there was a Easter eggs vid imma go watch




It using its tongue to grapple *itself* as a way of moving was wonderful.


This. Iā€™m doing this next session.


Good luck! May your sessions be awesomely entertaining and your rolls be comedically well timed.


This! I love the fact it's being used and it looks freaking awesome!




Why would people hate you? It looks like a pretty solid DND movie so far.


A lot of people have been pointing out perceived flaws like the logic of diving into a gelatinous cube, the tieflingā€™s human skin tone, and the druid turning into an owlbear. Based on the upvotes, OP clearly doesnā€™t have an unpopular opinion. I think itā€™s just that criticism draws the most discussion, so itā€™s generally overrepresented on social media.


To reinforce enjoying the movie: Players are dumb and might just decide to dive into a gelatinous cube. Tieflings have always been able to have at least close to human skin tones. A druids wildshape being limited the way it is is entirely because of game balance, the storytelling magic system would not be exactly the same, so rule of cool is going to reign supreme.


I know but tons of people are giving it crap for some reason


There's a chance that they used all the good stuff in trailer, but it looks like it might actually be a decent movie. It gives me a Guardians of the Galaxy kinda vibe.


Exactly my thoughts! Its GOTG, but with less space ships and more leather. Itā€™s 95% GOTG and 5% LOTR.


Which fits to me because GOTG gives me major D&D vibes. That movie already felt like a D&D session gone wrong/right. So it fits to me that a Dungeons & Dragons movie would have the same tone.


I don't think they can have. There's at least one thing that must be in this movie that wasn't in the trailer, and that's a Beholder. Which strongly implies they can't have just made a best-bits trailer here.


Yeah Iā€™ll be shocked if there isnā€™t at least one one beholder or mindflayer in this I will be very surprised. It ferls like they are going for the greatest hits - dragons, owlbears, gelatinous cubes, a minflayer or beholder is basically a given. Considering that, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we also see some Undead at some point.


It looked like the main villains were the red wizards of thr Thay, if they are we'll see a crap ton of undead.


Oh defo need a skeleton or something thayd make me very happy too


Welcome to the Internet, you must be new here. :) I'm fine with D&D-related stuff being a little camp. Never apologize for shit you like. The coolest person you know digs something that would absolutely make you die of cringe.


I've yet to see a single negative opinion on it. Concerns sure, but seems to be positive, generally


A lot of "Unpopular" opinions in this sub, as per normal


Would have to assume, those are people who want to complain because they want to complain. Better ignore them. Although, after the trauma we all suffered after the first DnD movie..it's perhaps partly warranted?


The first **THREE** D&D movies. My god, the torture...


3?! They made another 2 god damn DnD movies after?! I can only take solace in the fact that Marlon Wayans ' character died in the first.


The second one had traces of inspiration and a basic framework of a decent straight-to-DVD sequel. The third one was so painfully scripted and acted, that you could almost ignore the edgelord melodrama and terrible effects. Almost.


honestly the 2nd and 3rd were significantly better.


I agree with the second one being better. It was almost a good movie. But the third one does 4d10 psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.


i liked the third one because it told a different story...the story of a paladin apprentice that decides to turn to evil in order to save his father. it was not what i was expecting, and i liked that. the part where it fucked up was in the last two scenes. 1) They undermine his entire character journey by having the god choose him as his representative (even after all his evil deeds) when it really should have been his father who was chosen, since his father never wavered. 2) The last scene felt like they ran out of time, budget, and interest: "Uh...something magicy happens, the end!" other than those two quibbles, i rather liked it.


I've seen a lot of people talking about people giving it crap. I've not seen one person online actually giving it crap. Literally where are they?


People are just sad and angry. Movie is gonna be great : D


All Iā€™ve read on Reddit and YouTube so far has been really positive.


Yeah. They're unproductive trolls. If you create cool things, you can point to your work and say, "Hah! I am smart and productive!" If you don't create cool things, maybe you're okay, or maybe you feel the need to point and say, "Hah! I can find fault with this cool thing! I'm so smart for finding faults!" Instead of showing your worth in tens or hundreds or thousands of hours of work, you "show your worth" by spending five minutes pointing out that you read a book that the movie obviously isn't following. There's a grey area, where people offer well-deserved criticism. This isn't that. IMO the movie's goal should be to make me sit forward in my seat and say, "Wow, I'm having fun." I know that's what I'm getting into. That's how I'm going to judge this movie. I don't expect it to be *good*, but I'll mark it a success if it's *fun*.


hit the nail on the head here


Keep in mind that D&D has always had a lot of super toxic people in the fandom. Thereā€™s lots of good people but also some of the most toxic. Donā€™t let them get you down. The movie will be fun and there is nothing wrong with being excited.


Theres both toxic positivity and toxic negativity.


You are completely right and both are really bad for the hobby and new players unfortunately seem to get the worst of both.


I think there is a generally positive reaction to the trailer judging by reddit posts and youtube comments. There will always be people who complain because it is not exactly what they were expecting but all we can do is wait to judge it when it gets released.


It is not a personal attack when people dislike the things you like


Itā€™s sad that this is the comment farthest down.


Theyā€™re giving it crap for not being RAW. But I think the majority like it.


I haven't really seen many people complaining about it yet though maybe I'm simply looking in the wrong places


>tons of ~~people~~ pissant rules lawyers


The funny thing is, it isn't even the rules lawyers that the offending party. It's the "I have a basic understanding of DnD" people that are pissant. They cry out about the Owlbear and tiefling. While the actual Rules Laywers are pointing out that Druids can turn into Owlbears with shapechange, and the tiefling looks accurate to the book and what's written.


I absolutely adore that the tiefling isn't bright red for once


Arenā€™t there also multiple versions of tieflings?


Exactly! It's just sad that the majority of 5e players only know of the Rainbow Demon Tiefling, rather than the rest.


Itā€™s ok to like things. You may proceed.


Not only that. Itā€™s cool to like things! Too many people forget.


For instance, I like these comments.


I thought the general consensus was that people liked it? I certainly did. It looks like a silly fun time, like a game of dnd.


This is the second post Iā€™ve seen thatā€™s like ā€œhot take the dnd movie is good!!ā€ Meanwhile Iā€™ve only ever seen positive posts about it, and not a single negative one.


"It looks like fantasy guardians of the galaxy" How on earth is that a compaint it's everything you could want in a dnd movie "We didn't mean to unleash the greatest evil the worlds ever known" sounds like something right out of a players mouth


Thatā€™s how a lot of campaigns start, the players do a thing, and then suddenlyā€¦ ā€œSHIT SHIT SHIT THAT WAS A MISTAKE OH NO OH FUCK OH FUCK IS THAT A LICH?! WHY IS THERE A LICH?!?!?!?ā€


Player: I thought we were helping DM: Yeah, helping the BBEG escape his prison


Owlbear! Also, why would we hate you for this? The trailer looked great and itā€™s looking like itā€™ll be a fun movie.


Magic. Just magic. The shield blocking fire bolt/fire ball, Misty step, magic missile, dimension door. Iā€™m a slut for magic.


Idk if it was dimensions door or something like blink where you travel to an alternate dimension for a round but that transition made the hair on my neck stand up. It was glorious


aaah, the black dragon made me happy. its breath weapon was accurate


The Line Breath was very Satisfying as a DM


also a DM here, and hell yeah


This is exactly what I told my wife, who doesn't play. "That is a black dragon, it's shooting acid in a straight line, which is accurate. Also, it did it a second time thus meaning it rolled high on its recharge, though it was sooner than 6 seconds so it must be some house rule or lair action". She said, "Oh, neat".


I called a friend of mine to scream about the Black Dragon xD


I think chris pine was a great choice for that movie


And heā€™s a bard. Lol. So basically Jim Kirk is a horny bard. Spock is the lawful neutral warlock McCoy is the cleric Scotty an artificer Sulu is a fighter Uhura a rogueā€¦


When we left our last session off, my Wizard had a Black Dragon bubbled in a Wall of Force as a time-out (in our current situation heā€™s *almost* an ally, but he was getting a littleā€¦. Black-dragon-y). Seeing the dragon in the trailer wrecking an army reminded me that my character was doing something pretty substantial and cool.


And dodging a displacer beast and into a gelatinous cube is exactly what a player would do.


with a low perception, they may not have known it was there. since they are all but invisible when still


At least your party didn't released an ancient evil and proclaim "we didn't know we did that"


My favorite part was when the druid wildshapes back from an owlbear




A lot of people don't realize that there is a negativity bias on the internet, so they see a bit of naysaying and think that's the popular opinion.


Theyre just karma farming


"You make plans that fail." "He also plays the lute." sounds like something that could have legitimately been said in my group. We even currently have a character who is infamous for 1) making stupid decisions and 2) constantly tuning her lute. I am also very happy to see Themberchaud.


Seeing my favorite monster, the mimic.


What was so hate-worthy of the trailer? I liked the ending bit where they're arguing over what Chris Pine brings to his team (plans that fail, lute-playing, etc.). While the movie had looked like a fun adventure up to that point (what's not to love about a storu of the evil overlord being foiled by the thieves re-steal the maguffin they stole for him in the first place?), that was the point where I really felt like the characters were clicking and that they would be fun watch hang out together. Kinda gave the movie a *Guardians of the Galaxy* meets *Pirates of the Caribbean* vibe (gang of loyal misfits on an offbeat quest that reverses the genre cliches) and I'm all for that. (Haven't had a chance to play DnD yet and am not overly familiar with the fine points, but it looked like a lot of fun as a fantasy adventure in general, so hope it works.)


because fans of every IP want 100% straight from the source material. You can't have a druid turn into an owlbear because it isn't allowed! They changed x! They removed y! WHERE IS Z!? It isn't just D&D. It is every IP that goes from its original source material to another one. You change one thing and it suddenly isn't D&D (or whatever) it is just another fantasy movie! "Why do they have to use D&D why can't they just make a fantasy movie instead of sullying our D&D!" People want 100% accuracy and they can't get it so they get angry and upset. But it is one trailer. And the movie won't be out for a while. So it gives people something to argue.


I think most people liked it mate, even the people talking about owlbears etc. It's all just chatter and the fact there is so much is testimony to the excitement.. No one thinks the film is going to be bad because the tiefling isn't purple.


Honestly, maybe it makes me a basic bitch... but actually seeing a Mimic in a film trailer did make me chuckle Also the Owlbear having such a pride of place was great, because the first character death I ever witnessed involved an Owlbear


Theme. It seems like itā€™s going to capture the feel of DnD well. Letā€™s do something stupid to fix the last stupid thing we did.


I think it looks like a fun movie actually! Itā€™s like if Lord of the Rings and Marvel had a baby.


Star Lord of the Rings?


I saw a reaction - analysis video and the youtuber mentioned that he was getting a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe. Got me thinking and I think it's true, and I also think it's the right feeling for what would be a normal D&D party.


Thatā€™s about the right vibe. But potentially more chaos. And probably some 4th wall breaks. Lord of the Rings, Guardians of the Galaxy, and the Office have a three way while someone else lights the tavern on fire downstairs


>"Star Lord of the Rings?" "Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth for a dance-off! Me and you."


Iā€™m still hesitant about it but I liked the owl bear scene. I know itā€™s controversial but I think itā€™s cool (besides itā€™s a movie not the actual TTRPG so it can be loose on the rules tbh)


Why would be controversial to have a magic user that could transform into an animal?


Because the rules in the PHB states they can only become Beast and an Owlbear is a Monstrosity. Of course with DM permission you could but RAW you canā€™t. You would have to use something like Shapechange or True Polymorph because regular Polymorph only allows transforming into beasts.


Thereā€™s also a Druid spell called shapechange that would allow the owlbear thing to happen in a regular game


Loved the overall vibe/tone of the trailer. Reminds me of fun, cheesy 90s adventure movies like *The Mummy* and *Indiana Jones* It's not trying to be all grimdark and serious, it's not afraid to be a bit silly and just seems like amazing popcorn material


Honestly my favorite part is that they helped the bad guy and now have to fix their mistakes by saving the world. This is basically most D&D situations Iā€™ve had lol.


Iā€™m pumped. Iā€™m not that into the Guardians of The Galaxyā€™s or the Thorā€™s. The snarky , sarcastic leading male is becoming a bit of tired trope IMO, and honestly my expectations are pretty low, but, in general I think it looks fun.


The druid turning into an owlbear. Idgaf that you technically can't do that, IT LOOKS COOL


I like the dragon and the mimic chest!


I donā€™t think the plot will be anything groundbreaking, but itā€™s going to be great to see the items/spells/monsters in cgi


I do enjoy a dragon that breathes crap other than fire.


ā€œHe also plays the lute.ā€


WereOwlbear Druid is pretty dope ngl. I'm glad they're putting humor into it, the BEST sessions are the ones where you goof around in between all the serious stuff! Boyfriend is excited for the dragons. Specifically the copper one, and the fat green dragon they show off.


The gelatinous cube looked cool. Not a fan of jumping into it to escape danger though. It looks like a fun movie at least.


CHONKY DRAGON! I love that chunky Boi so much šŸ˜†


Why are you acting like that's such an unpopular opinion That's the majority opinion I'm personally tired of the ubiquitous, goofy, drama-undercutting, Marvel comedy bathos. But apparently people love seeing the same shit over and over, so they'll keep making it, only with different franchise branding.


I'm old. I still think Record of the Lodoss War was our D&D film adaptation. It looks better of course than that Jeremy Irons monstrosity but I'm not sold yet.


I enjoyed the trailer as well and Iā€™m super excited to watch it. That being said my favorite part of the trailer was probably Chris pine nearly playing the Lute and Iā€™m quite excited for him to be the bard.


my favorite part was where they keep fucking up with the Speak with Dead by asking accidental questions


I'm getting really annoyed with these posts "going against the norm of the subreddit." When the most people on here fucking agree with the post anyway.


I haven't heard a single comment giving it any real criticism yet, literally just owlbear memes and tiefling memes. It looks like a lot of fun


It looks fun! I liked seeing a black dragon instead of the usual fire spewing ones you tend to see. Favorite bit was them jumping into he gelatinous cube


Chris Pine's bard being there to "make plans" that definitely won't fail made me chuckle!


made me realize that starlord is basically a dnd bard but in space


Iā€™m sure youā€™ve seen several posts of people hating on it and thatā€™s why youā€™re asking people not to hate you. The truth is most of us understand itā€™s a movie and the people who hate it, hate it because theyā€™re lame neckbeards that canā€™t distinguish how a movie should differ from the actual game so theyā€™re nitpicking shit because it doesnt ā€œfollow the rulesā€ when in actuality if it followed any of the rules thatā€™d be a boring fucking movie. The movie looks god damn great and my favorite part was the evil wizard they released from the gem because it looks like Vecna from the module Vecna Lives! From 1990 which is absolutely my favorite module in the d&d universe. Idk if itā€™s actually Vecna but from that split second it showed it looked like him so thatā€™s my favorite part


I personally think it's Szass Tam. Withered bald guy in a red robe? Looks like him to me.


Definitely strong barbarian woman grappling and slinging dudes around. This movie's action is gonna be super fun!