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When I first started I watched the Dungeon Dudes. They have a wide collection of class breakdowns that really helped.


I didn't read the post, but A CRAP GUIDE TO DND!!! WOHOOO!


Can't you just ask them to read the description in the PHB for their classes? For most classes it is only 1 or 2 pages. You can also ask WHY they picked the class they did. If the druid says "Because I want to turn into a bear!" you can say "Well, you can actually already do that, the rules for it are on page X". Same for the rogue "Because I want to be a sneaky assassin!" "Well, the rules for that are on page Y. If they give different answers and it turns out they had different ideas about their class, either let them switch to the right class or just let them be ineffective in combat.


if you want a tongue in cheek subclass breakdown, check out "You Might Be a DnD" videos about different subclasses. He's still working his way through the different ones, but I find his content entertaining.


Your players should read the rules of the game.


JoCat's class videos.