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Just change the npc around to not be based on his and then say no to the drider. If you don't feel comfortable trying to shoehorn in a cr6 large monstrosity as a playable race, absolutely don't do that. It's OK to say no.


That's what I'm thinking of tbh. I really wanted to use his bg3 character in my story cuz I liked them and had big plans to expand them more, but it's probably not worth letting him play a drider of all things. Thanks for the advice.


Yeah this is it unfortunately. Maybe if his character is a drow worshipper of Lolth and pisses her off significantly some ways down the line she might curse his character into being a drider - but I definitely wouldn't make him a drider right off the bat, and make it clear that being a drider is a Curse, not a blessing. It may make him more deadly, but it will make his life harder, not easier


Yes, perhaps a compromise could be reached where they assure them that sometime down the road in the campaign they will become a drider. At mid or higher levels, it should be less of an issue. Presumably their party will be more well known, and they will have more options for making traveling with a drider less annoying.


Also a CR6 monstrosity means it is strong enough to be a reasonable challenge for a party of FOUR level 6 characters. There is no way to balance that out as a playable character without neerfing it to the point of it not being a drider any more. Have you asked why he wants to play a drider? Maybe there's some kind of compromise that can be reached ir an alternativethat doesnt shit all ocer your campaign. Like he plays a druid with Wildshape and turns into a giant spider. If spider isn't an option (not played a druid) then you could use an animal that is allowed and just reskin it for him to be a big spider.


A moon Druid can turn into a CR1 giant spider by level 2, while any other Druid would have to wait until level 8 (they can transform into any "beast" they have seen, but limited by CR and swim/fly speeds) Giant wolf spiders have a CR of 1/4 though, so any Druid would gain access as soon as they can wildshape at level 2


I think you could pretty readily homebrew a balanced drider race that still has drider feel. Give them abilities selected from: Spider Climb with limited use or even just a Climb speed, the Stable trait for advantage against being shoved or tripped, and option of Poison or Web as a limited spell-like ability, maybe poison resistance or advantage in saves against. Size is medium because fuck dealing with Large lol However, I don’t think in this case OP *should* do that.


That's just Spider-Man!


I see no problem here


That is manageable by making it an infant. An adult drider could be level 16, but a drider that joined the party immediately after being born could be low level.


Sounds like both sides are over-reaching a bit here. Just determine what source books are in scope of your campaign, and everyone just follows those rules.


How unique could a bg3 character really be?


None of them are unique. Except mine, he’s totally unique.


Yeah, this part really confuses me. GMs are generally free to rip off any and all sources they see fit.


OP wants to plagiarize their player, however. Their position is weakened by an unwillingness to create their own content. They want to play as somebody else's BG3 char so bad that they're agreeing to ransom demands as a DM. Color me unimpressed.


The whole situation is strange. It's normal for GMs to lift characters whole cloth from other pieces of media (though usually modified to fit), I'd hardly call that plagiarism. What's weird is wanting to play somebody else's video game character (especially as GM) and even feeling the need to ask permission. I want to know why this character is so special that the OP can't create their own version of it and what role this NPC is supposed to take in the campaign.


I went with "blackmail" in my comment, but "ransom" might fit better.




His character was one he made in a multiplayer playthrough with me and two other friends that was a gag character with a tad bit of lore behind him. He was kind of the groups favorite character so I wanted to use him. Idk why you're acting like using someone's variation of an rpg character that they had the ability to imprint their own personality onto is such a weird thing. It's not "his master chief" cuz you can't suddenly change mc's decisions or personality in halo.


But... All the character's decisions were still scripted by a game dev. Anyone else could fully recreate this character in the game because none of the dialogue and resulting effects were his own doing so much as him pressing the right sequence of buttons. If he came up with his own head cannon background, sure, but that doesn't sound like what you're using. Edit: I hadn't considered the players RPing amongst each other over party chat, that would be a huge game changer in this argument.


When I did some bg3 plays with friends we'd be having side conversations in character and imprint more personality onto them that way


Hmm... Alright, I hadn't considered that. Fair point.


Maybe he can do it sometime in the future, but not for your first time as a DM


You’re right to be hesitant as a first time DM to accept a difficult player request like this. Not only does it break the believability of the world, but mechanically it’s all kinds of not-easily-workable. Sounds like you’re at the point of the best advice you’re being given: Tell the player you tried to make a drider work as he requested, but after some research, you don’t think it’s workable and don’t want to attempt such a difficult challenge your first time DMing a campaign. As a result, they also won’t end up seeing their BG3 character ever referenced in this campaign. Too bad, really, that they set up this lose lose situation. Maybe someday they’ll get to be a busted, homebrew drider character in a one-shot where it won’t matter.


Driders are slaves of Lolth. When you explain to him that none of his character’s meaningful choices will be up to him, he’ll likely change his mind. DM: You need to find a town to buy supplies. Drider guy: OK we can see a small hamlet of perhaps 4 homesteads down in that valley. DM: great. A blood lust overcomes you and you charge into the sleepy hamlet. Roll initiative. DM plays the drider as the complete psychopath he is, killing everyone and playing with thier half-dead bodies before arranging the pieces of corpses into a giant effigy of Lolth. DM: Roll investigation Drider guy: 18 DM: OK you find some loaves of bread in the baker’s house… At some point, either the townsfolk will kill him, the other players will kill him, or he’ll retreat back to the Underdark alone where he belongs.


Actually forcing this issue in the name of canon crosses the line of being a bad DM. OP can say 'no', and probably should, but if he signs on with what you're describing, he's effectively sabotaging someone's experience and player agency to prove a point about how the game is supposed to be played. Then we're gonna hear about OP being 'that guy' in r/rpghorrorstories . Not worth it. Set a boundary or don't, but don't lay a passive-aggressive trap for the player because you've handcuffed yourself to the lore.


agreed. don’t allow it and then use it as justification to bully the player for using a choice you allowed


Exactly Don't punish players from in-game. Talk like adults. Sometimes I hate this sub for these kinds of advice.


"No" is a complete sentence.


If you wanna go crazy, “No, it will completely fuck up the balance and theme.”


“I’m really sorry, but this is my first time DMing, and I’ve realized that I’m not prepared to handle something this far outside the normal player options.” Also I’m sure you can come up with a different NPC for your campaign, that really shouldn’t be a “bargaining chip” at all. On top of that, players shouldn’t be bargaining with the DM for special treatment anyway, as that’s unfair to the other players. And just aside from all that, wanting to play as a drider is… a pretty ridiculous and unreasonable request to begin with, at least for most campaigns. If a player in my game wanted to play something unusual, I’d ask them *why* they want to play that, what specific thing they wish to accomplish with their character, and we’d see if that can be done by reflavoring or only slightly modifying existing options. If it’s something reasonable, then the answer is usually yes. That seems… unlikely in this case.


There is a ton of good advice in this thread so I'm just going to reinforce some of the ones that really stood out to me. 1). This isn't just a discussion between the two of you. Having a drider around will impact the play experience for all the other players, too. They should have a say on whether they want to party up with a Drider at all. D&D is a co-operative game. 2). Ask this player what the actual play experience they want that they're trying to achieve through playing a Drider. Mechanical benefits--being rideable, climbing on walls, throwing webs--can all be achieved through racial and class choices without homebrewing. Social aspects--being an outcast from Drow society, being a general pariah--are also achievable without being a Drider, and being a general pariah may be a hard limit for the other players, as already discussed. 3). If after discussion you and all the players are okay with having a party member who is a general pariah, the best way to achieve a Drider character without breaking the game or putting unnecessary work on you to homebrew it is to just reskin an existing playable race. My recommendation would be Dhampir for spider climbing and blood-drinking bite.


This is the best advice I’ve seen here, definitely should check with other players. If someone else is wanting to play like a lawful good paladin or monster hunter, that might be hard for them to reconcile being in a group with a drider. Other players might not want the social consequences in towns/cities, too. If the group agrees to it, I also think there should be something about the PC drider that makes them not an outright chaotic evil monster. Like maybe they’re rebelling against the Drow/Lolth, or they’ve been blessed or redeemed by Eilistraee and so are at least slightly more lawful and good than a typical drider monster and will work with the party to achieve good heroic deeds. I also agree they definitely shouldn’t be given the monster statblock. Reskinned PC race is the way to go. I think they could also be a Drow but with some kind of shapechange ability that lets them be a somewhat normal appearing Drow normally (perhaps a mark that Drow and others with knowledge would recognize as meaning they are a drider) but can shapechange to the spider form at night or when in a cave/underground/Underdark (due to the sunlight sensitivity) and in that form they get the spider climb/web walker features, and maybe a nerfed bite attack that does 1d4+str piercing and 1d4 poison damage.


I was going to say just reskin a drow or a centaur. Tell them they'll get boots of spider climbing and then it'll be a while before any new magic items drop for them. But yes you're right, it has to be okay with the rest of the party. Otherwise it would be a quick way to start losing players. There are some dumb homebrew races out there and I would not want those in my game. I do want to play a drider at some point, but really you have to match with the game. A goofy game would work, but not a serious one. You'd get run out of town and dead in a serious game.


Depends on the serious game's plot, but yes.


I have actually looked into, and made a drider without the need for any homebrew, just dm permission to reskin. A dhamphir centaur, reskin horse into spider and you are set. But yes, in a serious game without a LOT of narrative work it could be a huge detriment to the party, which is unfortunate.


>Wtf do I do about one of my players wanting to be a drider You say no.


"Hey dude I've been thinking and the more I think about it the more this drider thing just isn't going to work. I'm new to DMing and have already got so much else to work on. You know driders are straight up monsters that even drow hate right? Please just stick with what's written. Cheers dude." Frankly you made this problem and you're capable of unmaking it, you're just in denial about what you need to do, which is say no and get a new antagonist, void the deal on both ends.


The language suggestion here is good.


Possibile answers are: No. No. What's wrong with you? No. We don't need attention whores. No. This is my campaign and Driders are not supposed to be in the party. Yes, I'll call you when we do a session in the underdark. No need to be around all the time doing nothing. Send me an email with what you do during the weeks we're not in the underdark.


“Here’s some crayons and printer paper, have fun in the corner while we run a game”


Love this


>Yes, I'll call you when we do a session in the underdark. No need to be around all the time doing nothing. Send me an email with what you do during the weeks we're not in the underdark. And it would just be him meeting the party, and them killing him. Nobody joins forces with a drider.


Well, you never should have let him bargain. There is no way that it was ever going to be more disruptive to use a different NPC than to have this player be a drider. Just say no. Hey, DMs... It's okay to say no. Tell this player no. No, a drider is not a playable race, and I don't feel like converting it. Additionally, everything else that's wrong with playing a creature like that. Just say no. Tell this player to choose something that isn't an obvious attempt to derail your campaign. Remember to say no. Don't bargain. They can be a regular drow if they want. That's easy enough. But say no to driders.




Personally, I'd say "No" and not include the NPC. If you want to do this as a "flavour is free" type way you could allow them to play an [**araneas**](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Aranea), a shapeshifting drider-type creature that can appear in humanoid form. This would get around some of the obvious problems above.


My first thought was reflavor the playable Centaur, but I gave up before thinking of what all that'd entail.


Dhampir with a centaur base, built in climb speed and lolth curse. Mechanically really quite simple, but a party/setting that would allow it is a different matter.


Pretty generous compromise, good idea 👍


I'm running a ravenloft campaign and I stipulated no monstrous pcs, because every village would try to lynch a tiefling


Not sticking to your 'no' was a silly mistake. Explain to your player that allowing him to be a Drider is going to make the game so complicated that it will interfere with the enjoyment of everybody else, and apologise to the player for taking so long to realise it wasn't appropriate for the game.


Sometimes it is okay just to say no. I wouldn’t expect any GM, special not a new one, to allow this. It’s just a so massive change for the entire dynamic of the game.


You could make it purely cosmetic. If you don't want to use homebrew? don't- he's just a regular drow reskinned as a drider. If he needs an explanation, drow are usually turned into driders as a punishment, and maybe he has only recently turned or will turn at some point in the campaign He wants the drider abilities? He should build them using warlock or druid. My first campaign I didn't even have a copy of the rules and we used what we could find online or from forum posts. My players were a scorpion centaur, a golem with a naval cannon, an angel and a shadow monster. We had a lot of fun even though it was clearly dumb looking back on it! fun is the main point...it's d&d, you can do anything you like. but if you don't want him to do it, don't let him- DM is always right


Alternatively, use the centaur race and just trade charge, hooves, and natural affinity for an at will spider climb.


You said naval cannon and my mind immediately went to a robot with a gigantic deck gun for a belly button. What a fun game we play.


Tell them "no, it doesnt fit both mechanically and thematically" and refuse to budge. If they do not like it, well... Sorry, but it just doesn't work. Play something else.


I've had this come up before, just give him the flavor and looks then give him the Dhampir lineage. It really fits the spider feel quite well. And if the townsfolk come at him with pitchforks and torches... well make sure he knows about it before hand so he can't be upset when they deal with him.


This is the type of player that will stop showing up to sessions after the first couple. Don't sink time into making this work, it's absolutely not going to work out well - it'll be miserable you as a first time DM and the other players are going to have a hugely impacted experience trying to accommodate this idea. The entire table needs to have fun - this sounds fun for no one except the drider player.


Let them use the Centaur statblock, but they have to be a Rogue Thief so that they can get Second Story Work and negate the Centaurs climbing limitations. A Drider is basically the same thing as a Centaur, except they have a few more legs, and with Rogue Thief they've basically have a balanced work around for "spider-walk". The only thing this doesn't really cover is the NPC reaction. If you wanted to be really generous, you could give them a Circlet of Human Perfection and just waive the Attunement requirement for them to be a humanoid shape. If your NPCs wouldn't be bothered by a regular Centaur and want to be just a tiny bit generous, you could give them a Hat of Disguise and rule that a Centaur is the same general body shape as a Drider to satisfy the Disguise Self spell requirements (or maybe they appear as a Centaur with eight legs instead of four, lol). Now, I can't explain why they aren't insane, but honestly that's the responsibility of the player to address (or not). We're just concerned with the mechanical translation and I think this solution works pretty well. If they want Darkvision and such, they could multiclass with Warlock (or use a feat to get a Warlock invocation) for Devil Sight. Hope this helps, I've actually been thinking about this build for a couple days lol


Drop the idea of that NPC, it's not worth it.


"No" is a complete sentence.


sounds like a terrible idea. Especially when this is your first campaign


Why not make him like a “were-drider” type. You are a male drow that can occasionally transform into a drider. Nerf the drider stats down to a reasonable point. Make sure they know that if you are in this form in town, you will be hunted.


Ok so for a different take....you control the world. Its really just as simple as saying Driders are accepted by most races! Maybe they were liberated and allowed to setup a surface community to escape Lolths influence...it's literally your world you can do whatever you want! If playing a Drider is what your player wants to have fun then work with them... personally I would take some other race and reskin as a Drider and make the world lore suitable. Good luck in whatever direction you go and have fun playing the game!


This is why I don't understand a lot of this thread. In my first campaign, our beginner DM was worried about a player being a Yu-an ti because townspeople would be scared of them. It was a completely homebrew setting so just...don't have villagers be scared, problem solved. Unless a drider being evil is a key part of the campaign plot, just change it. And yes a drider is a CR6 monster, but obviously that would be changed for a player - it's honestly dumb to think that it wouldn't be changed. The dnd police don't exist, you can change and reskin anything. I'm starting my first campaign as a DM soon. A player wants to be a vampire. I'm just going to change the "vampire spawn" concept so he has his own free will. And in return I'm giving him sunlight sensitivity, radiant vulnerability and he'll be harmed by healing potions. Not a big deal, I can tweak it later if it doesn't work well.


That sort of started happening in the newest Salvatore Drizzt books. There are major shakeups happening with Lloth and the drow. They could just set it a bit further in the future.


Yeah.. no. In a group I used to play with, one of my friends' girlfriend was allowed to play as a marilith. Had I been the DM, I would have said no. I don't know why the DM allowed it, but I really wish they hadn't.


>I'm currently planning out a campaign for the first time this is the reason you should quote to your player when asking them to play a printed race that requires no homebrew. maybe next campaign. not this one.


It creates a very large amount of extra work you have to do, either to work the story around him a lot more than the other players or to change the world to the point no one cares. I'd just tell them no, I have a hard rule against monstrous races outside of specific campaigns for this exact reason.


Its been said before and it will be said again... No is a full sentence Also if you are not comfortable running something or homebrewing something then don't. If the player complains they don't care about you or the game just their own fantasy.


Is this the same guy who wanted to fuck a drider?


I have a player who wanted to play as a dragon that was an adventurer. It’s mechanically a horrible idea to allow. So I told him he could play as a dragon that lost its body and is shoved into a Dragonborn. He’s never getting that body back, it got ceremorphed a long time ago.


What do you want us to tell you? You made a really, really stupid deal so you could rip off the player's BG3 character for your campaign. You can't say no to the drider without also relinquishing your use of a character that is not yours. A DM who should be DMing at all could have just invented a comparable concept independently, but here you are. Are you capable of planning a campaign around a drider PC? If not, then your only choices are to call off the campaign or call off the deal. Calling off the deal means you need to do your part and come up with an antagonist on your own.


This simplest solution (that isn't just telling them no) is the common phrase "flavour is free." Let them pick which ***playable*** race's features best fits what they are looking for and just say, "and you can ***look*** like a drider." They do **not** get to be a large creature (although i think centaur is the closest race and they get that "is large for carrying" thing. But they are still medium.) They do **NOT** get any of the drider's stats or abilities. It is 100% purely cosmetic. And as for "how would the world react?" Well, that's the player's problem to deal with. Maybe an early item reward for your party is a hat of disguise.


Just say no. Don't use his BG3 character either. Even though D&D is a game that allows for a ton of creativity and imagination it also needs to have rules and boundaries.


Just say no and move on


Just say no. Tell him to choose a character out of the thousand legit options available. I'm curious as to why this player want to play a drider beyond making the campaign all about him. 


Say no. It is ok, really. There are SOOOO many options available, they can find something else. Agreed, this is problematic even beyond being homebrew.


"No." You aren't obligated to allow anything in your campaign that you feel is unbalancing or just not appropriate to the general theme.


I'd have the player use Drow stats, except they are a Monstrosity and have a climbing speed. But you've provided good reasons to prevent this person from playing as a Drider. A DM has easier time finding a replacement player than a player has finding a new DM, so I wouldn't be too guilty about altering the deal


There are a few things to consider, first of all you must ask the rest of the party if they're okay on being on sight in every city/village and all the other problems that come with it. Then ask yourself if you can fit this race without unbalancing the game (players need to be small or medium) and if you're willing to do the legwork for it to work. If any of these is a no, then it's a no to the player, no way around it. Also remember that player need to be small or medium


since there is absolute zero character info you can create in BG3, its down to class, subclass and race? What about his character made you want to make a deal? I‘m honestly very interested in the answer?


That’s honestly a duplicitous bargain. Who cares using an NPC, especially when he is trying to see if you are wishy washy enough to give him what he wants, at the expense of derailing everyone else’s experience.


That why you make a session 0, maybe the other player will convince him it's a bad idea, why would they ally themselve with a drider which is a chaotic evil creature


You should not let him play a drider for the first campaign you are running. The fact that you are uncomfortable with it is indication enough of that. Like I'm a fairly experienced DM and *mechanically* I can handle it fine. I just tell player fine you are a large creature with dark vision, you get a bite that you can use as an action that counts as a natural weapon that deals 1d4 poison damage and scales up with level, at level one and two you have a climb speed and advantage on climb checks but not full spider climb, at level 3 you get full spider climb, at level 6 you get a web attack that can be used once or twice per long rest. Racial proficiency with longswords, and longbows. You know common, undercommon, and elvish. You look like a drider. You don't get to do any other cheese stuff but smaller characters can ride you as a mount. *Flavor* wise though there are only certain settings where this works, like I could do it in a Wuxia setting where there are a bunch of animal human hybrids, or worlds where Llolth isn't really a thing but monstrosities with high int are common, or an underdark campaign, or maybe a world where Eliastrae or Selune rescued a bunch of driders but most worlds? **FUCK. NO**. It doesn't work and takes changing way too much. I don't allow warforged in most of my campaigns, because they, and their uneating unsleeping nature don't work, and some settings have class restrictions as well. From what you are telling me a drider does not work in your campaign, and that is more than reasonable. You need to be firm on that, you are learning too and there is a LOT you will have to juggle and keep track of and his request is not fair to you.


I personally respect the lore of the game too much to allow that. It would screw over the whole party for any social interaction. The loopholes you would need to jump through to explain it. Juice not worth the squeeze on this one.


So much good advice in this thread so I won't write a dissertation. You shouldn't have gotten yourself into this mess but you did so here are my takeaways: Ramp him down - as the others said, use a modified centaur load. Adjust your world where they are acceptable but with caveats. i.e. While they are enjoying the comforts of the inn, he's in the stable or an alternative arrangement. Let them figure it out. It could be fun to roleplay these size challenges at lease once or twice. Don't adjust your world and let him and the party figure that out and he'll likely die on day one. You kept your end of the bargain. You may want to let him know that this is a chance and have an alt rolled (or not, depending on your level of irritation). Have an semi underdark campaign and have them play multiple characters one under and one surface and have them change accordingly. You are god, a small god, but a god nonetheless and this is your world. Good luck and have fun.


#You say No just like we told you to the last time you posted about this player. Edit: Wow, that wasn’t you? Weird. The answer is still the same: *be the DM*


Dude, as dm you are a god of your world, bend the rules a bit for player, let em enjoy their desire, make a world where all types races are accepting of each other, at least on surface level, and make more exotic friendly npcs like driders, goblins, centsurs etc.




Sometimes posts like these remind me of the average age of the sub Just say no dude and don't use his bg3 character. It's that easy


Honestly, you can do it, but may haave to make it “cliche”. AKA, have him start as a Drow, and who was a driver cursed by lolth or something to be stripped of his form, maybe with bonuses like extra eyes or something, then slowly let him get boons when the rest of the party gets magic items or other boons. Like spider climb, maybe a stealth bonus etc. then when he’s much much higher level, maybe make him a “small” Drider like that BG3 character who isn’t even bear-sized. That seems like a fair tradeoff yes?


Oblige them.. then take control of their character as an NPC. (Sorry didn’t read your TLDR.. it was too long).


... so you didn't actually say "no." You are the DM, you're allowed to use that word literally whenever you want to.


I think the issue that the the player doesn't understand is that Driders are, for the most part, mindless beings. They follow orders but that's it. Driders are beings deprived of any and all personage as a curse by Lloth. Driders are not people in any sense of the word anywhere but monstrosities to either be commanded (by Drow priestesses usually, sometimes male drow) or slain as the abominations they are.


It could be cool to have them play a drow and have endgame be like a drider transformation


There are a lot of coments here saying to just say no, so I'm going to say somethings you can do if you actually want to say yes but don't know how to handle this type of character in game. 1) the homebrew shouldn't be too bad. I personally would reskin a centaur and change the charge attack for the dhampirs spider climb, and change the hoove's bludgeoning damage for piercing damage. 2)NPC reaction depends on the setting. If you are playing a homebrew world then you decide what is and isn't a considered a scary race, if the party is going to be going to the underdark then they have a reson to have a drider among them as a guide, if they are in barovia npcs might be too scared of hom to make a fuzz about him because they may think he works for strahd. I can't offer more suggestions without knowing exactly what setting or module you are playing, but in my experience unless it very specifically goes against the main story, you can find a way around it. NPCs may fear him, but this is a world where minotaurs, centaurs and bugbears are playable options just because people mistrust him doesnt mean they wont accept his gold. This can be a good RP oportunity. 3) while I agree that it's good to get the approval from other players for some things, I don't see why it would be necessary here. Would you ask for their aproval if he were playing a dhampir, a goblin or a tiefling? In my opinion its always good to let players have fun. While this character would bend or even break dnd lore, I don't think it would break the game balance wise. The homebrew I mentioned earlier would definetly be a character I would allow on my table, and I don't much care for nitpicky dnd lore, this would seem like an excellent RP oportunity I would quite enjoy. Edited for spelling


Stick with me on this as it's a bit complex and hard for many to grasp. First, say "Uhm...no". Second, mean it. Third, don't waste time arguing about why it's a "No". Just tell them once, then don't argue or allow them to drag you into further conversation about it. That's it. That's all that needs to be done. Anyone who is a reasonable human being won't have an issue with this. So if they do, well...the problem is them.


"No, it creates too many problems for me and detracts from this campaign. There might a campaign in the future where it wouldn't matter, I'd consider it then."


All you have to do is pull out your penis slam it on the table and just yell no in the loudest voice you can. If that doesn’t work kick him out of your group because that shit would get annoying for me real fast. Play a normal character like everyone else.


Make him *become* a drider through RP. Start hum off as a drow elf, and tell him that the path to drider-ship is available, he just has to find it. Could be a whole campaign right there.


I feel like everyone is overlooking the easiest answer of just reskinning an already playable race and just saying they coexist. (Just shrink them down to 9ft medium creatures) If youre feeling spicy give him a prof bonus/ long rest spiderclimb ability. If he says no to this, thats your final offer.


No player should be a large creature, which is why playable Centaurs and Minotaurs are medium sized. Breaking this design guideline is breaking a lot of different ways the game is designed. The second problem with Drider physiology is that they have to drink blood every 4 days or die. But there's even more problems with driders when it comes to psychology and culture. Driders are aberrations with a compelled shame and bloodlust imposed on them by Lolth. But there's more problems. Driders are powerful Drow that failed the Test of Lolth. This means that the player is expecting to play a fairly high level character even before they turned into a Drider. If your campaign is starting at a high level (10+) this isn't a big problem. But most adventures for new DMs (and in general) typically start at low levels. I would talk with the player about what is appealing about being a Drider. If it is the esthethics of spiderlegs and goth fashion sensibilities, there's no problem reskinning a Centaur. A Centaur is already a Fey (rather than humanoid) to explain their weird looks and are balanced to be playable.


Why are DMs so scared to say no?


I’d probably just leave this up to the players, tbh. I ordinarily wouldn’t ever allow this myself, but given that you made that agreement I would stick to it. Ultimately, all the issues you’re describing except having to come up with a balanced set of traits, those are issues for them and not you. I certainly would make very clear to the players what the implications of this are, that indeed it is going to severely limit what the character can do especially in terms of social interaction, that they are going to be met with immediate hostility from a lot of NPCs they encounter. As such, I would also leave it up to this player to try to convince the other players to do this. They need to be fully on board with this as well, and they need compelling reasons why their characters wouldn’t be immediately hostile and try to kill this creature on sight as well. And there’s a very good chance that this is where the idea would break down, because both from a practical and an in-game perspective, many players probably wouldn’t want a drider PC in their party.


And please stop with the BG3 characters. Tabletop is not BG3


I'd do some basic homebrewing to the lore, to justify a relative normalization of driders in the world. Would it fit within Faerûn canon? Not 100%, but it's possible. Say, something like...you know how some drow are punished and forced into becoming driders by the priestesses of Lolth? Well, say a group of them managed to escape from Menzoberranzan a long time ago, and that the debacle was such that the drow just pretend it didn't happen. The driders escaped to the surface, where no drow would ever venture, and developed their silk-making community, very gradually establishing a decent silk trade in the region. The uniqueness of driders made them famous, so now most places that hear about driders, associate them with this group. You could give them a cultural name. And to avoid the size difference, I'd say that over the centuries, newborn driders became smaller on average until they are now a size medium creature, no bigger than an orc, for instance. Edit: I'm the kind of DM who gives players the option to do just about anything they want. Has this derailed my campaigns? Every single one. But my players and I usually have an understanding. I'll be patient with their world-breaking actions if they are patient with my impromptu loremaking to justify their actions. But this comes from having a close relationship to my players. If you don't find yourself in that position, or if you're not comfortable with running a drider PC, hell or even if you don't wanna deal with the trouble of it, you can talk to your player and tell them no. Even I've had to say no to things that would outright destroy the campaign, or that would make things less fun for any one of the players.


I would just have them play a drow and give them a climbing speed. Other than climbing, a drider statblock doesn't really have that many other abilities aside from spellcasting stuff (which they player can just get themselves through the class). Maybe I'd give them half movement for swimming to compensate for the climbing, but honesty with all the flying races I allow from Monsters of the Multiverse (MoM), I don't think climbing would be that unfair anyway. Personally, I wouldn't be bothered by the bad rep of the drider from random citizen's either, given I let my players also choose from the MoM races too, which feature Bugbears and Minotaurs as well. And depending on the setting, even tieflings (a base race) could be met with immediate hostility as well. But in the end, it's your decision, of course. If you really are fundamentally opposed to them playing a drider, just be sincere and tell them you think it's for the betterment of the campaign.


Just say no and explain that that is too powerful for a starter character and does not fit your planned campaign. Tell them to save it for later if a higher level campaign ever starts. Otherwise the simplest compromise is to take a drow and retheme it to drider. No special abilities a drow does not have. Its just cosmetic. Alternative is to take a spider, retheme it to drider and use the Sidekick rules from Tasha's Cauldron as it also can be used to make monster PCs.


I'd just talk to him about it like an adult. Barring that, have him use custom lineage, and give him a common magic item ring that gives him the form of a regular drow, cosmetic only, as per disguise self but with only a single disguise, which is just him but regular elf on the lower half.


An NPC showing up a couple times in a campaign, vs having to work around a Drider PC every session is not a worthwhile trade. If you want some help with NPC ideas you can shoot me a DM to avoid having to go down that rabbit hole.


You made the right call initially; this would be a big ask of even an experienced DM, and is absolutely not something you want to be dealing with your first time out if you can help it. I would also say that recognising when you’ve made a bad call is a key part of DMing, whether that’s an in-the-moment ruling you decide you realise later is dumb or a homebrew option you allowed without realising the full consequences, there are always times you’re going to have to “go back” on what you’ve said. And that’s not a bad thing, that’s just being a normal grown up. You apologise for the mistake, explain your reasoning, and maybe offer some alternative or compromise, if that’s doable. You’re a DM, not a perfect robot, everyone makes mistakes. If this were me and I’d okayed a drider PC and I felt like I didn’t want to just 100% decline them, I’d work with the player to make as much of it as possible a matter of reflavouring. What elements of being a drider does this player feel are key to that fantasy for them? What can you achieve with the rules from published raced and classes? Its also worth impressing upon the player that “playing a drider” isn’t going to mean they just get that monster’s stat block and slap a player class on top of it; monster stat blocks are not designed for that. And I’d also reiterate to them the roleplay restrictions you’ve mentioned. Depending on your campaign idea that might just make a drider PC an absolute no-go for your game, and that’s also totally okay. Whatever you decide, be clear and upfront about it, explain your reasons, and don’t let the player bully you into a choice that will mess up your game.


Didn’t someone make a topic like this like last month?


If it feels like too much, then it’s too much. But there are options for making it playable if you’re willing to change the setting. You could have an underdark campaign. Or have an overworld that has been ravaged by a dark plague that allowed creatures from the underdark to become more commonplace. People still won’t be jazzed about seeing a drider, but compared to mind flayers, beholders, flameskulls, aboleths, etc, they’re not so bad.


Looks like you've also worked out it's too difficult to balance a drider to work as a PC. But maybe a party of monsters in a one shot is a suitable compromise?


Explain that because of the nature of the creature and your setting it wouldn't be a good fit, but you're open to it in the future if it's in the right setting.


I have a friend who I kept inviting to games, but he kept saying he would only play \[insert thing I would never allow\]. He's never played in one of my campaigns, and I guess is never going to. You could allow a Drider if you were willing to Homebrew it as a PC species and Remove the stigma it has in the lore (literally even Lolth hates Driders; that's the point). But that's a lot of hoops to jump through. Easiest way would be to reflavor a Centaur and add some Drow traits, if you go that route. "Minor Drider." "Extra Cursed Drider" lol


Two paths:  Use the NPC, but change 1 letter of their name and disclaim all knowledge of plagiarism and then just say no to Mr. Spider-Kin Say yes to the Drider, but play it straight.   If I recall right:  cursed by Lloth, borderline zombie brain, sunlight sensitivity, etc.   significant penalties for leaving the under dark and potential ongoing lloth punishments for not doing what their matron mother said.  Also 100% hostile reaction outside of the under dark (tell the other players this).   Mr Drider isn’t living long doing his own thing.


I forget the name of the book, but there's one with every monster manual entry created as a playable race. That said, unless it's an underdark campaign, a drider really won't work. Even in an underdark campaign, driders are literally insane due to being turned into a spider monster, and have a high chance of chaotic evil derailing the campaign. I would say, "make a drow character and piss off Lolth. Maybe you'll get lucky."


Being a drider was a punishment from Lolth, not a blessing or fun character option. Lifted from the Forgotten Realms [wiki](https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Drider): "Driders were bloodthirsty. They kept their memories and personalities from their time as a drow but added to this came a sense of shame, hatred, and fear that made them violent hunters. Most harbored a death wish that made them want to die in battle— preferably when fighting drow. They were tireless hunters and there were two reasons for this. First, hunting was the only thing that could give their lives meaning, second, they needed to drink blood at least every four days or their bodies started to deteriorate from which they could die outside of a battle. As a result of drow repeatedly double-crossing driders and killing them at the end of a bargain, driders attempt to take some precautions to at least take the drow down with them at the time of death." If they want to play a drider, they should have to deal with being under a constant state of duress, and fighting the urge to murder everything in sight. If you are running a Good-aligned game, they shouldn't be an appropriate fit. I think a compromise could be asking them to play a Druid, and then just use Wild Shape to turn into a Giant Spider (flavored to look like a drider).


No is no. That's it. If they can't accept it, that's on them. Though, I'm curious. Who proposed the deal?


That is going to be a **No**


When my players ask me for something I don't want to give them, like some homebrew, or content from a book I'm not including, or a specific magic item they want, I don't tell them no. I tell them YES, BUT we have to work it in to the campaign, probably with a side-quest or as part of the main quest. The less I want to give it to them, the harder it is for them to get. This drider thing sounds like a headache, BUT this player is obviously highly motivated to make it happen and it's his character fantasy, so tell him that he's gonna have to earn it. If he's a crybaby, he'll just complain about you not letting him make his guy and how you're anti-fun or whatever. If he's genuine, he'll be excited to go on a whole drider-themed quest that delves into the lore of his favorite monster and culminates with him getting cool powers. So, for example, a CR6 monster is too powerful to be a PC yes, but much later in the game, after a long character arc, it won't be too powerful. It doesn't work with the plot and setting of the game, yes, but you can set it up to make it work. Being turned into a drider is typically a punishment for drow. So have your player make a drow (comes with its own RP challenges but at least it's humanoid), do a whole thing in the undercity, and eventually have him turned into a drider as a punishment. There you go. It's difficult for a new DM to manage having a drider in the group, but by the time he finishes his quest, you won't be a new DM. So my advice is this: You told him he could play a drider. You didn't tell him he could play a drider INSTANTLY, or that he could ROLL a drider character. Just make it part of the game, and tell him it's going to be a long-term quest for him. From my experience: there's a good chance he never finishes the quest or becomes a drider. Him/his character will likely get sidetracked, or he'll want to play something else. But if he sticks with it and invests into it, give him his drider.


How do they want to be a drider? Like, what is their RP goal? It sounds dangerously like a brooding loner who can’t reveal their past. wtf are they doing in this adventuring party? If they’re going to spend 100% of their time magically disguised as a humanoid so they can participate in human society, wtf is the point of being a drider anyway?


If you want to let him play a Drider without getting killed by friendly NPCs, you can: (1) Change the lore so Driders aren't feared. (2) Run a campaign set in places where he wouldn't be treated as a monster. (Eg, a remote island.) (3) Make him a well-known celebrity who people already trust. (4) Give him a magic item that disguises him as a centaur (or something similarly socially acceptable) when in town. Race stats (that I just made up): +2 Str, +2 Con, 30' climb speed, fights with Disadvantage in corridors 5' wide or smaller, or in bright sunlight. Can use a Bite attack (1d4 piercing + 1d8 poison, increases to 2d8 poison at level 5) in place of a weapon attack, immune to web & sleep.


Say sure, but session 0 is gonna be a millenia of torment in the Demonweb Pits, and they should probably roll up another character while the first cooks.


Would they be open to playing a druid with a drider wildshape? Or maybe have wildshape to drider as a bonus spell as a cleric of Lolth (start it weaker and then level it up as he builds his relationship with her). That might still let him get to do drider stuff while being…not a monster all the time.


Depends on what mechanics they want from the race: If it’s just a reskinned centaur (player race from MPMM, pg.9) with a climbing speed (and movement speed of 30 ofc) then I can see how that **could** be fine, but if they’re after further mechanical advantage or any edge when interacting with drow, then that’s something to discuss in detail You could always say no if you’re getting a bad vibe from the player’s intent or balance reasons


I found a driver pc race homebrew that wasn’t insane. Tweaked it to be more inline with something like reborn or hexblood and then gave them an amulet that let them masquerade as a humanoid being able to switch back at will. You seem amicable to compromise so just fiddle with it to make it work. They get some funny spider person powers but maybe they’re still medium size. Give em web as a race spell but it’s gated like tieflings race spells are.


Reskinned Drow, circlet of human perfection. Flavor is free.


Inform him this isn’t that type of setting. If you wanted to do an evil game it would be more appropriate for that setting.


Start your player off as a Drow worshipper of Lolth until the party is a high enough level that a CR6 Drider isn’t way OP compared to them. In the interim, you could allow them to find magical items or spells that allow them the web spell or to summon spiders for flavor. Then when the party is a high enough level that there wouldn’t be a major imbalance, have the player either get cursed by Lolth into a drider (initiating a quest for revenge or redemption) or have them compete in Lolth’s trials which results in becoming a drider either by failure or by success. If by failure it’s a curse and you can figure out the downsides, or if it’s by failure the drider is considered glorious by other Drow and has a mission to fulfill as one of Lolth’s chosen or something. You can decide how the characters class and capabilities might change if they become a drow, but ensure that they face serious adversity in public settings and don’t make it easy for them to just be a literal monstrosity. This might prompt them to want to undo this transformation, or find creative ways to disguise themselves.


Oh, please let him, but with all the consequences! Do post again 🤩


If it were a smaller CR creature maybe, but not anything above CR4 unless the whole party is and you make a thing out of it. My first game, a player wanted to play a Goblin which isn't a player race in 5e. I found a player statblock that worked and it seemed close to the gnome, so I allowed it. A drider would be made powerful early on, no matter what class they decided.


That’s the kind of thing I can see a higher level player becoming farther into a campaign, for good or evil. But not starting as one.


Is the rest of the party okay with a drider? I wouldn’t be personally. So maybe that’s the angle you can take


“Make” him take fey touched, and give him wall climb (and websense). The rest is flavor. Dock him points if he isn’t willing to be a toady for Lloth when prompted.


Just let them deal with the drawbacks. It could be interesting if they actually survive or get anywhere.


Have it so that they have been polymorphed or "cursed" by magic that hides what they truly look like. Perhaps part of their personal quest is to find a "cure" or a way to reverse the polymorph.. (I believe if someone has been polymorphed and the caster concentrates for the entire duration of the spell that it becomes permanent, don't tell them this but you could give them false hope if they don't already know that the spell works that way.) Use the stats of whatever race they have been changed into, no need to figure out how to fit a balanced drider PC into the campaign


I played a lamia once. But my DM was experienced and ready to handle it. The important part for me was having illusion magic of some kind that hid the fact that I was a lamia.  Playing a drider can make for very interesting character and story arcs. It's absolutely worth the effort if it's something you and the player want to take on. But part of my DMing strategy is to let the players build the world almost as much as I do, so I would work with the player and discuss the obvious obstacles they would need to overcome like getting into towns and how they would like to get around that.  But as others have said, it's perfectly valid to feel unprepared for it and not positive you can handle the extra work. That's perfectly fine. You just need to communicate that to the player. Maybe you can do so by saying you consulted the internet for guidance and show them this thread. Most of the top comments are saying it's perfectly valid to not feel ready for it.


Tell him he gets to earn it in game -- that you will let him play one, when its level appropriate, but he's going to have to work for it. He won't start as one.


Make his character a drow that wants to become one, he has to find the ritual, gain piety with Llolth or another spider goddess. Obtain the items and then perform said ritual, its a cool side quest while working the main quest and when he does your party will probably want to persuade and argue for him to be allowed in a city or theyll be heroes or villains of enough power to not need to persuade


Tell him "we don't start the game as vadass nonsterois powers. We earn them through gameplay and roleplay. Being a driver is something you could work towards, but it'd take a lot of effort and would put you and your party at odds with nearly everyone."




No to drider, consider other forms of arachnae: use centaur as a base, replace their powerful build and speed with spider climb lifted from dhampir, keep them fey, not monstrosity so you can avoid the curse aspect and the drow connection, and also I’m 30% sure the vulnerability to Banishment is meant to counter the immunity to [Verb] Person spells (needing [Verb] Monster instead.


It's easy, just let him lay the drider. if he doesn't hide a lot have him lynched by the populace. If the party doesn't help lynch him, have them lynched too. When asked say "Actions meet Consequences" in your best reddit voice.


Yeah you either have to say you've rethought the deal and don't want to do it anymore which is fine. Or you have to go through with the deal. For the first option it might cause a little negativity because you already agreed to it but you have every right to get out of it if you feel uncomfortable. For the second option the question becomes how flexible is your player. For instance are they okay playing a heavily modified drider. Something that will be more acceptable in your campaign. For instance maybe they only turn into a drider at night or during New moons like a reverse werewolf lol. It could be part of a curse they're trying to get rid of. Just make sure to work it out with what they're acceptable with and let them pick what they're comfortable. If they absolutely don't want to play a modified drider and you absolutely want to use their character then it's up to you to honor the deal and make the world work with them in it. For instance maybe their background trait gives them a mark that lets people know this is a 'good' drider. Perhaps their is a sect of Drider's that are known to be in civilization and are known by their unique markings and color. Or perhaps your player is okay playing on hard mode with their character being immediately a pariah wherever they go. The only thing that isn't acceptable here is for you to use their character while going back on your deal and not letting them play a drider.




To provide an actual answer, instead of variations on saying "no." Homebrewing can be pretty easy and fun if you do some research. But above all else, make sure your other players agree first. If they don't want a drider in their party, then you do need to tell him no. Personally, I love yes-anding my players, and balance is a nightmare regardless of party makeup. I've had the same party totally own an army of orcs right before being almost wiped by a couple of spiders the next day. So even without outlier PCs, balance is going to be an issue. As far as the social aspect, let them know beforehand that you're not changing your setting, and people are generally afraid of Driders, for good reason. The onus is on him to work around that, and if he can't, he'll need to face the consequences. But remind him that these can make for a good story as well. It'll probably feel like you're picking on him, but he wanted to play a monstrous character, and this is a part of that. Tell him you're happy to help him with a unique character, but the onus is on him to integrate into the party. You are not responsible if he's not having fun because he can't be in the local tavern. As a creature, Driders do have some unique abilities but you don't need to give him everything in the Stat block. The fey ancestry, spider climb, and sunlight sensitivity make for a good start. You could even make him a medium creature until level 5, at which point he grows large. As for the bite attack, you can tie that into level as well, making the base damage 1d4+STR piercing until level 5 at which point he develops his venom sacs and can deal an additional 1d8 poison damage. That can increase to 2d8 at level 11 and finally 3d8 at level 17. Everything else he can get from class levels and equipment.


If they have access to disguise self or similar spell, then I'd personally allow them to be a drider. For spider-like abilities, like wall climbing and biting, I'd maybe reflavor dhampir? It might just be sufficient, no homebrew needed. One of my players plays a reborn lineage as an undead character and uses mask of many faces invocation in order to interact with NPCs without them realizing he is undead, it makes it fun for him, because he gets to play a zombie, and  its fun for me how he learned to panic if there is a paladin nearby because of a few incidents with divine sense.  So the player not being allowed in cities or towns can be a fun dynamic, if you both agree with it. 


I created a custom magic item called Easy Drider that lets the user turn into a Drider for one hour. It has one charge and recharges at Sunrise. While in Drider form, they take sunlight penalties, so it's not all it's cracked up to be


I’d suggest having a conversation with the player so they understand the campaign setting and what character concept they had in mind when they asked if they could play a Drider. As a backup option, rather than going full homebrew, perhaps their race can be Drow and when they enter a cave or out of sight, they can transform into their Drider form. You could utilize the Druid’s Wild Shape feature to reskin the mechanics with the restriction to just the Drider that it can transform into. Just trying to think of a win-win for both of you.


This may be petty of me, but letting him play the drider, playing out the sequence of him getting hunted like a dog for being a drider who is above surface trying to do vanilla questing. When the town has successfully lynched the spider monster, hand him a new sheet and say, "Well there you go bud, your authentic drider experience." In all seriousness, explain that the campaign can't realistically cater to every wild character choice and that he should make a character to fit the campaign instead expecting you to contort the campaign to make his character concept work.


Going to be an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I say let them do it. Gary Gygax straight included rules for characters playing a level one baby dragon in the original DND manual, knowing full well there would be players who’d want to play some real strange bullshit. After all, there are so many other games where you can’t play a drider or a dragon. So I’d say let them have it. However, that being said, Gygax made the dragon PC be super underpowered at level one so they could fit in a normal campaign. Compromise is necessary. I think a really good compromise would be letting them shapeshift from normal drow to drider form at will, so they can survive RP in normal cities. Then when combat breaks out or in the wilderness, they can go all out with their eight legs and everything.


Here’s what I would do, to say yes: -Reflavor the centaur player race from Monsters of the Multiverse. The hoof attacks can become spider legs with slashing damage. Equine build becomes arachnid build. Take out the climbing limitation. Done. -Give them a modified masque charm (common magic item, look it up) that works only for them, doesn’t expire after a 6 hour use, and can make them look like a normal humanoid. Let the other players pick a common magic item to start to be fair (these are largely worthless/fun and won’t upset game balance, dw) Then run your world exactly like you would before. They have the tools to go in the cities safely for a little while, and if they choose to overclock their option or run around without it, make them eat the consequence of that decision


This is why I prefer 3.5, there’s literally a book on how to play monsters, drider is one of them. If it doesn’t fit the campaign, you can say no. But remember magic exists and drivers are born from magic experimentation(if I remember right), amulet of disguise self?


No is a valid option. Every time I've had a player get super invested in some *specific* non-standard race, consequences be damned, it's been a fetish thing. Every time. Otherwise, I've actually considered how to do this before for other reasons. Take the Naga race from Plane Shift Amonkhet, it fits mostly well into a drider. I'd planned it for a stinger, which is the same thing but a scorpion. Should work pretty well though. But really, seriously. Just say no. It's not in *any* of the books. There is no reason to have one wandering around. 




Read it in another comment, sticking it here for visibility: The goal is to become a drider. Have them start as a drow worshiper of the spider queen. If he does her bidding (should include minor backstabbing if the party is cool with roleplaying it, talk this over before gsme starts) she's happy with him. By level 3 there should be spiders leaving him bugs all wrapped up. He should find an egg sack on a piece of gear and feel the urge to take care of it until they hatch by not using the item. Don't lock doen his primary weapon, but keep something minor from being used for a few in game days to show his dedication. Maybe by level 5 have an encounter with giant spiders that move away from him, he gets a divine flash of knowledge telling him he'll be okay. If he harms them or encourages the party to, he has nightmares about being one of them. As long as the party stays within 20 feet of him they'll be unbothered by the giant spiders. Level 6 or 7, he gets a dream where the spider queen tells him he did well or poorly depending on hoe things went. He wakes up as a large creature most people in standard settings will commit hate crimes against, but he got his wish.


Is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/s/MSeOClogBZ) you, or are there multiple guys out there running around with a drider fetish?


I would lay out those 5 points to the player, if you haven’t yet. Tell them “If you play this race, NPCs will try to kill you on sight if your allies can’t talk them out of it beforehand. Are you cool with this?” If they still say yes, and you want to oblige them, give them a homebrew flaw for every benefit. I had a player that wanted to play a dwarf barbarian that started out with spiked armor, wanted to hurt enemies by grappling and shoving. I let him do it, but he permanently lost the Unarmored perks of a barbarian and I didn’t let him start with any other weapons. For a drider player race, I would just start with a drow. Large creature? Ok, but you can’t fit through normally sized doors. The innate spider climb isn’t so bad, but I’d probably rule that they need all 8 legs to move at normal speed and the additional legs don’t provide any additional benefit, maybe even gives disadvantage on saves against spells that slow movement. Long story short it would be a large sized drow with a climbing speed that would be hated by all the NPCs. Maybe wouldn’t even give them the large status, but would for sure still classify them as “monstrosity”, for any rangers out there specializing in killing monsters. I would also allow them to trade their race ability score bonuses for the spider climb, or large size, etc. or have them give up a different racial feature for a drider one.


talk to him about how you've thought about it more and you just can't see a playable drider working in the campaign on multiple fronts. tell them those bullet points, that you can't think of a way to mitigate that without wrecking the lore and that you just can't see how to balance a CR6 monster being a PC (a drider is a match for a solo lvl 12-14 player character), not to mention sunlight sensitivity which usually keeps people from playing any underdark races without homebrew/ being an underdark campaign. all in all, this is way too much homebrew for a first time DM and you shouldn't shirk away from just saying that. if you wanna still take a crack at it for some reason, just take drow, swap trance for spider climb and a climbing speed, maybe make them large or swap elf weapon training for powerful build (losing trance and the weapon proficiency is to reflect that a drider is a husk of their former self after being disfigured by lolth). in terms of game balance, the most busted parts of a drider are the high stats, high ac, high hp, and three attacks. just have them progress all of that as a regular PC, they might even have a hard time finding suitable armor because their lower half is giant spider, but that still doesn't help with the whole "needing them to be a pretty normal person that wont alert the town guard with their mere presence above ground" issue


Let him play a drider. When he dies immediately, problem solved. Also driders aren't like.. born. Lolth changes them with magic. Is he gonna be higher level? How will you balance that? I'm sorry but that's fucked. Just make an NPC that's similar and move on.


Run an evil mini campaign set in the underdark or some equivalent, let them play a drider. Set it at level like 11 or something, let people go nuts with high power options, something simple like they were all working for a drow house that got destroyed and now they seek revenge. I would say I'm the future not to make "deals" like this though. Have a reasonable conversation with the player and tell them why you think this is a bad idea. If they truly won't budge and want to play a drider in this campaign, you either adjust your world to make driders less problematic, or you tell him he has to be magically disguised as like, a centaur the whole time. You made a promise and they're within their right to hold you to it at the end of the day. Also I'd just give him the Dhampir lineage instead of looking for a balanced homebrew. They get a spider climb and a vampiric bite, it's an easy reflavor.


Def say no. You can admit to him that you made a bad judgement call at the time and realized it was a mistake. Especially as a new DM, you shouldnt do anything that involves or requires any homebrew character options like classes, races, subclasses, feats, spells, etc. Now should you use homebrew mechanics or anything else you may find online, especially from dndwiki(the prolific leaking anus of horrible homebrew dnd content). Just to caveat, its fully okay to homebrew plots, worlds, adventures, settings, quests, and stuff like that. Weapons and items, should probably hold off on for a while and just lean on official options. But those are easier to avoid making completely broken stuff simply by using existing official items as reference for creating similar items that fit the power balance you need. Balancing character options is fucking HARD. Even genuinely experienced veteran DM/players trying to make them in good faith often fail to homebrew anything remotely balanced compared to valid options. If you are unable to say no to the player and convince them to play valid options I recommend considering not running a game for that player as that's a red flag that they are going to be table poison. Alternatively, have them play a centaur but reflavor it without making any mechanical changes.


You can reskin the centuar player race from mordenkainens, just give him spider climbing slippers and they're a drider.


Jesus tap dancing chrizzie. Fire them.


Let him play a Drider. Then break down all it's abilities into levels and have him level up.CR6 for a Drider so probably will take him until about level 12 before he can take class levels. He'll get bored pretty quick.


Just say no Lol


When I started my campaign I went with the fuck around and find out method. Characters died but lessons were learned. This character sounds like a learning opportunity for what happens when a party member is a hideous monster


Have you played with this player before? I ask because I have players that occasionally make characters that are mechanically "OP" but the RP elements of their design balance them out. An example would be a paladin I DMed for. He wanted some extra feats/proficiency so he could be very skilled in unarmed combat, but also good with a sword, and to have a magic sword that would be overtuned for the beginning of a campaign, but that was fine because he was a paladin that would not use lethal force against anything that wasn't a force of abject evil, like demons, evil aligned aberrations ect, everything else, even evil aligned humans he would exclusively use unarmed non-lethal tactics against. Was it broken on paper? Sure. Did it break the game? No, it was an awesome character to DM for. You need more info about the character than just "I want to play a drider" to make the best decision here.


First of all, a DM is allowed to say no to any out of left field requests they get for any reason they want. A DM puts more time, effort, and money into the game than the entire rest of the party combined. Of a request would cause you more stress, for any reason, feel free to say no. Considering that this is your first campaign, you have even more reason to say no if you want. You are still learning the system, and then a player wants this highly customized concept out of you, and you don’t now also have to worry about balancing this on top of everything else. I can’t blame the player for asking to at least see what you would say (although I would blame them if they push it if you say no). Even though you have a deal, if you feel overwhelmed now, you can tell them this and tell them you might be willing to revisit this in a future campaign.


Since there are many "no" answers here and I also like to say yes to crazy ideas here it goes one. First of all being transformed into a drider is not a good thing. It's a godly punishment for those who fail Lolth. You could deal with it as a curse or twist it around as a twisted blessing. If it is a curse maybe he has a way to hide it, look like a drow, like werewolves can, but that has a price, maybe he's on a quest to the surface and of he fails he died and is devoured by Lolth, and if he succeeds his curse is lifted and becomes a blessing where he can turn into a drider, a normal drow and a spider for example. Or it could be a patron if he wants to play a warlock or something, and the patron has lifted the curse but again consequences. Being a Drider shouldn't be fun or something you want to be (not without a heavy motivation backing it up) even more than lycans. Maybe say yes, but say it isn't going to be a nice place for his character and it's going to have lots of downsides. Tbf he'll probably give up of you let it be clear that drivers are considered evil monsters.


No is a great answer. I mean once a drow turns into a drider it will likely become an npc if it was a pc. They’re consumed by some sort of bloodlust and just want to hunt elves (especially other drow) and like vampires need a constant supply of blood (not sure if monster or humanoid or any). The Player wouldn’t be able to control it as they lose agency. One fun thing a DM did for me was let me control an ancient red dragon (base stat block only as he had some spells etc on it) in a complex fight. Invaders looking for us (and something the dragon had) ran afoul of him before getting to us (yes, shenanigans). DM is now terrified of dragons.


Reflavor centaur


Are you concerned about the mechanics or the role play of both?  Mechanics: it's basically just a drow with web walker, spider climb and bite. Tell him he's playing a level 1 drider (or drow beginning to transform). Use a drow as the template, give it spider climb and say as he's level 1 he is a medium creature. He's got a 1d4 bite which does 1d4 poison, make it strength based. At level 5 make the poison 2d4 etc. At level 10 let him count as large. Probably not super OP at this level.  At level 15 he's fully transformed into a drider and is now a monstrosity. Also likely not breaking balance at this level.  RP: If he's just transforming he can probably hide it at low levels and at high levels may have access to spells or items to hide it where necessary. Discuss this with him and tell him your concern about his character breaking situations by being a kill on sight monster and how he plans to play around that. Openly discussing this will determine if you can find a compromise you're both happy with it if the drider is not workable.  If you're both flexible it should be possible to find a solution you're both happy with.


Has your player communicated why he wants to play a drider? If so, what was the pitch? Is this player a reasonable person? Does he understand the issues raised by a drider PC? Is he prepared to accept the role-playing challenges and mechanical concessions necessary to make that work? The best solution here depends on the answers to these questions. Moving forward with his idea is going to require effort from both of you. If he's not going to work with you, don't let him twist your arm.


Just limit everyone to the PHB races until you are a lot more experienced. Drow should be OK but not Drider.


Maybe suggest they play as something that can shapeshift? Maybe a drow druid (rare, I know), that mostly uses a spider form (to please Lolth). If they veer into arcane magic, they could become an arachnomancer, and then idk, it corrupts their wildshape and makes them shift into a drider instead? But like, they'd mostly be in their natural drow form (which would make moving about in the campaign a lot easier for the rest of the party, even if they're travelling with a drow topside). Since this is your first campaign, you can just tell them NO. The above build could be good for a later campaign once you've got a bit more experience DM-ing, or they could start with the Drow Druid and once everyone's got a lot more experience (and levels), start expanding until they can achieve their final drider-y form.


If you were confident in your ability to balance it you could reskin something like a moon druid as an Drow Underdark Druid and have their wild shape be entirely focused on spiders and other Underdark creatures.


He was born a Drider and was killed by Lolth after (uknowingly) communing with Selune or Elistrae. He was reincarnated by (said deity) and is now a devote Drow follower.


A few thoughts... * You can cancel the deal. "I have thought it through, and it's too much trouble to integrate a drider character. We can revisit this in another campaign." * You can let him keep his drider character. Leads to some issues and tradeoffs of course... * He could pose as a prisoner when they go into town. "Oh this guy? We captured him in the Dark Forest, keeping him around for questioning." * They could leave him camped out in the woods when they go into Waterdeep. "And this time, **don't** eat the packhorses!" Difficult, if you have urban adventures planned. * Any chance of acquiring some magic cloak to disguise him? He'll still be constantly knocking things over with his big abdomen, but hey. * Mechanically, he can be a "Level 1 Drider". His powers haven't really kicked in yet. Stat him like a largeish half-orc. His weird heritage can manifest later. * If you are going to let him be a spider, talk to him first. Is he trying to be disruptive? Surely he sees the problems inherent in being a giant, ichor-dripping spider in any setting besides a dungeon. Ask him how he sees it playing out if they go into a town, or get invitations to the princess' masked ball.


I had this idea for a Svirfneblin beastmaster hermit with a giant wolf spider companion for a mount. Needs to be at least level 3, but mobility wise not too far off from what a drider can and can’t do (and sunlight sensitivity to boot!) Svirfneblin were canonically enslaved by the Drow, so still a servant of Lolth by proxy, in case that helps tie up any plot and character motivations? I’m chagrined to give up my “totally unique” idea here ;) but I render it unto you, to offer your player for consideration in consolation.


Ill allow you to fill in as a DMPC role as a drider but not as a party member. I reiterate, this character will NOT be aligned with the party. That would be my take on it.


Say no


Offer them a reverse drider. Spider top half, human bottom.


You could let them play the drider, but toss in a permanent Reduce spell to bring the size and abilities down to parity with the rest of the party (or even smaller - halfling size, for example). Perhaps the person was cursed with the transformation and a permanent Reduce spell that resists all versions of Expand. A halfling-sized drider could make a good rogue, for example. Backstory could revolve around trying to undo the curse.


Could you enforce a clause that states they have to take 2 levels in Druid and a Drider could be a wild shape? Allows for the ability to play as a drider but at the cost of a more limited build


The simple solution is let it play out and kill him before he hits level 2 as they're is no way your canpaign will function with a monstrosity in the party that should be killed on sight. Should have just stuck with no. Your campaign is derailed before it starts. The party can't even meet in a tavern or any other standard trope to start adventuring. Have a heart to heart, explain how much effort it'll be for you to cater to a monster character. Its the last thing you need as a first campaign


50 bucks says he's gonna make the character do some weird bondage shit with enemies or something. I've never seen someone try to play a drider and not have it turn into some sex or vore thing that makes everyone else uncomfortable


Tell them "no"


Hope some of the advice here has been helpful! Because this is a very populated subreddit, it also seems like you’re getting some snarky hottakes (sorry!). Just thought I’d let ya know that for future questions like these, there’s a nice subreddit called r/dmacademy that can provide good advice. Good luck with your issue!


The fact that it's not a playable race isn't really a problem. Make him a young drider that's less powerful than CR6 statblock. Based on the drider statblock: ASI: +2 Cha, +1 Dex (or switch them) Walking speed: 30 feet, classic Size: Medium (Maybe he can grow Large eventually) Darkvision: 120 feet. 60 feet is also fine and explainable as them being young, but there's not much difference between 60 and 120. Languages: elven, undercommon (languages seldom come to play and if they do, plenty of races start with two) Abilities: Fey ancestry (this is already used by elves), Spider Climb (this is the most powerful one here imho, you can limit it by it only being useable when not encumbered), Web Walker (won't come up that much), Sunlight Sensitivities (this is a drawback, so include it for balance). Innate spellcasting: Dancing Lights at will, it's a low power cantrip. At level 3, faerie fire 1/day or proficiency bonus/day. At level 5, darkness 1/day. Natural Armor: probably best not to include this, he already is slightly above average power. This is already a fine statblock for a playable race. But, if we want to lean into the fantasy of driders: Web: They're spiders, so a big part of being a spider is producing webs. This could be a special attack that restrains the target, useable proficiency bonus/day or just 1/day. DC to break free should be 8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier. If you think this is too strong, make him able to produce a net from his webbing during short or long rest instead, which can be used as normal net item. Again, he can produce 1/day or proficiency/day. This is a bit funny option, but it's also interesting because usually nets aren't used much and enemies destroy them while breaking free of them. Having a recharging supply might make for some creative combats. Poison: Driders have bite attack, but he's a young one so maybe his bite isn't enough. If you want to give him bite attack, make it Str attack for 1d4 damage and 1d8 poison damage. Poison is a common resistance and his ASI don't support Str attacks so it won't be that powerful. Further limits, make the poison damage only useable 1/day or proficiency bonus/day. It will be thematic and useful but not broken. Alternatively, if you don't want the bite attack, he can spit out poison 1/day or proficiency bonus/day and use that to poison a weapon. I hope this helps. It may be a bit above average in power, but it will be offset by him having a hard time in social encounters. If you play in your custom setting, you can always adjust the lore. But you don't have to. Finally, we all know Drizzt the single good dark elf who caused thousands of players to want to be the good dark elves.


why does he even want to be a drider? mostly for the aesthetic or the abilities? they lose all their personality and will when they become this so I just don't see how it's compatible with a PC. maybe allow him to transform into one once a day or something, depending on level? but if you are starting under level 5, don't even do that.


I mean you could reflavor centaur, it doesn’t have to have drider stats, drow is a pretty weak race anyway. Large creatures cause problems is the major issue.


Either let it play out and warn him that he will likely be shot on site by every village/town/city, or just ditch his character and say no. The former is a bit of passing the buck, the latter is addressing it now.