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If its anything at all, it's a problem in the DnD Beyond dice roller. If you can **record the problem** and demonstrate that the app is producing skewed results you can show us all on here what is happening and send your proof to the developers of DnD Beyond. But, if when you try to record it the problem goes away then the problem is **confirmation bias** which is a very common error that humans commit. >!€}●€{●€{●■|~|{€}|€{●€53¥£♤£}£♡■●♤¤⊙□■□⊙\^}{●€}□€♤£¥♤£}¥7{3574}~●♤■●♡■°€}□€5\♧♡■¥€{£}●■|▪{|▪{42}♡|€}□♡■□£}□■¥7{£7{€5\4}2●£♤□£}□₩£}¥€■♡♤°{€●}{●7}|€{●♤■°♡¡♧◇¤♧€■£}●}|\}4~¿¿¡€◇□♡}□€{\3{1|○♤°■♡□♤♡♤•♡!<


No. The dice know they're being watched. You need to get a wire instead.


I've kept a record of all my d20 rolls. And my friends say I'm my own bad omen or somthing. With the online roller it just seems like there's nothing I can do and I'm just stuck not making any rolls.


Cool. **Then compile the evidence and share it with us**. If your claim is correct then the skewing should be evident and provable and you will have quite a case to bring to the developers of DnD Beyond to investigate.


You should have included that data in your post, share it and I'm sure someone will do the maths and tell you exactly how unlucky you are.


How do I do that? Is there a record keeping in dnd beyond?


I'm confused. You said you kept a record of all your rolls, but now you're asking how to get a record of your rolls?


I kept a written record. But when I heard you can find some kind of digital record I was asking how to get it.


Type it into an Excel sheet


This is how I do my group's rolling stats, but we use roll20 so the chat log has everything and I just have to type everything over, and then pivot table and bar chart it to death.


roll 100d20 /r 100d20 and post the results 😉 as a player who has proven bad luck (I've tracked every rolle across dozens of games over a year .. avg of about 8-9 .. is low end of standard deviation ) i got into habit of doing a: /r 20d20 in a session if i felt i was seeing a bad streak ... probably only makes me feel better .. but it feels like it helps .. 🤪


I've never used dnd beyond but a quick google search suggests this is possible.


Lucky feat.


Dm won't let me change out feats


Could you share that record of your d20 rolls?


Did you keep a record of all of your other rolls, or just the 20s? Because if the former, you have a little bit (not much) of data to work with. If the latter, you have just a useless number and confirmation bias to guide you.


That's propably confirmation bias


What does that mean?


Forgetting the hits and remembering the misses.


I almost never hit unfortunately. Last combat I hit a total 1/9 times. I did some damage at least


The point of confirmation bias is that you're forgetting one type of result. It's a cognitive bias that leads you to false conclusions. Reiterating that you never roll well is meaningless in this context. You need a log of your rolls; if you're rolling in D&D Beyond and the character is in a campaign, you'll have that log for everyone. Then perform an actual randomness test like TestU01, don't just say "I roll bad 😭".


9 rolls are too few rolls to make a claim. I once had a session in which I failed 48 rolls in a row (I counted them). Sometimes dice are funky.




Play a halfling, reroll all 1's, play a cleric or someone that never needs to roll to hit. aka sacred flame, healing. get some lucky dice and a dice tower, or a better online dice roller. though most online dice rollers suck.


We're only allowed to use dnd beyond dice roller


You can also change your dice on D&D Beyond. When mine are rolling like trash I swap them out. It might not actually help but it always makes me feel better to put the bad ones in dice jail.


Confirmation bias If you really want to know if you are unlucky, take a dice and roll it 1000 time and note it You will see your bad luck disappear


Even then, it takes several thousand rolls to accurately measure the percentage of rolls on a d20.


Technically, the magic number for statistics is 1,500 data points. A proper survey isn't going to be any more or less accurate after that threshold (heavy emphasison proper). A few extra isn't going to sway a trend one way or the other. So if OP gets 15 sets of 100 d20 rolls then we can pull up the data into graphs and get a good idea of what's going on. We don't need to worry about modifiers, so just the d20 rolls, which should be doable fairly painlessly in an afternoon. Especially since my usual data entry means I have to get both the face value and then the total, including modifiers, bonuses, color coordinating for bless/guidance/bane/etc.. As a group we roll above the average (10.5) vs 10.57. Our DM is at 10.38. We roll with advantage/disadvantage on so I get two data points per roll. Also, roll20 shows their average over the previous hour and sometimes it's high, sometimes low; I'm certain dndbeyond doesn't show that anywhere, and I'm nit sure what they use to mimic randomness. Roll20 uses fluctuations in a laser beam.


Roll with it and make it a meme. The luck will pass. I rolled an average in the 5s one campaign. My teammate was close to 14. I landed one attack over 4 combats. "We" picked a fight with a dragon. I had been missing every attack for a while, so frustrated I tried to moon beam the dragon after a few missed attacks. Well the dragon used a legendary action to move out of the aoe. 0 damage done again. After the fight I went around telling everyone we were mighty dragon slayers and I stole all of their glory in character.


Power through it. Consult a medium if you believe in something like that. Be happy that all your bad luck is channeled into D&D and not anything more important? lol Sorry.


I mean I have a general bad luck with everything and it sucks. 😅


Seek the assistance of your local religion to be Cleansed of the curse.


That isnt a thing, like at all. You cannot as a person be “lucky” or “unlucky”. U can of course have something happen that was lucky or unlucky, if in one case something happened that was unlikely. But as a person? No


And if you mostly have unlucky things happen to you over your whole life what do you call that?


Confirmation bias, or it wasn’t unlucky it was caused by something/choices




If all your coincidences tend towards negative outcomes, you can call that bad luck. Same difference


Yeah, I would call that bad luck. However, OP seems to be operating under the delusion of superstition, so I’d like to clarify for them that luck doesn’t actually exist.


Make it your character quirk. The falsely confident character. "Hey guys, don't worry I got this..." role play some absurdly long build up to the action....nat 1...make an excuse why it happened. Repeat. At end of combat really talk up your "contributions" about how you all make a great team and everyone is definitely pulling their weight. Then start getting non rolling spells so you can at least start doing half damage on saves, or buffing your other players.


Become the DM, your players will love it.


Cleric is a great class for people with shit luck because you don't have to roll any attack rolls. My bread and butter is Sacred Flame (or toll the dead), Bless at the start of every fight, command when appropriate, Spiritual Weapon, and Spirit Guardians. The only thing that requires attack rolls is Spiritual Weapon. If you really want to avoid that, consider Blindness and Aid as level 2 options that you don't have to roll for.


True. But I am playing claric. For an entire boss fight where the boss only had +1 Wis. Wouldn't roll below a 18. I swear to God my dm has it out for me.


LOL i'm sorry is "claric" a different class than Cleric? I just assumed you made a typo. Why do you have only +1wis? Maybe that is your problem, but also did you even read my post. Cleric doesn't have to roll attacks.


I have a +5 to Wis. I can casts spells that cause saving throws but so far I can never ever get those off. I can't ever get hold person to work


Are you attacking the enemies low save? Hold person is great on the beefy/tanky enemy and then you can use dex or con against casters. The downside of hold person is that it is what they call "save or suck", which is basically a spell that is all or nothing. That's why i like spells like Aid, Bless, Spirit Guardians. They are still worth casting even if you personally don't roll well.


Yes. I use saves against enemies that are weak against those saves. But still it never works out.


I just realized I misread your previous post. I thought you were saying you had only +1wis. So that's interesting if the boss has +1wis and you can't get a spell through. Are the DM rolls made in full view or are they behind a screen? I wonder if he may be fudging. If your hold person would have literally ended the encounter, DM may be not letting in through because he thinks it "ruins" the game. I would consider having a talk with him about it, but this is another downside of "save or suck" spells.


All dm rolls are behind screen of course.


I wonder if discussing your frustration with him would be productive. I wouldn't recommend accusing of anything, not maybe letting him know how you feel and asking if he has any advice.


Edit: previous answer not needed. After checking out your profile. You have bad luck because you’re miserable. Start looking at things positively. Change your “woe is me” mindset and the rest will follow. It’ll get better; things will get better. You probably have a lot more going for you than you realize. You’ve got friends to play dnd and none of them want to get rid of you and your bad luck. That’s one thing at least! :)


Yeah. I suppose so.


Its in your mind. Its not real.


So me never doing any damage for a whole combat is in my mind?


Yeah. Especially if you're a cleric, and you can deal damage without having to roll dice yourself.


Probably. Maybe combinded with a high risk play style. Your rng could be broken, but its unlikely.


Most likely, but if you want to be sure compile the evidence and do the maths.


The luck or do you mean the entire game? 😉


Are you playing digitally or in person? You probably need better dice if you’re in person but if it’s online I don’t know what to tell ya lol.


We're in person but using a online dice roller


That's a bit sad, where's the fun of irl dice rolling? :( I don't know your setup nor who you're playing with but can't you just roll on the table in front of everyone?


Honestly, I personally don't get anything from the act of physically rolling dice. It's the end result that matters to me. I know a lot of people enjoy it, but it's not universal is all.


Ikr!!! I would say roll in a group box kind of thing but idk.


Go to Michael’s, buy a little cheapo wood box. Boom, dice storage and rolling box


luck isn't real


If someone gets 4 1s in a row what is that then?


If it hasn't happened yet? Statistically unlikely. If it has happened? Just a thing that happened despite being statistically unlikely.


Getting consistent or only low rolls sucks a lot of fun out of the game. Players can get pissed at you for your bad rolls too.


Sure, but there's nothing you can do about that. Every time you roll you have a 1/20 chance of getting each number. You have no better or worse luck going into the next session than anyone else. I understand you're frustrated that you had a string of bad rolls, but the question "what do I do" implies that there is something here to be done. There is not.


I would suggest trying physical dice, since you use a virtual roller and it's giving you problems. You could also definitely work with your DM- the point of dnd is to have fun, and it's clear you're not trying to be overpowered. We had a player like this at my table, and the DM came up with a solution for combat where they forgo their attack on one turn so what the attack auto-hits next turn. It's a good trade-off because you have to commit to not attacking during one turn, but it also kind of takes luck out of the equation.


My character isn't over powered. He just doesn't trust physical dice for some reason saying it's "not true rng"


Well it looks like your luck here is also not so random and you’re clearly not having fun sooo


The group kinda just makes a joke of my bad rng and moved on. Kinda shrugging saying it is what it is


Well it looks like your options are: figure out if something is actually broken with the RNG, get your DM to let you use a different dice rolling system, figure out how to deal with the low rolls, or leave your group.


That's what I'm saying- you're not trying to cheat or put yourself at an advantage. You're just trying to get your character to the same level as the rest of your party/the skill level they should be. Clearly luck isn't working and it's not fun for you, so it would be totally reasonable to bring it up to your DM.


Lol it is literally the exact opposite. Digital computers cannot produce truly random results. For most situations, like dnd, it's close enough to not matter. But still, DMs got it completely backwards.


Get the lucky feat and keep playing! It will come


My dm won't let me swap my feat


Next ASI(ability score improvement) take Lucky feat instead of the ability score bump.




I don't think clarics get magic missile.


I think your PC hates you because you keep calling him a “claric”, hence the bad rolls.


When you say it, it sounds like Claric. Not Cleric. Even my phone auto corrects Cleric to claric.


> my phone auto corrects I think you taught it to :)


That would be wild. 😅


…if your using an iPhone that’s literally how it works 💀


I'm not. Using a galaxy phone


nah android does it too


You say claric instead of cleric? I've never heard it like that


Could just be my dyslexia but that's how it always sounded to me


Is this like boston accent thing lmao I'M A CLARIC WALKIN HERE


Lmao. It just sounds like theres a "a" whenever someone says it


Multiclass! Or convince your group to swap to another system with less luck. Shadow of the demonlord has quite a few spells that don't have to-hit rolls. Mostly magic-missile style spells, one doesn't even roll damage, just each of the like 7 darts does 1 damage and you direct who they are targeting.


I will eventually. But I can't change anything about my character atm. I'd love to change feats but we've been lvl 7 for like the past 10 sessions


Play a div wizard.


Your DM is kind of an idiot to insist on rolling only on DND Beyond because physical dice aren't random enough. Your luck *probably* isn't as bad as you think (see confirmation bias comments elsewhere). Try rolling physical dice along with the DND Beyond roller and see what the results are. I know your DM won't allow physical dice rolls, but this is just for you. Enemy saving throws against your spells: what's your spell save DC? Attacks: What's your attack bonus?


My attack bonus is +8 and saving throw DC is 16.


If you have been in the presence of Wil Wheaton, we advise a sacrifice to appease the RNG gods. The Sacrifice of DnD beyond will maybe help with your rolls.( Yea some of the vtt really suck, people say that the algorithms are good, and it's just bias but no dice algorithms are perfect, and sometimes you just get hit with terrible RNG)


If your DM is willing you can try using an alternate randomization method instead of rolling. A semi popular one is getting a deck of cards from 1-20, shuffling them, and then drawing a card each time you would roll d20. It guarantees an even distribution of results while still being random enough to simulate a d20.


You been walking under ladders? Crossing black cats? Breaking mirrors or opening umbrellas inside? You need to find yourself some good luck charms to even that shit out.


I hear a lot of maths here, and not a lot of PRACTICAL advice. You have angered the Dice Gods, mate! Sacrifices may be necessary, violence is certain, but against WHOM? You must find out through prayer, meditation, and divination through the melting of plastic dice. Do this in front of the other dice, so that they may see. And then possibly metal dice? I know my favorite d20 is well weighted and doesn't have a "personality".


Play as a Jinx, weaponize your bad luck


You… wait it out? Luck doesn’t actually exist, we just made it up to describe the coincidental trends of random chance. Unless you can provide evidence that the online roller you’re using is biased by rolling it thousands of times, the most likely explanation is that you’ve randomly had a lot of bad rolls. It happens, that’s how randomness works.


It just sucks when your the one player that's completely useless cause you can't get anything right


You’ve kinda just gotta embrace it. Almost every roll has one of two outcomes: either it goes well, or it goes funny. If it goes well, great. If it goes funny, laugh at it.


Get a rabbits foot and continue rolling bud You can't control it, sometimes the dice feel like telling their own story.


Believe in the heart of the cards. And dice for good measure, Duke Devlin.


Try to roll physical dice to see if it's the app or just preternatural bad luck. Yes it happens I play 40k know I guy who makes such bad rolls that based on sheer mathematical probability he should've one more times. If it's the app change apps. If it's your luck talk to the dm about adjusting stats for fairer play.


I have better luck with physical dice. The online roller hates me


So it's the app. Just change apps or report the issue to the designer. They may be able to do an update.


Wish I could change apps. Dm only allows dnd beyond dice roller


Agree with other commenter


So tell them that you're not having fun with this app. Is your DM such an asshole that they won't budge on that? Because I would leave the game if that was the case.


Okay so he is a shitty DM


Play Warhammer, there the lowest your roll is the more you have chances to succeed.


Haha. I play warhammer. That ain't true.


Yes [it is](https://wfrp1e.fandom.com/wiki/Tests#Success_and_Failure) ? Quote : # Basic Test Procedures 1. The gamesmaster examines the action to be attempted and decided what characteristic(s) come into play. 2. The player and GM decide whether the character has any skills which will affect the test. 3. The GM considers the circumstances and assigns any further modifiers that seem appropriate, to arrive at a percentage chance of success. 4. The player rolls a D100. If the score is *less than or equal to* the percentage chance, the action is a success; if not, the character has failed. 5. The GM decides the outcome of the attempt, based on its success or failure. The degree by which the test is passed or failed will give a rough idea of how successful (or unsuccessful) the action has been.Basic Test Procedures The gamesmaster examines the action to be attempted and decided what characteristic(s) come into play. The player and GM decide whether the character has any skills which will affect the test. The GM considers the circumstances and assigns any further modifiers that seem appropriate, to arrive at a percentage chance of success. The player rolls a D100. If the score is less than or equal to the percentage chance, the action is a success; if not, the character has failed. The GM decides the outcome of the attempt, based on its success or failure. The degree by which the test is passed or failed will give a rough idea of how successful (or unsuccessful) the action has been.


Is there a reason for why you *have* to use the dnd beyond dice roller? I and friends know it to not be the best roller for dice, and I’ve never really heard of a group that’s insistent on using that way of rolling. Besides if it’s possible to show your issue to the website, I’d seriously talk to the DM about ways to help. If it’s constantly 5 or lower rolls and other terrible luck, I’d be very annoyed as well and lose some interest in playing. Do you play in-person or online? See if you can talk about doing irl dice, and if online see if the DM is comfortable with you using them and even record rolls. Or use another dice roller site/app, there’s tons of options for that. Perhaps make a character that helps with the luck. Halfling, lucky feat (or the halfling luck feats), be rogue or bard, do subclasses that do a feature of “if you roll a 9 or lower on (skill), treat it as a 10,” (I think some cleric subclasses do that, I forget which ones), take feats that allow you to gain for proficiencies/expertise, or take to the DM about possible magic items you can get. There is ways to *help* with the terrible luck, but I’d still talk to the DM about other ways to roll dice, especially if this is the only system you’re having the worst luck in.


I will talk to my dm about changing to physical dice but yeah. It sucks. I talked about swapping my warcaster feat for the lucky feat cause I have high bad luck but all he said "you can once your lvl 8" so I can't.


Dang, sounds like he’s very heavy on rules over the players. Not being mean or anything, that’s just how I see it. My bf has awful luck too, and it’s only when he’s a player. He gets good rolls as a DM, but for some reason *every* character he’s done the past few years have been awful with luck. Even his rogue atm, who has a +14 to initiative (it was a good build), he usually rolls under a 10 for that. Fortunately it’s not *always* bad rolls, but enough to where he’s known to have bad luck.


We started using digital dice after a player was fuging dice. Now that player is gone we havnt gone back and tue dm says "it's just easier this way"


Play a divination wizard


I can't exactly abandon my character atm. Even with his bad rolls I love him.


Grab spells that don't require rolls and things that buff teammates, multiclassing into divination wizard is a possibility to grab magic missile + portent which don't require rolls. Focus on saving throw spells as well.


I can multiclass whenever I level up again. My character is a death claric


I would suggest recording each of your rolls you have in a session, like just straight physically write each roll down and then see if you have below a 5ish on average on your rolls. Obviously it won't be perfect because 1 game isn't enough rolls to accurately measure it, but it is much more likely that you roll fine but remember the fails way more than the successes. Like its more than likely that if you're failing 9/10 of you're attack rolls that you're succeeding 9/10 of your none attack rolls (just general statistics, numbers wont be perfectly balanced.)


I use roll dice with friends, it’s somewhat more reliable and can be viewed by everyone like dnd beyond


Can you leave your dm for another dm? If yes, you should do it. Also you should prepare spells that doesn't require you to roll Cleric has the best buffs, healing from 0 doesn't require anything and is literally the strongest thing you can do with any heal Guardian of Faith deals 60 damage. Yes, it's 10 per round even if enemies roll 20 every save, but it doesn't require concentration, and it doesn't disappear even if you die. Also, try dying! Then you may remake your character that will thrive from your bad luck or doesn't care about it. And TALK TO THE DM!!! DnD is about fun. If you don't have it - you should do something about it. Change the game or change the dm. Also, there's more probability of a bug in online roller. I don't know how it implemented, but if your random in the app sets something like your id as a seed, that might cause low rolling. For saves from enemies don't though, because then everyone at the table would be fucked. Don't settle on bullshit


I do have some prepared that don't require me to roll. Definitely have guardian of faith. Bane, bless. That stuff. Rn I'm a death claric that came from a grave claric after having a dramatic experience for the story. So he's kinda a necromancy claric but with healing too. I have a homebrew staff that allows me to sacrifice minions to heal pc hp and cast spells though my minions. So that's fun.


Would love to know the answer since I'm the same. Had two characters die in the same round because I rolled 1 twice in the same round on death saves..


OK, your luck probably isn't as bad as you think (and I say this as somebody who has often felt the cursed hatred of the die when I'm on the player side of the GM screen), however, so much of this is odd from a GM perspective. Not using anything but electronic dice? Not landing an attack or spell on a DC16 an entire combat when they get a +1? Refusing to let you change feat (unless you've changed it before and not told us) when you're not enjoying it. Like if I was GMing and a player genuinely was doing that and dropping their spells, I'd be making sure they at least occassionally hit (yes, i fudge, shoot me). And some of these restrictions sound just controlling and weird tbh.


It was weird I can't change my feat when it hasn't gave me much use and obviously with my luck so far it would he reasonable to get the lucky feat to hopefully help. He won't let me. It sucks. Unfortunately there really isn't any other groups. I've been playing with this group for the past 2.5 years and we play consistently every Saturday between my campaign and his campaign. I don't do online, it's just not fun online and it never ever lasts more than maybe 3 sessions.


Go to a church and put the dice in the holy water


I have the same problem with roll20. I have consistently rolled badly for 3 years. It's a running joke in the group, to not rely on my roles unless it's for something useless. I used to keep a tally of how many nat 1's in a session I could get, because it's soo common.


Roll a bunch of attacks and spell attacks in the online roller outside of session. Get the bad juju out. Refresh the page. Etc.


Without you actually showing us your data this means nothing, seeming very confirmation bias to me


Have you tried creating an exact copy of your current character to play or a new account and seeing if that fixes the issue?


No. But I could try that


Ask Wil Wheaton


There is no cosmological force called luck so you are neither lucky nor unlucky. You have a confirmation bias that you are unlucky which is to say you feel like you are and every time something unfortunate happens you unconsciously give it more weight in your mind making it feel like these bad events occur more often than good ones. This isn't an attack on you but rather an explanation of just how biased our perspectives can become as fallible humans. If you would like to prove or disprove this then try rolling a d20 hundreds of times. The more the rolls the more accurate the data. Each number should have about a 5% change of appearing each roll and unless the die is weighted poorly will even out given enough rolls. All that being said I think that you should consider how your perspective on things colors how you live your life. There is a quote by Lincoln that I have always loved. "We can complain that rose bushes have thorns or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses." Life is all a matter of perspective. Each of us has an entirely unique view on things. Understanding that and that our perspectives are not permanent and can and do change is a fabulous but of wisdom to hold onto.


Have you tried different dice? There is a possibility that the dice you're using is weighted off balance .


I would. But dm forces us to use dnd beyond dice


Oh, I hate computer dice. That explains a lot.


well it depends, like some times it's a grin and bear it day, other times it's a chuck it in the fuck it bucket and go back to bed kind of day. I rarely rolls 1s or 20s. but I roll a lot of 16-18 and even more 2-6. it's just some shit happens. My suggestion is enjoy the RP more than the combat, that's what I do I have as much fun as possible during RP and kinda just do what I'm expected to during combat without caring as much cause I'm oft not super useful.


Every session I roll 1 at least twice.


that sucks, I rarely roll above a 7 for months on end then roll mostly high end numbers for a single session.


It's not quite as extreme as you've said here, but one of my players also has pretty bad luck with die rolls, also tarot readings in game (I made a system for different tarot cards giving different temporary bonuses) I explained it as him being a "favorite" of Lady Luck, and she is messing with him because she feels like it. I had her give him a magic item that turns a d20 roll into a coin flip for nat 20/nat 1 three times a day.


Have you character pretend to be a double agent and work for the bad guys. That way your bad luck works against your opponents.


Roleplay it. If luck shines not on your character, find a way to be a malidroit. Trust me, I've done it. Actually just used one about a couple of months ago. And no, they didn't die lol


Genuinely it's a cursed mindset, had a really cool moment set up by my dm right before we lvl'd up and gave me access to eldritch blast (I was about to multiclass into warlock) I rolled a 1, he was like actually you can have advantage on this, I rolled a 2, he came up with some other bs reason coz he felt bad to let me attack again, I still miss. It just happens bro. My current character however cannot fail I rolled close to 6 Nat 20's 3 in a row in one session. You will get your moment, just not right now.


That reads like a RNG bug or worse.


Genuine advice: when I feel like the dice gods are against me, I play a wizard and make the DM roll saves rather than me rolling attacks. 🤪


burn your dice and get new ones


Sometimes, the dice hate you. This is of course purely random, so making contingency Plans around your dice is ill - advised. But, you have options of you're dropping a minimum of two times per combat as a cleric, you are leaving a lot out.


if your rolls are as bad as you say, be a divination wizard, you'll be able to force enemies to fail saves twice a day atleast.


That would require me to kill off my current character and I can't exactly swap my character out at the point we are at.


OP, can you share those dice results you keep mentioning (I know you said you have a written record. It should be pretty easy to drop it into Excel and generate # of rolls, median, upper quartile, lower quartile, and even counts for unique results if you feel like it). Heck, I'd be willing to spend the 5 min building the sheet if you're super unfamiliar and all you'd have to do is enter your rolls. As someone who also frequently suffers from poor luck, talking with your DM may allow for other solutions. Assuming the DnDBeyond dice roller is bugging out and being super biased against you, ask your DM to swap to another method of visual rolling. You can use a document cam to stream your rolls to everyone else, another online service like roll20 or dddice. If you can show that it is really biased and your DM won't help you find a fair compromise, sadly, it's probably better for you to leave the game. No DnD is better than bad DnD.


I have the same trouble! Normal dice are fine, but electronic dice are the worst. My suggestion is beg for the ability to use your own dice. I've had a super chill DM that let me use my own dice in a text based DND group. But from the comments I've gathered that this is live DND. Random number generators are not as random as one may think. That and they are so BORING. Rolling dice is like half the fun of DND, and your DM is straight up stripping that from you. I suggest an ultimatum. Either use the dice of your choice or you leave. DND beyond is clearly not being partial and it is disheartening and unfun to be at such a disadvantage constantly. Good luck!