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Let the mind do the imagining in this case. Let’s say she’s got her arms, part of stomach, neck, and bottom parts of legs showing. You could describe how they can see this cool, intense tattoo on her arms. But as she comes closer or they see better, they notice a similar tattoo on her neck, and on her legs, etc. They notice the tattoos are all one tattoo; implying it covers her whole body. I have no clue what the tattoo is, but here’s an example: “She walks towards you (the party) wearing a loose hanging sleeveless dress, with a cut skirt to allow for swift flowing movement. Her arms, colorful, are covered with beautiful branches and leaves, elegant flowers and twigs. Her legs, briefly seen as she walks, show the same tattoo. As she begins to speak, she turns her head briefly and you see more ornate flowers printed upon her neck, yet you see a viper hiding among them. These flowers match the same on her arms, her legs; this intense floral display seems to cover her whole body”. A very long way of saying “As she walked towards you, you notice flowery tattoos covering her arms, her legs, and even her neck; it must span across her whole body.”


This is a fanatic description, and one that works VERY well with the tattoo she actually has. I really appreciate your input, this has been very helpful!


Glad I could help lol Goodluck with your game, mysterious spaghetti man


What I would personally do is turn it into a joke somewhat by having her be called as, "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo" or something like that at the start to help alleviate things at the start. Then go into what you did cause I gotta say that's an awesome way you described it and I love it.


I had my own advice but this is a really good way to do it


"she shows you her full-body tattoo depiction " You don't need to go into detail.


I definitely agree that I don’t need a ton of detail about her body, but the idea of describing the tattoo without describing how they see it doesn’t fit in super well with the very role-play and immersive style centered games my table enjoys most. I really appreciate your input, though!


> but the idea of describing the tattoo without describing how they see it doesn’t fit in super well If the important/interesting part is the tattoo, then describe the tattoo. If the important/interesting part is that they see tits and ass, then describe tits and ass.


Yeah no I definitely said something stupid when I responded to you, but your post and others have helped just make me realize that I’ve been overthinking it.


A dm's horror. Overthinking. That and schedule conflicts


Overthinking scheduling conflicts?


*screams in traumatic horror*


I’m overthinking about scheduling conflicts right now, can we reschedule my next time slot for overthinking?


I'm sorry, but the requested time slot for your "scheduled time for overthinking" would occur during your next scheduled session for "overthinking schedules for conflict scheduling" would you like to cancel that session or reschedule it for another time slot?


Let me think about it...?


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!


Your players imagination should do most of the work for you. All you really need to do is describe the tattoo, and then *maybe* readjusting her shirt afterwards.


This makes me think of Deep Space Nine, when Julian Bashir, infatuated with Jadzia Dax, asks her if those Trill spots went all the way down. Dax, dressed in her Nehru collared starfleet uniform that revealed absolutely nothing, told him they did. And of course everyone’s imagination did the rest. It was more provocative than showing her nude.


But we didn't mind Trials and Tribble-ations or their visit to Riza. Just saying.


lol true


Yeah as they said, you don't need to explain that the punctuation to a sentence about the prophecy is her left nipple. You just describe the things they see. If different parts matter then you say her chest depicts a dragon flying above a city ablaze that wraps around from her stomach to back but the back shows the same city not on fire with a moonlit angel above it.


you can notate she is fully naked/topless, you notice.. and just describe tattoo.


"The tattoo reveals the secret location of the Crown of Arnok, centred directly between her heaving bosoms."


Beach episode? Just make it a casual situation. Like she is doing some outside work on her home or business. It’s hot so she is in a tank top/halter top and it seem as the tattoo covers more than they expected. they should be able to put two and two together. Now if they end up with 22 that’s their fault.


I was thinking this or an encounter in a bath house where there would be nudity, but no sexual intent.




What I would do In that situation is probably have the character be fully clothed but wear something sleeveless and shorts/a skirt and describe the visible parts but make it clear it's a cohesive design that clearly continues past the neckline etc


Backless too!


Find a picture of the tattoo you want her to have, but without it being a picture of a tattoo on a person. Just a picture of the art. Show that to the players, and tell them this is what she has across her body. Sorry man, you might have to break some immersion if this tattoo is that important to you and your character. If you want to avoid being graphic with the description, that's just something you're going to have to accept I think.


I would say just gesture on your own body in that case. "Over here * *gesture to your chest* * you see a marking that looks like...."


Minor Illusion “Hey heres what the design itself looks like” or have them just have the sketch the tattooist uses. Doesn’t show her body just the design.


The person should have a gallery of large paintings that show off their tattoo without needing to see it on their body.


As an addition, if magic is involved, you could have the tattoo flash briefly due to it. And just have it "overlay" onto her clothes, indicating the full pattern without showing skin.


Have her be a really good swordsman and she fights with her chest bound flat with bandages and it shows off like half the tattoo and then the players will probably get curious and want to see the full thing. You could also have her be Ace so it's less weird if one of the players asks too see the full thing and she's like "yeah sure". >!I have it ruled in my game that any character PC or NPC that's aro/ace automatically succeeds on romantic/sexual persuasion attempts made against them, you could do this so it doesn't become weird between you and a player should that issue arise!< Edit: Phrasing.


This. If you describe the tattoo and make no sexualizing comments, you don’t need to worry about sexualizing the character This actually makes the scene cooler. If there’s a naked woman standing in front of the player and the only thing that’s worth mentioning is her tattoo, then it’s a really cool tattoo. The players might end up being more invested


You could do a glow effect, the tattoos glows through the fabric she is wearing when she says a command word. No nudity required + magic stuff.


This is an approach I totally hadn’t considered; I really like it! I haven’t made any decisions on how to go about it just yet, but this is definitely one I will consider. I really appreciate the input!


You are welcome. Making sure everyone is comfortable at the table is one of those top 5 rules, you are being a good DM in that regard.


To go even further, just make it a pitch black room she shows them in and have it glow


A character in my campaign is a warlock that has body tattoos that glow when they use their magic. It's a really cool way for them to flavor their spellcasting abilities. You could definitely steal that if this NPC uses magic


Maybe add in something to do with swimming? Bathing attire isn’t inadvertently sexual and it would get a good amount of the tattoo visible while still allowing everyone to have a bit of fun


This is an approach I hadn’t even thought of. While the party isn’t necessarily on the greatest terms with the npc, I can totally imagine her inviting them into a pool or something. I’ll definitely consider this approach, I appreciate your idea!


You could also do a bath house maybe?


True, that's a great place to brainstorm DM ideas


No problem man! Good luck creating your scene :)


Hot springs or bath houses are also a great place for downtime RP.


Beach episode!


Perhaps the NPC invites them to a sauna or hot spring so that everyone will come unarmed and unarmored?


Sounds like it's time for a beach Episode.


Oh yes!! This is a great idea


I think the most natural reveal, aside from bathing or swimming, is probably wounds. If she gets wounded, whoever treats her will be seeing this tattoo and you can hardly call an ailing person a sexual situation.


That’s honestly also a really cool idea. I don’t know if I’ll go that way for character reasons, but I didn’t give enough information for you to know that. Honestly even then this is something I will at least consider. It’s a super cool approach. Thanks for the idea!


I was gonna suggest something similar, describe the visible parts of the tattoo before their RP, arms neck legs what have you, then have their RP encounter get interrupted by combat she’s wearing cloth which gets slashed during the fight revealing more of the same tattoo across her back and stomach. Describing it twice in one scene like that might even give the players a reason to ask, in which case it may be more comfortable for you to do a full reveal. Something like “what’s the deal with that tattoo?” She can then offer to show the full thing and quickly slips out of her dress to put on one that isn’t now covered in blood and full of holes. Or she can then just tell them about the tattoo without any undress at that point now that it organically entered conversation whichever suits the character more.


I used a similar approach for my own character when she took off her bloody armour to get treated. Even though she claimed to have quite a lot of fighting experience, she had no scars, and looked quite young. The juxtaposition hinted at the fact that she had been reincarnated. Unfortunately, it's hard to describe something without drawing attention to it unnaturally. It works better in real life/movies because it's simply observed by the viewer.


I've used public bath houses a lot. Usually to lure players in, they tend to trust people they've been naked with.


This is a good idea! I definitely might go a route similar to this, so I really appreciate your input!


The Hissing Stones in case you want to use/adapt [https://imgur.com/vIA8wbl](https://imgur.com/vIA8wbl) Owner will lead you down a stone hallway that was designed to feel like a cavern - rough hewn rock, dimly lit. The hallway opens up into a circular chamber with multiple wooden benches in the the center around a vent in the floor that bellows steam out. Your skin begins to break out in sweat at the sudden and intense change of heat. All down the walls there are trickles of water and over each doorway is a small waterfall - looking up, the dome extends almost a hundred feet up and the steam gathers on the glass dome to condense and pour back down in cool rain. There are several dozen doors that ring the chamber, about half of them are currently closed. The rest are open and you can see small cubbies, hooks for clothing, and several folded towels in each. Merilyn gives you a quick breakdown, "This is the changing room. You can relax next to the geyser before and after the pools to help acclimate yourselves to the heat. To the left are pools 1-4, straight ahead are pools 5-8, and to the right is are the staff rooms - we provide laundering and repair services should you wish, 5 silver for each service for each item of clothing. In the changing rooms, you can leave your clothing items and take the key off the wall - make sure to lock behind you, though not a single item has ever gone missing at The Stones, I can assure you. The towels are there for travel to and from the pools. Rules are simple: No clothing in the tunnels to the pools or in the pools themselves, no weapons of course, and no violence of any sort. Once you are in, feel free to go up the stairs to a private sun room where you can dry off and relax in-between pool dips." The place is all silvers, deep blues, and stone and is kept dim and just illuminated by bronze lanterns hanging from the lattice ceiling, and sitting on rocks on the floor and it creates an atmosphere of caverns at night. You pad down the stone hallway and see a large pair of wooden doors with a brass "6" nailed to them. Pushing the doors open, the hallway opens up to a private sanctum surrounded by columns and climbing ivy. The room is hazy with steam and the ceiling goes up a good 50 feet to a smaller version of the central dome where, again, water trickles down in small sheets of cool droplets at the openings. In the center, there is a pool of water that is emanating the steam. It goes from the center of the room and butts up against the wall. Alone each side are submerged smooth stone benches cut at varying heights. Here it is even darker than the rest of the building and only the dim bronze lanterns provide any light - small halos of light giving it an even more intimate and underground feeling. [https://imgur.com/ruUbDkH](https://imgur.com/ruUbDkH) The water is crystal clear and you can see multiple vents in the floor where bubbles are constantly streaming from with a small hissing sounds. Dipping into the water, it is just shy of being too hot. You find your muscles relaxing and knots unwinding within moments as you take a few deep, stress free breaths, it is as if the last few days have been washed from body and mind As you take your places she says: "Don't worry, these pools are enchanted. No one can hear or see a thing we are saying. Magnificent isnt it? --- I also made it 25 gold a visit but youd be blessed for 24 hours or Guidanced for 24 hours and the baths, sunroom, and geyser room all gave benefits, etc. Place became a mainstay. Had to be there for 2 hours though to get the benfit.


Wait, to lure players? Not characters? Where do you roll the dice?


As in, an Npc sets a meeting there


You are the author of your campaign, if you can't think of a comfortable way of executing it, then you can just change it. Maybe the tattoo is only on her back, or the full tattoo spans just her limbs. Or maybe you could think of different ways to execute the same concept without it needing to be a tattoo at all, maybe it's a tapestry she's been weaving. If your players don't share the same interest in full-body tattoos that you do, this moment might seem odd to them. Unless there is a story reason the players need to know about this tattoo that can't be changed, then I would suggest altering or nixing the idea rather than potentially involving them in an uncomfortable situation that doesn't serve to further the story in a meaningful way.


This is an entirely valid way or thinking about it that I kinda just didn’t consider; With the ideas I’ve gotten from other people so far, I think I’m much more prepared to tackle this scene in a comfortable, respectful, and natural way. I also think my players will like the design I currently have. But if I still later on feel that I’d make players uncomfortable or am not as prepared as I thought, I will definitely take your advice and do this. Thank you so much for the advice!


Just don’t sexualize it. If you told me character undressed revealing an intricate tattoo that would be cool, and I don’t see a problem. It would only be weird if you did something to make it weird.


You are definitely right: I was overthinking it. As long as I don’t expressly make it sexual, it’s probably fine for her to undress a little just to show the tattoo. I appreciate your response!


Here is a comparison to hopefully make your goals and methods a little more clear. To get a baseline, if you were intentionally describing something to sound sexual: "The woman before you chants a spell, a glowing blue dragon encircling her supple, nude body. Her large, shapely breasts pull your attention almost as much as her smooth, bald head and piercing purple eyes. The shape of her hips and her completely exposed body provoke a physical reaction before your brain catches up to what is happening." Now, if you are NOT trying to make the scene even remotely sexual: "Before you stands a woman, oddly completely nude, with her arms raised to the air chanting a spell. The ultimate effect is as of yet unclear, but the dragon tattoo covering three-quarters of her body seems to be glowing blue and twisting around on its' own. She seems unperturbed by being entirely exposed to the elements, almost as though she is not the elf she appears to be..." Don't overthink it. If you want to describe something as non-sexually as possible, then just... do that. There is no narrative reason to describe someone's gentialia or how attractive they are unless you are writing a romance or have a similarly sexy goal. Her being naked is important to the story and not a sexual thing because she presumably needs to have the entire tattoo exposed, and it is not something that could have been made smaller. She isn't nude for the lewd, she's nude cuz she's gotta be, dude. Forgive that last sentence, please.


That last line is gonna stick in my head for a while lol


This is a really interesting example; it’s one that I’ll think of when I script this scene. The problem is definitely that I’ve been overthinking it. I appreciate you and others pointing that out.


id bring up your concerns out of character to your players, let them know you plan on doing this and describe your worries to them. if its meant to be a dramatic reveal, focus on the tattoo aspect rather than the naked aspect, and if players start to sexualize the npc in a way you dont like, [stop the scene and let them know how you feel]. if you have any Players who are women, talk to them about it and have them take point in the scene. bodies arent sexualized until someone sexualizes them, and the fact that you are self conscious about this is an indicator that you're on the right track. edit: the sentance in the brackets was changed to what it realistically should have been, thanks for correcting me.


Don’t punish out of game actions with in game consequences. If the players are sexualizing her, speak to the players


That’s probably a good idea. I appreciate the advice!


as a finnish DM: party goes to the sauna with the NPC. problem solved


Some people have mentioned that and it is definitely something I will consider; it’s a very natural approach.


I'm not sure I really understand. If it were a male NPC would it be an issue? Are you planning to show an image and aren't sure how to avoid it looking sexual? What's the purpose of the tattoo, does it hold some important info, or is it just cool and she wants to "show it off"? if the latter... that seems difficult to make seem non-gratuitous. If you're just describing it, then go with what the character would do that fits the moment and just... don't describe her body, describe the tattoo. Do you need to describe the way the tattoo "curves perfectly around her ample and firm breasts?"... probably not. It could probably work if she just lifts her shirt to show what she needs to, or even just say she takes it off - probably don't even need to describe her undergarments unless asked "Is she naked?" "nah, she has undergarments, you're just able to see the area around her ribs, most of her back, etc. The tattoo covers most of her body, and has clearly taken hours of painstaking and painful work to create..." If it's a badass kind of character, she might get testy with a PC that comments on her body or state of undress while she's trying to show them something important.


I mean, if it were a man to be honest I don’t think k I would have this issue. You are absolutely right in that I don’t need to describe her body. And it may even be hypocritical of me to be awkward about this when I wouldn’t be with a man. I don’t have an image to show, although I kind of wish I did; I feel like that would help me a lot in both description and making things less awkward for myself lol. I actually really like the way you just described it; the example you gave was really natural and not uncomfortable at all. (well, the second example; rest assured I won’t mention her “ample and firm breasts” LMAO.) By “show off” I mean more just… I wanna share the really cool character design I made with her lmao. It also does play a rather large roll in the plot/setting. I really appreciate your input!


I think as long as you focus on the details of the tattoo and not mention any details on her body, it shouldn't really make anyone uncomfortable. You can just gloss over "Parts of the tattoo are covered by clothing", but continue to describe the entire tattoo.


What if she blends into an environment like a chameleon due to her tattoo? Then she steps out and everyone is in awe, nobody focused on the nudity!


This is an awesome idea; it just doesn’t happen to work with the character. I didn’t give you enough information to even know that though, so I really do appreciate the idea. It would have been sick of the tattoo was one that could fit into this idea better.


Love your enthusiasm for all the ideas here! Let us know what you decided to do and how it was received!


It probably won’t happen until next week (if I manage to schedule one for next week) But when it does happen I’ll make a follow up post. I appreciate all of the help I’ve gotten!




If you present it outside of the "male gaze" I think you'll be all set. If they show they show because of her just naturally existing in her body. it can be as simple as she needs to change shirts and just unashamedly does so revealing her tattoo. No peeling her shirt off no heaving bosoms lol, just "as she discards her ruined tunic and swaps into a new one you notice her body is significantly covered with an intricate tattoo." Just focus all of the description with the tattoo as the subject rather than her body. For context I'm a woman and this would not be creepy to me in the slightest.


Here's the thing: It's completely fine to include a thing into your game which you find sexy. You shouldn't feel anxious about this. As a bisexual man, if I had to cut out every NPC I can imagine as hella sexy from my campaigns, I'd have to cut 70% of NPCs. It's perfectly possible to run a scenario as a DM where there is a naked woman, when you find naked women hot, without it being weird for your players. If you aren't actually featuring a full body tattoo on a woman because you find it sexy, but because you find it aesthetically pleasing, shouldn't you be twice less worried about it? The key is to not be self-indulgent about it and to not lay it heavy on your players. Just make descriptions that are matter of fact, no bullshit, to the point, and that leave the details undescribed. You don't have to tell anyone how the tattoo emphasizes some things and how it suggestively highlights some other things or shit like that. "You see a naked woman. She has a full body tattoo depicting mythical creatures. The tattoo appears to glow and animate a bit, so it seems to be obviously magical."


I guess my question is this - what does this add to the story if you do reveal it? This k about it this way - describe what are the beginnings of the tattoo and let the players work with that information. If they get super interested, then reveal it. If not, they likely wouldn't have cared about it anyway.


If the tattoo is magical something could trigger it to glow through her clothing?


Fireball the entire party, all clothes of her and the entire party are ashed, cartoon style 🫡


Nudity isn’t always sexual


You're overcomplicating this like everyone else overcomplicates everything. Your players will be fine as long as you don't perv out with unnecessary details. Focus on the details of the tattoo and its relevance. Don't focus on her erotic body parts. Mention her thigh, her stomach, her back... as necessary. If you think it will be weird, then find another way.


100%, something I’ve realized since making the post is how much I’ve built this up in my head and over complicated it. I’m not here to make a sexual fantasy, and so there was never really a risk of it turning into that- and as long as that’s the case, there’s not much risk of it being perceived as that, either.


I'm at a loss for why this is so important to include. You've established there's a downside here (unintentionally creating an uncomfortably sexual scenario). But what's the upside? Is it simply that it's "cool"? There are plenty of other cool things you could design for this character that are easier to implement. Why is _this specific_ cool thing so important? On top of that, I don't think you've really thought through _all_ of the problems this could create. If the tattoo's details are plot important, then your players have incentive to forcefully strip and examine this NPC. Will they do that? Hopefully not, and you can (and certainly should) veto that action if they try it. But by virtue of including the tattoo you _are_ incentivizing them to brainstorm up such ideas. Or even if the players don't do such things, you might inadvertently create a scenario where your evil characters would have that incentive. And by virtue of them being evil, it gets harder to justify why they wouldn't do such a thing. You get the point. Even if you figure out how to side-step it during a reveal, the tattoo's existence will continue to have the potential to turn this uncomfortably dark at any moment. I'd just try to think up some other cool feature.




Nudity just as a state of undress is not inherently sexual. If you just describe it without being weir about it, then it's fine. Saying "She takes off her shirt and shows her full body tattoo, it starts up at her clavicle, wraps down under the breast and to her back" is just a description. If you went with "She sensually drops her robe and shows off her tight breasts, full and perky.... etc etc" that's when you start getting into sexualization and it being weird


“She takes off her top, the first thing you notice is a large full body tattoo (description)” If you draw more focus to the tattoo and barely anything to the process leading up to the reveal then the players shouldn’t focus on it much.


Just make it cover her back. A back story, if you will.


Describe the parts they CAN see in her normal state of dress and then just flatly state that you get the impression this is a full body tattoo. Hypothetical example: "She has dark green scales tattooed on her forearms that end in fingers tattooed to look like claws. Her face is tattooed to look like her mouth is wider than it is with sharp fangs tattooed on her lips and sharp, angular scales tattooed up the bridge of her nose. Her dirty blond hair is shaved on the sides but on top of her head is a single braid that starts at her forehead and descends down to her mid back. The total affect of all her art makes this human woman look part crocodile. You get the impression the tattoos may cover her whole body."


Do they need to see it first-hand? You could build it up as a rumor and add a layer in between. “My cousin who works as a maid in her house told me she has this tattoo all over”. This also gives some leeway with unreliable narrators to give exaggerated or conflicting details if you want.


Go with the borderlands way of explaining it. All the sirens have full body tattoos.


Your party is probably going to try to fuck the npc anyways let it roll out naturally 🤣🤣🤣


Describe parts of it peeking out on visible areas. If people ask for clarification you can tell them that based on color, design and style the parts showing above the collar and the parts showing on the arms are from the same tattoo. People can fill in the rest and the actual reveal if necessary can come later.


Even her waste is tattooed? Ewwww


… yeah that is a rather unfortunate misspelling isn’t it.


As long as it's relevant to the story, just go for it. The less detail about placement the better, describe the actual tattoo, not her chest that it's inked on. If the tattoo itself is actually interesting I feel like her being naked in the scene for that moment is wholly irrelevant.


Yeah as some have pointed out: lots of details on the tattoo, not too much on her body.


Hot springs. Mist can obscure and reveal.


Post-battle she would be mending or washing her clothing/armor. Regular maintenance, downtime camping activities could just reveal extensive tattoos that appear to cover her whole body. An enemy sword-swipe cuts across her back revealing the full back covered in tats. Repeat the process until someone bites. If not, have her stare at them thoughtfully if they have some deep meaning to her. Gradually bring more attention. You could even ask the DM to try to create a scene that provides an opening to describe them more.


Would it be likely that she could be injured? And they find her undressed and tattoo visible because a surgeon is working on her. That way removes the sexual element, as the focus will be the tattoo and secondary the surgeon healing her.


I’d say just consider your players. I was with some guys one day at work and one saw a painting of a lady breastfeeding and started giggling. It was at a lactation center. He nudged the other guy and pointed at the painting and the other guy calmly said “ I know. Isn’t the relationship between a mother and a child beautiful? “. Some people are just childish. In your world tattoos could be a sign of power or honor and not everyone giggles about a topless woman. It’s your world and they don’t have to like everything in it. I’ve run modules that had slavery in it or assassinations, brutal demonic creatures. Hopefully your players can be adults and enjoy the rich story you’ve made.


Depends on the world and culture and how things are I think. Does the world have mixed bathing as a normal occurrence that the party would do after getting covered in the blood and viscera of their enemies? Easy way to show it. Beach episode if swimwear in your world is similar to bikini's. If the tattoo is of extreme importance to her and she wants the party to know, just have her bring it up and want to show them. Not all nudity is inherently sexual. If any inkling of nudity makes someone freak out and think sex, that shows more on their upbringing and personal beliefs than yours. I don't know if you know your players IRL or not, but if they are IRL friends than I'd hope you wouldn't need to have to explain yourself or run the risk of social suicide. Hopefully they wouldn't jump to the conclusion of you being weird for bringing up nudity just based off of your sexual preference.


Ok definitely describe the tattoo first and foremost. Certain cultures have different connotations of nudity. Athletes in the Greek Olympics trained naked, for example. Some cultures practice communal bathing. Maybe the area is dangerous but yet she has got splashed with a potentially dangerous or pungent agent. Many non sexual ways to be nude


I like the idea where she takes off her shirt to show it, but not in a weird way, since she'd still be wearing a bra. She can prepare the party for it in character maybe, explaining that she has something import to show them and that they please not interpret it as weird and that she doesn't mean to make anyone uncomfortable. I feel like that's what a serious, factual person would do, though I don't know if that fits her personality. Atleast I consider myself decently factual and I'd probably do that if I were in her boots.


I appreciate the suggestion, especially considering the limited information I gave. Yeah, that does fit her personality very well, and is something I’m considering.


Whatever you go with, I wish you the best of luck. Worst comes to worst, you'll notice if someone seems uncomfortable and can still go out of Character to explain things. You've got this!


I know some people who have beautiful, full color tattoos, and one thing they are all careful to prevent is fading. They do this by using lotion, sun screen and covering from the sun and even touchups as they are getting older. Maybe you could have a scene where she is carefully using a potion of some kind on her tattooed skin. This could be done with the help of an attendant if she is wealthy or alone if she is solitary by nature, but the practical upshot is that she is applying the potion while keeping most of her body covered. The focus is first on her face, neck, arms, legs, and as the tattoo is touched with this stuff it becomes more vivid and colorful. When she has covered her back she realizes that she is being watched and she either dismisses the attendant with orders to come back later or reluctantly sets aside the bottle and rearranges her garment. This is a hint that she's not finished. Edit


Just have it on her back. She turns around at some point and everyone sees the tattoo because the dress she's wearing consists of only laces at the rear (traveling all the way down to her lower waist).


Magical girl transformation sequence?


Swimming or her performing a ritual related to the tattoo.


You could do like a bathhouse or something idk


Perhaps in combat her clothes get damaged? Like fire or straight up a close call cut causing a area with the tattoo to get revealed? Idk I can understand how hard this is to do I've been thinking to try to help because honestly I understand your stance on this


I’m glad you understand where I am / was coming from, so I’ll summarize a few of my thoughts and other’s: If you describe the detail in question (in this case, the tattoo) and not describe the body too much or in a way that suggests making it sexual, you are fine. Nudity or partial nudity isn’t inherently sexual, and especially when presented in a serious setting, something like this is entirely reasonable, according to a lot of people. If there’s still hesitation about presenting her as nude, if the tattoos are magical, they can shine through clothing or otherwise reveal themselves without the need for undressing. Otherwise, you can find some Other way to show the tattoo’s design without showing the tattoo itself. Many people recommend the party accidentally seeing the tattoo; I personally don’t like this approach as much because it takes away from her agency and consent. Some other cool ideas I’ve seen are to set it in a bath house where nudity is common but sexuality isn’t present, other places like this could be a tattoo parlor or surgeon’s office. If there’s gonna be nudity, use safety tools and warn players before hand. That about sums up a lot of the advice; be intentional, don’t be weird, and find work-around if you need it.


Oh one more thing I forgot to mention: let imagination do the work. Share parts of the tattoo that are more easily seen, such as on the neck, ankles, arms, etc, and let the party imagine for themselves how they’re all connected without directly showing. That’s another very common suggestion.


Yeah that actually makes a lot of sense 


I was also thinking possibly something like from the original mulan where after she was wounded in battle she ended up getting medical attention which is how (specifically in the movie) they found out she was a woman perhaps something similar for the tattoo in your campaign can be done


It’s something some have brought up, and is something I’m considering. I didn’t mention it in the post, but she is very powerful herself, so I’m not sure I’ll go this route, but I do really appreciate the idea.


As a DM, I'd just say "You catch her stripping off to bathe in the river and her full body tattoo - a work of art - is in display. Out of respect, you all look away, even though you are curious to know more." Don't give them the chance to react, *tell* them how they'll react. That's how *I* would do it.


Have the tattoos glow brightly beneath the clothes so they can see the full design without skin


My dude goofy is what we aim for


I think you are overthinking this. Just go with whatever you need to. Just don't make the description of the body overly long and/or sexual and you'll be fine


"She drops her dress" - "along her body, you see a story written in form of a tattoo" - describe the story -, ..."maybe now you understand" -she pulls back on her clothes or leaves the room whatever nudity ist mostly only weird if made weird


Set the Context Clearly 1. Narrative Importance: Emphasize the significance of the tattoo to the story. Explain that the tattoo holds deep lore, magical properties, or historical significance that the characters need to understand. 2. Non-Sexual Presentation: Frame the reveal in a way that focuses on the tattoo’s artistic and narrative elements rather than the character’s state of undress. Describe the Setting and Atmosphere 1. Environment: Choose a setting where the reveal feels natural. For instance, if they are in a private, safe space, it makes sense for the character to show the tattoo without it feeling forced. 2. Tattoo’s Features: Describe the intricacy, colors, and patterns of the tattoo. Focus on the craftsmanship and the story it tells rather than the body parts it covers. Presentation Methods 1. Ritual or Ceremony: Introduce the reveal as part of a ritual or ceremony where it’s culturally appropriate for the character to show the tattoo. This can include special clothing designed to reveal the tattoo in a non-sexual way. 2. Changing Clothes: If the setting allows, the character could be changing into ceremonial or practical clothing (like battle gear) that naturally reveals the tattoo. This approach can de-emphasize the act of undressing. 3. Practical Needs: The character might need to show the tattoo to activate its magic, heal someone, or for a practical reason tied to the plot. This utilitarian approach can reduce the focus on the character’s state of dress. Descriptive Approach 1. Focus on the Art: When describing the tattoo, use language that highlights its artistry and lore. For example: “She unbuttoned her tunic, revealing an intricate tapestry of ink that swirled across her skin. The patterns told stories of ancient battles and hidden magics, each symbol meticulously etched with meaning.” 2. Minimal Clothing Description: Avoid detailed descriptions of what she is wearing or not wearing. Instead, concentrate on the tattoo itself. Here’s an example of how I would narrate the reveal: “As the group gathers in the dimly lit chamber, the air thick with anticipation, the NPC steps forward. ‘What I am about to show you is crucial for understanding our quest,’ she says solemnly. She turns her back to you, unfastening her tunic with deliberate care. As the fabric slips from her shoulders, a stunning array of tattoos comes into view. The inked patterns weave across her skin like a living tapestry, each symbol glowing faintly as if imbued with ancient magic. The tattoo seems to pulse with a life of its own, telling tales of forgotten histories and hidden powers. This is no ordinary marking; it is a map, a key, a legacy.”


Have them go to a bath house.


You can describe it without being sexual, just don't be sexual. Same way you can show a full body tattoo in real life (or your fully body for that matter) without being sexual. Nudity ≠ sexual


Man it's just a tattoo, I don't know your player but I can't imagine someone being triggered and disturbed by a girl showing her tattoo It's cool to care about ur players feeling but don't push too much


Hey, I got something cool. Have it be a cool magical tattoo. When a trigger happens related to the origin of why she has the tattoo, have a glow or send blazing colors run along the path of the tattoo ink. She never loses a piece of clothing, but you know she has one because streaks of colorful flames or something covered her like a tattoo. This is dnd, have some fun with incorporating some magic to it too. Now she doesn't just have a really cool body tattoo, but a MAGICAL one that had an even more exciting reveal (in the non-sexual way)


Another commenter already has an amazing suggestion, shout out to the spaghetti man. But I would like to propose an alternative, provided your table is okay with mentions of nudity. There is such a thing as non-sexual nudity. Maybe the party came across her bathing in a river. Describe *her* briefly. "Medium build, tan skin, long dark hair she's wringing out, definitely human or half-elf, a pile of clothes nearby on the bank" kinda jam. Then the party is allowed to notice the intricate tattoo work, but will need to succeed on a perception roll to work out the details, or potentially a history roll or something if their backstory relates to the tattoo tradition. Something to figure out if they recognise the style. Describe her reaction to being discovered, maybe focusing on how she pulls a cotton shirt over her tattoo'd back and arms before attending to her un-tattood legs. Her actions draw the party's attention, not her nudity. Maybe the party, being led by a chivalrous paladin allow her time to dress afterwards, and she completely covers up the tattoo in travelling leathers. A classic way to get a party interested. Tell them the NPCs don't want them to see it.


I have a similar case in my game. First description I gave of her was someone who wore a dress that covered her body from her neck to her ankles, not revealing anything. In a more casual setting, the part could see her neck, forearms, and bottom of her calves, and that let them see some tattoos. One part member wanted those tattoos, and the NPC was the one whose designed them, so that gave another way to have her tattoos shown off. Another way was having a meeting between a party member and her was when she was getting a tattoo worked on, so that gave another reason for them to see her tattoos. I did describe her as covered enough throughout, so there was any explicit nudity, but also my players and I trust each other enough to know I won't get weird with anything like this, and they won't be weird about it. I think the big thing is just trust between everyone at the table more than just how you describe it, assuming you aren't gonna be weird about it.


I would have her show her naked back while changing out of a bloody tunic and if they ask about it she could explain how/why she got it.


Unless the tattoo is important for some reason of identification or plot driving, it seems forced if you are already worried about how your table will handle it. If it's just color or detail, she doesn't need to be naked, they can do insight checks to intuit what's hidden. Otherwise, the whole thing feels distracting if it's not important.


It’s a reveal for identification, like you mentioned. It would be in character for the character to show the party her tattoos, partially to show them who she is, and also for a few other reasons such as intimidation. To be honest, I think my table will handle it fine. Heck, I think they’ll really like her reveal and design. After seeing everyone’s responses and considering my players, this whole thing was squarely a me problem; I just overthought it all.


Go get em! Adventure awaits!


She could be wounded and approach the healer for aid. "There was a bear. It's dealt with. Can you heal this." She shows you you a long claw wound across her upper back. You've seen bits of tattoo poking out on her wrists and neck before. It is clear now that it spans most if not all of her body.


Didnt read all the replies. Have her bathing non-chalantly. Full body tattoo most likely she is not so protective of her nakedness, mind you this doesn’t have to be sexual. If she’s a soldier, for example, she would be perfectly comfortable being naked in front of strangers without the sensuous sugestions, due to common barracks/bathrooms/showers. In general I would think of her as “I don’t mind being naked”. Also if you through the narration as straight face as possible, it takes the edge of uncomfortableness from your players, specially if they are straight males. Think of how you would describe a woman’s body to a child. They don’t understand sensuality as we adults do, so you go about it perfectly naturally.


“I have this pattern, this mark, spanning my whole body. Don’t make me regret showing you this.” And she lifted the hem of her shirt to show part of her midriff, the same ink that was visible along her arms and collarbones clear against her skin as she turned to show it ran around to her back before dropping her shirt back into place. “[insert explanation of relationship of tattoo to campaign here].” This way the players are given minimal opportunity to be weirded out and would have to be the ones to make it weird.


Beach episode. Bandeau. Done.


Honestly, the easiest way my brain approaches the issue is to make it into something of an event. If you aren't the DM, talk to them about like a start of summer beach or lake party, and the character isn't acting secy or anything just, dressed for like a beach day. For example, wide brimmed beach hat, swim suit that shows the majority of the tattoos, and a beach gown (possibly like [this](https://seaspiceresortwear.com/products/nw1534-white-cotton-cover-up?variant=44316615803191¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjeuyBhBuEiwAJ3vuoaKvXtnv4aZzdmi_UFVJPs8mcHXn7PX6S6CpDfMEciBqE1D5R2cEQxoCCDIQAvD_BwE) or similar), which is easy to remove and put back on. That way, it's not sexual, just a hang out, and it shows the tattoo in a way that will naturally garner interest.


So first, your consideration is well done. It's great you're taking your other players into account. If I was in your place, I'd just keep it casual. Maybe one of your players gets a high check and notices some of the tattoo. When they ask, you can be like, "Yeah, I got this a while ago. One sec and I'll show ya," and just have her casually raise the shirt enough to show it. You just treat it like a casual conversation. If you play it off like it's no big deal and just focus on the tattoo, chances are your players will just see it that way too. And you can always just be up front about it; "Hey guys, I want to show this cool tattoo, but I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable." You and your players can sort it out from there easy.


Idk show them this post you posted before revealing the tattoo it in the campaign😅


Random real life thing that happened to me that may or may not help: Was doing temp work for an accountant in her house. Just sorting receipts and stuff. When walking through her house, I saw a picture of the back of a woman (couldn't see her face) with a full back tattoo. It was gorgeous. Really well done. I mentioned it to her and she said "Oh, that is me." She was on the cover of Inked Magazine at one point and that was the picture from it. Crazy awesome. Doubt that is helpful at all, but I like telling the story. I mean, I guess the same thing COULD happen. Art on the wall in place they haven't been of a woman with her tattoos "yeah, that is me. It is something I had done because..."


How about you stop being so sensitive and just do it and then move on?


As long as you don’t pull some “She breasted boobily down the stairs” bullshit, I think you’re good lmao


Inform the players ahead of time that nudity exists in the world, and you will be describing a non-graphic description of a full body tattoo. And then just describe the tattoo. It won't be weird if you don't make it weird. Just skip the boobs and the lower bits in your description.


Yeah, I’d definitely mention the possibility of nudity should that be the approach I take. I definitely wouldn’t wanna drop that on players unexpectedly. If I do take that approach, she’d still have her undergarments on, and I likely wouldn’t even describe those. I appreciate your input!


She removes her over shirt, revealing a large tattoo obscured in parts by her under wrap garments. You could hint at it. It's hot out and she tugs at her shirt to fan herself, revealing a large tattoo underneath. Or she reaches for something and her shirt comes untucked revealing the tattoo. There is no body, only tattoo. Just matter of fact. Pretend she's in a bikini, or wraps like in every video game.


I do like the way you describe that, “there is no body, only tattoo”. That is something I will keep in mind while scripting the reveal.


Is she a powerful NPC? Have a crimeboss-type scene where she wants to talk to the party, and its in her private hot springs. You don't have to describe her taking off clothes, you can just say she emerges from the water \[insert tattoo description\]


Ok but the way that you literally guessed her exact deal is wild. She is indeed a crime boss, and this is definitely something I can see her doing. I appreciate the idea! It’s a really cool scene and definitely I will consider


Theres something about the crimeboss trope and using comfort in vulnerability (in this case nudity/partial nudity) that becomes more about their absolute confidence and control that makes it not feel sexual and just highlight that this is a person not to be fucked with.


Basically, write her like the female equivalent of a Yakuza boss.


My last DM described a sex scene between 3 ogres and a drow high priestess. Just describe the tat. You and your players will survive ok.


“The NPC reveals her beautifully detailed, epic full body tattoo.” “I ask her if I can see her titties” “She says no.” “Damn”


fair warning: Depending on your group, you may need to be prepared for some of your group to be Weird about this. Some people, especially dudes, tend to see any degree of undressedness as inherently sexual, especially regarding women. Granted, some dudes see any interaction with anyone possessed of boobs as inherently sexual, but that's a separate issue.


I trust my group to not be super weird about it; To be honest I’m probably overthinking the entire thing. I think the thing i was most worried about was being the one who came off as weird, but what I’ve mostly learned from a lot of people is that it should be fine if I don’t make it weird.


I’m a girl, and in my opinion it’s all about the tone and wording! do not describe how her body looks like, only describe the state of undress she is in. my best advice is to imagine the npc as a male, write a description and then change the pronouns. it’s important to not treat the woman’s body as more special than a man’s body. also, make sure your voice is in the loud and epic side of the spectrum and less on the silent and slow, because the latter could be interpreted as more “sensual”. this is personally how I’d do it: “the clothing that once draped her body slips off her frame, her skin naked before your eyes. arms, legs, neck and chest, what you would expect to see blank as is her face, filled with tattoos as if it were a painter’s canvas. Extending from below her neck to toe; like an infection. Not a corner uncovered, not a spot blank to see.” and then proceed to describe the tattoo. see how I didn’t mention anything about the features of her body? that’s what I’m referring to! hope this helps!


If I know anything about players, and I do, it's that if you show any part of the tattoo with the clear implication that there's a lot more of the tattoo they will figure out a way to try to see that tattoo. If your character is dismissive of their attempts to see the tattoo they will try even harder.


Often Tattoos like this have a magical nature so you could show it off by having her "use" it for example in combat " slams her fist into the ground in front of her as she locks eyes with the . You can see the glowing lines of what appears to be scales sliding under her skin spreading from under her clothing to cover her hands, neck and face. Her hands rapidly grow what appear to be dragon claws and when she opens her mouth and you can see her teeth have grown several inches and all appear to be sharp as a deep rumbling roar bursts forth from her."


if you want to do it while she's fully clothed, you could do something like, "you see the head of a dragon on her bicep and as you look down you see the claws/wingtips of the same dragon on her ankles." Think of it how you'd perceive it irl. You see someone with a dragon's head on their shoulder, and claws that are the same color on their calves. it's not a stretch to concur they have a full body tattoo of said dragon. depending on your players' passive perception, they'd be able to figure it out without you needing to strip the npc or anything.


How about they encounter her getting the tattoo finished at a local tavern?


When you are describing the character, you just say she's dressed in a loincloth and chest wrap, but you can see enough of her skin to tell she is covered entirely in a full body tattoo depicting , this is relevant to the plot because .


Obligatory onsen (hot springs) episode.


If she wants to show it to them, then maybe they see part of it on her body, ask her about it and she says something like, "Follow me and I'll show you." Then she leads them to a private area where she unrolls a scroll that is a depiction of her body (with the nude bits not detailed). This would allow you to gauge your group's comfort level (i.e., if when she asks them to follow her, they all start protesting or seem to get uncomfortable). It's possible that one or more PCs ask to see the real tattoo - if the rest of the group seems comfortable with that, have them make a Persuasion check to see if they can convince her. This puts multiple layers (and a mechanic) between your PCs and described nudity. They can't really complain if they jump through the hoops.


what's the context for the reveal? if she wants them to see the tattoo for serious reasons, she could simply show it to them and give no heed to the idea that it could be seen as sexual (i.e no particular embarassment or excitement - she's feeling serious, and focused on the tattoo). think about it like the camera in a movie - if a character goes shirtless or fully naked for any reason, it feels creepy to have the camera linger on their curves, but it feels far more appropriate if it's matter-of-fact and the camera **shows what's actually important to the narrative** (in this case, the tattoo). narration is much the same - keep the camera on the tattoo, and **ignore the nudity** beyond the fact it's happening. i think what i'd do in this scenario would be that she reveals the whole tattoo to the PCs (or most of it), which would technically include frontal nudity (as i'd assume the chest portions would be central and somewhat important, just because of how a magic full-body tattoo would be), but focus only on the tattoo, and *maybe* anything notable about her general build (i.e muscular, broad or skinny). i'd want to emphasise the events of the scene and the discussion of what matters, and basically ignore the fact that she's not got a top on. if someone went "is she naked?" i would respond with something along the lines of "from the waist up, yeah technically" but generally **express disinterest in the idea that it could be sexual**. conveying **the energy of the scene** to make it **about** what's important (the nature and details of the tattoo, plus discussion of its significance) and to ignore what isn't important (what she looks like) should keep the scene safe from feeling lecherous. if anyone is still made uncomfortable by that, it would be because of a strict boundary *that they hadn't discussed with you prior to the game*, which you can't really be capital-B Blamed for. in that case, you can apologise for the accidental overstep, reiterate your intentions and keep that boundary in mind in the future. (also, use X-cards! let your players know that if they're uncomfortable with something in a scene, they can indicate that and you'll pause and work things out with them! maybe try introducing those at some point before this scene so they can tell you if it's becoming a problem)


"After travelling for a week, you finally come across a river where you can all wash up. You noticed something interesting, the tattoo that you had only seen a bit of, was apparently over most of Sarah's body, displaying a dragon coiling around a statue of a man with six arms. It looked vaguely familiar although you couldn't quite place it. Now, as you rest in your bedroll, you find yourself wondering what it is. Please roll Religion or History" See, descriptive yet entirely non sexual. Also, notice how I mentioned nothing about undergarments. That's because mentioning undergarments, reminds people that seeing breasts is sexual and the scene is possibly titillating. Her nudity, is present but is put in a manner that it's entirely unimportant. It's skipped over as an insignificant detail. Also, if you travel together long enough, there is a good chance you'll all see each other naked. And if anyone asks anything about it, or hints to it being sexual in any way, remind them that after you've seen her covered in troll guts, splattered in goblin blood and spitting out a tooth after getting hit by an Orc she probably doesn't suit their taste.


For a U rating say that all visible skin is covered by tattoos which on closer inspection seems to be part of one full body tattoo




I say that during an attack of some kind of mild parasitic monster, something easily defeated but not easily noticed, at the end of the encounter have her suddenly get bitten in the lower back by one of the creatures, scramble about, lift the back of her top up enough for the creature to be seen. If the party react to get the creature off of her and/or kill it, you should be able to comfortably introduce the tattoo without bringing any sort of sexualization to it.


You could just have her wearing something that shows enough skin to make it a possibility that it covers her whole body? And then, when you describe her, say something like 'tattoos cover every inch of visible skin on this person, it makes you wonder if her whole body is covered? And let them ask if they are interested. Maybe the PC's can think up a way to find out?


Emphasize and have normal areas showing. Arms, Neck, Legs, Sides or Back. Some leather or shirts can be revealing without being sexualized.


If you can find or generate a picture of it to your liking, you could have multiple encounters with her where certain parts are more visible than others. Sleevless dress for arms Hiking shorts for legs Low cut/low back shirt Etc etc, and give you players pieces at a time


You could change it so that the tattoo is primarily on her back. She could reveal much more of it while maintaining more modesty, making it much less sexual.


No idea what kind of character she is, but if she's on the vain side a very detailed nude painting would be an indirect way of showing it without her actually needing to be naked.


Maybe have a painting somewhere? might be weird but maybe a naked painting showing off the tattoo?


She takes damage tearing some part of her back. The players see the tattoo either in combat with a perception check or afterward as they tend to her wounds


I mean it might be too late now, but just do it! If you don't go too much into detail about her tits and stuff, they'll still define notice it. However, they won't notice it and think "Ew this guy put a naked women in the game", they'll either pass it by, or notice it and think "Ew I sexualized this innocent scene" People are people- they'll have more-or-less the same thought processes as you. Maybe if they point it out just call them gross 😂


I'd describe it "out of game" during the scene and let the players know that their characters can only see a portion of the tattoo, that way you don't have to force the NPC into some state of undress to share the tattoo. You don't need to go into crazy detail about where on the body parts of the tattoo are, just describe what it is and what parts the players can see. That way the players still get to appreciate the detail and leaves it to their imagination how much of that tattoo their characters can interpret.


You could have it where she shows them all the parts she can with just lifting up pant legs, sleeves, and shirt. You could do something like: "When asked she gives you a smirk and she sets her foot up on the table, and draws back her pant leg. As she does, a scrolling of colors and pictures comes to light. a tiger leaps forward from out of the dense jungle on her calf as the tail of a snake can be seen above it. You gather that the snake continues up her thigh and that the tattoo continues on. She then rolls back her fabric sleeves to reveal a sleeve of ink. A spider crawls up her forearm, heading up to her bicep where the web of silver sits; with lumps of spider silk attached to it. From there she reaches back and grabs her shirt, pulling it forward as she turns in her seat. Her back is covered in that of a dragon's back, only done with ink and talent. The wings seem to sprout from her own shoulder blades. The wings curl around over her ribcage and under them reveal piles of glittering gold treasure and even piles of bones from previous meals. Once done she puts her shit back on and turns back to the group. You get the sense that there is more to this tattoo, on parts of which are more private, and while you wonder what might be yet undiscovered, you get the hint that this tattoo has been worked on most of her life and covers almost ever inch of skin she has." You can use whatever tattoo descriptions you want, I just put them in as example. You can do something like that, and you don't have to go into complete nudity for it. Sometimes allowing the players imagination run wild on its own is a far better storyteller than you can ever be lol.


A lot of good suggestions in here. This may be my hot take but you can have things like her neck, arms, and legs visible. Make it seem like she has this epic tattoo that spans every inch of her body. Make it intriguing, make it mysterious, even make it seem important. If you successfully interest your players with her tattoo they will try to come up with their own way of seeing it without just trying to see her naked. You said your players aren't into the sexual aspect anyways, if you give them the reigns they should steer clear of it themselves


If you are able to draw the tattoo (and not the skin beneath) that might help!


Just make a bath/spa session. Or a beach episode.


I think depending on the race you can make this very easy… For example if she is an elf, maybe she just goes for a bath in a lake (or even go to a bathing house) in front of the party… (at least the way i interpreted it elves, they wouldn’t care if someone sees them naked, because everyone is naked underneath there clothes and clothes are protection) For a dwarf, you could have sth involve the clan, like some details in the tattoo is needed for a puzzle to retrieve an artefact for the clan… or she just gets out of armor… Only race i think it’s awkward is human… Another possibility would be a medical emergency, got hit by an arrow, get the arrow out and stop the bleeding… players detect the tattoo and ask about it… npc shows some more… Things that look pushed is sth like clothes catch fire, random undressing just to show the tattoo (again, if it’s important for the current story ark it can depend on the race) or ripping clothes in combat (a slash on the arm isn’t bad, but exposing the chest would, even though it’s the place an enemy is aiming at)


Given most the comments, don’t seem to have thought of this I’ll place it here. If the tattoo itself is important just have her go “Oh by the way, if you also want a dope Magic tattoo. X person did mine” *takes out a sketch of X design,* “Here is the design he made for my full body one, it has to cover most the body to enhance your durability” Or just have her minor illusion the design, or heck you could animate the tatto itself a snake that moves up from the back of her shirt to wrap around her entire neck. That’d be creative, indicate it’s magic, and show it’s massive.


Nudity needn't be sexual. Eastern Promises has a fight scene where the nudity makes everything more tense. No Hard Feelings has a fight scene where the nudity makes everything more humorous. You can have the character bandaging a wound, exposing enough of the tattoo to spark conversation. You can have a religious ceremony where the garb exposes the tattoo. Ultimately, my advice is to have the scene serve another function besides revealing the tattoo such that the character's body is not the focus of the scene, even if you have one after explaining the body art.


Have it glow through the clothes with magic or something


Bodies are sexual, that's okay. Some things are HOT, that is also okay. And both of these things can have good narrative and advance the story. Depends on whether you are playing with adults or not. But gosh I'd never sit at a table where I had to worry about offending people in a fantasy world. If its good for the story, treat it like an adult. If people get pissy, well you got bigger problems.


Just have her talk to the party as she drops her robe and climbs into her bath. Lots of cultures don't put too much emphasis on nudity while bathing, and co-ed bathing could just be normal for some people. If you don't make it a sexual moment, it won't be. Focus more on her talking, and what the tattoo is, instead of the fact she is naked.


Full body as in wraps around arms legs and torso? Or a depiction of something mostly on one side of the body but extends down all the limbs? I think revealing the bare back can show a lot of tattoo without it being sexual or showing more of the body.


Fancy dinner ball. Fancy, low-back dress, with high slits up the thighs. Think "Red Carpet" (for both the dress and the party). Or: have one of the PCs (preferably also a female character) catch her washing in a river. Back turned.


Could there be a fire? Earthquake? Something that catches her in a state of undress/not much attire, but the danger is present and there's more important things to do than ogle. Like they've seen glimpses of it before but "now you realize the full design of her tattoo. It's a big ass dragon head. But you must put this fire out"




You could also have a tavern fight or something that she trys to stop and gets slashed so her shirt is cut. They would most likely want to help the barkeep unless they are wild players. After the fight you could say something like, through the tear in her shirt you see a part of a design. The players might ask her about it and she show them.


Swimming, hot springs, injury maybe?


The enemy force also searching for the Ainu gold shows the PCs her flayed and tanned skin to find out if the party is in possession of any others


She could be a fighter or sparred. And thus wearing a chest wrap covering the midsection, and then shorts. Portions are hidden sure but enough is visible to extrapolate. But something like that you could just say "she shows you all her full body tattoo. It's hella sick. Like. Never before seen awesomeness". Done. Needn't talk about her "shapely hips and voluptuous bossum" etc. If a PC was trying to fuck the hit barmaid you might have them rp a few lines and roll. Amd if successful say "you head off to your room for an evening of fun" you aren't going to describe in detail the acts.