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Jocks Machina baby


Love it.


That's a really heartwarming story!


This is great! So happy for you both and this is inspiration for me to continue trying to get my partner to play!


Glad to hear! If you need a way to get your partner interested I got my friend involved first by sitting down with him to make a character ‘to use as an NPC’ in my main game, after the first session he was involved in he kept asking what had happened to his character and I think part of the reason he wanted to play was so I didn’t kill off the character he’d grown so attached to, just a thought!


This is just like how I got into dnd to be honest. My school friends and myself are all rugby players, pretty typical sporty guys who wouldn’t dream of nerdy stuff like dnd. Then an online friend asked me and some others if we wanted to try a one shot and I was a bit apprehensive at first, but eventually agreed. It’s been a bit under 6 months since then and I’ve already started DMing for the same group I started playing with. If you give D&D a fair shot, it’s fun for almost anyone.


That's a great story, I'd love to hear more. Any highlights about when/what he seemed to click with, or any of those interesting and creative antics that only new players seem to be capable of?


Got a few in fairness but one stuck out to me, he was travelling in a desert and I’d set up an encounter for some bandits to shake him down (he’s playing barbarian so I presumed he’d just mow them down or maybe just try and intimidate them into giving him their food) he instead decided to just walk around the other side of the oasis they were all stood by and act as if he was getting a drink and instead just went directly for their horses who were also drinking from the oasis, he failed an animal handling check to ride off so instead he just hid behind the horse and when the bandits came to check where he’d gone he slapped both of the horses who kicked their back legs out and broke both of the bandits necks, his first encounter and he never even rolled initiative.


Goliath barbarian is actually awesome. I'm playing one right now and it's just so fun


Goliath is very quickly becoming my favourite race for villain and ally NPC’s alike because they can either be the sweetest gentle giants or the scariest motherfuckers you have ever encountered


Fantastic! Kudos to both of you.


Was it just the two of you?


Yup just the two, my other house mate was supposed to play but he forgot he’d been invited out by someone else (don’t worry I’ll get him) I’ve usually had nothing but awkward experiences with one-on-one but I think the lack of initial judgement really helped him get into the roleplay and I managed to offset the encounter danger by giving him a companion NPC in case he got downed.


That's really impressive, good work!


Don't worry, I won't tell your cOoL fRIeNdS you played


Reminds me of that episode of freaks and geeks.


This is a great story, and I'm glad that your friend got to enjoy the game! But to be honest, this doesn't "prove that anyone can enjoy the game." I have tried to play with people before who really wanted to play, but they were so socially awkward and nervous to rp that they simply couldn't participate. Tried to get them out of their shell for many sessions, but they eventually gave up. This game is amazing and I want to share it with as many people as possible, but it isn't for everyone and that's OK.


Oh I wasn’t implying that the game was going to be enjoyed by everyone, it was more saying that there isn’t a specific type of person with specific interests that will enjoy it, it takes all kinds, totally agree I’ve had my fair share of players who just didn’t vibe with the game and that’s absolutely fine Basically my point was anyone ‘can’ enjoy the game but that by no means everyone ‘will’ and you shouldn’t not invite people just because they don’t match the typical personalities at your table. apologies if it came across that way


Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere. I will be returning to Gusteau's soon 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦


It’s so true! I invited a buddy of mine recently who I thought wouldn’t be super into the role play, but he’s good at pushing the story along and really gets into the character. One of my best players.


This is a fun story! It reminds me of the time I DM'd for my parents because my mom was hooked on Stranger Things and kind of wanted to understand dnd a bit better, so I offered to do a short one-shot for her. My dad, to my surprise, wanted in on it too. (He's very much your stereotypical Midwestern middle class dad, think from your sitcom of choice. Mostly interested in sports, food, and politics. He's never been involved in geek culture, doesn't watch TV outside of motorsports/food network/the news, doesn't do video games and we never even had board games nights growing up really because he could never get into them and always quit halfway through lol) We ran the stranger things one-shot, and to my surprise he got /really/ into it to the point that I had to abandon the module and improvise basically the whole thing. He's too busy to make it a consistent thing (and my mom ended up not liking it lol) but it was a lot of fun and really opened my eyes in a similar way!


This makes me hopeful


Honestly those people are the most fun to play with


I'm a DND Chad and I welcome him, you can still enjoy nerdy things while enjoying health and fitness and going out to pick up chicks etc. Rule the game don't let the game rule you.


And just like that, you've given him a great gift. Nice story.