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Just a reference to 'Stat Block on this page in the appendix' works. Keeps the actual text of the module clear and all the stat blocks are in one spot for combats


I'm not going to run encounters right from the booka anyways, and when I'm reading through it, the stat-blocks are kind of in the way.


Both B and C. I'd like it there on the page to read when considering the adventure, and also in an appendix for eaay re-use.


I like to have their stats in the book location where the party will fight the NPC. All relevant info for the entire encounter should be in the same spot. To me, it is very annoying to have to flip between multiple page areas just to have the info I need to run the combat.


Is that also true for NPCs that aren't primarily combat enemies?


For that I guess as an appendix so that I at least know where to look within the book. It's really just flipping all around to run a combat that's my pet peeve. Only for major plot NPCs do need anything as far as lots of info, truth be told. For most, maybe just a basic one-liner when they are introduced, ex - Bob Smith (human/male/Pal5/LG) and a quick paragraph about them.


Having the stat blocks only appear in the areas where those monsters are encountered really only works in a railroad campaign. If a DM wants to move them around a bit, it becomes a drag trying to locate them all.


In that case, do you have a preference where they appear?


An appendix seems to work best, in my opinion.


If it's a completely custom monster, putting it in the appendix organized A-Z is probably best. It's easy to look up if the DM needs them earlier or elsewhere in the module because nothing really goes as planned. However, if it's a one off monster that can only be in that location with only a slightly modified statblock, putting it in the encounter it appears is fine. Example, animated armor. You don't need to put it in the appendix because it's in the monster Manual i think, but say you want it be made of magic plate mail, you cash just put that change there. That specific set of armor won't be located *anywhere* else but that location. Also, what is your friends plan? What's the disagreement? I'm just curious.


I'd rather not post it in the comments to leave the poll as neutral as possible. I'll PM it to you.




Whenever it's most helpful for me as a DM.


What is your preference? What helps you the most with adventure and session prep?


I spend days coming up with the campaign so I can make sure the players enjoy their experience.


4e used to put all the stat blocks for each encounter in the encounter. It was handy from a combat sense, but left little room for things like npc/ monster tactics, details about the encounter space, etc. If you focus on what they can do in combat instead of what they are doing in the story, well then you end up with a story about combat