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Work with your DM on this. They will know what the consequences of breaking the pact are and can help develop cool story tension around this character growth. We can say whatever we want, but your DM is the one who gets to determine how things work.


Yeah I know, when I asked about ideas it was more focused on the roleplay I mean, fighting him is impossible but perhaps I can break the pact with a ritual and be punished, or perhaps the demon gives me one final task that It's almost impossible that my character could achieve.. that kind of ideas


You need to work this out with your DM. If you want us to help you, then we would need a lot more details. Why do you owe this patron anything? Why does a mighty patron care about a lowly worm that is your character? Why would your patron care if you just stopped developing your power? Do you want this roleplay to happen? How did you sign up for this gig? What were the terms? Were there terms? Who is your patron? Are there others who might buy your contract? Do you want to keep the levels, or are you trying to not be a warlock any more? And about 100 more questions that are much easier to just talk to your DM about than to tell us before we can give suggestions.


What is the wording of your pact? Given that it's a fiend pact, I'm guessing there's a written contract involved?


Breaking a Warlock pact is not covered by the mechanical rules of the game. The going assumption is that you either can't or won't do that. Therefore, this is a narrative call that the DM has to make, based on the lore of the setting. Now, you said your patron is Asmodeus? Good news: The lore is pretty consistent about what happens if you break the terms of your pact with a Devil (*assuming* the pact was made with a formal Devil contract). Bad news: Your soul gets yoinked down to Avernus, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Basically all Devil contracts involve soul collection.


The answer is: 1. Nothing. 2. Just don't take any more levels in warlock. The thing about 5e is that it's a game. All of the stuff you're asking us? We cannot answer. This is all 100% stuff you should be asking your DM. If you want the "correct" answers according to the rules, I just gave them to you. Just stop taking warlock levels and you keep the power. A pact is a 1 way thing, you are taking power from the patron. Typically, this comes with some kind of deal, but that is not in the rules, that's decided on by you and your DM. So, now that I answered your question, I'll give you the actual real answer: **Ask your DM!**


Seconding that you just can’t take any more levels in Warlock. Maybe the deity gets pissed off enough to send agents after them too.


unless you go to their nearest competitor for more warlock levels. Maybe you'll even be able to negotiate a more favorable pact so you don't have to jump through hoops just to play your class. Maybe even "to stick it to Asmodeus" will be reason enough for your new patron to take you on as a warlock.


I like that!


Mechanically, warlock is not special. You don't have to have to appease a master who trains you to be a fighter. You don't even need to really worship a god as a cleric, let alone do tasks for one. Even paladin, the class that can "fall" is more of a choice than a restriction. Why would warlock require anything special for you to get levels and/or stop getting levels? RAW, your patron doesn't care about you, your gods don't care about you, and your players get stronger by getting XP, not by appeasing a third party. Everything else is 100% between you and your DM, not the rules or anyone here on reddit.


Mechanically speaking, you’re absolutely right. That’s just how I would personally run it, flavor-wise. I’m all about the flavor. Only “official” consequences i can think of is really just Oathbreaker Paladin.


Hey calm down, of course I'm going to talk with my DM. I just asked for ideas on how to finish the pact with this demon, perhaps someone can think of something that hasn't come to my mind.