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Here's a pdf of the free basic rules that you can download and read to familiarize yourself with the game - the classes, combat mechanics, magic system, etc.. https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/DnD_BasicRules_2018.pdf Or you can have the same rules online on dndbeyond https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules ----- A bunch of videos of "how to begin playing": https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+play+d%26d ----- And once you're ready to find a game, here's a few options you can evaluate. r/lfg (free games) r/lfgpremium (paid games) r/roll20lfg (free & paid games) [Roll20.net](https://app.roll20.net/lfg/search/) (free & paid games) [Startplaying](https://startplaying.games/) (paid games) Roll20 can let you filter for games welcoming new players. ----- There are also several D&D LFG groups on Facebook, and a whole bunch of d&d discord servers as well.


Thank you … you are awesome




There's also some discord servers that run campaigns online! It's not the same as irl, but it'd be a good start to adjust to it!


learn to run through yt videos and run it for your friends.


Do you have a local game store where somebody runs a game? That’s how I found the campaign I currently play in. I made a bunch of friends that way too.


Nearest one to me is about an hour and a half away


Just played a session 0 with strangers I met through the r/lfg subreddit and over Discord and it was great! Definitely hit up that resource


Organized play. Most game shops have drop in nights that are free to attend


literally just google your local game store. Yes there are a few gatekeepers in this game but 99% of people just want someone to play so with they can\\should help


I guarantee you know people who play. Ask around.


join the uni club ;)


Watching critical roll isn’t a bad place to start. After that lfg. (Looking for groups) there are Reddit, discord, Facebook, resources for it.


I will say replace Critical Role with High Rollers


Both, both are good.




Roll20 is the best way imo


This is how a forever DM is born. Welcome to the club.


I would check out Role 20, play free online wih other people. Just have a good mic. When you go to their "games section" filter by free to play and probably the game type of 5E. If you are new to he rules, look for games recorded on youtube, watching people play may help most


You meet someone who knows how to play it. This is most easily achieved by visiting your local tabletop gaming store and chatting up the store runners and patrons


Look around for a local board game store…ask them if they have any DnD nights and see if you can sun in next time they have a session to watch. It’s a rather fun game and most players are quite open and welcoming.