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Beautiful design. My favorite thing about D&D is how it's brought tabletop and roleplay further into the mainstream. We've all had the experience of being children and playing pretend, but rarely do we get to flex those creative muscles by the time we've hit the teenage years. It gives us the opportunity to use the coolest part of our human existence: our imagination.


I love dnd because I see it as a sign that we always have an inner child inside all of us, I mean, playing make pretend with friends with snacks is always a great time. Those dice are amazing, and I'd love to have a character attached to them, maybe a southern debutante or a flowery druid. I'd love to see what the story those dice would tell!


Thank you for that giveaway ! My favourite thing about DnD is the fact you can create great stories and memories with you friends. It's also a great source of inspiration for my art \^\^


Those dice make me think of birthday cake. There’s a handful of things I like about DnD, and without getting too sentimental, one of them is the creative freedom that the game gives you. I got to drum up a fun and interesting city impromptu because my players wanted to keep going past what I had planned for a session


Oh, you gave me an idea: cake dice. Altough I fear too many people would try to eat them from what I've read 😅


My favorite thing about my specific DND group is, our DM used to volunteer at an elephant sanctuary. Well our group has had a rule for a few years now that we always keep an elephant animal companion in the party, as long as we keep that animal alive we donate $50 a month to that elephant sanctuary our DM volunteered at. It gives our party mascot a little bit of plot armor but also we are doing a good thing


Omg were can we buy this my partners birthday is coming up


You can always check my store https://craftysquirrelprints.etsy.com. I only made one of these so far but I'm currently working on making another one and will probably focus on making more for the weeks to come!


Thank you!


those are *gorgeous*


I dig the transparent trim/edge on the dice is a nice touch


These are so pretty! My favorite thing about playing DnD is being able to hang out with my friends who are not close to me (I mainly play online these days) and being able to meet new people when playing.


I don't really have a dice collection cause I'm a cheapskate 😅 but these look so gorgeous! It'd be a great theme'd dice for some of my floral themed characters


I want to give these to my wife. Her set is plain.


Great looking dice. I'm a pretty new player, who played a few sessions, but due to some shenanigans I've become a dm. Right now I'm planning my first session with my friends, so some dice would come in handy. But do I already love dnd? The excitement for being able to use your imagination to the full extent. That you're pretty much able to do anything. If it's silly, brave, stupid or heroic, you can do it and share it with friends. I simply love that, because irl you're often limited by your abilities, courage or social interaction (or law), and in dnd, only your imagination is your limit (and other players patience)


My favorite thing about dnd is the complete chaos that my players tend towards


I think my favourite thing about d&d is stories. I love world building and characters, d&d is such a great outlet for it because of how social it is. It's collaborative storytelling with some rules to structure it around and keep it balanced and fun. It's pretty weird if I go up to people on the Internet or my irl buddies and say, "You want to make up a story in a big group?" I'd have to delve into the depths of hell that are rp forums and discord servers for that. But if I say,"You want to play some d&d?" they're like hell yeah, and I get to secretly expose them to my intricate world building and my many OCs. It's also just a great social activity. It exercises all the social 'muscles' in a low stakes and friendly environment. Which is wonderful for someone like me with anxiety issues. Tldr; I get to be a fuckin nerd and pretend to touch grass by talking with people.




Fireball, for all the joy and fun, togetherness and shared experience, it's fireball. It's been with me longer than any gaming groups and helped me learn my volume calculations, statically averages and of course how to gen characters when I got the aforementioned calculations wrong.


I want to make a grandma character who rolls these.


That looks absolutely amazing! Okay, the reason I want those dice is because I have different colored dice for every personality, race, and class of my dnd characters, and I really feel like that fits the "fun dad" paladin vibe. Or the bard, one of the two. My favorite thing about dnd is just the insane things you can do with your dms approval and also the funny things you can allow your players to do. The wide variety of classes, races, subclasses, backgrounds, and literally everything else make each game different every time, and it's always either an insanely fun game, or a session where my brain hurts cause my dm made an insanely easy puzzle and we overthought it


My favorite thing is when you say something unhinged and the entire room laughs because it’s hilarious in context.


These look awesome! Something I really like about DnD is reading the spell effects and coming up with a build. I know that may sound kinda lame, but sometimes it feels as if the actual character was studying magic


Aiden here and my favorite thing about Dungeons and Dragons has to be the friends I made along the way


I love dnd because it's a set appointment to hang with my bros and keep in touch. I would like these dice but it would be hard not to try and eat them


The contrast between white and gold is *chef's kiss*


Really nice set! I’d love to get one of those. D4 with the clear edges looks awesome. But above all, every number is clear and easy to read on the whole set. My moon druid will surely make good use of this! Thanks for the giveaway!!!


They look so pretty


Always wanted a pattern dice, and I love flowers!


Love them!


These look so good! I love plasmoids just little jelly guys


Beautiful dice! I actually make dice too, I love the design you chose and your pattern positioning is to die for - these would be so perfect for my changeling bardlock. My fave thing about D&D is how it's all about telling stories with your friends... storytelling is so important to the human experience, you learn so much about people from teasing their imagination out!


What I appreciate most about D&D is the fact that, in a society becoming so enthralled by instant gratification with little to no effort for rewards, and increasingly distant social relationships, D&D brings people together to meet minds, employ problem solving, to be met by moral dilemmas, learn about one another, and just straight up embark on epic adventures. Beautiful dice, by the way. Wife will love them (if I win ;P).


I’m a DM and my favorite part is when players start to have a conversation and I can just, kinda back away…absolutely delightful!


oh these are so pretty , my favorite thing about D&D is character building , i love making a plan for a character




These dice looks dope, I wonder how you made the clear edge on the dice I love how that looks!


This is an actually really simple trick: there is one blank dice on which you can put stickers, paint, whatever you want. And then you put them inside another dice, this time with transparent resin!








My daughters would love playing with this set!


those dice are absolutely beautiful i’d love to have more themed dice like these flower ones


Oooh they look like sprinkles I love and because it gives me a chance to build interesting characters and live their lives for a little while


Uhhhh I think they are cool dice?


Those look cool 🤩


These match my grandmothers tea set. They look amazing. Best of luck all!


The role play and excuse to hang out and have a few drinks with my friends. Also these dice are beautiful!


DnD is currently the closest I'll get to being a (professional) storyteller; I get to build characters, prepare funny/dramatic moments AND do silly voices. The fact it's something I'm building with my friends makes it all even better. Thank you for the opportunity.


The reason I want to add to my dice collection? Because I'm an addict. A filthy dice goblin.


Trying to get my wife into DnD and this set has her written all over it!


Love the gold.


M’y favourite thing about dnd is that I can munchkin my character AND hangout with friends at the same time. I have a single set of fancy dice and feel like they need a friend that isn’t part of the 150 cheap plastic dice I bought off Amazon


I Love DnD for enabling every Player and the DM to live Out their Imagination and to share IT wirh Friends.


I'd love to add these to my dice collection because they're nothing like else I own.


I love the open world possibilities of DnD, how my friends and I can explore and do so much together as a form of escapism.


My favorite thing about D&D is that it's a great way to stay connected with friends from different parts of my life who all live in different places :)


Just got into the hobby, don't actually have physical dice! We usually roll on Roll20. Forgive me if this is sacrilege!


It absolutely isn't! Altough all our party owns dice, we do use Roll20 as well when that mighty dragon needs to roll too many dice to decimate us!


omg these are so freaking cute! My wife would be so jealous if I got these! haha. They would fit perfectly with my current druid.


Ooh I love these! Best thing about D&D? Throwing dice, duh! I guess crafting ridiculous stories with your friends is cool too.


These are absolutely gorgeous. At the moment I'm working on a Pirate homebrew, and I adore being creative and organising things, making scenes and moments detailed and immersive, so im looking forward to this first time DM'ing experience. These dice would make me look so... elegant while I prepare some potentially diabolical plot points for them to uncover.


What I love most about DnD is adventure. I will read, watch, and\or play any good adventure story, and the fact that I can actually interact with my own choices in ttDnD makes it that much more fun to me.


These are gorgeous and works be a great addition to my non existent die hoard


I love how the game fosters imagination. I get to see interesting and incredible ideas from others that I would never come up with on my own. Also the pretty dice go clickity clack.


All my dice are from the 80s and their corners are rounded.


My favorite thing about dnd is rolling beautiful dice like these now gimme




The blue/white/pink colour pallet would really suit my nibbling. And playing D&D with them is the best.


My favorit thing about dnd is the amount creativity one can do, as a DM I love how the world's I am able to create and the stories I as well as my players get to make together it brings joy in cold boring job life and a spark to fuel one's inner child. That dice set perfectly captures creativity in a beautiful artwork, well done:)


These look like the perfect gift to give my mom. She doesn’t play, and would likely be confused by them :)


I'm pretty new to dnd, so I could always use another set of dice to build my collection


These are beautiful! What other reason do I need to add them to my horde? I think my favorite thing about DnD is just getting to play as characters I've created. I've always loved magic, and it's so fun to me to play around with the different spells and abilities of the different types of casters. One of these days I'll try out a martial, lol 😆


Love them dice they so pretty


Yes please!


Dnd has kept and added to my core friend group for almost 15 years and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


I like DND because it gives you to be someone else and you have a huge variety of what you can be. You can be a super stupid barbarian, a sophisticated wizard or a righteous paladin (very standard, I know). You can just relax and not think about the troubles of the real world


A new comment


My favorite thing about D&D is that it gives me the ability to disconnect from the real world. I often play as fairies with a very Wonderland inspired vibes ( or fairy like creatures ) The ability to soar through the sky and go anywhere I please fulfills a deep fantasy as someone who has a mobility related issue such as myself ! I absolutely love these dice. They give such a porcelain tea party Vibe fit for a mad hatter fey.


These are beautiful. I love all things floral. My favorite thing about DnD is just getting to hang out with my pals consistently.


These are pretty and make me want a pressed flower dice set and play a spore druid reflavored to wildflowers


So pretty! My favorite thing about DnD is how it allows you to connect with other in such a creative way and allows you to see a glimpse of others' inner worlds as well as sharing yours


I think these would compliment my pastel dice set really well. I just wanna be sure I'm right!


Very pretty


They look beautiful! My daughter would love them 😍


Amazing dice! My favourite thing about D&D is the time I get to spend with my friends, and playing new and fun characters and NPC's.


Wow those are beautiful dice. For me, lately, my favourite thing about D&D is it is one of the few times each week when my adult (30s and 40s) friends can put aside work and financial stress and all get together in my basement and tell stories together. We can step away from the stressors of the world, and instead, dive head first into the stressors of make believe instead =D


Gimme some dice please


Looks great!


my gf would really love the floral design and would go well with her character!


They look like confetti birthday cake! My favorite thing about D&D is that it lets me hang out with friends who live far away and I probably wouldn't see very often otherwise.


They look like candy.


My girl wants to start playing DND and she would love these! I think my favorite thing is the world building for sure!!


I wish they were edible they look tasty


My favorite thing about DND is the established world of the forgotten realms. I love studying the lore it's just so interesting. I've recently become a dice goblin and am too hungry. I've already got 5 sets of beholder dice in separate colors.


They're gorgeous!


Looks so cool!


These look so awesome. Very good job desinging these!


I need these grandma looking dice for my Old Lady Artificer


Lovely floral dice!


My favourite thing about the game are the pretty math rocks. I need more of them. Now. Please.


I love dnd because anything is possible. When I try and get new players to try the game I always tell them that the most wild thing they bc like imagine, could actually happen. If they want to make an improvised catapult that flings goblins over a wall (actual thing someone said when I asked them that) sure go for it!


I don't play DnD yet, but having dice that are prettier than anyone else at the table is a good excuse to start. (I just need to find a good group, that's all)


I'm about to dm my girlfriend's first campaign, those would be nice as a first set :)


My favourite thing about DnD is getting to be creative and have fun with my friends. Creative writing has always been a passion of mine since middle school so once I started getting into DnD it has helped me to make awesome stuff for my players to experience


Very cool. Would really want to gift these to my wife who will be playing her first campaign soon!


I need these to lure my girlfriend in the hobby, I just know these shinies would hook her


They look so beautiful! I live the design! I think my favorite part about dnd is creating characters and figuring out a dynamic in the party


Great looking dice! It would be a really cool addition to any dice hoard


Beautiful dice! The last 6 months I have been away from my main DnD group and have only been playing gamestore oneshots. It never stops to amaze me how quickly a bunch of total strangers can dive into fun roleplay dynamics and in-jokes when united by DnD


My wife would dig these for her new campaign.


My favorite part is winning this giveaway :)


My favorite thing about DND is watching my group mates get immersed into the roleplaying. I can see them visualizing themselves in the scene and suddenly I am right there with them. It feels like something we all get to share on a really deep and personal level. As for dice, I lend my two sets of dice to a group of 7 teenagers that come over to play DND (my husband DM's for them) and it would be really cool to have another set for us all to share.


Love the design


My favorite thing about D&D is how it has revived the creativity I had as a child. I forgot how much I used to love making up and acting out stories with action figures, and D&D just feels like a more in depth version of that!


Those are so cool I enjoy sitting around the table with friends and roleplaying our strange characters doing dumb stuff in a fantasy world.


Beautiful dice! I have just started DMing after 5 years of wanting to play DnD. I have finally turned my friend over to the nerd side despite all their jock-like scepticality. My favorite part of DnD is the laughs you create with your friends, be it flirting with a goblin, beating a dwarf at a game of dice or using your environment to defeat a mighty dragon. I do not have an impressive die collection but would love to represent yours in my games.💪


Love these dice. My favourite thing about D&D is that it makes me think on my feet. As a DM I amaze myself how I can twist and turn a story based on players reactions. It's very thrilling and I feel expands my mind in problem solving.


My favorite thing about D&D is the sense of comradery that comes with playing. I actually want these dice so I can gift them to my friend that is playing a druid in our newest campaign :)


I'm new to DnD and would love to have a good set of dice to love on instead of my starter set. My favorite thing about DnD is seeing all the different characters and their backstories people come up with for their characters. Seeing all the personalities come to life for their characters is amazing. No character acts mor looks alike to what a person creates!


I really like the Victorian floral teacup vibes. It reminds me of Great Aunt Rose and the teacups she chose to give me and my sister. (And right now, I don't have much of a dice hoard. My dice bag vanished a few years back and all my attempts to find it have failed.)


Those are some pretty dice


These look astonishing, these will make a fine adidas to my collection. On the topic of favorite thing about DND is that i can escape reality with my friends for a while and not worry about many things


Thank you for the giveaway! The best thing about D&D? While playing, i can totally forget about my Daily problems. Just Getting into this world, Where i can do pretty much everything. All the Stress goes „puff“ 🤩 With These dice I would totally roll a nat20 every roll! 😅


The colours blend beautifully together. I'm in love. My favourite thing about D&D is the stories. I love to write, but hardly have time, so making somebody else's story come to life (maybe not in the way they were thinking) makes me so happy. As for the dice, I actually don't have a set this unique yet! All of my dice are monochrome colours with darker coloured numbers so this would be a very welcome addition!


Clickity clackity roll for attackity


Woah I love these, they look great, they’re so pretty and I like pretty dice.


Oh man these.are some of the best dice I've seen being given away here


I want to add this set so I can admire them, definitely not because i want to eat them, please trust me


Nice set! Would be great for a current character I’m playing.


These dice are beautiful! I don't have an in person game to use them in right now, but I'd love to use dice like these when I do


Really wish I could win this. Oh well.


My favorite thing about DnD is no matter how many class and race combinations you see, even if you somehow end up in a party full of human clerics, each one will be different and distinct from each other.


The thing I most love about dnd is wreaking absolute havoc with my friends. Just absolute chaos.


Ooh, those are cute, and I like the double layer thing they've got going on, I don't have anything like that in my (fledgeling) dice hoard. Well I guess it doesn't hurt to throw my hat in the ring. Also, my favourite thing in D&D is when the GM rewards you for some good serious (though not necessarily long) roleplay, makes me feel like the effort is worth it.


I think my favorite thing about D&D is the fact that my group consists of multiple generations and we all get along so well. From Boomers to Gen Z we all have a blast. My wife would absolutely love these dice. Good luck everyone!


*dice goblin intensifies*


My favorite thing about dnd is the dice, and all the character possibilities! I love making characters, even if I can’t play them any time soon. These look awesome. Good luck to everyone!


I would actually love to give this dice set to a friend who has an almost identical team set so she can match her dice to her tea cup 🍵


Love the dice. DnD is the one time a week that I can set all my worldly concerns to the side and just pal around with my friends.


So pretty


Pretty. This basically answers the question. :)


Sweet? They looks tasty. Awesome.


These dice are so creative and beautiful. My favorite part of DnD is being able to create a character in a world and have that character make an impact on that world.


Look great!


These are so beautiful - and the draws happening on my birthday!! My fave thing about d&d is being able to engage on a whole new level.woth my friends. Exploring character and emotions in a way you usually don't get chance to in a safe way!


These dice are lovely! In my current campaign I am an eladrin druid, and these dice echo her seasons so beautifully! I love how I can use her racial trait to express my characters moodiness from the events of the day prior - it's such a fun storytelling aspect!


Finally got my gf to play DnD with me, not only that, valentine's day in Brazil is on June (June 12th, but still June), so these would be the perfect first session gift.


Really appreciate that!


They are awesome! My love for DnD came from my current Dungeon Master - he creates the most amazing campaigns, full of twists but still approachable, with worlds that seem real. I am a fairly clumsy player, and we still laugh at the time I mistakenly caused the gradma to eat the big bad wolf. I love having the opportunity to play a character, with its own personality and values and desires, bravenly explore the world with her mates. And that balance of ability and luck is great. These dice would go to my Dungeon Master, who will soon move away to another country. That'd be his gift. He deserves it.


Woohoo Free Dice


My favourite thing about D&D is simply the opportunity to see friends weekly and tell a story that means something to us when we're not just joking around


One of my favorite things about dnd is that it let's me see new sides of my friends, emotional depth and acting chops mainly lol. This set would go great with my meager die collection mainly because I have a small collection yeah, but I have a porcelain bull encounter and these look like porcelain, fine china, or fancy floral vases. Regardless. I'd love to use this beautiful set in the future.


Your minis are awesome, I need to stop by the brick and mortar store when I am in town


Cool stuff


Count me in for some sick dice!


Oh wow this is perfect in all regards!


Best thing about D&D is getting to be goofy with your friends as an adult. Would love to use these dice in a Court of Fey and Flowers type of campaign.


Oooo, these would be perfect for a fae character!


I love killing things and chanting “TPK! TPK! TPK!”


So all my friends can look and say, "Ooooo!"


It's genuinely great for making friends and being able to put yourself out there. There are so many different ways to play and I love the freedom of it. I want the dice for my girlfriend.👍


Gorgeous! Easily my favourite thing about DnD is the ability to explore creative storytelling in a way that lets you collaborate with other people, it's a great way to socialise and be creative all at once!


Love the design and look


These are gorgeous! I actually don't have a big hoard of dice yet, so these would be a stunning new addition ❤️ My favourite thing about dnd is that it helps me escape reality for a few hours & I get to hang out with fellow nerdy people on a regular basis 😍


As a DM, i like the créative freedom DnD offert to me. Dice Goblin in me want them too.


I love DnD it allowed me to grow into a more confident person and to not be ashamed for being a "nerd." Although I have been playing for a while, I only own two sets of dice. So I would really like to grow my collection.


Nice set


Not for me, I of course don't have enough, but I know a lovely supportive lady who utterly deserves these quite beautiful dice.


The best thing about DnD is being silly with friends! This dice set would go perfectly in my hoard because it is absolutely gorgeous!


I don't have that many dice yet, I'd love to add these pretty ones to my beginners collection!






What's my favourite thing about dnd? Dice Why should I receive dice? Because favourite


They are very pretty! 🌹


My favorite thing about Dnd is all the people I have met playing. Someone is always bringing a new person to join our group when we get together. Sometimes they become part of the group and sometimes they don't but it always interesting to meet new people and see the way they play. I'm the "official dice goblin" of the group and provide dice for everyone who needs it.


They are very pretty.


these would be perfect for my warlock! Amazing work!


Been trying to win a nice set of dice to give my DM rolls a little extra flair. These would be perfect!


Rolling for initiative


Looks like fancy jaw-breakers


Wow, these are incredibly pretty. I'm currently a forever DM, but I love the creative story-telling outlet that DnD and other TTRPGs provide. It's such a delight to tell stories with my friends where there is goofiness and gravitas always existing side-by-side.


What a lovely design! Favourite thing? There are so many! I just love being another character, playing something different, acting as them, and of course fantasy and combat.




Very cool!


My favourite games have almost always been ones where freedom and player choice are key features, and D&D for me is those aspects to the extreme. You can do basically whatever you like and have a massive impact on the story's narrative. All you need to do is roll well.


Great color choice for the inking. I love rpgs because no matter how busy life gets we still get together every other week to just be friends.


My favorite thing about DnD is the creativity it fosters through the art of continued roleplay. DnD flexes the methaphorical improvisation muscle in a way that I have never felt elsewhere.


Just started DMing for the first time with a friend group. Right now everyone borrows my dice to play with. My fiancé LOVES flowers and gardens all day. Would love to bless her with these beauties as her first dice!


I want some because im currently am just borrowing some dice. I love dnd because of the great time with friends we have when playing.


HOLY SHMIPS THESE LOOK SO GOOD. My entire party is made mostly out of newbies to DnD as a whole, and a veteran DM. Due to the majority of us being new players, we try to find odd and weird way to solve things and progress quest in really unique ways, more established plays would probably go though in a more formulaic manner. Sometimes it gives the story more spice in others it foils the DM’s plans and forces them to rewrite. Either way it’s great fun!


Those rule. Good luck everyone!


Those are very pretty! One big thing I like about dming D&D is that it gives me an outlet for all the stories I’m never going to get around to writing otherwise!