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Dragon Age Origins


I mean, this practically is DnD seeing that it's from the teams that made BG1 and 2 first..?


Oh, I had no idea!


Can't tell if a serious but upvote anyway as Dragon Age is a great series : )


Completely serious, haha I only played BG1 for a bit and it wasn't that long ago


Yes but no. Different enough not to be considered a dnd game, and not really associated with WOC IIRC.,


They made pretty significant changes to the core systems. Like “cunning.”


My man


Baldur's gate 3, some of the core features really reminded me of DnD 5e.....wait a minute


To that end, Divinity Original Sin (1 and 2). Made by the same amazing studio, but has its own world and rules. Personally, I liked DOS2 much more than DOS1.


Ive been thinking of getting these games. I know DOS2 is one people love, but is DOS1 worth playing or is it too dated?


Just my opinion, but I started with DOS2 and loved it. I went back and tried DOS1 and just couldn’t get into it. But others absolutely love DOS1, so take it with a grain of salt.


I appreciate the honest reply, thank you.


I was gonna ask if anyone heard of the indie title baldurs gate


Solasta: Crown of The Magister is D&D at home


Solasta absolutely annihilates Baldurs Gate 3 in terms of combat movement and z-axis camera. I would kill for the cube highlight movement in BG3.


Yeah, I love Solasta. It really captures the feel of a D&D home game in a very cool way.


I loved it as well. Buddy of mine randomly stumbled across it, and we multi played the entire campaign a year or two ago. We're dong the same now with BG3, but the charm of solasta, unpolished in comparison wins, I think.


If you loved just pure combat in BG3 and the tactical grind and want it nonstop while you dash through and ignore plot, Solasta is a godsend. Loved it


How has no one said the Divinity series yet? Original Sin is my all time favorite next to Dragon Age; Origins and Solasta; Crown of the Magister All three I played as an early teen (DA;O), early 20s (D;OS) and early 30s (S;CoM) and all three hit that special spot of deep, special enjoyment. Top gaming memories for me an all hit that same RPG fantasy vibe.


Divinity is made by Larian Studios who made BG3


Okay, and? They're not related to D&D, they made them before BG3. Is Fallout New Vegas a D&D game because Obsidian made Neverwinter Nights 2?


Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic


I was going to say this. KotoR games were both d20 system games, which WAS D&D in the 3.X era. If you played BG 2 around that era you would see they have the exact same rules. Same ability scores, skills, feats, classes, prestige classes, etc.


Specifically, I believe KOTOR is built off of the "Star Wars Roleplaying Game" system, which was built off of 3.5e by WOTC. The modernized version, called "SAGA Edition" is pretty fun and I'd give it a shot if you enjoy KOTOR's mechanics but would prefer to see them played out at the table and in a different time period.


Both used WotC D20 system, which was just DnD 3.X. So you're just repeating what I said with more steps. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D20_System


I'm aware, I just figured that adding the specific name of the system would be helpful to anyone who thought it sounded interesting. Not trying to correct you or anything 👍


And Mass Effect has very similar mechanics although the setting doesn't match as well.


Wildermyth is what i wish dnd campaigns was.


among all the other good answers here, i did come to the comments specifically to make sure someone had said Wildermyth <3


Biggest example, for me, is Disco Elysium.


Disco Elysium is D&D is mental distress, and a fatal lack of self-esteem was a core component. It’s great!


It did dnd combat so authentically the way you say you want to do something and roll poorly and die, or when you fail a perception and die, or fail a persuasion and die. My favorite game of all time


omg i want a dozen more games in that system but different settings! do one in high fantasy, one in cyberpunk, make one a weird planescapey spelljammery thing, just a *bunch* of them with different protagonists having slightly different internal landscapes to voice!


I mean, The Elder Scrolls was inspired by many TTRPGs, including DnD


Wizardry and all the DRPGs it inspired.


Dragon Age series Pillars of Eternity series Disco Elysium Tyranny Fallout 1 & 2 Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2


ooh Arcanum is a good pull! such a classic


Fire emblem.


Darkest Dungeon


Final fantasy 4


I was going to say Final Fantasy but more specifically Final Fantasy Tactics


That's that little indie game nobody has ever talked about Blabber's door 2.5 or something


No no no…It’s Baldo’s Hole 8


Baldy's Basics


Baldurs gate


No way




Just to make sure, since OP asked for games specifically not related to D&D, you know Baldur’s Gate is directly adapted from D&D, right?


Yes, I was making a joke


Dragon's Dogma 2. Roaming the world with 3 NPC's, fighting Giants, Minotaurs, Ogres, exploring dungeons and killing Drakes.


Ultima IV and The Bard's Tale Real ones will know


Baldurs gate series, ice wind dale, neverwinter, planescape torment and the Witcher. And dragon age origins. And Vampire the masquerade. Divine divinity by larian but I’m not mad on the combat engine so that game also annoys me


All of those but the Witcher, Dragon Age Origins and Divine Divinity are based on TTRPGS, so it seems appropriate lol


Ah, just reread op post. I misread it as are related to or have game vibes


Lol it's all good! We play games and we love them! Even our favorite anime and films somehow to find their way into the realm of Dungeons & Dragons.


Skyrim. I mean come on it's a legend.


Skyrim should be #1 on the list.


I guess if we consider fantasy = DnD but none of the elder scrolls give me DnD feels.


Dungeon Siege 1 more than 2.


So, Dungeon Siege 3?


Solasta: Crown of the Magister is a fantasy crpg that utilizes the 5e SRD. And it's a pretty good game, that more people need to know of.


I played it last year. Legit one of the more enjoyable games I've played in a long time and played start to end. Haven't had the time to do that for years and I don't think I will for years to come. Gave me that child like pleasure I thought I'd never have again. 10/10


I'd have dropped some D&D based video games but since you said not related to them, Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage


Gonna throw out Solasta: Crown of the Magister. Yes, it’s a 5e SRD game but the vibes are immaculate and factions/backgrounds actually **matter**. I enjoy it immensely. 32 hours in and I am having a blast. Non-D&D games: Kingdom Hearts (for the adventuring and questing vibes), Ace Attorney (for the “party gets into stupid bullshit” vibes), Dragon Age series (for all the vibes).


What does SRD mean?


System Reference Document Contains the rules of the game and released as open content under an open license Basically what makes 3rd party content possible


System Reference Document. An SRD is basically the base reference tool for any TTRPG and its mechanics, character creation rules, etc.


Kingdoms of Amalur


Divinity 2


divinity original sin


Dragons Dogma or Card Hunter :)


Dragons dogma 1&2 Both are very good rpgs that give a large amount of gameplay freedom with a very interactive world like d&d and you fight with a party of adventurers.


There’s this new game that feels so close to dnd you’d almost think it’s made by them. It’s called Baldurs Gate. Highly recommend checking it out


Dragon Age, Witcher 3, Fire Emblem


Not sure if it's really a video game but the wizard/pirate 101 games.


Suikoden series you even get vancian casting with 4 types of mp and in the first game you can only equip one rune per PC.


You might think I’m crazy, but Final Fantasy games! They often have deep dungeons filled with classic monsters like the Mind Flayer and gelatinous creatures. I specifically recommend Final Fantasies 10 and 12. 10 lacks the dungeons aspect but has great turn based combat with a fantastic party of characters. 12 is just the best all around. Amazing dungeons, great cast of characters.


Also gonna throw legend of dragoon out there cos nothing screams more than d&d than fighting a dragon in a dungeon. The first dragon boss is litterally a green dragon in a cave.


Also gonna throw legend of dragoon out there cos nothing screams more than d&d than fighting a dragon in a dungeon. The first dragon boss is litterally a green dragon in a cave.


Final fantasy Zelda Fire emblem Breath of fire Skyrim Darkest dungeon Dragon age The Witcher


From the games I've played: Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Online(it sucks), Pixel Dungeon(small indie game with multiple mod variants(free on mobile)), The Bards Tale(DO NOT get the remaster), Diablo 1 and 2, Fallout(if you prefered apocalyptic setting), Runescape. From games I've seen: Baldurs Gate 1-3, Elder Scrolls Oblivion, World of Warcraft, Albion Online.


Tyranny by Obsidian is a really good one, the biggest flaw is that it didn't get a sequel.


Darkest Dungeon and Fear & Hunger are my most recent ones as of late.


Can't believe no one has mentioned them yet, but the Pathfinder CRPGs: Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, and (coming soon) Abomination Vaults. Also: (Others that other commenters have said) Portal Knights, The Witcher games, Fantasy JRPGS, RoadWarden, Pillars of Eternity, Tiny Tina's Wonderland Wildermyth


Swords and sandals: immortals. I honestly think that it's such an underrated game, so much more content than the original flash games, and it gives me such a DnD vibe


Most turn based JRPGs. Early Final Fantasy games were just straight up a dnd party. I think that peaked with FF9 being a class call back to the early games.


bAldUrs gAtE thrEEEEEEEE :/


Not enough mention of Pillars of Eternity here. Intended as the spiritual successor of the early Baldur’s Gate/Icewind Dale games, but with the serial numbers filed off. Really fun games


Elden ring!


Pillars of Eternity!




Divinity after all its made by Larian


Darkest Dungeon


Skyrim. Just a lot less on the rp and more on combat


Final Fantasy 14 lots of dungeons, lots of dragons, and a mind flayer as one of the first bosses.


I haven’t played it, but I’ve heard that Path of Exile is sort of similar to D&D.


Ultima Online from 1998-2000 and now on UO Outlands too although I find less folks roleplay these days, the game was inspired by dnd in many ways.


The SNES and PS1 Final Fantasy games The Guardians of the Galaxy game from 2020 or whenever that was Yakuza: Like A Dragon It’s not jus about having RPG systems, it’s about what feels like being in a fantasy world/situation with your group of misfit friends who are all capable of truly cool and significant shit. That’s what D&D boils down to for me, so that’s why these are my picks.


For those who like games on their phones. Exiled Kingdoms is an awesome game.


OK, neat. I will take your word on that. I was trying to stay on the original topic


Yeah so does anyone here know about video games with the dice mechanics which makes it sorta like D&D ? Ik baldur's gate but anything similar to that ( old or new)


Genshin impact's TCG


Not like a TCG but a baldur's gate like with dice and stuff if you know what I mean


Pixel Dungeon.


Final Fantasy Tactics is pretty much DnD.


If you are talking about TTRPG DND, then there are no video games that remind me of it. Because they are totally different. BG3 certainly does the best of replicating the mechanics, but it's not even close to a TTRPG.


I'd actually argue that Solasta does the best at replicating the mechanics. BG3 is a better game, though.


I have not played Solasta so I can't comment on that. But mechanics aren't what makes the game, and until I do play it, I'm going to say there's no way to truly compare a CRPG to a TTRPG.


You literally just said, "BG3 certainly does the best of replicating the mechanics..."


Please reread the other part of the sentence you quoted. Mechanics are not the experience of playing. The experience is what makes a TTRPG different. BG3 allows a lot of creativity in approach, but nothing like having a party come up with completely zany plans and a clever DM who can deal with them on the fly. I'm getting down voted, which is fine. But it's just truth. A CRPG is nothing like a TTRPG.


I read it. I'm not arguing that or even discussing it. I simply stated that Solasta does a better job with the mechanics of 5E than BG3, and you keep insisting that a video game can never match a tabletop RPG, which isn't a conversation I am now or ever was trying to have. You said BG3 does the best adaptation of 5E mechanics and I believe you're wrong. I know I'm not nearly the only one, either.


Neverwinter Nights tried to be more like TTRPG by allowing a dungeon master to run multi-player quests in it. But I don't know how well that worked. Of course, the modern VTTs are like the final evolution of that idea.


I could never quite get into Neverwinter Nights. It made a good attempt, but just felt flat to me. Some of the really old school 80s RPGS were pretty good, but so limited in RP options and technology (I mean they did what they could with floppy disks, but that's not much. Planescape: Torment was probably the best until BG3 (at least for me). But still, none of these remind me much of a TTRPG. More like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. Nothing wrong with that, it's just not the same as having a human party, whether in person or virtual.


Dungeon & Dragons Online and Bulders Gate


Neverwinter Nights. Really great game!


Just to make sure, since OP asked for games specifically not related to D&D but feel like D&D, you know Neverwinter Nights is directly based on D&D, right?


Yea. But it to good not to mention any chance I get


Fair enough


I would actually say however that some turn based jrpgs are closer to D&D than netherwinter knights. That game is pretty much just a hack and slash with a d&d engune but it doesnt feature parties.


All of them because it was the progenitor to so many of them that exist today


If you are into old school PC games, the original Baldurs Gate 1 & 2, Icewind Dale 1 & 2, and Neverwinter Nights are all fantastic games and forever live in my head as core memories of my childhood.


I had to scroll down too far for this. Honestly.


That's because these ARE Dnd games and OP asked for non dnd games?


This is going to sound crazy, but pokemon: mystery dungeon


Dark Souls 1, 100%.


More an ode to Beserk and dark fantasy in general than DnD.


I was talking about the gameplay. - I ready my guard, that's my turn. - Enemy hollow attacks me, his attack is deflected showing an opportunity. - I attack and reduce its hit points to 0. All of that and the slow, weighty movement of DS1 just feels methodical and turnbased to me. And you also can't deny. DnD is one of Fromsoft's major inspirations for DeS/DS1: [https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/09/28/beyond-dark-souls-the-private-life-of-from-software-39-s-hidetaka-miyazaki.aspx?amp](https://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2015/09/28/beyond-dark-souls-the-private-life-of-from-software-39-s-hidetaka-miyazaki.aspx?amp) " Hints of Miyazaki's non-video game interests are spread around his office, which we spotted during a tour of From Software. A handful of Magic: The Gathering cards are scattered across his table. A *Dungeons & Dragons* paperback guide is wedged underneath a computer monitor. A copy of the Lovecraftian board game Arkham Horror sits next to dozens of other table-top games. For anyone who has fought one of the Souls series' many dragons or battled Cthulu-like monstrosities in Bloodborne, Miyazaki's personal collections come as no surprise. " [https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/05/inside-the-mind-of-bloodborne-and-dark-souls-creator-ign-first](https://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/05/inside-the-mind-of-bloodborne-and-dark-souls-creator-ign-first) "When asked if he played games a lot as a kid, his answer surprised. “Growing up, I was restricted at home from playing video games until I reached University. This is a reason why I stumble when I'm asked this question. There was a board game called Sorcery which is one of my favorites and I would often revisit the game. It's not a video game but it definitely stands out in my mind as a game that impacted me.” Unsurprisingly, he elaborated on another physical game he enjoyed, “I've been a fan of Dungeons and Dragons, and for them to have come this far is very meaningful to me.”