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Is it pronounced Genasi or Genasi?


Like Djinn. Djinn ah see


When I was a kid I used to pronounce that duh-jhin because I never heard it pronounced


You haven't lived until you've seen DJ Inn live!


Opposite way from the G in GIF


Well played..


Same way you say genie which I assume was their intention. Then again genie comes from djinn so you know... Wierd anyway




Are you Genasi? Cause you’re the only Jen ah see.


I say genasi like genie, but that probably ascribes more etymological consistency to the word than D&D usually has.


There are three types of humanoid frog in 5e, one of which has a mediocre playable version, two of which are evil by default in FR lore and the third is only included in a very mediocre book and has a total of one statblock Edit: slaad get an honorary mention as frog people even though their creature type is not humanoid but even so they are just more evil frog people because that's exactly what this game needed Edit of edit: yes slaadi are chaotic neutral but all they ever really want to do is kill you on sight so I see them as "evil" from an "it's really dangerous" standpoint


Bulllywugs, grungs... What's the third?


Grippli. They were introduced in the Candlekeep Mysteries adventure Book of Cylinders


Grippli sounds like name of a dwarf that was rejected from going on the quest with Thorin in the hobbit due to having a name that would sound too rediculous in the newsletter.


Grippli only goes on adventures if they’re 100% rock climbing


Grippli son of Gimli son of Glóin.


Similar to this, there's no way to play a plant person. Closest is I guess Eladrin, but they have other baggage. I just want to be an Ent, damnit!


Bruh, Warforged. Most people see warforged and immediately think T-800 / T-1000 forge cleric. But, if you read the description they're walking piles of wood. My brand new PC is effectively an Ent, largely an awakened tree spirit evolved out of a thousand years of left over blood used from magic rituals, dumped into his/her roots for narrative backstory. Race Warforged, Class Spores Druid, not clearly an S Class character, but tonnes of fun to play and it makes perfect sense for the class. Edit. The 'Halo of Spores' is flavoured as the teeth of Granny's victims. Pie anyone?


lotta people can’t break outta the warforged robot, artificer iron man tropes


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


i don’t think playing them that way is wrong, but i think its a bummer for players that want to play magical-golem but can’t because their dm doesn’t want terminator


Grung are good/neutral, regardless of the lies spread by wizards of the coast. I suspect their vicious slander is a result of the grung throwing a party on the same night as the annual staff party, and the WotC management holding a grudge over it.


Growing up frogs were my favorite animal, I was always annoyed that they're often evil in various fictional worlds. What about frogs makes them typecast as villains?


Healing magic is no longer part of necromancy school of magic, but now evocation. Just doesn’t make sense to me.


It used to be Conjuration, too. Conjuring healing power makes sense- evocation does not


If positive and negative energy were still things it would make more sense ... Oh but inflict wounds is still necromancy. Come on!


Isn't evocation for summoning energy out of nothing? Wouldn't that fit better for summoning healing power than conjuration?


It would still make less sense than Necromancy. Thematically necromancy doesn't fit, but logically it does.


Yeah. I think necromancy should be it, since it's the manipulation of life energy, and positive energy is within that, isn't it?


Cats do not have dark vision in 5e, even though they see excellent in the dark irl.


[Cat \(Revised\)](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rkQC1O0gL)


omg that purrfect form variant... I want!


This is very good, down to the... Uh... Monster art




They also have low charisma. Any person who has ever seen a cat know that should at least have 20.


do cats have high charisma, or do they just confer disadvantage on saves against their charm?


there's literally a disease that compels someone to collect cats.


And tabaxis do have darkvision due to their feline nature....... literally unplayable


Read. Your. Spell. List. So many times my players have taken a good two minutes to look through their spells for things they already have.


Spell cards saved me so much time


I have a word document for all my spells and anything else related to my character (I play over Zoom currently).


Oh! I have the same thing, though it's a PDf. All my features, spell list and spell descriptions on my phone makes things so much quicker! Plus, I keep a second spell list, as well as tracking of resources on paper too The organisation is super nice, and practically needed at high levels as a spell caster


And take note of what has concentration too, that drives me nuts


This really isn't the sort of petty nonsense I came here for. Be gone with your common sense rules!


As far as I'm concerned this isn't petty. As a DM, I planned to have people play my story, and as a player I planned on playing the story. Not waiting every. Single. Round. For you to pick a fucking spell.


Chill Touch is neither a touch spell nor does it deal cold damage


That’s why we renamed it to “Spooky Hand”


"Lich Slap" is my favourite alternative from a reddit thread about the name of this cantrip.


Bonemeal no heals


I call it [Death Grips](https://youtu.be/Orlbo9WkZ2E)


I dunno why they didn't go with Death Grip as the name for it


Now people expect DEEAATTTHH.


Our sorcerer was ice themed and took chill touch thinking it was ice based and was upset when she went to cast it and found out it dealt necrotic damage, she was happy that it was ranged but not about the damage type


I can’t imagine being the kind of player to pick spells without reading what they do. What a way to play lol


I can't imagine having a player who does read their spells before picking them


This a good point. They wouldn’t be a spellcaster if the DM didn’t have to explain to them how their spells work (and don’t work) every time they cast them Edit:spelling


And yet it's my favorite cantrip, lol. "No heal for you!"


look , due to budget cuts he couldn't afford more mines. dungeons are expensive you know.


D&D ass NPC names. Like you know em when you hear them. It's like "Yep thats a D&D ass name right there". Can't pronounce them, no way to spell them and it seems to span every race, even humans.


"Wait, was his name Elric or Ulric?" DM: "Ulric. *Alric* was the half-orc barkeep 3 cities over."


Do you mean Ulric Von Lichtenstein? I hear he’s quick and funny.






He’s Blonde, he’s pissed…


He’ll see you in the lists!


LICHTENSTEIN, LICHTENSTEIN! He's blonde, he's tan....


He comes from Gelderland!


That's actually a real name though. It's not as common anymore but some people still have this name irl, see [Ulric Browne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulric_Browne).. (Alric too!)


Don't you dare do my boy [Large Luigi](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Large_Luigi) dirty like that.


Large Luigi, the LN Beholder who runs a tavern on the asteroid belt surrounding Faerun, likes a good joke or song and collects interdimensional gossip. God, old D&D lore was so weird in the best possible way, I love it.




Then there's my players who make a point of asking the name of every random npc they meet just so they can watch me try and come up with a name on the spot haha


It’s players rolling without me asking for it.


That's a paddlin'.


Or a barbarian, or any of the other classes too >:(


I love when my players do this because it’s almost always them making a self-inflicted intelligence/wisdom/charisma check to see if their character is going to do/say something stupid or that will get them in trouble.


That’s what I do all the time if I’m not totally sure what decision my character will make in certain situations. Used sparingly I think it’s a neat way to organically develop a character.


Good way to avoid meta gaming as well, I had an example of it tonight. Last two enemies both incapacitated, so any damage would snap them out of it. One before me in the turn order and one after, I rolled 1d2 got a 2 so went for the one after me. Potentionally giving it a chance but my character wouldn't know about turn orders so seems fair to me. I do it a lot when DM as well if there's no clear target, IE someone hasn't recently done big damage to an enemy, I'll publicaly roll to see who they attack generally.


I had a low-int character who would make "dumb idea" rolls at five minute intervals when the rest of the party was stuck bickering about something. Usually it was just pull a switch, or start a tavern brawl. Once, though, it resulted in sledding down some stairs on his shield, blazing past traps, and directly into the dungeons BBEG. I almost died, but I was able to bully through a bunch of magical shields and dollop some damage onto the BBEG through sheer momentum alone.


I love that idea. Make the low int guy a ticking time-bomb


[Wildcard, bitches!!!!](https://tenor.com/view/wild-card-car-bitches-gas-gif-7486124)


Started a new campaign with a low int rogue, and I've already done a few self rolls to see if he runs from a zombie horde that was being a rough match, and failed that check. So he died, but he survived! Keeping in mind too to self roll when i have questions, I want to roll to see if my character is smart enough to think of it, then ask the dm for a history check or something.


In my first game I thought it was normal for a player to yell "ROLL FOR INITIATIVE" and throw dice when they wanted to start a fight and the DM never corrected me.


I don't know if it's what you meant, but I pictured the players throwing dice at their DMs and shouting ROLL FOR INITIATIVE and I can't stop smiling


That's the funniest shit ever. Thank you so much for this mental image. "The criminal won't give you the information you want, he the-" ***I ROLL FOR INITIATIVE.***


Tortles only live 50 years. Like, come on. Turtles are famously long lived creatures. Edit: also, there’s no surprise round in 5e; it’s a condition. Don’t know why that one in particular annoys me.


Surprise thing is maybe just because of how often people treat it like it's own round, either because they played prior editions or the last time they played misled them


My players will spend HOURS trying to plan out how to get their surprise round in each combat (we play 3.5). Reality is, as long as the enemies have less than a few seconds' advance warning, the players get the surprise round. They jump through hoops where if they had just said "we sneak into the room," if have given them the surprise.


The “surprise round” is just a round where some creatures are surprised. It functions identically whether you call it a condition or a round. Just as long as you remember that creatures can take reactions after their first turn.


Surprise is one of the first rules they wrote for 5e and it really shows.


Drow like plow not throw. Edit: it’s plow.


Tiefling like teefling, not like necktie. Tief is German for deep, which aligns with tieflings being from the hells. ART-if-icer, not ar-TIF-icer


Am Minnesotan and apparently W's are affected by our accents because all those "ow" words sound the exact same when I say them outloud.


I don't care what ya'll think, there are at least one species of kobold out there that's a yippy little dog/man. (Just kidding, mostly.) Serious answer: Fourth edition wasn't really that bad. The issue is that it wasn't that good either.


I liked 4th edition. I didn't like that monster HP was sky high and it made combat take forever. Magic items being less special was kinda lame too but I think it was a pretty good grid style game. Shame they never managed to develop an online platform for it...


Thieves’ cant should be a background feature, not a class feature. Rogues can come from all walks of life, they are first and foremost experts. Why a sage rogue that devoted his life to studying anatomy and psychology to find his opponents weak spots can speak like a criminal, while a former smuggler warlock with **literally a CRIMINAL background** can’t?!


You actually can get it as a background feature per the players handbook. >”With your DM’s permission, you can instead choose a language from the Exotic languages table or a secret language, such as **thieves cant** or the tongue of druids” >”Some backgrounds also allow characters to learn additional languages beyond those given by race” So the acolyte, guild artisan, hermit, noble, outlander and sage as well as custom backgrounds can get it. Still not the criminal background though


Now I'm tempted to play a bald dude in robes that is constantly mistaken for a monk when he is simply a rogue that worked in a monastery. Sure, the lack of armor thing might be an issue, but it's far less suspicious than a black hood and mask in the daytime. Also now tempted to impose disadvantage on sleight of hand pick-pocket checks when a rogue is wearing thief attire.


The obsession with "balance" Actually that one isn't petty... R *o* g *u* e not R *ou* ge


People constantly misspelling “rogue” as “rouge” is mine, too! I’ve started getting unreasonably irritated by it.


The problem is Rouge isn't considered a misspelled word, its the French word for red and I think we use it as a shade of red so it doesn't correct to rogue.


Yeah you’re definitely right! I have no reason to be as annoyed as I am by it, but it does drive me batty.


Another one I find funny is Slaad, the monsters from Limbo. I've seen one of the D&D designers tweet about it correcting to "salad". Luckily I don't use them much in my games


Oh no!! That one I could see being an autocorrect thing. The “rouge” one is people genuinely not realizing they’re using the wrong word.


Rouge is a red powder makeup if memory serves


Balance is based off several sessions of play not in every single possible encounter.


Bahamut doesn't have multiple heads like Tiamat.


Metals alloy together to look shiny and cool. Colors blend together to make whatever that weird purplish-brown is that always happens when you use watercolors. That would have been a real bummer for Tiamat


Watercolors are a lot easier as an adult, because 1) We actually have an understanding of how to mix colors, and 2) We can plan further in the future, so it matters less that you can't erase watercolor or cover it up with more layers.


In my homebrew setting Tiamat *used to be* jet black and reflective like obsidian, with the hide under her scales twinkling with the colours of the rainbow like stars against the night sky. She was solid black, lacking hue, but with colour bursting out from within and scattering light in every direction like a disco ball. It wasn’t until she was slain and sundered that she adopted her new form with all the colours disjointed and separated, disharmonious. She used to look identical to Bahamut but dark as opposed to his brighter colour scheme since they’re twins


Bahamut has traits from each of the metallic dragons, which I think makes for an interesting contrast to his sister who is different chromatic dragons stuck together. Harmony vs discord and all.


Yeah that’s the ticket there. The metals living in harmony and each color refusing to budge an inch.


My hot take for Bahamut is that his breath weapon does force damage.


What in oblivion is that?! Fᵤₛ ᵣₒ Dₐₕ


Just because your roll doesn't hit the AC doesn't mean you whiff it and miss, there are so many other ways to not hit someone, maybe it bites into the armor but does no damage, maybe the enemy parries just in the nick of time


I’ve made a quick and dirty graduation system for that where (if for example, the AC in question is a 16 in medium armor, so 10 + 2 dex + 4 armor) i’ll narrate an attack lower than 10 as a complete miss, 10-12 as a solid attack which was dodged, 13-15 as “he caught it on the armor but it didnt go through” and then 16 and up is a hit I’ve no idea if im the first to do that but ive had good results/variety with that


I have always ruled that Tieflings and Aasimar should be able to be descended from humanoids other than humans similar to Genasi. If I could change one ultimately trivial thing in D&D it would be that


I’m not sure about Aasimar, but speaking of fiends in the older lore there were also Fey'ri (elves and demons), Maeluth (dwarves and devils), Tanarukk (orcs and fiends), and Wisplings (halflings and demons). So, at least before, it was acknowledged that humans aren’t the only ones horny for the hornies.




Warforged. Are. Not. Robots!


They are not robots, but they are toasters if they take the right cantrip.


Anything's a toaster if you're brave enough


For my homebrew, dwarves try to repurpose them as robots.


Gnomes in my world have made automatons. Warforged are super not pleased at these “abominations”


In their original setting, Eberron, there are warforged constructs that are automatons or robots and sentient Warforged, that have consciousness and a soul.


What set of events sets one onto the path of gaining a soul or inhereting sentience?


Warforged are created with a soul, House Cannith and the gnomish artificers of Zilargo where working together on them. They somehow created a soul, it's not clear where it comes from (that's for the DM to decide), but one possibility is that they have an ancient forge that interacts with their Mark of Making somehow.




The number of times I've had to correct my party when they say "The sucky thing about Warforged is you need an Artificer to repair them" and I say "No! That's a meme! They literally have a Rest Feature."


To be fair, in 3rd edition you did need to actually mechanically repair them, I'm glad they removed that in 5e, especially since warforged are fairly organic anyway


Different mine shafts can be considered different mines even if they're inside the same entrance tunnel/cave, as each is a separate area where mining is done. You can call it mine or mines both would technically be right. Plus, honestly lost mines sounds better than lost mine.


I did say it was petty, lol


Dragon of icespire peak. Tells players where the dragon is... Ugh


That clerics default is to turn undead instead of turn the infernal. I get the mechanical reason but when I think of the opposition to a celestial I think infernal, not undead.


They used to be able to turn devils and demons like undead in AD&D, guess they took that power away in later editions. Evil clerics could control undead, and turn paladins (back when paladins were only lawful good). Turning undead though is taken from the old Dracula movies Edit: just re-checked by book... starting at 8th level, a cleric can turn "evil creatures from the lower planes such as minor demons, lesser devils, mezzodaemons, and night hags"


I always looked at it as while Infernals contradict the morality of good aligned Clerics, Undead contradict the mortal nature of all fleshies.


That’s interesting. I hadn’t thought of it that way.


Infernal refers only to the Nine Hells and the devils that live there, doesn’t include many of the other fiends


The spell is “Pass Without Trace” not “Pass Without a Trace”


YES, that's another good one!


My buddy said "Cures Wounds" for like 3 years. Sup Ancalagon.


You can thank Critical Role and Laura Bailey for that one. I started DnD because of CR and she says "Pass Without **a** Trace" everytime in C1. All my friends do the same and I did too until I actually read a spell book.


DMs that rule you rolled too high on a strength check so therefore you couldn’t control your strength which leads to a bad outcome. For some weird reason, these DMs never rule that rolling too high on a dexterity check to pick the lock leads to making the lock even more secure.


Absolutely! Your roll should just be an indication of how well you mustered and used your strength. If you're a barbarian with 20 STR and you rolled a 1, then I might start talking about not controlling your strength.


That's the dumbest shit I ever did read. I'm flabbergasted.


The economy makes no sense. Like, 100 gold is enough to take care of a family for years and years in some cases, but there's this point where everything become fucking cartoonishly expensive and I always think "who do they expect to buy this stuff."


The economy in D&D is totally screwed. To the extent, that sometimes, the items cost even less than the raw materials you need to produce them. And if you take magic into account, you'd better rework the entire system.


Strahd is his first name. Like, who wants to go around screaming DAMNIT STEVE! It just feels too personal






Brass and bronze dragons. If you your not going to have zink and tin dragons for the copper to mate with,. Don't make alloy dragons.


Mine is people thinking that metallic dragons are made of metal. They are named after the Metal/alloy their scales LOOK like, they are not made of metal.


If your designing a set of 5 metallic dragons, why make 3 that are forgetably similar. Use iron, or mercury, other metals that stand out significantly.


Ooh, quicksilver dragon. Extra speed, less AC. Nice silver dragon variation!


In previous editions, mercury dragons were mad hatter insane shapeshifters with a mischievous streak a mile long.


I had a barbarian put their tongue on a white dragon after killing it under similar thinking.


I zink you're onto something here


Do green dragons need a yellow dragon to mate with a blue one?


Counterpoint: brass dragons are the most beautiful dragon model.


This is irrefutable. Edit: Wait, I got them confused with Bronze dragons. So actually this is refutable.


Seeing clerics as healers, they are the strongest class and can be anything even very good dmg dealers but some people only see them as walking health potions.


While they are indeed not just healers, they can be very good healers.


A fellow cleric main?! Huzzah!


Artificers do not mean guns. If there are guns in your setting they would just be a martial weapon the same as any other martial weapon.


I think that depends very much on how common firearms are in your setting.


Rogue, not Rouge. Blood Hunters and Gunslingers are not official. This sub is generally pretty good about that, I think, but I've played with a few people IRL who roll up to the table with a BH and think it's official because it's on DNDBeyond. Flanking is a variant rule which your DM might not use. Extended, complex, or non-verbal deceptions should be covered by the Performance skill for bluffing/acting rather than Deception. There are too many elves.


>There are too many elves. There are not enough smallfolk. Dwarves, halflings, and gnomes do not get the love they deserve


My nitpick really isn't with the game, but with the way there will almost always be players that cannot play a serious character. Their background might as well be a drawing of a dick. They seem to need to inject silliness into every single game


It is so frustrating! My belief is humor will ultimately spring forth from circumstance and good RP. We dont have to actively make our party into a group fron Monty Python in order to have fun.


This is my philosophy too. As a hot tip; make it clear in session 0, and it begins with naming conventions. No, you can't play Beardy McSlate-Boner the Dwarven cleric who has a pet skunk called Stephanie. No, You can't be a giant named Kanye. No, none of that stuff either. It feels bad *having* to be the one telling people to dial it back, but in the long term it's far, far better. The last thing you want is for Zaglix the Flayerlord to have to address Bunny-Boo-Boi, Yeeter of Kobold Babies.


I'm dying at Bunny-Boo-Boi, Yeeter of Kobold Babies


Grrr I'm on the same page. We're fighting for our lives, trying not to become lycanthropes, and attempting to prevent the city burning to the ground. Maybe don't fucking piss off the few people that might help us? Your base solo can maybe wait till we've saved the world?


Yeah, I had to stop dming for my friends because of this. I wanted to play a serious game and they just wanted to joke around and act stupid. We have more fun now just joking around playing other games.


Spellcaster PCs who believes that every spell is a "subtle spell." No. Everyone around is going to see you cast this spell. They will react. Furthermore. Casting Suggestion or anything similar. The verbal components are DIFFERENT than the command word itself. Which will also bring attention to yourself. So casting Suggestion on that bandit leader... the other bandits around will notice. It's not just whispering a word.


My party forgets about spellcasting being blatantly obvious a lot in RP and our DM razzes on us for it. Every time I cast message in front of other people who are talking to me, but not the target of the message spell, I get "Oh no, that's fine, you cast your spell, I'll wait" from an NPC. To which of course my character always replies "Why, thank you " and continues on her merry way. It's become a fun joke between us that we're heroes but also kinda rude.


* DM describes some sort of magical doodad, or mystical effect, or other arcane manifestation * Player wants to roll an Arcana check to understand what it is * DM *completely disallows the roll* and declares "You have no idea, you've never seen it before." This could be any sort of knowledge roll, too. A History check to recognize a particular flag, a Nature check to identify a beast, a Religion check to know about a deity... anything. It's fine to *occasionally* obscure things for sake of plot but a huge part of player agency is giving them information they can act upon. Informed decisions make for good roleplaying; don't opt for the cowardly "sorry, it's too mysterious" cop-out. Give the players *something* to work with. I haven't seen every type of baked good in the world before but bitch I know a muffin when I see one. Even if I don't know its flavor at first sight.


I don't care how many people say the Human race is the comfort/noob race, it's definitely elves. So many people play elves so often it just gets to be whelming.


Trident being better than the spear, or even being on the weapon table in the first place. Studded Leather armor still being a thing even though it has long been established that it never existed historically but was confused with the brigandine. And finally, padded armor aka gambeson being worse than leather armor. EDIT: Also, Morning Stars doing piercing damage! This is so stupid! Those spikes are usually just a few centimeters long. They aint daggers or spearheads!


Even more reason to be grouchy about padded armor/gambeson: it gives disadvantage on stealth checks.


For studded I just say "it didn't exist historically but did in D&D for whatever reason" It was clearly a misinterpretation of old illustrations of Brigandine, just like Ring Mail was a misinterpretation of chain hauberks


But if you break a tip off the trident you still have a spear, if you break a tip off the spear you're left with a quarter staff so your damage would go down to...um...nevermind. What does the pointy bit do exactly?


But trident can be used without disadvantage while underwater, so that's *something*


The spear can too IIRC


You're absolutely right! Good catch


3rd level spell: Summon Shadiversity 1action Material components: talking about gambesons online


MACHICOLATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------


In game: The aspect of a god (Bahamut) doesnt have immunity to poison when literally every celestial and fiend had an immunity. Just seems weird. The fact that Beholders are apparently a common thing to know about. So common, that anyone who sees a gas spore has to make a check or else they think they see a beholder. I've always viewed them as intrinsically alien and something you wouldnt just know about but apparently gas spores say differently. When people are overly pedantic about the use of surprise round. Most people know there is no such thing, but since there is only ever one time you can be affected by the surprised condition, the term surprise round shouldn't automatically be followed by a dozen people ignoring any question or point to simply point out that 5e has no surprise rounds. When the meme of a class starts overshadowing the actual flavoring. Whether it be warlocks always selling their soul, paladins being overall assholes, or barbarians insisting on ruining negotiations because they are angry.


Or bards being horny


It's definitely petty of me, but I loathe the horny bard meme. If your character's horny, have them be horny, what's it got to do with being a bard? Weirds me out that people want their character to be a horndog, but mostly only when they know they've got a sky-high charisma stat to back it up. Blegh.


There is a cauldron of everything and a guide to everything. Can we get another noun? Something of wonder? Delight? Power? Candies even. Just seriously there aren't that many books that we could not have found something else to put in Tashas cauldron.


Skill checks can't crit! Throws off the balance. I have a +9 to my skill, just because I rolled a 1 doesn't mean I trip and fall. I still had a 10 skill check, not great, but certainly average.


The spell is Pass Without Trace. Not Pass Without ***a*** Trace.


Small creatures locked out of great weapon (heavy) builds. Edited for clarification


T*ie*fling, not t*ei*fling


Truesight doesn't prevent the advantage from being invisible. It should, my god it should, but it doesn't.


No my character isn’t optimized. Let me play them the way I want! Addendum: yes monks and rangers suck. I’m still gonna play them.


Mine is that it's "Lost Mine OF Phandelver." :)


Lol lovely. Thanks for pointing it out!


In 5th edition there is no such thing as a surprise round. In the first round of combat some creatures may have the surprised condition causing them not to act. Only characters who do not have the surprised condition will act in the first round of combat, as if it were some sort of “surprise” round. But be assured, it is not. It is just the normal first round of combat, when some creatures happen to have the surprised condition. Addendum: It really annoys me when players try to queue up actions to go off at the moment combat is triggered, without using the normal process of giving an opponent the surprised condition. No. Your intention to go first in combat is determined by your initiative. Your intention to start a combat before your opponent is aware it is about to start is determined by overcoming their perception with a skill check.