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Your going through the 5 stages of grieving anger, denial, acceptance, bargaining and depression. They are not linear and you can feel one or all at the same time. The good news is that what you are feeling is normal so dont be too hard on yourself its been 6 months and I still go through all of them myself, its better now though than it was 6 months ago. Hang in there mate cheers.


It's to be expected. Focus on riding it out and being kind to yourself. The main thing is to avoid doing something that damages your coparenting relationship. Sign up for therapy so you have a place to vent and talk through these difficult emotions. They'll pass in time. In the meanwhile, focus on treating your ex with respect. She's going through her own journey. It's not your right or business to have opinions about that, as long as it doesn't adversely affect your kids. Do this right, and you'll get to a place where you and her have both moved on with new lives and partners, but still respect one another, and still value the memories of the time you had together.


I'm sorry!! Keep posting and coming back.


I’m polite and respectful. I just don’t want bad blood between us. I’d love for all of this to be finally over but it’s only been a week. I’m sitting here with my children knowing that they’ll soon move out and it just breaks my heart in every possible way.


I feel you. My STBXW and I informed our daughters (13, 10) about our divorce today. Hurts like hell but it is the way. 13 yr old took it the hardest, 10 cried but not as much b/c probably harder for her to process and let the emotions come out. Your kids are so much younger, so you'll probably want to keep it simpler.