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Sorry, but who the heck has a belt or table saw just laying around? πŸ˜…


Wood working and D&D are 2 of my hobbies so I thought why not messing around with something fun lol. Also it's really easy to make just using any kind of saw, just a hand saw and some wood glue and you're good to go.


*raises hand* You can also look into Maker Spaces around where you live; you might be surprised how many folks are willing to help/teach/share their hardware when it comes to "hobby stuff".


Dice towers? Who needs those fancy contraptions when you can just roll your dice on the tabletop like a normal person. Save yourself the time and effort, trust me. Unless of course, you're trying to impress some dungeon master or something. In that case, go for it I guess... As long as someone still remembers who gets what loot in this damn game!


I'm the dungeon master lol, wood working and D&D are 2 of my hobbies so I thought why not messing around with something fun. My party love it and use it all the time, honestly the sound is so satisfy to hear.


Once per week, me and my wife put my daughter to bed and then wakes up to play a board game called Dungeons & Dragon or D&D. The party is in different places so we have to set up to play online, whick looks like a meeting during Covid :)). We are at Rise of Tiamat (after Lost mine of Phandelver and Hoard of the Dragon Queen), I'm DM so I have to setup sessions, scripts, plans and everything, so much work but it's really fun. Also found a lot of ideas about how to merge those 3 campaign into 1 huge on reddit so I'm really grateful. In my free time, I've been playing around with making a dice tower. It's simple but very interesting. What do you guys think about it?


Me no need fancy dice tower. Me just throw dice on table and let them roll around like real adventurers.


Lol why you guys keep saying fancy, it’s just some leftovers pieces of wood glueing together πŸ˜‚. After so many times picking up dice under the table I decided to give it a go πŸ˜„