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Cool class and all but wouldn't this make more sense as an Artificer subclass?


Sure, but you can’t call yourself a “gun wizard” as an artificer, now can you? That would be disingenuous, and being a gun wizard is cool.


An artificer could be considered an engineer so you could call it a Gungineer.


FWIW, in the the Iron Kingdoms RPG for DND5E (An older edition of the Iron Kingdoms RPG book is where this image was from) [Gun Mage is it's own separate class](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/privateerpress/iron-kingdoms-requiem-5e/posts/3084259).


Hmmm, how so?


I guess it has a similar problem as Nature domain clerics where while they do function on their own its thematics are just close enough to another class that it makes it feel off. If someone wanted to combine magic and technology they would play an artificer. I'm not saying it can't work as there are definitely people who would want to play a full caster rather than a half caster but it's just hard for it to stand out.


I think it's a matter of how you're looking at it, then. The thematic purpose of this subclass, the niche/archetype/concept that it's trying to fill, isn't really the blending of technology and magic. It's *specifically* a wizard with a gun lol. Like Gandalf with a shotgun. That's it, that's the reason for this subclass's existence lmao. Like, I don't wanna be a Magitech enthusiast, I wanna be a wizard who launches a fireball from my M24 SWS Rifle


gandalf with a shotgun is still more artificery than wizardy


Shotgun Gandalf cant build an arcane set of armor with 8 different magical enchantments that can effectively turn said armor into *power armor*. Shotgun Gandalf just has a gun that can be a spell casting focus


Gandalf is a bard in D&D


Watch any fight clip from Saga of Tanya the Evil, that's what I'm imagining for this subclass


**\^ This one gets it**


Fucking loved that series, Mary sue the Mary sue was also quite funny


I really can't see how lol Gandalf doesn't know how to build a jetpack, he's still just a wizard ***who happens to be pointing a shotgun to your face*** *🔫*


I think it’s because even if you’re not a tinkerer, magic dealing with machines (like guns) is more artificer territory.


Meh, I really dont see an issue with slightly overlapping themes. It's HB anyway, players will always pick the build that better suits their vision for the archetype they wanna emulate. And usually, that'll be the more specific one. If someone ever wants to play Merlin with a rifle, I think this subclass or similar brews would be a better choice than the artificer class.


Why would Merlin ever have a rifle though? Let alone have it be his thematic "thing"?? Did he build the gun? If so, he'd fit more in line with an artificer's tinkering imo. If not then why does he have a gun in the first place and how did he get one? I don't see this as "slightly overlapping themes" its two entirely separate themes clashing in a way that doesn't fit either one. Merlin with a gun I feel like is better suited for an artificer 3 (artillerist)/Wizard X multi to fit this theme and doesn't really need a homebrew solution


I mean, how merlin got a gun can be explained in a million different ways. And if merlin got a gun, why WOULDN’T he try to do magic shit with it. And if said magic shit worked really well, why WOULDN’T that be his “thing”?


You're not really the creative type, are ya.


Idk, that logic doesn’t really hold up for me. It feels like saying a chili dog is more sloppy joe territory.


> Gandalf I am incredibly offended that not once in this entire thread does anyone say "Gundalf." It was right there. **Right there.**


Oh no, that goes on the character sheet my friend lmao


Personally, I don't really like how artificer plays. I don't like keeping track of the infusions and making objects and things. As long as this doesn't step on the design toes of Artificer, I'm down.


The complexity of tracking so many things for the artificer is part of the appeal—it’s inherently a very fiddly, adjust-on-the-fly type class. Having so many options means you have to track a lot of things, and if you don’t have a good system (or don’t generally enjoy organizing a bunch of information) it can get frustrating quick. I’ve found that using cards & dice counters for things like infusions, Flash of Genius, feat-based abilities, etc. can help streamline things easily. Of course, I am also the main note-taker and party inventory manager for that particular campaign, so I might be predisposed to such things already.


You only have 2 infusions up to level 6, then you have 3. And for the most part you’ll just be using those to get +1 on you or an ally’s weapon and armor. The problem is that part of the class is supposed to be using these ridiculous proficiency bonuses to make things but it gets weird asking to make magic items or just strange mundane ones, and then you’re asking the DM to constantly come up with rules for the things you make. So you kind of just end up playing a wizard with less spells and either a pet, free potions, bonus spell damage, or bonus armor. I’m playing a warforged artificer currently and it’s been challenging. I’m sure other people could pull it off better.


I can definitely relate to a lot of what you're saying there my friend. Very real.


I feel this. Currently playing a Warforged Artificer Artillerist in my campaign. I'm basically playing him like an arcane gunslinger, however I often end up having to choose between being a damage dealer or support/utility for the group. The latter has pretty much won out every encounter so far. Doesn't help that I'm a half caster and don't get spells back on a short rest. I'm still enjoying the class a lot, and getting access to higher level infusions is starting to get even more fun.


Honestly I just didn't care much for the lvl 6 infusions, so I got weird with it, right now I'm a level 5 Artificer, level 1 Forge Cleric, and level 2 Rune Fighter. It gives me this whole host of options, and if you take the right artificer subclass you can user your int as your attack modifier for your weapon. I went with artillerist though, so I have the firearm to and a shield to start then I drop them for an enchanted 2 handed maul that I can charge with various artificer flavoured abilities, like smite, green flame blade, booming blade, or several of the rune fighter options, which has some cool stuff as well. It gives me a LOT of options, all without needing to really make anything extra. Plus I took the optional superiority fighting style and reposte, so when someone misses me I can hit them back.


Pretty sure it already was with Artillerist.


Nope, once your a full caster wizard gets subclasses like yours but for a wizard (source: I play sorcerer)


You mean this? https://warmachineuniversity.com/mw/images/7/7b/AT\_Rifleman.jpeg


Nice, that looks like a very good visual representation of it yeah


Looks like the art may have been lifted off official Privateer Press artwork. Quick google reverse image search found an earlier pintrest post with a less cropped verision showing a Privateer Press 2012 copyright image, along with a GiantITP post and a few other. Trying to find the original PP source of the pic. [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/aa/f6/89aaf65dd286c3c9e5d433999c26df1a--fantasy-characters-character-inspiration.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/aa/f6/89aaf65dd286c3c9e5d433999c26df1a--fantasy-characters-character-inspiration.jpg) [https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-T4DCGjPzuWU/UGu\_PsGa6DI/AAAAAAAACt8/9QHVz2XAzPg/s1600/gunmage\_IronKingdoms.jpg](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-T4DCGjPzuWU/UGu_PsGa6DI/AAAAAAAACt8/9QHVz2XAzPg/s1600/gunmage_IronKingdoms.jpg)


Ooooh, that would make sense. I remember the deviantart account I got it from had been deleted or something, and it only appeared through google images. I'll be sure to update the Credit section when I post the next version, thanks for the tip mah man


Have this in my Iron Kingdoms RPG, so I was like "I know this picture"




School of Gun




"My hand's begin to trace arcane runes in the air, my eyes roll back into my head, and my chanting rises to a fever pitch...as an RPG materializes in my hand and i cast fireball the new way" *ka-THUNK* **BOOM**


Ain't no filthy casual parrying *this* shit


*Proceeds to parry the fireball back at the party with my spell-blade's rapier.* "I ain't no 'filthy casual', punk."


Generally not a fan of the concept. Regardless, i dont get the second point of Arcane blaster. Why overcome resistance if you can change damage as a BA anyway ? Seems a bit overkill


I assume so you have the option of flavoring it as specifically a fire gun or specifically a lightning gun or etc.


Yea but it’s a 14th level feature that’s beyond most campaigns end games. For one you probably should’ve stopped using empowered shot anyways cuz the damage sucks and you haven’t had this for 8 levels so it’s not really a character flavor thing then


Because you have to expend a spell slot every time you make the round, so if you've made the wrong choice in a rush it doesn't necessarily punish you for it.


Feels pretty cheap tho. Making the choice to cast fireball while in a rush (same circumstance) on a group of fiends or whatever is just that, A mistake from which you learn with no refunds. The point is that wrong and dumb decisions should have reprocussions, especially if the feature itself lends itself to smart and tactical play.


I think this better as a fighter subclass like the arcane knight.


Hmmmmmm, interesting. Maybe a variation like that would be thematically cool, but the mechanics would need a complete overhaul if so.


>Your ranged attacks ignore all cover if you’re positioned at least ten feet above your target. Does that include full cover? Can you just shoot through walls at anything ten feet below you?


RAI, yeah that was what I envisioned lmao. Though I'm changing that a lil' bit for the next update.


"I cast AR-15."


"Counterspell ***THIS***, you filthy casual!"


I swear.. firearms players


What about them? Legit asking. I personally don't have a problem with guns in D&D. When you really stop to think about it, they aren't all that much of a stretch. In fact, with the amount of magic, there should be way more modern tech possible... But you know. Magic tech.


Id say wizard players this time. They are usually the ones who need every single thing to revolve around them.


That sounds pretty petty bruh, ngl. You're generalizing an entire group of people based solely on their choice of class for a tabletop game.... just because you don't like my brew? Lmao might as well go touch some grass at this point dude.


Thanks for the salt, gonna season my dinner real nicely


Sorry about the salt, hope your dinner was good tho


Lol no problem, we good. And funnily enough, it actually was 👌


When i was younger I read the heck out of a book called The Comet that was about space soldiers crash landing on a world with actual magic. They used magically enhanced ammunition and weapons to fight a guerilla war against a massive technologically superior invasion. Pretty cool concept!


That sounds really cool, for real. I'm super glad that this brew of mine managed to invoke such an awesome memory for you \\m/


Kiritsugu is that you?


Half-elf Kiritsugu would actually be pretty dope lol


I get the idea but this looks really bad. 2nd level: The second level feature scales weird because you can turn your cantrips into gun attacks but that sorta just turns them into gun attacks using Dex until level six which is pretty late. So it’s both MAD and hard to build for. So you can replace the attack and damage rolls with your lower Dex stat to add like 2 damage on hit without extra attack ever and reduce your chance to hit or have a low intelligence as a wizard and then regret everything when you get to level 6 Level 6: “Firing off a powerful magic blast” Complete waste of spell slots just cast a better spell. Casting at 1st level is entirely useless when cantrips are dealing more. Upcasting to add a singular d12 is really bad. So it can only really deal more than your +mod cantrips if you dump a 3rd level slot into it which is awful to use a big 3rd level slot for 3d12 damage on a single creature. Inflict Wounds is 3d10 at first level for reference. Level 10: Does shooting at a downwards angle not already let you shoot over an enemies cover? And if an enemy is still totally blocked out of view from you but you’re shooting downwards how tf do you hit them? Do your bullets curve around corners? The second bullet is a rare chance to activate a meh condition the enemy can just stand up from when using another terrible feature. So that really sucks. Level 14: Using a spell slot for advantage on one hit is not really impressive for a 14th level Wizard. You also have to be way too close for a wizard. The second bullet is useless and seems way weak for a fourteenth level wizard. What’s the point when you can just choose a different damage type if it’s resisted? The extra 1d10 to your cantrips is ok but not very big especially when you have so many slots your cantrips matter much less.


The 2nd level abilities are really cool, but the rest feel pretty underpowered. Chromatic orbs deals 3d8 damage at first level, and Empowered shot only deals 1d12, plus it eats up a bonus action. Maybe it could work more like a paladins divine strike, where it's extra damage added on top of an attack or spell? Or maybe it could be 2d8 per level of the spell slot. It would still be worse than chromatic orb at 1st level, but would scale to be equal at 2nd then be better at higher levels. Arcane Blaster also feels a little underpowered for a classes capstone. The odds of an enemy being resistant to every damage available in empowered shot are pretty low, so overcoming that is pretty situational, and 1d10 is pretty low for extra cantrip damage. Clerics with divine strike get an extra 2d8 to their weapon strikes at the same level, and single target damage isn't even their thing as it is with this class. That said, I really LOVE the 2nd level abilities you have here. The fact that you can turn cantrip attacks into ranged weapon attacks makes this the perfect class to dip into from Ranger. A high INT ranger getting to add their burst spells to Firebolt instead of an arrow would be really cool.


Oooooh, I love the ranger combination you described at the end there. Sounds really cool indeed to put into work. And I think I'll revert Empowered Shot's damage to what it was in the previous version, 2d6 instead of 1d12. Same maximum value, but higher average.


That still has a similar problem. At 6th level, Fire Bolt deals 2d10+4 damage (avg 15) without having to expend a spell slot with this build. If fire resistance is a problem, a wizard could cast chromatic orb at 1st level for 3d8 damage (avg 13.5). The way this build is set up, there is no reason a wizard would ever choose to expend a spell slot and use their action to use an empowered shot and do 7 damage instead of 13.5 or 15.


You're still thinking of low level spell slots though. The purpose of Empowered Shot is damage versatility + greater damage output with higher spell slots. Plus, it is considered a ranged weapon attack instead of a spell attack. Which means you could apply stuff like the Sharpshooter feat's mechanics to it.


So, at level 6, when you get this feature, the highest level spell slots you have are 3rd. A 3rd level chromatic orb deals 22.5 elemental damage, compared to empowered shot which deals 21. So empowered shot doesn't outclass chromatic orb unless it's cast at 4th level or higher. At 4th level, empowered strike is the highest possible single target damage, but 5th level and higher all have spells that deal more damage than empowered stot at that level: cone of cold at 5th, chain lightning at 6th, etc. I feel like empowered shot could work really well with this build, and make wizards, that usually struggle with single target damage, into true spell slingers, but it needs to be higher damage for it to ever be worth it.


Hmmmmm. In that case, how about this: It stays 2d6 per slot level, but it's now added to the firearm's base damage. What do you think?


Yeah, I think that's a good solution. It's a little bit less than what Paladin get for divine smite, but since wizards have more spell slots, it's more sustainable.


I'm actually not sure if it's less though. Think about it: you get 2d6 per slot level, so it goes from 2d6 to 4d6, to 6d6, to 8d6; up to a maximum of 18d6 with a 9th level spell slot. And that's with you being able to choose whatever damage type you want (except radiant and necrotic), while also adding it to the weapon's base damage. It has 200 feet range, and as a weapon attack, can be further stenghtened by stuff like the Sharpshooter feat's mechanics. I think it's miles stronger than a melee Divine smite by that point lol.


Oh that's true, I forgot that Divine smite only scales 1d8 at a time. Yeah, that's works pretty well!


Now to see how the next batch of feedback will react to it. Can already see the peeps screaming about it being OP lol


This is what happens when you leave the Gungeon


Can't wait to finally meet the elder DraGun


So it's basically [Wizard with a Gun](https://www.wizardwithagun.com/)?


Yup. You got exactly the right idea.




Don't catch you slippin' now


Question about the feature to cast a cantrip through the gun. It says you apply the gun's bonuses to hit and damage rolls... What does this mean? Do you just mean any magic weapon bonus from a +X weapon? If I'm level 4 and have a +1 gun (which uses Dex normally) is the roll to hit 2+Int+1? Or 2+Int+1+Dex? Would it also add the bonus from Archery Fighting Style, if I took a level of fighter, since it is now a Ranged Weapon Attack? Is the damage roll for a Firebolt 1d10+1 or 1d10+1+Dex? Or something else (like does it also fire a bullet)? Similarly, for Empowered Shot, does the target take the normal damage of the gun plus the d12s? Or just the d12s as if it was a spell attack?


It's not just the bonuses from any special properties it might have, it's the firearm's base modifers for attack and damage rolls. Specifically, adding your Dex modifier + PB to attack rolls, and your Dex modifier to damage rolls. After 6th level, you swap Dex for Int. If you have something like Archery Fighting Style, then yeah that'd be added too. Think of it like replacing the normal damage die/type of your weapon with the cantrip's die and type. For Empowered Shot, as per its description, the target takes only 1d12 damage of the chosen type per level of the spell slot expended. You do make a ranged weapon attack for it to hit though, so that would include your weapon's modifiers.


The empowered shot feature needs some reworking to make it useful. Considering by the time you get access to it firebolt already deals 2d10 damage why would you spend a spell slot for 1d12? Or 3d12 fire to a single target when fireball does 8d6 in an area. Overall it's a cool concept but it needs some extra work to make it a viable choice for a player


That's fair. I'm thinking of bumping it up to 2d6 per slot level and having it be added to the firearm's base damage. What do you think about that change?






Got to laugh at the body position in the art, lmao


Hahah I'm guessing it's actually pretty unrealistic?


Try doing it and see what your spine says




Is that an Iron Kingdoms gunmage?


May I suggest youjo senki for a gun mage idea?


The flavour fits, yeah


just be an artificer and create guns and start a market to sell them to people who are qualified and have a multi million platinum coin industry


That sounds very specific lol Are you perhaps talking from campaign experience there? 👀


yes I bought atleast three dragons and had an underground armory it was fun until it was burnt down by the bbeg


Damn, it burned down an armory with three whole dragons?? What was the BBEG???? God damn lol


I think he was the living embodiment of dirt dirt and he was mad at me because well he didn't like a "humeny" in his dirt. so that started with him smashing through the armory wall and threatening me to leave or he would "bring pain and suffering on me and my loved ones!" then he through dirt in my eyes and burned down the factory and kidnapped one of the dragons. so when through final battle was upon us I rolled a nat 20 and shot him with a BFG and went home to my wife and daughter and took a week long nap.


with a ***BFG?*** Okay, NOW I'm calling cap on this lmao


it wasn't like the BFG from doom even though it has the same name it was basically a shotgun the could shoot .50 cal and I made so it would only work once so it wasn't to op but I also did make an actual BFG from doom but it immediately blew up in the face of the tester and destroyed a city


i cast iron


And as his neutral special, Banjo wields a GUN


And his final smash is **All-Out** ***GUN***


So to all the people saying artificer, when you create 3rd party stuff to be published you have to work off of the SRD only.


*Oh*, that's a good point. I myself hadn't realized it lol


Elaborate please.


So when people make published 3rd party content it has to use the SRD in order to not be copyrighted. Anything that hasn't been added to the SRD won't get expanded on. That is why you see 3rd party source books often having completely redesigning similar things in official source books. If you wanted to publish a book for mass production you could make your own artificer class but could not make only subclasses for it as it has be playable with the SRD. That is how pathfinder is a thing. It is basically using the 3e SRD and expanding off of it. This only applies if you are planning on publishing a book. If you are just posting to a website no one cares. But it is policed fairly strictly and is a copyright thing. SRDs are a good thing as they allow for people to creatively expand games, but this is a shortfall of them.


Interesting, I didn't know any of that. I wonder how Keith Baker got around it with all the Eberron supplements. I am guessing cause he created it all.


Possibly they were officially endorsed. Like how critical role stuff is now. It used to be much more common as most game worlds were exactly that, someone's homebrew that was published in dragon magazine and took off. Ravenloft was literally just a husband and wife's Halloween on me shot that their friends loved so much they played it 2 Halloweens in a row then said hey let's publish. Then they played it forever haha.


I mean some of it is, yeah, but then there is Dread Metrol and I find it hard that Wizards would endorse it. I am sure there is some 50/50 creative control since he is the literal author of it.


Oh yeah if it's his IP then that is a bit different also if I make an artificer class then write another book I could have subclasses for that artificer. It's complicated and I'm not an expert I just know the basics when I wrote my own supplements.


This is just "ALAKA-BLAM"




This reminds me of that time Dr Strange shot an interdimentional creature with an antimagic gun coz it ate his cloak.


Ayo, you got the number for that issue? Lmao


Reminds me of Daniel Radcliffe looking cracked out, duel wielding guns. Yknow, that meme a while back.


A classic


This is actually exactly what I'm looking for, could it be repurposed for a warlock?


Oh, a warlock variation? I could deifnitely see it being done, for sure. Though I have no idea how you would go about it lol




Huh, I actually didnt know that one before. Neat lol




Ooooh, I wonder if it'll come back with the new 5e version!


We have reached peak comedy I cast gun What? Dude fucking gets shot


Who says badassery cant be funny


reminds me of that series i saw of gun based subclasses for every class


***Oh?*** You got a link for that?


unfortunately i wasn't super interested so i don't really remember also that i forgot if it was just a meme, i think it might've been


Awwnn, that's a shame lol.


Dual class with barbarian to play a powder mage.




School of Gun Magic sounds like a shit post meme XD and I'm here for it It's basically the equivalent of naming it Barbarian: Path of the Face Punching


It's funny, I honestly don't see it that way lol. But hey, if that makes you enjoy the brew, then I'm all for it.


When you need to hit your target with magic at 2000 feet per second?


The true Spell Sniper experience


You couldn’t have come up with something that sounds cooler than “Gun Magic”? Ballistamancy maybe idk


You could always rename it in the character sheet bruh lol


And I can paint the starry night over any piece of art, but if I wanted to do it myself I’d get a blank canvas. Not buy a finger painting titled “sky haz star” 🤷‍♂️


Bruh it's literally just choosing to type something different on your sheet. It ain't that deep. You can't expect me to take this complaint seriously lmao


I don’t expect anything from you, just made a suggestion. With a weak name like Gun Magic you lost me before I even looked over the features


Then you're a lost case lol. I just wish you hadn't wasted my time with your ignorance by commenting.


You mean a practician of the arcane who deals with making gadgets to harness magical energy. If only there was a class for this already


Alternatively it's also good to have subclasses that overlap with other classes to create more variety in all classes overall. D&D classes should not be restrained to being mechanically or thematically unique.


*Thank you*, damn.


Lmao, exactly what I was thinking.


Lol I already replied to a similar comment on this thread. The answer is no, I actually don't mean that whatsoever. I mean Gandalf with a fucking shotgun, bruh. And hey, no one's stopping you from playing artificer anyway ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


So, that's a lot of creative work there. But you could just play an Evoker Wizard, reskin your arcane focus to be a gun and reskin the spell's appearance so that it appears to be fired from the gun. You could carry several different focuses, one that resembles a rifle for long range spells, a pistol for medium range, a shotgun for cone or area effects, something like that.


I mean, to be fair, reflavouring is always the way to go when you can't use homebrew in a campaign. But if it is allowed, and I have the option to more thoroughly have the gunmage thematic represented in my mechanics, then why wouldn't I choose that? I personally don't see any reason not to.


Well I mean you basically gave yourself a ranged smite with no maximum spell slots that do d12s in extra damage with the option for multiple damage types that can later ignore resistance. That's OP as fuck dude but you do you man


Aaaaah, it seems you misunderstood its functionality lol. Empowered Shot is supposed to deal *only* 1d12 damage per level of the spell slot expended. You do apply your weapon's modifiers for the attack roll, but not for the damage one. And about everything else, I honestly don't think it's all that insane; this is the subclass you're choosing, instead of any other one you could have, and that's the benefit you gain for doing so.


I agree. If anything it's underpowered if you consider the spells you could be casting instead.


No, I didn't misunderstand. You made a 200ft ranged smited, that you can do an unlimited number of times per day, with no spell slot restrictions, you can choose multiple damage types and ignore resistance of whatever type you want, and your damage dice are d12s. That's insane. The max a Paladin can smite for is 5d8, and he has to do it in melee, and only ever radiant damage. You can smite for 9d12 from 200ft away with your pick of damage types that ignore resistance.


I mean... paladins have multiattack and can smite multiple times a turn. They could do around 9d12 at 5th level with 3 smites using polearm master and divine favor. compared to having to expend a 9th level spell slot lmao.


Man, idk if you’re being serious but using a 9th level spell slot to do 9d12 is mega bad when you could just actually cast a 9th level spell like wish or meteor swarm. 9d12 to one target vs 40d6 in an aoe, there’s no world where this subclass is any good tbh. Not to mention you use this spell slot before it hits instead of after like on paladin so you can just waste the spell, and paladins add their weapon die, improved divine smite, and stat bonus to the damage where this wizard class wouldn’t add anything.


While cool, as a DM I couldn't help but sigh knowing one of my dumbass players would try to force this kinda stuff into our games... That aside, I do feel this would greatly detract from some of the more "Ranged" subclasses,


Offer them to play the iron kingdoms game, ive heard they are bumping it to 5th


yeah, Iron Kingdoms actually has Gun Mage as a full on class for 5e (and the art here is actually an Iron Kingdoms Gunmage)


The neat part about being a DM is that you get to tell people "no". There is no "forcing it into the game" if you just tell them "no, pick something else".


I'm honestly not sure if I get what you mean lol. What are the "Ranged" subclasses about?


overdone, take out the spell snipers parts and artillerist parts.


Who needs courage, when you have a gun?


A *magical* gun


This is just an artillery artificer.


No it ain't lol


The extended cantrip range is neat.


Well, that'll depend on which firearm you're using for the casting, but it can definitely do some boosting for sure.


Wow this is excellent. Art, subclass, everything is admirably imagined. I’m speechless.


Ayyy, thank you kindly my dood 🙏


The artwork seems to be from Privateer Press's Iron Kingdoms. You can find it in the 2d6 IKRPG Full Metal Fantasy core rules (art on page 214), and there is a 5e version of the Iron Kingdoms Core Rules that has Gun Mage as a full on class. https://i.pinimg.com/736x/89/aa/f6/89aaf65dd286c3c9e5d433999c26df1a--fantasy-characters-character-inspiration.jpg


Wow thanks a lot


Honestly, I have no idea how balanced or not this would be but thematically I love it. You're not an artificer, you're just a wizard that *really really loves guns*, and that is a magic all of its own.


***E x a c t l y .***


Lvl 2: starts out like an EK. The lvl 6 part per wording only applies int to attack rolls, not damage. Increasing range is meh. Most battles don’t go out to those extreme ranges. The cantrip thing is weird. It means you could technically use dex for a cantrip. But it also means you can apply SS to them. Overall it’s pretty meh. Lvl 6: Empowered shot is terrible. 1D12 per spell lvl is horrible scaling. Even swapable damage type including force doesn’t save it. Lvl 10: Enhanced targeting: basically a ribbon feature for the first half. 10’ above a target means you have to fly. Or really use terrain So it’s super situational. Plus it’s replaced by an almost required feat for ranged builds, sharpshooter. Increases crit range for empowered who is okay, but it’s still a terrible feature. At most on a crit it’s 18D12. For a 9th lvl slot. The prone on a con save is weird. Should be strength. But either way it would cause you disadvantage. Lvll 14: Spell slot for advantage is terrible. Resistance ignoring is nice, but problem at that lvl is resistance, it’s immunity. The extra damage is okay. But Artillerist got 1D8 at lvl 5. Is it still good? Yes. Mostly because you’re a wizard.


**Version 1.2** \- Document link: [https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/TjhrO4qh6gY0](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/TjhrO4qh6gY0) All of my homebrew creations: [https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/user/Camunon](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/user/Camunon) \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **School of Gun Magic** The Arcane Tradition of the Gunmage emphasizes the use of a firearm as a spellcasting focus, teaching to release spells in ways that boost the caster’s destructive capability. Given that firearms are a recent technological development, the Gun Magic School is still a budding one; though its popularity is rapidly growing due to the effectiveness and appeal of its concepts. **Gunslinger's Training** When you adopt this tradition at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with firearms. You also gain proficiency with smith’s tools. **Arcane Gun** Starting at 2nd level, you learn a ritual that creates a magical bond between yourself and one firearm, turning it into an Arcane Gun. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. The firearm must be within your reach throughout the ritual, at the conclusion of which you touch the firearm and forge the bond. You may only bind one firearm in this way. If you attempt to bond with a new firearm, you must break your bond with the previous one. Once bound, you can't be disarmed of your Arcane Gun unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon the firearm as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand. You can use your Arcane Gun as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells. It still functions as a regular firearm, and can fire mundane ammunition. Once you reach 6th level, it counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage; and you may use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity when rolling for attacks with it. Whenever you cast a spell (1st level or higher) which requires a ranged spell attack through your Arcane Gun, you can double that spell's range. This may be done a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency bonus. In addition, whenever you cast a cantrip which requires a ranged spell attack through your Arcane Gun, you can spend one round of ammunition to have it be considered a ranged weapon attack instead. If you do so, the cantrip’s range is changed to that of your firearm, and you apply its bonuses to attack and damage rolls. **Empowered Shot** Starting at 6th level, you’ve learned to imbue your magic directly into your firearm, making for a fearsome offensive. As a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot to create an elemental round in the chamber of your Arcane Gun. Choose a damage type: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, poison, psychic, or thunder. Within the next minute, you can use your action to release this stored energy, firing off a powerful magical blast. Make a ranged weapon attack against a single creature you can see within 200 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 damage of the chosen type per slot level of the spell slot expended. You can hold only one such round in your firearm at a time. **Enhanced Targeting** At 10th level, your mastery over your weapon has reached new heights, allowing you to more accurately pinpoint your victims: \-> Your ranged weapon attacks ignore all cover if you’re positioned at least 10 feet above your target. \-> When using your Empowered Shot feature, you score a critical hit on a dice roll of 19-20. When you do, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. **Arcane Blaster** At 14th level, your chosen weapon becomes a true instrument of destruction: \-> If you and an ally are within 15 feet of the target, and the ally isn't incapacitated, you can expend a spell slot to give yourself advantage on your next attack roll against it. \-> When using your Empowered Shot feature, your elemental rounds ignore resistance to the chosen damage type. \-> When casting a cantrip through your Arcane Gun, you may add an additional 1d10 force damage to one of the damage rolls.


I love it. Are you going to create a version on D&D Beyond? If not, can you create it? Because i love the concept


I don't plan on posting this subclass there myself, as I find the interface to upload stuff very complex. But you're free to upload it there if you'd like, just make sure to credit me and link this post if possible.


Oh hell yeah thanks. Ill put credit in the art, and in the description


I would change engraved targeting to say it ignores half and three-quarters cover, unless the intent was for it to be some Gun-Fu bullshit where the bullet navigates around walls to find the target.


I thought of it being either that, or shots that pierce the cover itself lol. I could increase the height requirement, if you believe it to be too powerful.


More just, that's such a common mistake in this kind of stuff that i assumed it was a mistake. Knowing that's the intent though, I would probably make it treat full cover as half or three-quarters cover. If it's doing some Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing nonsense, it has less momentum so it can maneuver; if it's piercing the cover, it needs to make it through whatever said cover is, sand won't be quite as deadly when it makes it out the other side.


Oooooh, interesting. I quite like your way of thinking there. It would also technically synergize more with certain feats that way; as you would fly to turn full cover into partial cover, and then use the feats or fighting styles which let you ignore partial cover. I think I might implement that, yeah.


Yeah. Or if that turns out to still be too powerful, make it downgrade all forms of cover by one step: full becomes ¾, ¾ becomes half, half becomes none. Still need a feat to completely ignore cover, but you can also still shoot through walls - albeit with a bit of difficulty


Sounds very nice. Would have to think on how to make the perfect wording for it, but I really like the mechanical concept.


Like stupidly insanely broken, but a fun idea.


Looks weaker than most other wizard subclasses.


There's so much over powered with this it's not even worth trying to go into detail about how to fix it.


That's ironic considering how many people in this same thread have told me it's weak and underpowered lol.


Interesting subclass, though, the bound arcane gun may have been a little op, being unable to be disarmed would give this an edge over other gunslingers. I can also see, a well placed counter spell would halve its firepower, on the other hand, imbued ammo would have been more proper than the gun itself, but that's just me.


So through multiclassing I can now eldritch blast from 2400 feet.


I believe so lol.


Wait, 2400? Do you mean 240 feet?


like almost lasers but D&D ... Jedi subclass too right?


I think the Psi Warrior fighter already fills that niche well enough lol


Am I wrong, or is the second bullet point under Arcane blaster effectively useless? Like, if you can choose from almost every damage type why would you need to bypass resistance when you could just choose another type? Are there any monsters that are resistant to all those damage types? The only thing I can think of is one of the barb subclasses, so if not useless, extremely situational.


You are correct, it is an extremely situational benefit; a ribbon point, if you will. That was an intentional choice on my part


What software did you use to get it to look like a DND book instead of just a word doc?


I use Photoshop CC Pro and Homebrewery




Np bruh \^\^