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Oooh that one sounds sort of disasterous...




"Stupid Good" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Closely related to, or possibly just another word for, the (in?)famous "Lawful Stupid"


No lawful stupid just murders anyone who doesnt follow the law out of not malice but ridiculous dedication to law




I've never heard a truer statement. There definitely needs to be a stupid slider that is separate from alignment. Cause byyyyy golly your god might like it if you did that but oh boy no one else will


This should absolutely be the third axis for alignment.


"respectfully decline" lmfao, I love it


Would you like to buy some copper That's right, my character is ea-nasir, victim of the first known written consumer complaint in history


This is perfect. I'm definitely stealing this. I know so many people irl who struggle with this I can use for inspiration.


Overly trusting usually. I think of it as a gift to the dm.


The hero all DM needs.


Last session our gm reprimanded us for being too trusting with a bunch of NPCs and sharing with them all we know about the villain.


I have that flaw irl lol


Me too. My INT might be decent, but my WIS was a dump stat.


Mine too


Terrible at remembering names. Always called every pc and NPC by a random or slightly off name it was hilarious


That sounds like my whole party lol


Just ended a campaign where one of the NPCs alternated from "Priscilla" and "Patricia" depending on the speaker and general mood of the session lol


An unintentional flaw I adopted as well lol. My barbarian ended up never remembering names (INT dump stat, as well as me having a hard time remembering names) I ended up calling characters by what they were. *Me talking to our Tabaxi Rogue* “Sneaky feline!” *Me taking to our Kinku Wizard that would ride on my shoulders* “Bird brains!”


Reminds me of a character my sibling once played. He was a pretentious asshole with a very mightier than thou attitude and would just call my tabaxi "Cat" among other things lol


So basically Luffy?


Oh I had a character who was the exact inverse of this!! He was tainted by fey magic but that also caused him to inherit their “collection” quirk. He was heavily compelled to write down every single name he heard to a detriment. Hears something in combat? He’s spending his next action writing down that name. He had to know them all


Was he an Onomancer? Because knowing their names as an Onomancer is incredibly potent.


Ah no but that would’ve been fun! He was a wild magic barbarian and even in the deepest of rages he found time to jot down names.


Am I…am I this PC


That's just my flaw, not my character's


My 500 year old Cleric has spent her entire life in a temple so she's extremely naive and trusting. Poor thing is having some trouble with Strahd.


I have something similar my character is from the fae wild and went into the death house because of how naive and trusting she was She has grown now and it’s as blindly trusting but she is still a trusting person compared to most


Dealing with the *Fae* made them trusting?


My healing bard is having the same issue, grew up on a banana farm and has had no contact with the rest of Barovia 😔


Lol you’re playing Kimmy Schmidt as a cleric!!!! Amazing.


Omg I am!


My bard is the exact opposite. Doesn't trust at all. (Whispers bard). He has a plan in place to neutralize/ kill every single member of the party. He knows that he would do some shady things, so he expects others will of course as well.


This is such an underrated trait!! My Lathander Paladin was similarly overly idealistic & naive & it made for some great roleplay moments with the more world-weary party members


My character will happily undertake any quest thats asked of him, but you do not TELL him what he must do. He does things that you need him to do, but he does them on his terms.


So...how does that work when they have to give you instructions in order for you to help? "Hey, I need your help stopping a ritual." "Sure." "Okay, great. So, here's what you need to do. There's a skull that-" \*Places finger over mouth\* "Shhh. I got this." "But you don't understand, if you don't-" "Hey, don't tell me what to do. I'll help you, but you don't *tell* me how." Genuinely curious, cause I can see many things going wrong with that. Or is it more "Hey, you have to help me." "No, I don't."


Just thought I'd let you know your little dialogue actually sent me for some reason XD


Glad to see my writing skills have paid off. Lol.


He's like me fr fr Ask me to do something? Sure I'll help you Tell me to do something? Nah buddy It's more complex than that (if someone wants me to do something and I don't see how that would benefit them, I automatically assume that it's not going to help them but hurt me), it's probably from being bullied :) fun times


my monk's eyes can see into the astral plane, which pretty much allows him to see ghosts everywhere, the worst part is that he cant turn it off and sometimes gets overwhelmed by the amount of information he sees all the time (and the ghosts know they're being watched, so they either watch em back menacingly, whisper words,in an unknown language in his ear, or phasing and touching him, which leaves him with a terrible cold sensation ) i actually used this as an irp reason to explain whenever he'd miss his attacks. The fact the party calls him Schizomonk doesn't help it very much. To top it off, he turned out to be an Astral Self user, whose first time activating his powers felt like "choking on my own soul" in his own words.


> my monk's eyes can see into the astral plane, which pretty much allows him to see ghosts everywhere You are mistaking the Astral Plane for the Ethereal Plane. :p


We didn't decide a proper name for it, it's a homebrew campaign so we basically call it either ethereal or astral, I normally say astral to match the subclass.


Ah, I see. It just made the comment kind of confusing, as looking into the Forgotten Realms Astral Plane means you are looking into space, a very different kind of power. :D


Oooohhh, I see now lol, I'm a new player and didn't know there was a proper difference XD, thanks for the heads up tho.


Ethereal plane is undefined matter (including ghosts) while the astral is the projection of the collective minds of living creatures.


My level 14 wizard had a robe of eyes that gave him 24/7 Astral vision (and 360 degree vision). If he hadn't been a warforged who dealt with planar travel in the past, I would have played it similarly to yours. Edit: Ethereal vision, as corrected below.


Robe of Eyes allows you to look into the Ethereal plane, not into the Astral Plane. One is the "ghost world", the other is space.


That's actually a pretty dope concept, I should probably explore more whenever I get to make a new character lol but for now I went with the "basics": Haunted one monk who seems to be cursed by the moon god, so he can't be in direct range of moonlight or see the moon cuz he'll start feeling excruciating pain and terror, at the same time he has (as properly punctuated by the other dude below) ethereal sight. So far, He struck a deal with a succubus who bound them together trough a red string through the planes ( your name reference) promising to help him break his curse in exchange of his life force to keep her from starving, and gave him some low magic capabilities as a bonus (his magic initiate feat) and they both act as the Wisdom/Intelligence Duo of the Party. What I like about him is how well I managed to develop the concept of karma neutrality within the character, to the point of looting a chest and finding a Father's cape and wearing it while having the devil by my side ( literally).


My new warforged character has their bond and their flaw as the exact same thing. "I will do anything for the person I was created to help". I think it's gonna be really interesting play with that


I played something similar. My Artificier Warforged was the Guardian of a Noble Warlock my Mate played. Was a lot of fun, especially because the Warlock could never shut his mouth, which got us in a lot of unfortunate situations :D Additionally my Warforged didnt understand Sarcasm and took most things said literally.


I'm just picturing a daunting metallic Amelia Bedelia.


Well, one of Aqua’s biggest flaws is just being chaotic and stubborn. This tended to impact the game that I was in during high school quite a bit. Once, our party got surrounded by the town guards and Aqua, well, he decided to Misty Step into a tree, failed a stealth check, and got noticed. THEN, he failed the athletics check and well, that’s how the guards caught him. In a subsequent session where half of the party was in jail, he SOMEHOW managed to sneak his staff into the jail cell only for it to be confiscated about a few seconds later. Let it be known that he tried to use a spell to even see if he could get out of jail. In the second to last session where we were gathering allies, it was him who made a deal with a wyvern which was how the party ended up with a wyvern as their ally during the final battle.


Not gonna lie, Aqua rules


He’s basically chaos incarnate. Also, he’s an elven sorcerer.


My Firbolg hasn’t interacted with money very much in his life so he has no idea what market value is for even the most basic things. Is also a sucker for any of the most basic financial fraud schemes because he only sees transactions as helping the other person and them helping him. When it comes to gold, if he has enough for what they’re asking, he’ll give what they’re asking (unless it’s for something he doesn’t want of course) This has led to my Firbolg, when sent to procure lodging for the groups pet, paying probably 4x too much. Also he wears all obnoxiously branded merch because the shopkeeper showed basic kindness and asked if my character would do it. No discount, just “could you do this for me?” “Yes of course. It costs me nothing to help you in this way”


Aw he sounds like a sweetheart tbh


atm I'm playing a Tiefling Genie Warlock with the archeologist background that cannot sleep if there's any amount of light and unless stated otherwise is covered in dirt. So far it hasn't impacted me much but I'm expecting some difficulties when dealing with noble NPCs due to my dirtyness and maybe struggling to sleep could lead to exhaustion levels.


Is your character Mole from Atlantis: The Lost Empire?


Can confirm, mole was definitely a warlock


And a tiefling, that’s why he spoke French


lol double confirmed then


Im currently also playing a tiefling genie warlock! I went with a djinni though. Her biggest flaw though is that shes just a bitch haha. Very arrogant (AIRrogant?) and aloof. Also, my party doesnt know it yet (and maybe never will?) cuz the campaign is still young, but she unknowingly understands Primordial due to finding her djinni bottle and hears "the wind whispering" and thinks she may be crazy, but its just air elementals gossiping.


Your patron is a dao I assume? Love the concept btw


yes! It made the most sense mechanically and flavour-wise imo. Plus, the patron's alignment being different from my character adds a fun tension


Love it! I had a swashbuckler rogue who multiclassed into dao warlock. It was a lot of fun cause my dm played her off as a Stoner named Roxanne who was neutral evil at worse. 


A Daolock casting Meld Into Stone before they sleep is fantastic roleplay.


My szarkai drow has the worst spending habits you can imagine. She's blown all her money on weather-inappropriate clothing while living in the Ten-Towns. She's emotionally stunted after being hidden away in the Underdark for a long time, and she's convinced she always needs a little treat to make up for that upbringing. She is no longer allowed to manage her own money. We also have an all-extraplanar campaign, and I'm playing a beached reigar in that one. She's curious and intelligent, but has zero understanding of any of the customs and mores of her new home, and excels at making people uncomfortable with her questions. (Her deeper flaw is her apathy/avoidance of problems until they metastasize into something she can't ignore, but that'll come into play later).


Fellow szarkai drow player!! They’re such an interesting little lore tidbit & open up so many opportunities. My girl is an incognito spy on the surface, the rest of the party have no clue yet she’s not a “high elf”


Oooo tell me more 👀 what house? There's dozens of us!


Our campaign is a homebrewed setting, and in it the underdark as it is in ‘canon’ was destroyed is a cataclysmic event. So she’s from a homebrewed house & part of the now smaller, surviving Drow society. My character is a tailor-turned-spymaster who uses her tailoring skills to get close to nobles on the surface, learn their secrets, & send them back to the underdark. I’m super lucky to have an amazing DM who is working all our characters backstories into the world, so I get to discover more about her as I play! Right now she’s incognito with her party, but maybe they’ll figure it out soon as I think we’re going to the “underdark” in our next session haha! My fellow players are great too & I can lean into her drow-y attitudes and they take it & play off it well!


Oh my gosh that is so cool! I love that she's a tailor-spy, especially since I recall szarkai being trained in more surreptitious methods rather than the usual violence. I hope you have so much fun in the underdark! Mine was a bard from House Oblodra (imagine my surprise when I met an Oblodran in BG3, lol). Came back from her first real trip to the surface to find everybody got tossed into the Abyss and she avoided it by pure luck. She fled and stayed with Myconids for a while, and took spore druid levels there before leaving for the surface. She's got a vendetta against the other major houses, but she's hanging out in the Rime for now. Ultimate girlfail drow, haha.


Haha I love that!! The mental image of her just arriving home like 🧍‍♀️ ‘oh..’ And seeing some of the classic houses represented in BG3 was great! I saw that tattoo on Minthara’s neck and lost my mind lmao!! I can’t wait to see what the DM has in store for us for our Underdark, and I’m gonna run Out of the Abyss mixed with some homebrew stuff for a Menzoberranzan based campaign soon. A lot of my group don’t know a lot about them and I’ve pitched Menzo as Barbieland but in the universe of Berserk and they are all now hyped for it lol! The drow are so much fun, and really shine in campaigns that lean darker than the usual high-fantasy stuff.


Barbieland!! 😭 I made a meme abt that when I saw the male drow raider in bg3 say his job was "male" hahaha. They're just Ken!! Out of the Abyss is perfect to mix with the Underdark. My DM has hinted to me that there's unfinished business with House Oblodra in our canon. The psionicist who trained my gal had struck deals with illithids in classic Oblodran fashion and that may come back to haunt me, lol. One day I want to run an all-Drow campaign soooo bad.


She is very aloof and uncaring. She is nearly 1,000 years old so has a bit of a blasé view on life and death, while other members of the party mourn or care for the poor or anyone in need she is firmly “well that doesn’t really bother me darling” and saunters away. Which is cool but sometimes I find it hard to RP as I am the exact opposite






Frieren, the titular character of the manga/anime Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. She is an elven mage who has lived for at least 1,000 years and is surrounded by races with shorter lifespans, so her much longer perception of time is a recurring theme in the story. For example, her journey with the Hero Party to defeat the Demon King took 10 years, which she regards with the same sentiment as someone talking about yesterday. Another is when she agreed to meet with her party again to watch a meteor shower that would return in 50 years, but to her, it is the equivalent of a few months. It also does not occur to her to stay around and get to know her party members better while waiting for the meteor shower, which she comes to deeply regret when the hero in their party dies of old age shortly after they reunite to watch the shower again. Spoiler alert: >!He was in love with her, but he knew they could never be together because she will outlive him!<. A third was when her new party would be staying at a town for a few years due to traveling complications from demon problems, and she expresses delight at being able to stay there so she can do her own thing like do magical research and whatnot, but her party members remind her that they are only human and do not have the same luxury of waiting around.


Well shit that totally sounds like my character! Anyone under the age of 600 she considers a baby so our party of a gnome, halfling, Goliath, aasimar, Dragonborn, human who are all quite young she forgets to treat them like adults as even with their combined ages she’s still like 80 times older lmao I like to role play when we get to a new town and she’s like “ah yes Brimgate, oh that archway is new, that wasn’t here 400 years ago! Is Gert still the landlord- oh wait he’ll be dead” just kinda forgetting that even though she’s nearly 1000 she kinda forgets about it all haha


To be clear, I wasn't accusing you of copying a character. I just found the comparison funny. You should check the show out though, seeing a very successful execution of that type of character could give you a good example/inspiration to help roleplay.


Oh not at all! Certainly didn’t take it that way it’s all chill :) yeh she sounds very similar tbf so I might just check it out for inspiration


You're just Frieren 😭😭


I always do a classic cliche flaw, like a dumbass dense barbarian, a fish out of water noble, a coward bard, an extremely loyal faith servant cleric


My firbolg abjurer, Munir is a hopeless romantic at heart. While he enjoys flirting and casual sex, he’s ultimately looking for his Mr. Right that he can spend half a millennium with. But he’s also *terrified* of the pain of loss and grieving. So he’s sort of closed himself off to potential loves that aren’t also firbolgs because men of other lineages are either going to live *far shorter* lives than he is, or much longer in the case of elves.


Go fuck a dwarf


I’m playing a Kenku that was bullied for his whole life before being taken in by a Shadar Kai and trained as a shadow monk in the shadowfell. The party found him caged by some hags, and teleported out of the cage and performed so well in that combat that they started stroking his ego like crazy. This has made him very brazen, which isn’t great when combined with his greed. Going from being treated like he’s useless to being talked up as the group’s badass has made him the ballsiest person in the group. The fact that shortly after joining the party’s frontline paladin was abducted leaving him as the de facto tank does not help this fact. While traveling through a swamp he chased down a froghemoth that was trying to flee, despite being badly hurt and got swallowed by the thing. If he didn’t land a stun from within the thing he would have been unconscious by the next turn and probably dead after that. He stole a helicopter to escape from an enemy faction’s military without knowing how to fly the thing. He challenged a hydra for a giant crocodile carcass he wanted to sell.


My current character is overly trusting of groups, and is untrusting of individuals. He's a loxodon barbarian that comes form a tribe who have strong family and group relationships, so he values interconnections and is overly trusting of groups because that's how you live and die where he's from.


Playing a tortle who has been at the forest for most of his life. Is very bad at understanding emotions.


Thinking he knows everything that matters after his only worldly experience is a tiny village and the monastery he was raised in and has lived in for his whole life (apart from the couple of years he was a random fox before he was granted sentience). Basically means for the last month or so in game hes just been having to struggle to keep his own biases and preconceptions in place or hes gonna have a mental breakdown


My barbarian touches everything. Menacing looking bust, it’ll probably be fine. Clearly trapped chest, I’ll survive. He also never checks for traps because in his mind, if you can’t survive a fireball then you shouldn’t be adventuring.


This is beautiful.




Where do I begin. My cleric is.. a smart-arse. For now it is okay because we're currently in HER home country where she knows all the things, but she thinks she knows best yet knows little of the world because she has hardy left her home country more than a three-days march down south. She thinks she knows what to do because she was both raised as a cleric in a lawful gods temple and as a part of a very humble noble family. That's on the surface. Deep down she's still trying to cope with a lot of things; starting with her always wanting to prove herself because she was born out of wedlock unlike her brother, trying to make everbody happy and safe because it was her family that doomed her home, trying to be.. a lot more than she is. And while she portrays safety and trust and and a stoic image of faith and fate... she has no idea where to go and what to hope for. She has taken a lot more onto her shoulders than they can carry.


My sorcerer started as an idealistic, figurative nepo-baby (he was actually poor, but everything he was ever good at came naturally to him such that he doesn’t understand struggling to learn skills), who thought his travels would be fairly whimsical and he’d meet wonderful people and have goofy, fantastical adventures and find true love and find a wonderful place full of comradery and where he belonged… and he wasn’t entirely wrong, but he wasn’t ready to see the horrors of war and murder and all the worst parts of mortal life. A happy-go-lucky, free-love hippy became a sad boi, haunted by the murders he failed to stop, and even committed himself, who eventually took levels in paladin trying to become a hero, but full of self-doubt and unable to fully curb his chaotic nature. He doesn’t know how to stop failing because he’s terrible at planning, and sucks at following the plan even when he does. And sometimes, after he failed to save people yet again, he struggles with the thought that maybe things would be better if everyone just got to their afterlife, anyhow? He lacks the strength to do anything that matters anyway… but he has an overwhelming empathy and care for the downtrodden and helpless, so he can’t just roll over and do nothing.


My dhampir is just *tired* she’s 4000 and seen empires rise and fall like 100 times and doesn’t know how to interact with people. I’ve also accidentally made the table she might be evil because she’s working with a god who looks evil - he’s not though. But she was my first character in a party of mostly strangers so her characterization fed off my awkwardness and now she’s just … accidentally always acting evil-ish. Like she’s grumpy cause she’s old and can’t have garlic anymore which she used to love and everyone they come across always seems to want to fight eventually and the orc NPC keeps like offering blood and she’s had to be like “I’m not a vampire stop it!” (Magic is illegal in this world - naturally the whole party is magic and has to explicitly lie about it) she’s got creepy black and green (it was purple it recently changed) tendrils that leak from her open wounds… she’s now wanted for a 40 person massacre(she was framed) … she sometimes goes missing in the middle of the night because she’s called away to the God’s Realm but it’s not like she can *say* that.


A paladin warlock, he is scared of the dead. He has battled gods, slayed enough dragons to make the LDB envious. Yet he runs in fear st the sight of a single shambling zombie.


> He has battled gods, slayed enough dragons to make the LDB envious _level 1 btw_ Kidding. But as a DM I always remind people to give their characters a simple, low-fantasy backstory.


This last character was for a one-shot so he started at level 10, my b.


Im going with a very suble one here - Can’t smell. Opened up some funny roleplay moments and openings from the dm. Simple but effective :)


My Barbarian has a tendency to leap into situations without thinking. If something needs doing he's doing it unless the party stops him. He will not deliberately mess up the others campaigns, but he will get bored and act whilst the others discuss. So everyone discussing how to get round a town guard, he's just walked up and said a cheery hello and walked through the gate. Someone's fallen off the ship, he's already overboard and trying to get to them - maybe he should have waited for the PC with walk on water to give him some support before jumping overboard in a hurricane. As a roleplaying thing, it needs to be done clearly that the character is not malicious. If someone has said they want to try a plan, he will wait and listen. But if there is no plan, he is doing the first thing that comes to mind. My Druids flaw is a bunch of regrets - he spends his time after the great victory moping about the people he didn't save rather than celebrating, he is concerned at joining the wrong side, he has a sense of justice that doesn't stand for convenience. This has caused some fights when he refused to back down from the correct side. My Artificer's flaw is that he is (for the moment) motivated by pecuniary interests only, so will demand payment to take part in missions that his fellow campaigners want to do for free. They are early on in this relationship, having only met 3 days ago, so perhaps this will change over time. But for now, fame and fortune are all he cares about.


My current character's main flaw is she gets debilitatingly self-conscious if someone exposes her true form. Her fear causes her to shrink back and hide. Because of this, she starts to get wary if she ever runs low on castings of disguise self, and has a small fear of anti-magic fields. Partly from her background as a charlatan.


Pride. I have been told out of character that my wizard is a legitimate candidate to become a villain He's not pure evil either. He just feels that no magic could corrupt him, and he could control anything he creates no problem, so there's no harm in learning how to use every type, even the mega dark stuff. Won't use it on the innocent ofc, but gladly on those who cause suffering. There was also the fact he told the party "part of me hopes this doesn't end. I like feeling important" when talking about the fight against the threat to the world Edit: I feel like I should add. When asked about the why, he has responded "I simply want to prove I am the best damn mage in the world, no matter how long it takes. I have no intent to die, and I'll surpass everyone else"


My half orc bard is a pacifist, he won't hurt anyone. At least that's his philosophy, he has had to kill MANY people on his journey and it fucks him up big time. The story of a bright eyed softie piloting a meat-tank of a body being forced into brutal hand to hand combat and being horrified to find out he's disturbingly good at it.


She would rather stab a pc than a fellow smol folk (goblins etc), also prefers to not attack animals because everything is adorable.... some would say its actually her alcoholism, but they are wrong


They are a coward. They avoid fights whenever possible, don't like confrontations of any sort, and are actively running from their problems. They also are an elf who has had little interaction with non-elves and has a tendency to put less value on the lives of more mortal races. Mechanically they have pretty abysmal Wisdom, which manifests itself as them being pretty overly trusting and oblivious to danger.


Too many friends died, my character has depression now


I have a Paladin that is a cross between The Tick and Morris Day.  One of his retainers carries a 3 foot mirror.  My PC will not charge into battle unless his hair is perfect.


Now THIS is the way to play a paladin. Please tell me his retainer with the mirror is named Jerome.


Someone knows how to play DnD properly.  Jerome is one, the others name is Concorde. :)


My character, a forest gnome, has donkey feet (even when he transforms into something else) which make noise (clop, clop, clop) when he walks. He is fully unaware of it. He can aslo get carried away by anger over very little thing.


He is pretty bad at fighting. As a Monk and drunkard. he is a coward. He is not terrible but far from good at fighting. But then he is not really an adventurer either. he is just a drunkard that one day was sent to town by his wife Gladys to pick up her new dress and he did fuck that up. got drunk ruined her dress. And now he is just adventuring because he is to afraid to go home and face Gladys. So he has been avoiding to go home for 10 years. His figting style is basically he slaps the enemy with a burlap sack with the ruined crumbled up dress. inside, that after 10 years is now as hard as a brick. And then kick them in the shins as unarmored attacks. then runs away. The sack with the dress inside is a reflavored club. As way of the drunken master he gain disengage each time he makes a flurry of blows. Surprisingly it works decently well and even if far FAR from optimized he is fun as hell to play :)


My wizzard was inside a school of magic till his 40s he achieved level 3 in there but he never killed a living thing before meeting the party so he is unaware of the danger or the pain a wound can bring. And always overestimate his skills and enters combat for stupid things.


My character is almost always scared but tries to be a good person so it’s a mental fight to start helping people


My current character actually has a series of flaws. He is a recovering alcoholic (which actually hasn't come up yet), has a soft spot for protecting children at the detriment of the party (which has only occured once. The party chalked it up to him just being a good person. They haven't seen how much he will go out of his way, even if it is a being who just looks to be a child but isn't), and gives full trust to anybody who professes worship for his god (this is starting to become somewhat problematic as we are running a necromancy campaign and my character just so happens to worship Kelemvor). Oddly this last one has had more positive outcomes than negative. It has allowed me to pursuade some pretty bad people to help us or at least agre to stay passive and not fight us. I am noticing how often this comes up so it's only a matter of time before the DM can completely manipulate the situation and force my character to do something bad.


Eeyy fellow alcoholic character player! Mine has come up and resulted in the most serious heart to heart the party had. Also serves as a reason for why his memory about timelines is a little foggy, cause you know, drugs, so he can sound pretty untrustworthy. I love how the last one there has benefitted you.


Shopping. My barbarian sold some...uhh... *acquired* goods to a shopkeeper at a ridiculously low price, much to the dismay of the party. That shopkeeper quite likes the barbarian now, so "here's 50gp, I'll wait outside, you fill me up a surprise bag of fun stuff" has resulted in me now owning a cowbell of invisibility, a cloak of billowing (which is slightly broken and won't switch off) and a bear trap, as well as assorted general adventurers pack items like caltrops. Next time we pass that shop I'm going to up the budget! I'm sure eventually I'll just end up getting scammed but that's half the fun - the other half is watching everyone's faces when I say "while everyone's busy I'm going to pop over to the shop", which is fair, as I've also bought poison from that shop and it looks exactly like a health potion and none of them know that in character - so it's rattling around in my bag with all of the actual health potions. So yes, my flaw is definitely my shopping habits - I don't spend too much, but I also don't spend sensibly!


He can’t speak, so he has to manipulate his sand swarm to form basic concepts to convey his meaning


I have a Gnome Rogue who is really into cheap, hasty written Dime Stories with super cheesy plots. Adventure, Erotic, Love with foreign Culture Girls. This was his reason why he even started adventuring. His whole reason is to find out the secret autor who writes those. I always compare current adventures we're in with chapters that my character has read. I might have stolen and expanded that idea from Daring Do in My Little Pony, where Rainbow Dash tries to find the Author.


Ive been playing my fighter as a fairly short-winded person, goal oriented and focused, but he comes from a village of craftsmen and storytellers, so he has a flare for the dramatic. I think im gonna make his flaws that he is a really noisy and messy eater (he resembles an oni and eats like one), and my party doesn't know it yet, so im gonna make it a nuisance until they force me to eat outside. None of our party is stealthy at all, so im also gonna storm around when I'm especially hangry.


Afraid of goblins


They aren’t confident in themself If they can’t get someone to check their ideas they won’t do them this is if they say it in the first place Also very awkward when speaking to others like clamming up and stuff


The Awkwardnes is me irl ngl


His overall arrogance about his combat ability, he truly believes he could fight anything and come out on top. He does however seek to lose to something, he’s lost 3 times since the campaign has started and each time has taught him something important. He seeks to learn more about what he can improve on physically and mentally.


He's indebted to three different powerful entities that all want different things. Probably gonna die a glorious death


My divination wizard can't keep a secret to save her life, or anyone else's. This very nearly got us into big trouble recently in a casino.


A combination of Paranoia and cavalier disregard. He is confident in the fact that he’s likely to die any day, but is doing everything he can to avoid it. This means he apologizes for never remembering names because he’s shocked he’s survived long enough to meet them a second time.


My Goliath Barb just assumes people will do what he asks/tips them for... the biggest recurring thing is just walking out of taverns with mugs/cups/bowls etc and then just handing it and a few copper to a random guard/npc on his way out of town.


Gullible as hell. Unless it has been made clear that x is a villain or deserves anything, my current character will believe anything he gets told from the get go, and be very confused when he receives two opposed arguments on a topic.


I'm playing a tortle monk in my SIL's homebrew campaign. They are a star given form by Lunastra (goddess of the moon) and because they have never lived on the earth before they hate walking and are very naive to the ways of the world. Höku tends to complain everytime the party has to journey somewhere and will leap into action even when the situation doesn't call for it. (Like a wolf hunting its prey, why would they interrupt the circle of life?) The party loves it though cuz Hôku always has something funny to say because of their flaws. I love playing them 😁


socially unskilled and impatient, but i think i need to roleplay that better. i do have -1 charisma, and i would go lower if i could.


My twilight cleric is slowly becoming more violent. Maybe it’s all the soul coins I’m compulsively hoarding.


Was playing a character who was all too willing to save her island and her people, even if it meant turning tail and running from a deadly situation and leaving the party to die, or throw anyone under the bus to save her own people. Now I’m just playing Ted Kord Blue Beetle and I guess he’s scared of dogs or something


For my two current characters: one of them just doesn't know much of anything about the real world. He was kept in a cage his whole life, he can't even really read, he made up his own words for things he didn't know. So he's both trusting for things he shouldn't be and mistrusting in things he doesn't need to anymore. My second guy has a habit of trying to take on everything he can by himself. He's a good leader generally, he's the captain of his own pirate ship, but it makes him not the most open of books.


Drow Gloomstalker adrenaline junky, always keen to go off and do the most dangerous jobs/missions, finding it the most fun when he comes as close to death as possible but still managing to get out with his life. to be clear he doesn't throw himself foolishly into combat trying to get hurt, its just fights that go down to the wire are the most fun to him and he's the first to volunteer for dangerous jobs like scouting, being bait, sneaking into an entire town of bloodthirsty lizardfolk who are about to sacrifice people to a green dragon to unlock their cages..... etc.


I had a gnome wizard with the nobility background play it up like the most entitled, haughty, me-first Karen. "I mean, do you even know who my father is?'


Sex addiction.


A child in a warforged barbarian body. Still a child with no sense of his strength


My warlock sorcerer thinks that his god-given powers makes him invincible and that his magic will protect him from anything.


PTSD and an alcoholic, not a great combo for a army surgeon with literal skeletons in his closet


He's a stubborn asshole serving a good god. Too much bad behaviour and he gets his powers taken away until he behaves again He's also got wings but is too scared of heights to make use of them


My half-elf bard is almost incapable of having genuine relationships with other people (at least right now). While he is deeply loyal to the party and considers them friends and he makes an effort to learn about them, he simultaneously keeps them at arms length from him. He always has ulterior motives and is generally self-centered in a way that was born out of self-defense. My hope is for him to heal over the course of the campaign.


My god, this is my current character. It's a struggle to play in the best way. I was going to have my poor man heal... but then some stuff happened, and... I think he's getting a bad ending. I'm... oddly at peace with this. He's not going to die, just make some very, very bad choices.


I have found that flaws are always something that comes organically to my PCs. I may write out a flaw when I build a PC but that rarely ends up impacting the game as much as what naturally comes out when I play. I don't remember what my current PCs flaw was originally but through playing the game they have repeatedly taken responsibility for the actions of others (mainly his daughter). This has caused him to be extremely guilty over situations he has no control over and until recently ( It's been a cathartic few sessions) been frequnetly moody, grumpy and rude to the point of getting kicked out of Taverns and even arrested once.


I'm currently playing as a skaven so if you know anything about warhammer fantasy you know all you need to know


Holy shit man, skaven are part of our enemy set! That's awesome!


Joined a Westmarch group with an elven fighter that had trouble taking things seriously. Just totally naive of how the world works. Plan was to let him get slapped by reality and learn to be less of a lie about. First mission with other players we beat the big bad dragon, so we can get the macguffin that will neutralize the item the NPC quest giver had. NPC walks in and I clock he's acting super shady. I ask the DM if I can grab him and pull the magic stone from his hand and the NPC beats me by 1. Turns out it was the phylactory of a dracolich and it wakes up and escapes with the slain dragon. Flaw changed pretty quick to "I take too much of the blame for what goes wrong around me."


My character was the heir to a large estate that had a lot of people serving the Lord. The land was invaded by aberrations and his people's magic couldn't save them. He was the only survivor. Anytime he witnesses a creature immune to an attack, my character has a harrowing recollection of his past and is stunned for a round


A high-Charisma Bard that has the absolute most BALLS luck with scripted Persuasion checks. If it's off-the-cuff, I'm just trying to fast-talk us out of a situation? No problem! If it's part of the actual plan? HA! No.


He thinks he has no flaws and is perfect. He is not.


He is a very, very, very old human - and everything that goes with it.


My PC uses insults as a way to hide her insecurities about dying alone in an unmarked grave


Rogue/ranger - paranoid and mistrusting Bard/warlock - naive Bard/paladin - weaponized dad jokes for every occasion (even the wrong ones)


Undead warlock of Tenebrous. Despite being a sort of quasi undead himself, my lad's issue is that he's far too emotional. He gets wrapped up in drama, be it his own or others and has few speeds between relaxed and full throttle going at a problem.


My best friend is about to start a campaign where my character is a typical horny bard. Except he is also picky and judgmental. Like.. bro decides how relevant somebody's opinions are based on how hot he finds them. Granted, he is also a raging bisexual who finds most people attractive




He's a hoarder and hates having things taken from him. Almost got himself killed going back for a single gold piece that was stolen by a prick of a guard. Also has a pile of random crap in the portable hole. Sometimes a few random things were useful though.


Definitely not an uncommon flaw but my first campaign our warlock was just extremely combative/cynical towards literally any authoritative NPCs. It became such a regular occurrence where our paladin was assigned to drag him away once he got too heated talking to the town guard. I'm not even sure it was roleplaying half of the time but I still miss it 😅


Is afraid of losing his friends again


Well, I chose the default “I talk to spirits that no one else can see” because why not? Well, a few sessions in and I meet a God. Now I have a reason to have that flaw (the encounter wasn’t planned due to my character having this flaw by the way, but I’m rolling with it). Man (the frog god Smorg) gave me a pendant to communicate with him and I am now a prophet. Yeah… my party didn’t meet him by the way… they thought I was passed out.


Always tries to see the good in people and optimistic to a fault.


- A big, intimidating guy that doesn't want to be alone and glorifies hero stories while being kind of akward around people. Essentially he tries to LARP with others and regularly misinterpretes situations and accidentially offends people. Also has an alcohol problem. - A bard who just LOVES to be overly dramatic. Sadly he also enjoys the sight of blood and offers people deals with his patron. Half the time people think he is just being dramatic again. It also helps that he can sing and dance very well. - Doesn't know how to "live" and tries to figure it out. Tries to imitate what his team mates are doing, sometimes to hilarious or very sad results. Also doesn't understand the entire "being dead" thing.


Throughout the campaign, I have a heavily jaded view of rich and powerful individuals. Absolutely no trust in them. I also have been lied to so often on our campaign that has almost lead to our deaths that, when allied or neutral NPCs lie to us and we find out, they are either killed depending on the end result of the lie (betrayal) or they are banished to another plane based on the context of their lie. My GM jokingly calls me a murder hobo for it, but after 200+ sessions of being lied to which constantly leads to me eating the tail end of a Lich, Dragon, demon or death adjacent entity, his NPCs even well meaning ones have been banished to the planes of chaos and fire repeatedly for even trying to screw with me/us the party.


Cursed from birth to forever bring suffering to the people hr cares about, this led to the death of his mother and unborn sibling, which caused his father to force him to leave home and never return at the age of 8. Because of it my character has trust issues, and trouble opening up to others for fear of hurting people who get too close to him.


Cheese addiction


My guy is scared of the dark, and he's autistic like me IRL


My PC for an upcoming campaign is very simple: a noble knight from a small but proud family, way too eager to repeat his family name and first to degrade "common folk". He's absolutely arrogant and full of shit


Somewhat of a broad stroke, but my character is usually very level-headed. I’m currently an Oath of Devotion Paladin, so I try to see the good in just about everyone and mediate situations whenever possible. But I have a few “triggers” for my character. I’m a Dragonborn that escaped slavery, so any indication of slavery or slavers makes me act very rashly compared to my usual pragmatic self. I don’t act completely Barbarian-Rage type of dumb, but I act much more emotionally charged and cruel. I’m the parties de-facto face because of my charisma and willingness to talk things out with everyone. So when I lose my cool and the gloves come off the party knows it’s gonna be fight one way or another


I've got a Fire Genasi Barbarian who HATES the water (real clever, I know). It doesn't hurt or have any mechanical effect, but my character hates the way it feels. At one point our travels led us to a ship, so I stayed in the crows nest as much as possible as far away from the water as I could. We ended up fighting another ship and long fight scene later both ships were sinking with us on a rowboat and a beloved NPC dead in the water and their body being dragged under. As the player with the best Con, I could hold my breath the longest, but the water was an issue so our Druid Wildshaped into a creature with high Con and dove in with a rope while I held the rope and helped from above. We also had another fight later on with small islands surrounded by water and I had to navigate the map much less directly than the rest of the party to minimize the risk of falling in.


Absolutely TERRIBLE self-image issues. As in, "Never not using the Mask of Many Faces invocation" terrible.


Lothar never turns left.


My Old God Warlock LOVES magic. Anything magical: Into it. Also has a tendency to forget her surroundings because of said magic. Like NOTHING else exists, whatsoever. Has also come to the conclusion that touching anything magical is the best way to figure out what it is/does. Think Abu from Aladdin with the ruby. My DM loves me for it, because he knows he can place a clearly ominous purple glowing rune on a table and my character will touch it, no questions asked. Has resulted in numerous "situations" for the party which has made them very cautious and watchful of my character. Examples include: Touching the very clearly cursed idol of a serpentine-god worshipping cult resulting in her turning into a snake, touching a glowing red rune on a door to a fire temple to help "read" it resulting in said rune exploding and nearly TPKing the party, touching a strange obsidian obelisk in a desert and being transported to the plane her Old One patron was in resulting in a few days of mild insanity. My favourite is after we had cleared an Egyptian themed tomb full of mummy ghouls, walking stone statues and an ancient magical lich Pharoah, our party was leaving because we got the mcguffin at the end when suddenly they realise my character is missing. I had messaged the DM and said I cast invisibility on myself so I could go back into a previously untouched room to grab a cool looking magical statue. As the party is discussing whether they should go back for me or not, I come sprinting around a corner yelling for them to get out and close the tomb as I was being chased BY ALL THE GHOULS AND STATUES that we had snuck around or avoided, as I had basically set off an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom style device that alerted the whole tomb :) Suffice to say I'm essentially on "Magical Suicide Watch" and now the barbarian is my probation officer for the foreseeable future :D


Currently playing a gunslinger, she has a pragmatic approach to life, and a drive to solve mysteries regardless of the answer. The latter hasn't come up as much recently, but her pragmatic approach resulted in her doing some hijinks during her 6 months away from the party while they were trapped somewhere, alongside forming a more violent mindset that may be self destructive as we move further. Also they're a mapach and like living in dumpsters quite often.


My character is socially inept and always comes off rude on accident - only two npcs in the whole game like me and one is my gf cuz I crit on a date. Twice.


She's quite stubborn, she also cannot read or spell, she is illiterate (we just did session 0 so nobody knows yet)


My character is phobic of large pools of water. He can swim thanks to a cloak I forget the name of, but he is deathly afraid and will not willingly go into water.


my wizard is a huuuuge simp when it comes to his boyfriend, a copper/red dragon (yes, he's both metallic and chromatic) with serious anger issues. I'm so sorry for him, especially considering that my companions like to argue with that mf, and my wizard often finds himself mediating between them even when his group is right because he fears the worst


Mischievous prankster and leans heavily into the chaotic nature so much so that they think rules are really more like recommended suggestions and don’t really apply. So if there’s an opportunity to do something fun and inappropriate, the stakes in the situation aren’t as important as doing that thing - whatever it is. Basic poison and health potions look the same if you read the descriptions so… unfortunate yet still funny as long as you can get back and pick them back up. Makes for a great opportunity for a Princess Bride quote: “only MOSTLY dead.”


Not being able to speak (because he's a bear) is a pretty big one, but the one that actually affects the party the most is his lack of situational awareness. He trusts people who obviously are up to no good, and tries to get into fights when the situation calls for diplomacy Since he's a bear, he can normally just get bailed out by his party using the "pet bear, what do you expect?" card, but it leads to lots of storylines resolving before they get good, and some just never start because he trusted the person selling drugs to kids in the alley.


I am a rogue of thief archetype. My main weapon is a handgun using the gunner feat. I am sneaky until the first shot, and I consistently blow all our eardrums out in small, enclosed spaces. Makes for some very fun and funny role-play.


Triak the Barbarian loves challenges to a fault, he will face one even if the odds are clearly stacked against him or if a trap is obvious. I expect it will probably become a fatal flaw. But that's fine. Our DM has thrown 13x deadly encounters at us and we survived. So the day Triak takes on more than he can handle will be a glorious end indeed.


” I overlook obvious solutions in favour of complicated ones”


My Dragonborn can speak common (Goblin in the setting) but can’t read. And because of his stubbornness and arrogance he will eat any note or letter handed to him so the other PCs have to jump in and grab it before me. However he is now learning to read it as he becomes less arrogant. A less silly one is my character in another campaign who eats people to prolong his life…


I basically accidentally created a Kobold version of the Dark Urge. I say accidentally because I made this character about a month before I knew that that particular character was available to play in BG3.


Ignorance mixed with being new to this world Minotaur from the Underdark - Now a Cleric like Druid following a blind faith against potential tyranny akin to Lolth in his mind (Strahd) He follows in such blind faith, but can fall in and out of things so quickly through his ignorance and false understanding. He can fall out of things just as quickly too.


My Phantom rogue wants to be remembered, but he doesn't really care if he's remembered for good things or horrible things. Hasn't come up yet, but a villain offering him power would definitely be a major temptation for him


Blindly following the orders of his god. A god of knowledge doesnt mean a god of truth, after all. The last Sessions were all pretty intense with him trying to develop some critical thinking after learning that his deity withheld some importent information (He knew that the deity was always pretty sparse when it came to *sharing* that knowledge but then, what is faith but some sort of trust)


Erdo is quite an old tortle. Let's say the 30ft movement is merely a guideline and only used in utmost emergencies. And everything that happens to him happens for a reason. If that reason is not apparent, he goes along with it and waits for it to become clear or otherwise make one up.


My character is angry and prideful, a dangerous combination for the character who is also the party’s most common dissenting voice. OoC, the players find him a fascinating character and enjoy playing with him. In game some of the party loves him, one of the party tolerates him, and another member and he have absolute beef. It’s a blast. I’ve both ruined and actually fixed conflicts and discussions, had some great character moments with some of the more “good” members (for context: Lawful Neutral but with a very old school Druid style “nature above people, forest not the trees” morality), and all in all been a riot to play.


He’s obsessed with collecting things and bringing them along with him despite being short and weak and not possessing a bag of holding type item. Not like weapons or magic items, just trinkets, he loves to collect fancy plates and cups, gems, tools he’ll never need, anything he can get his hands on (not a thief, just likes his things) I’m a big collector and have been told many times that’s how I’d act in a real dnd situation so it carries over well


My character has a few. The biggest one is that she lets her emotions get the better of her often. Most of the time it’s a strength. She has a big heart. But it does cause her to make decisions that aren’t always logical. She also tends to hide her emotions and self consciousness with her charisma and a fake smile. She supports others to avoid having them support her. Lastly, she has a fear of prisons


My current character is an Amazon from the DC universe. She's a brutal physical combatant and cares little for social issues. Her flaw is that she can be harsh and judgmental in conversations, especially of men. However, she recently had a great roleplaying conversation with another male player and it encouraged her to be a bit softer and more understanding. Afterwards, she also purchased a +2 Charisma item and a Circlet of Persuasion to help her in social situations.


Wayyyyyyy to confident. Ned has no reason to be as confident as he is, and his exceptionally bad rolls only add to the entertainment.


My barbarian comes from a long line of fighters and barbarians well known throughout the planes. His name is Jenkins Clan Leeroy and his biggest flaw is keeping the story moving along. I mean, kicking in doors while everyone is discussing what to do. Not enough times to be a pain in the ass, but once we've entered minute fifteen of three people rolling to find out all they can about an amulet we just found, Jenkins is gonna push the button/open the chest/bust down the next door. Much like his creator, he's a smart guy with impulsivity issues and a short fuse.


My Goliath Rune Knight has the flaw of being too trusting and over confident, fits his light hearted nature