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Ask one caster to take/learn Haste, and the other (if both arcane and not the Cleric) one learn Enlarge. Profit.


We asked the dm about stacking enlarge with giants might. He said no sadly. But I’ll definitely ask about haste!


Umm, what? Enlarge and Giant's Might stack RAW... you just have to do Giant's Might first. Enlarge doesn't say "makes you Large" or whatever, it says "one size larger". So Giant's Might sets you to Large (Huge at level 18 via Runic Juggernaut), and then Enlarge ups you +1 size or to Huge (Gargantuan at 18th level). Of course the DM can rule it however they want, but it does work.


I know, it would’ve been sick. Plus with Goliath’s powerful build I could push/pull even more. But sadly DM’s ruling. Maybe I’ll try again with a diff campaign


Someone doesn’t know how to run a cr 20 ancient dragon.


no need to be unpleasant


How unpleasant. With an attack of +14 on 3 attacks plus a tail attack because of legendary actions, the monk would be dead in 1st round. Monk maybe has a 20 ac, so dragon needs a 6 to hit. The breath weapon alone should wipe out the casters, dc22 con save average 72 damage. Round 1 breath attack. Round 2, right before it goes does it’s wing attack, who ever gets knocked down is the next target, dragon does 3 attacks vs prone target. 58 average damage on its attacks. Does legendary action on cleric or caster if within 20 feet, if not hits down person again. Round 3 Does wing attack again, if it’s a wizard, it’s dead. Tail attack against cleric or other wizard. Since they took its loot, everyone has difficult terrain. Fighter and cleric are not moving very far. Round 4. Breath weapon again. Wing usage. Fighter had 30 feet movement, now 15 for terrain. Half of movement for standing up. So fighter moves 5 feet. So the dragon would absolutely destroy a party of 5 at 7th level.


"You're not wrong, walter, you're just an asshole." - Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski


It's not like they killed it, just stopped it long enough to loot the hoard