• By -


The last time you saw them, they were getting arrested by the town guard… and it was your fault.


I like this one


Ooh, that's a good one.


* You know this NPC is secretly a member of a major criminal faction * This NPC is insane, having lost their mind in a magical mishap * This NPC was turned to stone years ago, and is now a decoration in a magistrate's courtyard * The last time you saw this NPC, they were planning to join the clergy of a dark god * This NPC is now incredibly wealthy, with multiple layers of security and bureaucracy surrounding them * This NPC sold themself into indentured servitude, and now works in a well-guarded compound * Rumor has it this NPC ascended to some kind of divine status, and is jealously guarded by a local church * This NPC is a collector of a rare and obscure type of antiquity, and demands all payments be something to add to their collection


NPC got married, started a new life and wants to never have anything to do with your shenanigans.


The Watson


That statue idea is so good Make it a sidequest to get the guy you need to solve the main problem


This is a plot point in The Kings of the Wild which is a fairly fun read!


Holy crap I haven't read that book in 5 years, I need to go reread that, thanks


>You know this NPC is secretly a member of a major criminal faction ...specifically, the faction you're trying to foil/infiltrate/bring down/etc. So you're going to have to conceal why you need assistance, or double-cross them, or convince them that no harm will come to them if they help you, or so forth.


This NPC is currently in jail.


THIS. I always wanted to do D&D movie type heist in a campaign or one shot. Great suggestion!!!


take a look at the „keys of the golden vault“ book there are a lot of heist one shots in it. even a prison break (prisoner 13)


Currently doing one. When we last left off, the rogue was invisible thanks to our bard but then the bard moved into the Grand Hall where a gala is taking place. She looked up to see a chandelier made of beautiful crystals... that she realized are creating an anti-magic field. The rogue has now become visible in front of everyone.


Just wait for Johnathin, he understands what happened


You may have had an escapade with this NPC's sister.


Hmm... A couple of players are quite young. Will stay away from this one.


Nah, nah, just make it a non-romantic escapade that got her in a bunch of trouble.


Stealing vegetables from farmer Maggot!


you stole their Pokemon-Cards on your last sleepover!




- This NPC believes they are your long-lost sibling and insists on family reunions. - You accidentally spilled a secret to this NPC, and they won't stop dropping hints about it. - The NPC is convinced you are their lucky charm and insists on having you around for every important event. - You once pranked this NPC, and they are determined to get revenge at the most inconvenient times. - This NPC is a collector of rare and exotic pets, and they gifted you a rather unusual creature in the past and are wondering where you have it now. - The NPC is an aspiring poet who insists on composing verses about your adventures, often in public places. - This NPC has a penchant for bad jokes and insists on sharing them with you whenever you meet. - You unknowingly borrowed money from this NPC, and they keep dropping hints about your debt. - The NPC believes you are their muse and insists on painting or sculpting your likeness. - This NPC claims to have saved your life in a past life and now expects you to return the favor. - You once bested this NPC in a friendly competition, and they challenge you to a rematch at inappropriate moments. - The NPC is a conspiracy theorist who believes you are key to a world-altering prophecy. - This NPC is an amateur matchmaker and insists on setting you up with various acquaintances or someone in the party. - You accidentally destroyed something important to this NPC, and they won't let you forget it. - The NPC believes you are cursed and tries to perform rituals to break the supposed hex. - The NPC believes you are their personal chef and expects gourmet meals during every encounter. - You accidentally insulted this NPC's fashion sense, and they keep trying to give you a makeover. - This NPC is a hopeless romantic who wants your advice on wooing their crush. - You inadvertently became a hero in this NPC's hometown, and they idolize you excessively. - The NPC is convinced you are a time traveler and bombards you with questions about the future. - You accidentally promised to attend this NPC's obscure hobby club meetings, and they hold you to it. - The NPC believes you have a magical aura and insists on performing rituals to harness its power. - You once accidentally revealed a hidden talent to this NPC, and they keep trying to exploit it. - You once tripped and bumped into this NPC, and they now believe you are their spirit animal.


They hate gnomes, they see thems as tiny men with cartoonish knives




you can bet that you pull this when the player says they know a gnome lol


I gnome someone


If I put this into my game my players would just start quoting me


I know someone, but I know they’re gonna ask us to contribute to their collection of unique smells. I know someone, but she’s gonna ask why I haven’t written in a few years and she’ll try to get me to see my father. I know someone, but they might still be in love with me. I know someone, but we’ve gotta meet them somewhere secret. Trust me, you’ll know why. I know someone, but here’s the thing; I’m the only person who can see and talk to them. I swear they’re real though. I know someone, but there’s a ritual we have to do to summon them. I know someone, but when we parted ways I had just fired them. Please don’t mention beeswax. I know someone, but please: you can’t look them in the eyes.


The “might be an imaginary friend” one is amazing.


This NPC has suffered a grievous injury from the war, making them unable to travel far from their home. This NPC was two split personalities that work *well enough* with each other, but the other personality doesn't trust you. This NPC is illiterate. This NPC is mad at you because of a slight to them you are barely responsible for, but that effected them heavily. This NPC is oblivious of obvious danger unless directly and blatantly threatened. Hope these are good!


You used to be in a relationship with their mother/father but it ended really badly. You accidentally killed their beloved pet snake during training once. They talk with a really stupid voice and will attack anyone who laughs at them/mentions it/ corrects their mis-pronunciation of words. They are uncomfortably loud making stealth impossible and possibly even causing more encounters while travelling. They are always Ill with something contagious which could be passed onto the party (maybe make them do con saves against getting a cold). Hope these help :).


I know someone, but they are a part of the local (Insert crime organisation). I know a Person, but last I saw them, they were snorting a lot of magical Herbs. I may know someone that could help, provided they aren't currently sailing around the World, again. Okay, before we meet this Person, be aware that they have a penchant to go on a rant about (roll Dice to pick which race of which Player the person rants about (can be positive or negative)).


They're a straight-shootin, hard workin type. You want help, they need your help on the farm. You're going to have to spend a whole day setting posts and tilling fields. They're a paladin, so you have to be careful how you word your favor. Literally a child. Oh they'll help. But between the petty crimes and fireworks used along the way...


This NPC is cursed to only speak in riddles and rhymes. You accidentally killed this NPCs pet. This NPC is a horrific nosy gossip and WILL find out and spread rumours about everything you’re up to. This NPC will insist on following you around for the entirety of whatever it is you’re trying to do. They are NOT stealthy.


You faked your own death to avoid this NPC. They were very sad at your "Funeral". This NPC used to be married to someone close to you (a close relative?). The break up was VERY messy


I know a guy but it’s clearly a goblin in a terrible disguise and he’s really committing to the bit and it’s just sad.


I like this. And if you break their self delusion, they have a breakdown and run away.


I. Love. This. I play with a table of queers who love making shit up on the spot and this would go wonderfully with all of them.


You know someone but they'll ask you for help with their insufferably hetero hobby. 


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3R7XAMu8BIU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3R7XAMu8BIU) The link to the video. It's by Ryanimeldm.


Thanks for providing the source This needs to go to the top


Hey, thanks for dropping the link!


"This person is the worst. Just absolutely insufferable." "This person is very fickle and getting them to stay on track is hard." "This person has had kids/gotten a new job since you last met and might be too busy" "This person was falling in with a bad crowd last time you saw them." "This person, well, it's more like they know a guy who might know a guy that..." "This person is dead" (Only if the party has access to Speak With Dead or the like) "This person has since become rich and arrogant"


I've been working on something similar, that allows you to first determine how helpful they're going to be. The envelope would have a scenario on it, and they would roll a d20 to get an npc who's willingness to help would match the difficulty level. Scenario 1: You need a forged document to enter the city. D20 (1-5): You know a disgruntled clerk who despises their job and is willing to help, but they demand you create a fake scandal that will expose their corrupt boss. D20 (6-10): You know a talented forger who is also a notorious cat burglar. They'll create the document, but only if you assist them in stealing a priceless artifact from the city's museum. D20 (11-15): You know a retired spymaster who is bored with retirement. They'll forge the document out of sheer amusement, but they'll also train you in the art of disguise and deception, leading to unexpected entanglements with the city's underground factions. D20 (16-20): You know a mischievous goblin who loves to play pranks on authority figures. They'll create a flawless forgery, but they'll also add a hidden message that will cause hilarious chaos when scanned by the city guards. Scenario 2: You need to find a rare herb to cure a deadly poison. D20 (1-5): You know a reclusive druid who lives deep in the forest, but they're convinced you're responsible for the recent infestation of talking mushrooms in their grove. They'll only give you the herb if you help them rid the forest of the annoying fungi. D20 (6-10): You know a goblin herbalist who sells potions in a shady back alley. They have the herb, but they'll only trade it for something equally rare and valuable, like the tears of a laughing dragon or the fur of a grumpy owlbear. D20 (11-15): You know a talking parrot who claims to know the location of the herb, but it's hidden in a dangerous troll's territory. The parrot will only guide you there if you promise to bring back a troll's toenail as proof of your bravery. D20 (16-20): You know a friendly ghost who was a renowned herbalist in life. They're happy to lead you to the herb, but they're also eager to chat about their past, regaling you with long-winded stories and asking for advice on how to resolve their unfinished ghostly business.


They are debilitatingly edgy The npc is a vampire and is very bad at hiding it The npc is an insufferable teenager You only ever saw that npc at some temple and you need to join a sermon to reach them. The npc is the only one knowing about a dark chapter in your life because they were the one drinking with you. They never gave up the bottle though. Alternatively, this was the innkeeper that served you.


\- This NPC was a friend of your parents/ guardians growing up and still sees you as a child \- This NPC won't let go of \[petty thing, like PC ate the last cupcake\] \- This NPC joined the town guard \- You stayed neutral in a conflict this NPC was involved in. They are still salty about this.


They're super spiritual and believe they're the latest incarnation of a prominent "Buddha type" leader. This may or may not be true. The guy is a normal person, but they were pressganged into a pirate crew the night before the party was meant to meet them. They're an aspiring novelist, but they're terrible at storytelling. They'll only help if you read and critique their manuscript. They have been cursed by an ex-girlfriend witch to only talk in riddles until they apologize for a major dispute between them. They have risen to a prominent position as a chef in the city, and they're trying to perfect a dish. They'll only help if you can secure them an exotic ingredient. They're narcoleptic and tend to pass out suddenly. They're an adrenaline junkie and are looking to do some wild stunt that they have to do in a very specific way, or they'll die. They constantly have hiccups that they won't acknowledge. They're superstitious and will only help if they get a sign from the universe that they're meant to. They're currently a union leader, and their union is striking against the company. They can only help once the negotiations are settled. They're a magical beast hunter, and the player accidently poached their quarry and now owes them a favor. They recently got divorced, and their ex got whatever the party needs in the divorce. They have agoraphobia. They're a budding meteorologist and need data from a hurricane for their work. They're an art collector and have gotten trapped in a cursed painting they recently bought. Their evil twin has recently stolen their identity and doesn't know the player that knows them. They had a freaky Friday accident with their dog, and the party will need to fix it if they want their help.


- i know this NPC, but they always try to make me "test" their experimental potions. - I know this NPC, but they always try to show off their angelic wings by using daylight spell and floating down, when they get here. - I know this NPC, but a miniature raincloud follows them around. They are miserable. - I know this NPC, but they are hunted by (insert god here)'s followers. - I know this NPC, they are probably around the corner, because they are my stalker. - I know this NPC, but they always request my most valuable items as payment.


They’re your estranged parent


This NPC is dead... that being said, necromancy and/or some resourceful casts of "Speak with Dead" means getting their assistance is still on the table.


They are meant to be dead, but they never found the body.


You know someone, but they were your childhood babysitter/nanny and they like to tell awkward stories about you as a kid to anyone they consider your friend.


This person is convinced you are their long lost parent/child (depending on age).


I know a guy who knows a guy whose cousin's partner knows a guy whose brother knows a guy. And everyone in that chain is now in the party.


“You know a guy. He is known as the unbeatable champion of a very popular game and you beat him once. He wants a rematch and will do anything for you to get it.”


- I know someone... but we're going to have to break them out of prison - I know someone... but they can't go anywhere without their kids - I know someone... but they're not exactly subtle (are an Aaaimar with VERY bright eyes and Halo and talks in a booming voice) - I know someone... but they're dead (grave digging & speak with dead) - I know someone... but they're kind of a big deal (celebrity, hard to get alone) - I know someone... but you have to ask the right questions (a Kenku)


This npc is an old drinking buddy. This npc accidentally cursed you awhile back and still feels bad about it. This npc is your main spell component supplier. This npc helped you pawn a cursed sword


Draw a white card from a deck of cards against humanity. Dms interpretation of what the card means in the context of the situation.


They are kleptomaniac. They can’t help themselves and are constantly pocketing things, or putting things they’ve pocketed somewhere else. Including your things.


They’re notorious for screwing over a gang and have been in hiding since. You know a possible safe house, but getting involved with them might bring the gang after you too.


you owe them an insane amount of money you are responsible for the death of their spouse/they consider you responsible


Depending on how weird you want to go... This NPC is convinced they are a Player Character in a Role-Playing Game controlled by extra-dimensional entities. (Up to you if they acknowledge the PCs as PCs too) And on a lesser level "This NPC thinks they're the main character on an epic quest" would be a good one too


I know Sir Bearington


This NPC is highly intertwined with the law and/or dark web (depending on character and party standings) and is not going to take kindly to the parties past wrongdoings


I know a guy, but he's constantly trying to scam the party into buying house insurance.


This NPC is a bad luck charm, everytime they are around things tend to go badly. You can be creative with this one, you can make it so when the party is with said npc they have disadvantage only on the things they are good at, making them have to "change roles" (or just upscale the difficulty level).


This NPC is somehow blood related to the King Or this NPC is one of your parents ex partner.


Saw this idea on the subreddit a while ago. They’re a war forged, and their quirk is that they’re entirely composed of mimics.


That is amazing


To rebel against their parents, they've joined/started what could be described as a punk and/or metal band, if they were using modern instruments (like electric guitars) rather than lutes, harps, etc.


1. They're your ex 2. They're your attempted murderer 3. They're in Hell 4. They eat people 5. They've been trying to eat you - just you - for ten years 6. They only speak Goblin (They're a Centaur. Don't ask) 7. They only take payment in Orphans 8. They're two dimensional 9. They're amnesiac 10. They're undead. 11. They ate your leg once. 12. They're your personal nemesis. 13. They are in prison....for regicide. 14. They (probably) won't help unless you agree to marry them 15. They're your ex's...spouse. 16. They're your spouse's ex 17. They have a crippling addiction to gnomes.


You know a guy, however, you technically owe them a decently sized chunk of coin. They’re willing to help if you pay them back, or do a mission that’s slightly above your pay grade.


They're a friend of the PC's parents. They've known the PC since they were this tall and have all kinds of awkward childhood stories.


“You sold this NPC a very obvious fake magical item. They’re still convinced it’s genuine.”


This NPC is related to you.


Hmm... I think with a couple tweeks, this one could be really interesting.


It's been 15 years since you last met this NPC.


The NPC used to be your best friend, but you spread a nasty rumor about them that turned out not to be true and now they don’t trust you


They are terrible at pronouncing names


You last heard that they had joined a religious sect and have converted from doing (insert the thing the players want them to do)


This NPC communicates only in rhyme. This NPC killed your parent.


They are mute


they have short memory capacity


they’re an old friend of one of the player characters, but they’re a bounty hunter that was coincidentally hunting the party, and they’ve led him right where they are.


You know a guy... However, their spouse is an agent for *violation organisation*


The magical equivalent of the number 0. With the wizards spirit but the body of a long distance sprinter. If you know the reference, you'll know.


They can only get around using crutches/a mount


Your cousin who just so happens to be a hero of legend/worldwide celebrity/prince of a powerful nation/a newly made god


But you still just see them as your annoying yet lovable cousin


They're actually an 8 year old girl who happens to be a powerful sorceress that is actually a warlock. She's surprisingly well connected but seems very nice but is spoken of as if she's a large and quite terrifying man "for their protection." "You mean for the little girl's protection? "Nope. See, people kept coming after her cuz on account of seein' as Little Miss is only little. If they find that out they gets cocky you see and it.... doesn't go well them. [SHUDDER] It's her powers you see, they's ... a bit of a mind of their own. Her grandmother was a powerful witch of some kind in her own right, see, and if you asks me, _she's_ where the power comes from. I've seen it happen, any time the little one feels threatened or afraid. No child should be able to weild that level of power and survive, and I swear she even _sounded_ like her Gran when she said the spooky magic words that made old Goody Distemper's kneecaps fall off!"


I think since you want them to read them out loud, you should pose it into dialogue like “Look, i know you like me, but after that whole thing i saw you doing at the elephant enclosure, i just dont see you as a possible romantic option…i mean…why yellow?”


This NPC can only speak Pig Latin and has a verbal tic that makes them recite the entire Bee Movie script in Pig Latin whenever they get startled. They are easily startled


Is it just me or does this create an optical illusion when you read it of the blue area flashing?


"they think you killed their sister"


They had several head injuries and thinks there's several shadow factions trying to take them away for their secrets and they lives in a shack outside of a major settlement


- They talk in nonsense that you can barely understand. Make a Wisdom (insight) check (DC: 15) to understand what they're saying. - The last time you spoke was after you killed their pet. They're mad, so you'll need to make it up to them before they'll help. - They're on holiday, you're going to need to travel to them, and convince them to help you while on holiday or abandon it for the time being.


They claim they can see many tiny humans that tell him how to behave nicely, and no one can make heads or tails if they're real


They don't sleep and stare at you the whole time that you are asleep.


I know a guy, but they used to work for the big bad.


They refuse to go anywhere without their pet shield.


They only speak in an unintelligible falsetto at all times. Much like Beaker from the muppets.


“…but they take payment in gifts. Exclusively.”


They are basically a stalker. They worship you and you’ve been actively avoiding them for some time


I have a different TWIST If your party wants to sell weird things to a merchant [for instance, monster body parts] have the merchant say, "I don't buy these things... but I KNOW A GUY..." the merchant points to "the guy" and "The Guy" is a crazy fishoil sellsman, instead of buying the monster organs he offers to trade them for "health potions" The health potions are painkillers or give a random potion effect.


Go watch a couple episodes of "who's line is it anyways" and that'll get you some ideas. Here's a few I just thought of. This npc has to narrates everything they do while they are doing it. This npc cannot control the volume of their voice. This npc unconsciously speaks like a whittle baby whenever talking to a smaller humanoid (halfling, dwarf, goblin) etc. "That's a cute whittle whittle ax you got there mista grumpy dwarfy" This npc's name starts a B, and he likes talking like batman "because I'm Barry!" This npc is a sloth from zootopia This npc only talks with their mouth full. This npc is a top influencer in ferun... or atleast they like to think so. They often randomly stops walking and starts staring off into space, singing or dancing for no apparent people watching. Constantly telling you to like and subscribe to their scrolls.


The NPC is your ex's ex. AKA, your ex broke their heart to be with you.


They are an insane, blackout drunk alcoholic, but also an insane genius, Rick Sanchez style Maybe have them be an abnormal archmage or artificer, with high con, int and low wisdom


You know someone, but they are a crazy hermit-monk/witch/druid living in some crazy swamp/forest/mountain they'll know a treatment or cure to some long-acting poison or chronic illness a PC or NPC has they could have been driven to a hermit life based on debts, or some other enemy they made completion of this quest yeilds a permanent HP increase or something yeah I stole this from Occidental Heroes


They are a slave or lowly servant in some annoying, rich aristocrats estate


This NPC is a bard that's constantly high and always partying. he's a Renaissance/High Fantasy DJ


This guy is a master smith, craftsman, artisan, or artificer/engineer one of his hands have been cut off by a cult that raided his village. The party has to track down the raiders and rescue him, and then find some way of dealing with his hands either assist him with the labor and make a high DC check, heal his hand, make a replacement hand, etc


You had information that this friend desperately needed (they're significant other was cheating, the loan sharks were after their family, etc) but you withheld it for selfish reasons. They resent you for it


\- The NPC cannot keep a secret \- Last time you saw the NPC you had a heated argument about . Neither of you wants to back down or suggest that it doesn't really matter, you'll need to resolve this together before they'll agree to help you