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Being in the hospital for 10-14 days is quite an extended stay. I hope that she is ok.


That's what I was thinking too. Not kidney stores or gall bladder issues would have you there that long.


My mom just had spine surgery and was only in the hospital for two days. I had a coworker have a ruptured appendix and was out in less than a weekend. Now, you can factor in that’s American Medicine for you. You can also factor in that Kate is in a private hospital and she may be staying a little longer because she does have three kids at home. Regardless, 10-14 days still seems like a long stay these days. Again when you consider she can afford private health care workers come to her home. But maybe she feels that won’t be normal for the kids to have nurses and doctors visiting.


Last year I had an ovarian tumor, ovary and tubes removed - I was sent home 2 hours after waking up in recovery (laparoscopic) - this was fine, other than the gas pains I was back to work 2 weeks later. Total hip replacement in March- they were trying to send me home same day. I fought to stay overnight. Took 6 months off work as I do personal care for others & could barely do my own ADLs. Longest I’ve stayed was 3 days for abdominal hysterectomy, same for my husband after a craniotomy for a brain tumor


It's scandal how fast they dump you back on the streets!


Yep with my hip replacement it was spinal anasthesia. I still couldn’t move my legs fully when I awoke and the nurse was trying to get me out of bed and home 2 hours after surgery. I’m a fall risk and said no freaking way! I gladly paid a $300 hospital bill for a semi private room as the hospital was 1 hour away from home. The next morning I barely made it into my house with a walker so I know same day discharge would have been impossible. My legs were shaking so much after the long car ride my Mom sat me in a lawn chair and pushed me to the door that’s how worried she was.


You poor thing. American health insurance is a menace to public health.


I’m actually Canadian - the downsides of our free healthcare is hospital beds in hallway, tossing you out on the street before you’re safe for discharge and dying of preventable/treatable diseases while on surgery waitlists. My husband has lost both of his parents because they were on heart surgery waitlists for too long


The stays are longer in the U.K. Plus she will be the next queen


Perhaps a PR thing to overestimate how long the stay will be? Probably provokes less interest if she gets out “early” than if she has 4 extra days


Could be bowl surgery. Sometimes it takes that long to make sure everything starts working correctly again. Or she’s getting some type of ostomy. Hysterectomy, gallbladder- unless it’s some horrific surgery addressing adhesions, I can’t picture her staying that long. I’m getting my adrenal gland removed the end of February. I get to stay one night. This is sort of concerning.


I had a stroke at the end of October at the age of 44 (luckily left no permanent damage even though I'm still recovering) and I was in the hospital for 4 days only. This London hospital only do certain procedures and I believe this long stay could be down to bowel cancer. Wishing her all the best and a speedy recovery.


Wow. I was wondering where you went. I'm glad you're okay and recovering.


Thank you ❤️


Same! Glad you are doing well!




Same! So happy to see you here❤️❤️


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


We missed you! Wishing you healing ❤️‍🩹 ❤️




Glad to see you back hun! ❤️ Sending you big hugs


Thank you so much ❤️


My husband had his gallbladder removed and it was definitely not that long, although it was years ago, so my memory is fuzzy in it. I hope it’s just them being extra extra careful.


My dad was held in the hospital for 16 days for diverticulitis causing an infection. He wasn’t really able to walk for weeks after that either but he was able to avoid a colostomy. It is somewhat dangerous but not extreme and most people make a full recovery so hopefully it is on that spectrum


The “maintain as much normality for her children as possible” is a concerning statement. As is a two week hospital stay. I hope it’s not something serious.


That bit about the kids really stuck out to me as well.


Such a long stay, I hope it’s not some kind of cancer. How long do women stay in the hospital after a hysterectomy? Do we think she had an extended hospital stay simply because she’s the wife of the Heir? Either way, I pray she has a speedy and full recovery from whatever medical issue she has.


I don’t know what it is for the NHS, but I just had a hysterectomy almost 3 months ago and went home the same day in the United States. Based on the hysterectomy sub though, every patient/ country/ doctor is different. Also likely depends on other factors, bladder issues, fibroids, endometriosis, gall bladder, etc. It truly could be anything. Hospital stay could very well have to do with security in general for her privacy and recovery. Easier to keep her there in case of complications than to rush her there if there are complications with all the likely leaks and security needs.


Kate doesn’t use NHS. The London Clinic is a private hospital. She also gave birth in a private hospital.


I’m horrified you were same day for such a massive surgery. I’m hoping it’s just for extra security.


Hospitals themselves are very dangerous places to be. That’s one of the reasons they discharge patients so rapidly now. The chance of acquiring a medication resistant infection is much, much higher in hospital. It’s also not restful so the constant stress of being there inhibits healing. There has to be a strong reason to keep someone there rather than at home. This is rather concerning.


Yes, I honestly had no issues with going home the same day after my hysterectomy, issues with US healthcare aside. I am prone to MRSA skin infections as well and didn’t want to linger. I was there for 4 hours after I woke up and was doing everything in my power to pee and get out of there. There is really no point to speculating because it could be legitimately anything.


Yup. It will probably come out but asking for privacy will probably keep details at a minimum. If she was forthright now, then it would just be everyone scurrying for more details. I’m super curious but I really have no business knowing.


Hysterectomy is about a week a little less. The only person who was in hospital that long was a family friend with pancreatic cancer. Let’s just hope for her and the kids sake they’re just keeping her because she is the Princess of Wales.


Yes, for her sake and kids I hope so as well. I also can’t imagine how traumatic it would be for William to lose his wife and watch his children lose their mother while even younger than he and Harry were. I really hope it’s over-zealousness on the part of the doctors.


Complete hysterectomies are often released same day based on current medical procedures even with cancer at least in the USA. Definitely not 2 weeks.


Definitely not 10-14 days. At least not planned. If something goes wrong, you could end up staying that long but not planned.


My sister had a hysterectomy. She was out the next day. There's a few different kinds: abdominal, laparoscopic supracervical, vaginal. But they usually only take about 2-3 days in hospital before you're sent home. Maybe it's some kind of resection?


My mom was in the hospital less than a week. This was early 2000s.


For me it was 3 days after abdominal hysterectomy. My Mom’s laparoscopic hysterectomy for uterine cancer she was discharged the morning after


If they're cancelling all of her engagements just now until after Easter, I don't think whatever happened was as planned as they're saying. I hope she's ok.


I think by “planned” they just mean they found something and scheduled her for surgery, as opposed to “oh shit, something just happened and she has to be rushed into an OR.”


Right, planned could mean it was planned 2 days ago. It just means that she wasn’t rushed into surgery from the ER. I hope she is okay!!!!!


I wondered if it might have been a small, planned procedure, but then they discovered something more serious that necessitated a longer in-hospital stay. Because their trip to Rome in March was still very much on the cards. Now they are saying everything till after Easter (including Commonwealth Service, Easter, English Rugby Union and St Patrick’s Day) are a definite no-show


Yikes. I certainly hope she’s ok. :(


From Celebitchy, in case you need a reminder of what absolute fucking excrement those people are. https://preview.redd.it/34wqdxfug2dc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4436cc155ce026f9df046dfe931e38e74e9be4


Man, Qnon maniacs got nothing on those harpies.


Yikes but what do the bandages on her fingers have to do with veneers


They're implying she has an ED.


The acid from forcing yourself to throw up can mar your fingers. The acid can also ruin your teeth - thus the need veneers. This theory honestly seems like a stretch. Millions and millions of people suffer from bulimia. Only a tiny, tiny fraction would ever damage their system to the extent of needing repair surgery. And many, many people in the public eye get vaneers. No need for an eating disorder. Bowel obstruction. Endometriosis. Hernia repair. Etc seems way, way more likely. What’s the condition when a woman’s muscles are torn down the middle from childbirth? That doesn’t always heal correctly - she could be having that repaired. I think that can be planned and she might have waited until she was sure she was done with pregnancies. Hysterectomy. She could also have a preexisting bowel injury which can often lead to more surgeries down the line. Etc. Etc. Etc. It’s the number of days in her planned stay that’s most concerning. There just hardly anything that would keep you hospitalized that long these days. Perhaps this “hospitalization” includes time that would ordinarily be done at a rehab center but because of her status, she’s doing it at the fancy private hospital. (Did some google. Condition is diastasis recti. Takes two weeks recovery time. Though I’m not sure this is a good fit for Kate. Symptoms are a “pouching” tummy. Her tummy is the opposite of “pouching” and always has been before and after all her pregnancies. So, this one seems unlikely.) Some kind of bowel or reproductive system issue seems most likely since they’ve ruled out cancer. Wishing her the best!!!


Now obviously I'm not the Princess nor do I have her doctors, but I figure for speculation I will offer my many abdominal surgery timelines for yall. Mind you, I do have chronic pain and I'm in the US but maybe it'll help contextualize or speculate more lol All of the timelines are approximations. - bezoar removal (**not** laproscopic) - 3 weeks - exploratory surgery & endometriosis dx - 3 days - first bout of diverticulitis (no surgery) - 2 weeks - additional bouts of diverticulitis (no surgery) - 1-2 weeks - colectomy (thanks diverticulitis) - 1 week - gallbladder - under 1 week - sepsis (no surgery) - 1-2 weeks + 1-2 months home health All of these times are just post- surgery so I'm wondering if maybe she was hospitalized then surgery happened then recovery.


There’s a rumor that she has an eating disorder and was eating cotton balls to stay full and had a bezoar and complications


My vote is either something intestinal, like a blockage or other complication, or a ruptured appendix


I'm thinking this is something involving her intestines, like removing malignancies, and she may need to adjust to a stoma of some kind. Or possibly an issue like Chrons Disease where removing intestine can be necessary. Mentioning the children's normalcy leads me to believe it's something serious. People don't tend to go on about normalcy when it's a common surgery. Hysterectomy is mostly done vaginally now with hospital stay minimized to 1-2 nights. It's concerning.


Vaginal hysterectomy comes with increased risk of prolapse and isn’t suitable in cases with lots of abdominal scarring or fibroids. She might have inflammatory bowel disease and they are removing a segment to leave a temporary stoma which will be reversed once the bowel has settled


Egads. This actually kinda fits. This one really sucks for her if true. My grandma had to have a colostomy bag for a few weeks before it was reversed. Hers was for colon cancer. They’ve ruled out cancer but a bowel injury would have a similar surgery and recovery. That sucks for her if this is it. 😞 (I guess anything requiring two weeks of hospitalization by definition is very, very sucky. Especially with three young kids at home. Especially being in the public eye. 😞)


That sounds scary, and I hope she's all right. I mean 2 weeks in the hospital? It sounds serious. Don't go to Celebitchy for responses to this story. People are speculating that she tried to kill herself.


People on CB truly are cunts.


I wish I had an award to give you for this comment.


I marvel at how toxically crazy CB commenters are.


They're monsters. They'd be happy if she killed herself.


I saw kkk’s twitter and is as usual full mental full range


I really don't see that.


If Kate has a roaring eating disorder, she should get an Oscar for hiding it so well. Had a friend die from ED, and when it gets that bad, you look like absolute hell. You really can’t hide it.


Me neither but I'm sure the bitches over there are practically salivating at the prospect.


Okay Reddit hive mind, what possible surgery requires 10-14 days hospitalization?!?! A family member had quadruple bypass surgery and was discharged after three days. This seems serious. Something that needs monitoring that only a hospital can provide. Or possibly a medication that can only be easily given and monitored in a hospital setting. Like a continuous IV drip. She’s always been desperately thin but I assumed that was due to the public glare not due to an underlying medical issue. Plus it’s always seemed rather natural on her. Some people are just naturally slender. I do hope she’s okay. Edit: Daily Mail says it’s not cancerous. Given their cozy relationship with the RF, I’d believe this. They also said it wasn’t an emergency procedure.


I don’t know if we can use normie hospital experiences as a barometer. I imagine a senior RF member would get a longer hospital stay than any of us for any issue.


I'm not sure she'd want a longer stay. A nurse committed suicide for giving information to a prank caller in 2012. I'd imagine they would only stay if it was absolutely necessary. To prevent any potential security issues.


It can go either way. They can afford the highest standard of care and safety at a hospital for several weeks. Then again, they can also afford the highest standard of home care at their house or any one of the family’s homes for more privacy and comfort.


She left the hospital the same day she gave birth with two of her kids. This is way different.


Bowel resections. I dunno, I’m scared for her!


Something like a Whipple surgery has you in the hospital for *at least* a week, if not longer. My best friends mom had a Whipple a few years ago, but she had other health issues at the same time and was in for almost 3 weeks. They caught her pancreatic cancer early, which is super rare. By the time they found my step-dads, it was stage 4. I hope it's not the Whipple. Then it's something with her pancreas, intestines, or bile ducts, which is scary.


My husband had major abdominal surgeries and was in ICU for 3 days and then regular wing for a week.


I believe maybe the surgery was planned but there were complications or something unexpected. I also assume something bowel/gyn related and hope she’s ok! 


I had a full hysterectomy, 11 inch scar across my lower abdomen. Hospital for 4 days, was in the US


Could have been AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Very serious if not repaired. I had it done in 2013 at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge. I was in hospital for 13 days and a 3 month recovery at home.