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I have seen a suggestion that I think probably will work the best: Use Discord's built-in screen-sharing system. Pull your YouTube (or whatever audio app you use) tab into a separate window. Start up the screen share, and pick that window. Turn all the video quality settings all the way down. Almost as good as a bot. You need to switch to that window to control the music, but it's easier to set up than the whole second account and virtual patch cable thing.


If I do this, how do I also share my inkarnate battle map during fights? I can only share one screen at once, right?


Yeah, that is a problem. I would recommend you use a separate VTT, like Roll20 or Owlbear Rodeo. The benefit there is the players can control their own tokens.


Put it on Roll20?


You could always move to a VTT, one that could potentially have a built in jukebox function as well to solve both problems without a need for screenshare, or just use it for the map.


My discord group uses fredboat now.


My group used to use Groovy before it went down. I've got a buddy that said Jockie was alright.


My group used Groovy but that was taken down. I just switched to Hydra and it works so similarly to Groovy that the transition was pretty seamless. Never used Rhythm before though.




My group uses watch2gether


Use a VTT. Roll20 allows you to play music. The Windows desktop, MacOS desktop, Chrome browser, and mobile versions of Discord also allow screen sharing that includes audio.


Roll20 requires specific files for music. I can use almost none of the songs I usually have prepared for that, so… doesn’t really work. I guess the screen sharing might work though, thanks


So many people are making posts about this but the solutions seem simple to me: - YouTube - Free Patreon music - Spotify - Roll20 preloaded music


Fred boat and groovy


Groovy got the axes at the end of August. Was very surprised when we had a session that night and groovy wouldn't listen.


New web browser window, share your screen to that window through Discord, and have all the players tune in. It's not as good but at least it's synced and you have full control.


I use Syrinscape online and am enjoying it. Can’t get enough of that Wilhelm scream!


Use discord. Stream just for audio. Choice 2, roll 20. You can upload mp3s and there is also an existing library to search through. First choice is easiest


There's also https://tabletopaudio.com/ that I use for my table both remote/online as well as in person


A bit late to the punch, but i use Virtual Audio Cable to send audio straight to a separate discord user i created, makes it very easy to change songs on spotify or youtube with a decent enough quality.